1、ASHRAETRANSACTIONSPAPERSPRESENTED AT THE2012 ASHRAE WINTER CONFERENCEIN CHICAGO, ILLINOIS2012VOLUME 118, PART 1ASHRAE Transactions and HVAC telephone: 404-636-8400; www.ashrae.org.$6+5$(1791 Tullie Circle, NEAtlanta, Georgia 30329-2305All rights reserved.Printed in the United States of America.Print
2、ed using 10% post consumer waste and soy-based ink.ISSN 0001-2505ISBN 978-1-936504-22-0ASHRAE has compiled this publication with care, but ASHRAE has not investigated, and ASHRAE expressly disclaims anyduty to investigate, any product, service, process, procedure, design, or the like that may be des
3、cribed herein. The appearanceof any technical data or editorial material in this publication does not constitute endorsement, warranty, or guaranty byASHRAE of any product, service, process, procedure, design, or the like. ASHRAE does not warrant that the information inthis publication is free of er
4、rors, and ASHRAE does not necessarily agree with any statement or opinion in this publication.The entire risk of the use of any information in this publication is assumed by the user.No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission in writing from ASHRAE, except by a reviewer who may
5、quote brief passages or reproduce illustrations in a review with appropriate credit, nor may any part of this publication be repro-duced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any way or by any meanselectronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwithout permission in writing from ASHRAE. Req
6、uests for permission should be submitted at www.ashrae.org/permissions.Any updates/errata to this publication will be posted on the ASHRAE Web site at www.ashrae.org/publicationupdates.RON JARNAGINPresident20112012ASHRAE TRANSACTIONS3XUSRVH One of the purposes of ASHRAE is to disseminate technical i
7、nformation of permanent interest through the publication of ASHRAE Transactions. Following are guidelines for submission of Conference Papers and Technical Papers.Information for AuthorsConference Papers6XEPLVVLRQ An abstract of a proposed paper should be submitted through the ASHRAE Conference Web
8、sitefor review by the conference organizers. After abstract acceptance, papers are due within threemonths and should be submitted through the ASHRAE Conference Web site.5HYLHZ3URFHVV A paper based on an accepted abstract is put into a conference paper template available at theASHRAE Conference Web s
9、ite and is submitted as a PDF file for review through the ASHRAEConference Web site. The names of the reviewers are withheld from the author to ensure objectivecomments. The submitted paper should not exceed 8 single-spaced pages using a font no smallerthan 10 points. Graphs, photographs, charts, an
10、d drawings are all included in the 8-page limit. Allpapers undergo review by at least two reviewers to ensure high quality of content. The ASHRAEConferences and Expositions Committee decides, based on these reviews, whether papers areacceptable, need revision, or should be rejected.)LQDO)RUPDW The f
11、inal manuscript is put into a conference paper template available at the ASHRAE ConferenceWeb site and is submitted as a PDF file through the ASHRAE Conference Web site. Manuscriptpages should QRW be numbered and the paper should not exceed 8 single-spaced pages using a fontno smaller than 10 points
12、. Graphs, photographs, charts, and drawings are all included in the 8-pagelimit. The first page should include the title; the authors names in desired order, principal authorfirst, with (if applicable) ASHRAE membership grade, academic degrees at the doctoral level(e.g., PhD, DSc), and professional
13、certification (e.g., PE) for all authors; and an author note withthe job title, affiliation, and address (city, state, country) for each author. See the sample at theASHRAE Conference Web site.8QLWV ASHRAE policy calls for dual units of measurement with Inch-Pound (I-P) units first and Interna-tiona
14、l System (SI) units in parentheses. In cases where the work being reported was calculated inSI, the SI units may come first. For currency, include the monetary unit of the country where theresearch is based followed by the US dollar conversion in parentheses. NOTE: ASHRAE requiresdual units of measu
15、rement in figures and tables as well as text.1RPHQFODWXUH A special section defining symbols should be included if the number of equations is extensive. Ifnot, nomenclature may follow each equation.7DEOHV Vertical lines should not be used in tables. Horizontal lines may be used to set off headings a
16、nd atthe bottom of the table. Label each column and include units of measurement and other necessaryqualifying information. Units should be set off with a comma (e.g., “Velocity, m/s”). For complextables, use two tables, labeled “a” and “b”one in I-P units and one in SI units.5HIHUHQFHV The method o
17、f citation is the author-date method. The authors last name and the year of publicationare inserted in the text in parentheses. The list of references at the end of the paper is alphabetized. Telephone: (404) 636-8400; Fax: (404) 321-5478.Technical Papers6XEPLVVLRQ An electronic version of the manus
18、cript should be submitted through ASHRAE Manuscript Cen-tral, http:/ All papers undergo critical review by at least three reviewers to ensure high quality of content. TheASHRAE Conferences and Expositions Committee decides, based on these reviews, whetherpapers are acceptable, need revision, or shou
19、ld be rejected. The name of the author is withheld fromthe reviewers and the names of reviewers are withheld from the author and from each other toensure objective comments.)RUPDW Manuscripts should be prepared according to the guidelines in ASHRAEs Authors Manual andAuthors Template (these instruct
20、ions are posted in the “Instructions the authors names indesired order, principal author first, with (if applicable) ASHRAE membership grade, academicdegrees at the doctoral level (e.g., PhD, DSc), and professional certification (e.g., PE) for allauthors; an author note with the job title, affiliati
21、on, and address (city, state, country) for eachauthor; and complete contact information for the corresponding author, including mailing address,phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address. 8QLWV ASHRAE policy calls for dual units of measurement with Inch-Pound (I-P) units first and Interna-tional Syst
22、em (SI) units in parentheses. In cases where the work being reported was calculated inSI, the SI units may come first. For currency, include the monetary unit of the country where theresearch is based followed by the US dollar conversion in parentheses.1RPHQFODWXUH A special section defining symbols
23、 should be included if the number of equations is extensive. Ifnot, nomenclature may follow each equation.)LJXUHV Artwork for figures should be submitted via ASHRAE Manuscript Central as separate tiff or epsfiles saved in either CMYK mode (for color) or Grayscale mode (for black and white) at high r
24、eso-lution (600 ppi or greater). Do not insert figures into the Word file for final submission. A procedureto convert graphics from Word or Excel to tiff format is available by going to the “Instructions Telephone: (404) 636-8400; Fax: (404) 321-5478.CONTENTSHost Chapter . xivConferences and Exposit
25、ions Committee and Transactions Staff xivState of the Society, Ron Jarnagin, 20112012 ASHRAE President . xvTechnical Program xviiCONFERENCE PAPERSCH-12-C001 Under-floor Pressure Control: A Superior Method of Controlling Data Center CoolingDavid Moss.3CH-12-C002 Data Center Air Energy Recovery Techni
26、quesJohn Peterson, Douglas McLellan, and Ecton English.11CH-12-C003 The Prospect of Hydrothermal Net-Zero Energy Data CentersTadeusz (Ted) Jagusztyn .19CH-12-C004 Real Time Optimization of Building Combined Heat and Power SystemsPayam Delgoshaei, Stephen Treado, and Andrew Windham 27CH-12-C005 Cold
27、Climates Heat Pump Design OptimizationOmar Abdelaziz and Bo Shen 34CH-12-C006 Residential Ground Source Heat Pumps with Integrated Domestic Hot Water Generation: Performance Results from Long-Term MonitoringDave Stecher and Kate Allison.42CH-12-C007 Large Scale Residential/Municipal RES Integrated R
28、efurbishment Construction and HVAC Systems Engineering R Tony Horton from Huntsville, Alabama.;Mike Witkowski from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.; and AdamDavid from Sacramento, California. I love that a new programfrom concept to implementation took us about six months.This shows us what we can do if
29、we put our minds to it, doesntit?So, in the leadership vein, let me talk a little bit about aStudent Activities initiative that I mentioned in Montreal. Iwould like to see development of an additional course thatwould give students greater exposure to some of the technol-ogy piece of our industry, a
30、fter they have taken the first coursein fundamentals. You would be surprised at how many peopleare coming forward not just from the university communitiesbut junior colleges and technical schools who have great inter-est in this. Their support tells me that what were doing andwhat were going to do w
31、ith the Student Activities Committee,working with an ad hoc committee, is really the right thing. Itsnice to know were aligning the things we think we need to doand the things that other people think we need to do.The other area that I talked about in my presidential themewas strengthening and build
32、ing our international presence. Ihad the opportunity to visit a number of countries where Italked about what we need to do internationally, how we needto partner with the people that are our friends, our colleagues,and in some cases, our allies. Weve had great, great discus-sions about the importanc
33、e of various issues, such as youngleadership and how we can work together better.Leadership and partnerships dont have any bounds. Itdoesnt make any difference what the culture is, what thelanguage is, what the religion is or the geographical location.The commonality of these feelings across people
34、and organi-zations continues to impress me. With every meeting, withevery conversation, we find ourselves getting closer and closerto partnerships with organizations and exploring ways tobetter serve our members outside of North America. Werealso working on how we can get our chapters, sections andm
35、embers outside of North America to work more closely withthe local organizations that represent the engineering, busi-ness and buildings communities in their countries.The last thing that I talked about in my presidentialspeech was the need to strengthen our industry. When it comesto energy use in i
36、ndustrialized countries, the building sector isnumber one. We have trouble collectively making those build-ings perform right. We have the knowledge and the skill, wejust need to have the will to sit here and say, “Were going todo this better.” And when I say were going to do this better,Im not talk
37、ing about just ASHRAE, Im talking about allplayers in the buildings game. If you go to almost any nationin the world, everyone is talking about how to get buildingsretrofitted so we can reduce our energy bills. So the problemis not a uniquely North American problemits a world prob-lem.This is an are
38、a where there is competition in the industry,clearly. Product manufacturers and vendors differentiate theirproducts in various and sundry ways so that they have compet-itive advantages. I believe when it comes to built environmentorganizations, thats the time to reduce that competitivenessand increa
39、se that collaboration, because we serve the commu-State of the SocietyRon Jarnagin, 20112012 ASHRAE Presidentxvinity of owners and people who have the responsibility to runbuildings. I believe that we serve them better if we dont try tocompete in that regard. So, were working really hard withpeople,
40、 where in the past, we might have been a little compet-itive with those things.Im always convinced that theres a lot more that we agreeon than we disagree on any one issue, so, we are working toreduce barriers and to increase the strength of the partnerships.I guarantee you learn as much as you give
41、 in these relation-ships. Im going to continue to challenge this organization todemonstrate the leadership and all of those around us todemonstrate that leadership, down to the individuals.Recently, I had the great opportunity to go to my region,which is Region XI, which includes part of the United
42、Statesand Canada, where I challenged a couple of companies to uptheir research contributions. I challenged them to demonstratesome leadership. Amazing how people respond to that chal-lenge. In fact, you may want to put this idea in your backpocket because it works really well. You say, “Its about le
43、ad-ership. How would you like to lead?” People step up, and wegot the money. The leadership idea resonates with almosteveryonewho doesnt want to be a leader? Why? Because leadership transcends almost everything.And the fact that were standing up here talking about beingthe leaders in concert with ou
44、r partners is part of the transfor-mation of ASHRAE. Weve moved from the stance that if weprovide the technical guidance, others will come to us to useit, to a new start saying “We have an obligation to help trans-form this industry.” That obligation, at least under my presi-dential theme, started o
45、n day one in Montreal, its still relevanttoday and I would argue it may still be relevant 10 or 15 yearsfrom now. Thank you very much.xviiTechnical Program$6+5$(:LQWHU noPDHs awarded; presented during the TCsmeeting. The term optimization is generallydefined as the act or method of making some-thing
46、 as effective as possible. The rigorousdefinition refers to the use of systematicmathematical techniques to find the minimumor maximum value of a function. This functioncould be energy efficiency, first cost, etc. Inthe HVAC noPDHs awarded; presented during the TCsmeeting. There is a resurgence of e
47、fforts tofind alternative low global warming potential(GWP) refrigerants to replace HFCs. Thedriver for previous refrigerant transition wasozone depletion Potential (ODP); hence aclear target was set to use zero ODP. In thecurrent effort, the target is to reduce the GWPassociated with direct and ind
48、irect emissions.This resulted in a complex target: lower lifecycle climate performance. Low GWP refrig-erants performance is still debatable; it is notclear which refrigerants to use. This forumbrings ideas and experts together to openavenues for future ASHRAE researchtowards low GWP systems. The moderatorsare Lorenzo Cremaschi for TC 1.3 and OmarAbdelaziz for TC 8.5. 6XQGD-DQXDUSPSPSeminar (Basic) ASHRAE Foundation: Creating a High Performance Legacy Track: Professional Skills Room: Water Tower Chair: Margaret Smith, Assoc
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