1、ASHRAE Guideline 0-2013(Supersedes ASHRAE Guideline 0-2005)Includes ASHRAE addenda listed in Annex QThe CommissioningProcessSee Annex Q for approval dates by the ASHRAE Standards Committee and the ASHRAE Board of Directors.This guideline is under continuous maintenance by a Standing Guideline Projec
2、t Committee (SGPC) for which the Standards Com-mittee has established a documented program for regular publication of addenda or revisions, including procedures for timely, doc-umented, consensus action on requests for change to any part of the guideline. The change submittal form, instructions, and
3、deadlines may be obtained in electronic form from the ASHRAE website (www.ashrae.org) or in paper form from the Manager ofStandards. The latest edition of an ASHRAE Standard or Guideline may be purchased from the ASHRAE website (www.ashrae.org)or from ASHRAE Customer Service, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE,
4、 Atlanta, GA 30329-2305. E-mail: ordersashrae.org. Fax: 678-539-2129. Telephone: 404-636-8400 (worldwide), or toll free 1-800-527-4723 (for orders in US and Canada). For reprint permission,go to www.ashrae.org/permissions. 2013 ASHRAE ISSN 1049-894XDISCLAIMERASHRAE uses its best efforts to promulgat
5、e Standards and Guidelines for the benefit of the public in light of available information andaccepted industry practices. However, ASHRAE does not guarantee, certify, or assure the safety or performance of any products, components,or systems tested, installed, or operated in accordance with ASHRAEs
6、 Standards or Guidelines or that any tests conducted under itsStandards or Guidelines will be nonhazardous or free from risk.ASHRAE INDUSTRIAL ADVERTISING POLICY ON STANDARDSASHRAE Standards and Guidelines are established to assist industry and the public by offering a uniform method of testing for
7、ratingpurposes, by suggesting safe practices in designing and installing equipment, by providing proper definitions of this equipment, and by providingother information that may serve to guide the industry. The creation of ASHRAE Standards and Guidelines is determined by the need for them,and confor
8、mance to them is completely voluntary.In referring to this Standard or Guideline and in marking of equipment and in advertising, no claim shall be made, either stated or implied,that the product has been approved by ASHRAE.ASHRAE Standing Guideline Project Committee 0CognizantTC:TC 9.1, Large Buildi
9、ng Air-Conditioning SystemsSPLS Liaison: Janice C. PetersonTimothy F. Corbett, Chair Walter D. HornThomas R. Meyer, Vice-Chair Gerald J. KettlerMichael Amstadt, Secretary Kevin K. KnuevenThomas E. Cappellin Guopeng LiuCharles E. Dorgan Larry S. RossJustin Foster GarnerSPECIAL NOTEThis Guideline was
10、developed under the auspices of ASHRAE. ASHRAE Guidelines are developed under a review process, identifyinga guideline for the design, testing, application, or evaluation of a specific product, concept, or practice. As a guideline it is not definitive butencompasses areas where there may be a variet
11、y of approaches, none of which must be precisely correct. ASHRAE Guidelines are writtento assist professionals in the area of concern and expertise of ASHRAEs Technical Committees and Task Groups.ASHRAE Guidelines are prepared by project committees appointed specifically for the purpose of writing G
12、uidelines. The projectcommittee chair and vice-chair must be members of ASHRAE; while other committee members may or may not be ASHRAE members, allmust be technically qualified in the subject area of the Guideline.Development of ASHRAE Guidelines follows procedures similar to those for ASHRAE Standa
13、rds except that (a) committee balance isdesired but not required, (b) an effort is made to achieve consensus but consensus is not required, (c) Guidelines are not appealable, and(d) Guidelines are not submitted to ANSI for approval.The Manager of Standards of ASHRAE should be contacted for:a. interp
14、retation of the contents of this Guideline,b. participation in the next review of the Guideline,c. offering constructive criticism for improving the Guideline, ord. permission to reprint portions of the Guideline.ASHRAE STANDARDS COMMITTEE 20132014William F. Walter, Chair David R. Conover Malcolm D.
15、 KnightRichard L. Hall, Vice-Chair John F. Dunlap Rick A. LarsonKarim Amrane James W. Earley, Jr. Mark P. ModeraJoseph R. Anderson Steven J. Emmerich Cyrus H. NasseriJames Dale Aswegan Julie M. Ferguson Janice C. PetersonCharles S. Barnaby Krishnan Gowri Heather L. PlattSteven F. Bruning Cecily M. G
16、rzywacz Douglas T. ReindlJohn A. Clark Rita M. Harrold Julia A. Keen, BOD ExOWaller S. Clements Adam W. Hinge Thomas E. Werkema, Jr., CODebra H. KennoyStephanie C. Reiniche, Manager of Standards ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or transmission in
17、 either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAEs prior written permission.CONTENTSASHRAE Guideline 0-2013,The Commissioning ProcessSECTION PAGEForeword .21 Purpose.22 Scope23 Utilization.34 Definitions .35 Predesign Phase.46 Design Phase87 Construction Phase.128 Occupancy/Occupation Ph
18、ase16Informative Annex A: Guide for Developing Supplementary Technical Guidelines for theCommissioning Process 19Informative Annex B: Commissioning Process Flow Chart.22Informative Annex C: Cost and Benefits of the Commissioning Process24Informative Annex D: Commissioning Process Documentation Matri
19、x .25Informative Annex E: Commissioning Process Request for Qualifications .28Informative Annex F: Roles and Responsibilities31Informative Annex G: Commissioning Plan.33Informative Annex H: Acceptance Plan.34Informative Annex I: Owners Project Requirements Workshop Guidance.36Informative Annex J: Ow
20、ners Project Requirements38Informative Annex K: Basis of Design (BoD).42Informative Annex L: Specifications 43Informative Annex M: Construction Checklists49Informative Annex N: Quality-Based Sampling Examples 54Informative Annex O: Systems Manual.57Informative Annex P: Training Manual and Training N
21、eeds59Informative Annex Q: Addenda Description Information .65NOTEApproved addenda, errata, or interpretations for this guideline can be downloaded free of charge from the ASHRAEWeb site at www.ashrae.org/technology. 2013 ASHRAE1791 Tullie Circle NE Atlanta, GA 30329 www.ashrae.org All rights reserv
22、ed.ASHRAE is a registered trademark of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.ANSI is a registered trademark of the American National Standards Institute. ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or transmissio
23、n in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAEs prior written permission.2 ASHRAE Guideline 0-2013(This foreword is not part of this standard. It is merelyinformative and does not contain requirements necessaryfor conformance to the standard. It has not been pro-cessed according t
24、o the ANSI requirements for a standardand may contain material that has not been subject topublic review or a consensus process. Unresolved objec-tors on informative material are not offered the right toappeal at ASHRAE or ANSI.)FOREWORDThe latest version of Guideline 0 continues in demonstrat-ing b
25、est practice principles for applying the whole-buildingcommissioning quality process in facility elements. Guideline0 outlines the process for achieving, validating, and document-ing the performance of facility elements in meeting the definedobjectives and criteria of the Owner. This quality process
26、extends through all phases of new or major renovation proj-ects, from predesign to owner occupancy and operation, withtasks during each phase to ensure verification of design, con-struction, and operator training meeting the Owners ProjectRequirements (OPR). Guideline 0 describes the overall com-mis
27、sioning process in providing a uniform, integrated, andconsistent approach for commissioning facilities.This edition of Guideline 0 recognizes and addresseschanges in project delivery systems resulting from the evolu-tion of whole-building commissioning into the life cycle andsustainable facilities
28、measurement and verification pro-cesses. Guideline 0 is a guide to methods in performing,measuring, validating, and documenting information in thedesign and building processes used in constructing newfacilities and renovating existing facilities. These commis-sioning processes are applicable to all
29、building elementsused in the construction process.Guideline 0 applies to all project delivery phases in iden-tifying and applying the whole-building commissioning pro-cesses, activities, and requirements for all building elementsand assemblies. This guideline provides the format that servesas the pa
30、ttern for the Commissioning Plan for specific facilityelements or assemblies. This common content organizationfocuses on specific information in achieving a closely coordi-nated set of documents used together in any combinationaccommodating specific OPRs. Varying OPRs and applicablelevels of commiss
31、ioning follow a uniform method. Guideline 0organization also provides for technical commissioningguidelines that avoid repeating general commissioning pro-cesses, activities, and requirements, making them more con-cise in focusing on their technical subjects.Guideline 0 acknowledges the integration
32、and interdepen-dency of facility elements; i.e., a performance deficiency ofone element can result in less than optimal performance byother elements. To achieve satisfactory performance of thefacility and all of its elements, the entire facility should experi-ence commissioning beginning at the ince
33、ption of the project.This update of Guideline 0 emphasizes the important roleof the Owner in determining the level and focus of the Com-missioning Plan. This begins with more emphasis on definingand clearly documenting the OPR in a Commissioning Plandetailing the Owners objectives in the work.Clear,
34、 concise, complete, and correct documenting of theOPR allows for emphasis on commissioning as an integralprocess for achieving the facilities owners expectations. Thegoal of a Guideline 0 Commissioning Plan is a fully func-tional, fine-tuned facility, including all facility elements andassemblies, c
35、omplete documentation, and a trained operatingand maintenance staff at the significant completion milestone.It provides a methodology for implementing the commission-ing process to building elements and assemblies for new con-struction, and major renovations to existing facilities at alevel compatib
36、le with Owner input.A Guideline 0 Commissioning Plan places emphasis ondocumentation that transfers the OPR to the design criteriaand construction documents, and on continuity of informationfrom one party to the next, providing value and the opportu-nity to improve the work process. The Guideline 0
37、Commis-sioning Plan also provides for the facility operating andmaintenance personnel training using actual performancedocumentation demonstrating the design, installation, andintent of the building elements and assemblies in meeting theOPR. Owners can use this process in validating their statedobje
38、ctives and criteria from the significant completion mile-stone onward. Application of this facility performance docu-mentation provides the Owner with the opportunity tocontinue the benefits of whole-building commissioning inimproving facility performance during the post occupancyphase and beyond.An
39、nexes to this guideline have been included to assist infurther understanding the commissioning process. Based onspecific project experiences, annexes suggest ways to improvecurrent practices. Annexes illustrate varying applications ofcommissioning processes for all projects, and can be viewedas exam
40、ples for how to develop documents and to defineowners needs, design criteria, basis of design, design con-cepts, verification and functional performance testingrequirements, documentation, and operator training.The commissioning process, beginning at project incep-tion, is a valuable tool to the Own
41、er in controlling the projectthrough each milestone. Structuring the phases of a typicalproject around the OPR gives the Owner the advantage ofcontinuously monitoring the progress and the cost of the proj-ect on a real time basis. This includes predesign, designdevelopment, construction documents, c
42、onstruction, andpostconstruction phases.This update of Guideline 0 describes the total buildingcommissioning process and the responsibilities of the Commis-sioning Authority and the Owner. Selecting and developing aCommissioning Plan following Guideline 0 assures the Ownerof whole-building commissio
43、ning meeting the OPR, and a sus-tainable facility at the time of final acceptance of the work.1. PURPOSE1.1 The purpose of this guideline is to describe the Commis-sioning Process capable of verifying that a facility and its sys-tems meet the Owners Project Requirements (OPR).2. SCOPE2.1 The procedu
44、res, methods, and documentation require-ments in this guideline describe each phase of the project ASHRAE (www.ashrae.org). For personal use only. Additional reproduction, distribution, or transmission in either print or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAEs prior written permission.ASHRAE G
45、uideline 0-2013 3delivery and the associated Commissioning Processes frompredesign through occupancy and operation, without regardto specific elements, assemblies, or systems, and provide thefollowing:a. Overview of Commissioning Process Activitiesb. Description of each phases processesc. Requiremen
46、ts for acceptance of each phased. Requirements for documentation of each phasee. Requirements for training of operation and maintenancepersonnel2.2 These Commissioning Process guideline proceduresinclude the Total-Building Commissioning Process (TBCxP)as defined by National Institute of Building Sci
47、ences (NIBS)in its Commissioning Process Guideline 0.3. UTILIZATION3.1 The application of this guideline depends on the OwnersProject Requirements and how the project is designed, built, andoperated. The process described in this guideline is written for ageneric project and must be adapted to each
48、project.3.2 This guideline describes the Commissioning Process, andis supplemented by companion technical guidelines. A tech-nical guideline describes the specific details to properlyimplement the Commissioning Process relative to a specificfacility system or assembly. Annex A in this guideline pro-
49、vides the required format for developing technical guidelinesfor the Commissioning Process.4. DEFINITIONSacceptance: A formal action, taken by a person with appro-priate authority (which may or may not be contractuallydefined) to declare that some aspect of the project meetsdefined requirements, thus permitting subsequent activities toproceed.Basis of Design (BoD): A document that records the con-cepts, calculations, decisions, and product selections used tomeet the Owners Project Requirements and to satisfy appli-cable regulatory requirements, standards, an
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