1、Metric General Purpose Semi-Tubular RivetsAN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDASME B18.7.1M-2007Revision of ANSI/ASME B18.7.1M-1984 (R2005) Intentionally left blank ASME B18.7.1M-2007Revision of ANSI/ASME B18.7.1M-1984 (R2005)Metric GeneralPurposeSemi-TubularRivetsAN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDThree Park Av
2、enue New York, NY 10016Date of Issuance: October 5, 2007This Standard will be revised when the Society approves the issuance of a new edition. There willbe no addenda issued to this edition.ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspects of thisdocument. Peri
3、odically, certain actions of the ASME B18 Committee may be published as Cases.Cases and interpretations are published on the ASME Web site under the Committee Pages athttp:/cstools.asme.org as they are issued.ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.This code
4、or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American NationalStandards. The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to assure that individuals fromcompetent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate. The proposed
5、code or standard was madeavailable for public review and comment that provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry, academia,regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large.ASME does not “approve,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity.ASME do
6、es not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with anyitems mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability forinfringement of any applicable letters patent, nor assume any such liability.
7、Users of a code or standard are expresslyadvised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, isentirely their own responsibility.Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not to be interpr
8、eted asgovernment or industry endorsement of this code or standard.ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this document issued in accordance with the establishedASME procedures and policies, which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals.No part of this documen
9、t may be reproduced in any form,in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without the prior written permission of the publisher.The American Society of Mechanical EngineersThree Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990Copyright 2007 byTHE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERSAll rights reservedP
10、rinted in U.S.A.CONTENTSForeword ivCommittee Roster . vCorrespondence With the B18 Committee vi1 Introductory Notes 12 General Data for Semi-Tubular Rivets . 1Tables1 Dimensions of Oval Head Semi-Tubular Rivets . 22 Length Increments and Length Tolerances for Semi-Tubular Rivets 3iiiFOREWORDASME Sta
11、ndards Committee B18, Subcommittee 7, has met periodically since 1979 to arriveat a metric standard to serve as a companion to ANSI B18.7. This Standard covers only oval headsemi-tubular rivets with straight holes. The Committee has declared its intent to expand thescope of the standard to include o
12、ther head styles, tapered holes, full tubular rivets, and rivetcaps as their use in metric dimensions become apparent. These other styles of rivets, althoughnot included here, are available from manufacturers, and the dimensions in this Standard shouldbe the basis for further development.Because sem
13、i-tubular rivets are used in automatic assembly machines, the concentricity of theoutside edge of the head to the rivet shank is an important functional attribute. On a low ovalhead rivet, the axis of the head is very difficult to find, and therefore the true head positionmethod of measuring concent
14、ricity was not used in this Standard.The previous edition was approved by the ballot of the B18 Main Committee on June 24, 1983.Following acceptance by ASME, this proposal was referred to the American National StandardsInstitute for designation as an American National Standard. This was granted on J
15、uly 24, 1984and last reaffirmed without change in 2005.This edition was balloted and approved by the B18 Standards Committee and B18Subcommittee 7 on December 28, 2006. The proposal was submitted to the American NationalStandards Institute (ANSI) and designated as an American National Standard on Ma
16、rch 7, 2007.ivASME B18 COMMITTEEStandardization of Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, Screws,Washers, and Similar Fasteners(The following is the roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Standard.)STANDARDS COMMITTEE OFFICERSD. A. Clever, ChairR. D. Strong, Vice ChairS. W. Vass, Vice ChairR. L. Cran
17、e, SecretarySTANDARDS COMMITTEE PERSONNELJ. B. Belford, Corresponding Member, Lawson Products, Inc.V. Cartina, Aztech LocknutD. A. Clever, Deere however, theyshould not contain proprietary names or information.RequeststhatarenotinthisformatmayberewrittenintheappropriateformatbytheCommitteeprior to b
18、eing answered, which may inadvertently change the intent of the original request.ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of any interpretation when or if additionalinformation that might affect an interpretation is available. Further, persons aggrieved by aninterpretation may appeal to the cogni
19、zant ASME Committee or Subcommittee. ASME does not“approve,” “certify,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity.Attending Committee Meetings. TheB18StandardsCommitteeregularlyholdsmeetings,whichare open to the public. Persons wishing to attend any meeting should
20、contact the Secretary ofthe B18 Standards Committee.viASME B18.7.1M-2007METRIC GENERAL PURPOSE SEMI-TUBULAR RIVETS1 INTRODUCTORY NOTES1.1 Scope1.1.1 This Standard covers the general and dimen-sional data for oval head semi-tubular rivets for use ingeneral purpose applications. The products described
21、are suitable for joining metallic and nonmetallic materi-als or combinations thereof. Although these productsare suitable for general purpose assembly, other specialpurpose types are available to satisfy particular require-ments, and manufacturers should be consulted for spe-cial requirements.1.1.2
22、The inclusion of dimensional data in thisStandardisnotintendedtoimplythatalloftheproductsdescribed are stock production sizes. Consumers arerequested to consult with suppliers concerning avail-ability of products.1.2 Types of RivetsThe rivets specified in this Standard include the fol-lowing.1.2.1 S
23、emi-Tubular Rivets. Semi-tubular rivets areavailable in the head styles listed in section 2 and shallhave straight holes normally produced by extruding ordrilling.1.2.2 (Reserved for other types.)1.3 Comparison to ISO StandardsAt this time, no ISO Standard for these tubular rivetsexists. No work wit
24、hin ISO is expected for some time.1.4 OptionsOptions, where specified, shall be at the discretion ofthe manufacturer unless otherwise agreed upon by themanufacturer and the purchaser.1.5 Dimensions(a) Unless otherwise stated, all dimensions in thisStandard are in millimeters and apply before any coa
25、t-ing. When plating or coating is specified, the finishedproduct dimensions shall be as agreed upon by the sup-plier and purchaser.(b) Symbols specifying geometric characteristics arein accordance with ASME Y14.5M.11.6 TerminologyFordefinitionsoftermsrelatingtofastenersorcompo-nent features thereof
26、used in this Standard, refer toASME B18.12.1.7 Related StandardsStandards in this series for small solid rivets, largerivets, and other related products are published underseparate cover.1.8 ReferencesThe following is a list of publications referenced inthisStandard.Unlessotherwisespecified,therefer
27、encedstandard shall be the most recent issue at the time oforder placement.ASME B18.12, Glossary of Terms for MechanicalFastenersASME B18.24, Part Identifying Number Code SystemStandard for B18 Fastener ProductsASME Y14.5M, Dimensioning and TolerancingPublisher: The American Society of MechanicalEng
28、ineers (ASME), Three Park Avenue, New York,NY10016-5990;OrderDepartment:22LawDrive,P.O.Box 2300, Fairfield, NJ 07007-2300ASTM E 527, Standard Practice for Numbering Metalsand Alloys (UNS)Publisher:ASTMInternational(ASTM),100BarrHarborDrive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA,19428-29592 GENERAL DA
29、TA FOR SEMI-TUBULAR RIVETS2.1 Heads2.1.1 Because the heads of these rivets are notmachined or trimmed, the circumference may be some-what irregular and the edges may be rounded or flat.2.1.2 The bearing surface of oval head rivets shallbe perpendicular to the axis of the rivet shank within2 deg.2.1.
30、3 The rivet head and the rivet shank shall beconcentric within 11% of the nominal shank diameteron the basis of full indicator movement (FIM).2.2 Underhead FilletsOval head rivets shall be furnished with a fillet of notless than 0.1 mm under the head; however, the radius ofthe fillet shall not excee
31、d the values specified in Table 1.ASME B18.7.1M-2007Table 1 Dimensions of Oval Head Semi-Tubular RivetsType SRBJKLDCEMaximum WorkNominal Body Head Head Head Radius Underhead Hole Hole HoleLength Size, B Diameter, C Thickness, D Reference, E Radius, R Diameter, J Depth, K Diameter1.6 1.56/1.64 2.75/3
32、.01 0.43/0.53 3.09 0.15 1.15/1.25 1.20 0.15 1.712.0 1.95/2.05 3.47/3.73 0.52/0.68 3.83 0.20 1.45/1.55 1.50 0.15 2.142.5 2.45/2.55 4.37/4.63 0.67/0.83 4.84 0.25 1.83/1.93 1.88 0.20 2.673.0 2.94/3.06 5.27/5.53 0.80/1.00 5.78 0.32 2.20/2.30 2.25 0.20 3.213.5 3.44/3.56 6.17/6.43 0.92/1.18 6.80 0.38 2.58
33、/2.68 2.63 0.20 3.754.0 3.93/4.07 7.07/7.33 1.07/1.33 7.81 0.43 2.95/3.05 3.00 0.20 4.285.0 4.92/5.08 8.85/9.15 1.37/1.63 9.74 0.53 3.70/3.80 3.75 0.20 5.356.0 5.91/6.09 10.62/10.98 1.62/1.98 11.72 0.65 4.43/4.57 4.50 0.20 6.427.0 6.90/7.10 12.42/12.78 1.92/2.28 13.68 0.76 5.18/5.32 5.25 0.38 7.498.
34、0 7.90/8.10 14.20/14.60 2.22/2.58 15.71 0.88 5.93/6.07 6.00 0.38 8.56GENERAL NOTE: The dimensions shown in the above illustration relate to the respective values shown in Tables 1 and 2.2.3 Length2.3.1 Measurement. The length of oval head rivetsshall be measured parallel to the axis of rivet from th
35、eunderside of the head to the extreme end of the rivet.2.3.2 Length Increments. The minimum lengthsand increments applicable to longer lengths shall be asspecified in Table Tolerance on Length. The tolerance on lengthof rivets shall be as specified in Table 2.2.4 Hole Depth2.4.1 Hole depth s
36、hall be measured parallel to theaxis of the rivet from the extreme end of the rivet to theintersection of the diameter of the hole with contour atbottom of hole. The hole depth to extreme point onbottom contour of hole shall not be greater than theactual shank length of the rivet.2.4.2 The tolerance
37、 on hole depth shall be as speci-fied in Table 1.2.5 MaterialSemi-tubular rivets are made from low carbon steel(0.1% carbon or less), commercial yellow brass, copper,aluminum, stainless steel, or other materials as agreedto by the manufacturer and the purchaser.The following raw materials are in com
38、mon use:2Material TypeAluminum 5052-H32 (UNS A95052)(Aluminum Association) 5056-H32 (UNS A95056)1100-H14 (UNS A91100)2117-H15 (UNS A92117) Note (1)Brass CDA260 (UNS C26000)CDA270 (UNS C27000)Copper CDA102 (UNS C10200)CDA110 (UNS C11000)Nickel-copper AMS 7233 (UNS N04400)Stainless steel (AISI) Type 4
39、30 (UNS 43020)Series 300 (302, 305)(UNS S30200, S30500)Steel (AISI) C1006 (UNS G10060)C1008 (UNS G10080)NOTE:(1) Rivets made from Type 2117 aluminum are heat treated andsupplied in the T-4 condition.2.6 FinishUnless otherwise specified, rivets shall be suppliedwith a natural (as-processed) finish, u
40、nplated, oruncoated. Rivets may be furnished plain (bare metal)or with a protective coating (electrodeposited platingand/or chemical conversion coating) as specified by theuser. All rivets shall be provided with a supplementarylubricant if necessary to meet the stated performancerequirements without
41、 galling. The lubricant shall beASME B18.7.1M-2007Table 2 Length Increments and Length Tolerances for Semi-Tubular RivetsType SRBJKLDCETolerance on Nominal LengthsMinimum Up to and Over 4 Times ShankNominal Including 4 Diameter and Up to and Over 8 TimesNominal Length Rivet Times Shank Including 8 T
42、imes ShankSize Increment Length, L Diameter Shank Diameter Diameter1.6 0.5 2.00 0.18 0.20 0.252.0 0.5 2.00 0.18 0.20 0.252.5 0.5 2.00 0.18 0.20 0.253.0 0.5 2.50 0.18 0.25 0.383.5 1.0 3.00 0.25 0.30 0.384.0 1.0 3.00 0.25 0.30 0.385.0 1.0 4.00 0.25 0.30 0.386.0 2.0 5.00 0.25 0.38 0.507.0 2.0 6.00 0.25
43、 0.38 0.508.0 2.0 6.00 0.25 0.38 0.50GENERAL NOTE: The dimensions shown in the above illustration relate to the respective values shownin Tables 1 and 2.clean and dry to the touch, shall not be irritating tonormal skin, nor emit an unpleasant odor during rivetassembly. The performance of rivets that
44、 are furnishedwith a protective coating shall not deteriorate when therivets are stored indoors for a period of 6 months. Incases where rivets are given a protective coating or arecleaned following delivery to the purchaser, the rivetproducer shall not be held responsible for failure of therivet to
45、meet dimensional, mechanical, or performancerequirements traceable to plating, coating, or cleaningpractice. Lubrication (e.g., waxing) may improve thesetting of the rivet.2.7 WorkmanshipThe rivets shall be free from all burrs, seams, or otherimperfections that may impair their usability. Rivets are
46、3not machined or trimmed, and unevenness of the tubu-lar end shall not be such that the usability of the rivetshallbeimpaired,whenclinchedwithproperlyalligned,appropriate setting tools.NOTE: Nickel and chromium finishes are very hard and, there-fore, will have a tendency to flake off the end of the
47、rivet whenit is set by the user.2.8 Designation2.8.1 Semi-tubular rivets shall be designated bythefollowingdatainthesequenceshown:designationofstandard; nominal size; length (in millimeters); productname; material; and protective finish, if required.EXAMPLE: ASME B18.7.1M, 3 mmH115474 mm Semi-Tubula
48、r Rivet,Oval Head, Steel, Zinc Plated2.8.2 For a recommended part identifying number(PIN) for rivets, see ASME B18.24.Intentionally left blank B18 AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS FOR BOLTS, NUTS, RIVETS, SCREWS,WASHERS, AND SIMILAR FASTENERSSmall Solid Rivets B18.1.1-1972 (R2001)Large Rivets .B18.1.2-19
49、72 (R2001)Metric Small Solid Rivets .B18.1.3M-1983 (R2001)Square and Hex Bolts and Screws (Inch Series) .B18.2.1-1996Square and Hex Nuts (Inch Series) B18.2.2-1987 (R1999)Metric Hex Cap Screws B18.2.3.1M-1999Metric Formed Hex Screws .B18.2.3.2M-2005Metric Heavy Hex Screws .B18.2.3.3M-1979 (R2001)Metric Hex Flange Screws B18.2.3.4M-2001Metric Hex Bolts B18.2.3.5M-1979 (R2001)Metric Heavy Hex Bolts .B18.2.3.6M-1979 (R2001)Metric Heavy Hex Structural Bolts B18.2.3.7M-1979 (R2001)Metric Hex Lag Screws .B18.2.3.8M-1981 (R1999)Metric Heavy
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