1、Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power PlantsAN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDASME OM-2012(Revision of ASME OM-2009)ASME OM-2012(Revision of ASME OM-2009)Operation andMaintenance ofNuclear PowerPlantsAN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDTwo Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 USADate of Issuance: April 8, 2013Th
2、e next edition of this Code is scheduled for publication in 2015.ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspects of this Code.Periodically certain actions of the ASME OM Committee may be published as Code Cases. CodeCases and interpretations are published on
3、the ASME Web site under the Committee Pages athttp:/cstools.asme.org/ as they are issued.Errata to codes and standards may be posted on the ASME Web site under the Committee Pages toprovide corrections to incorrectly published items, or to correct typographical or grammatical errorsin codes and stan
4、dards. Such errata shall be used on the date posted.The Committee Pages can be found at http:/cstools.asme.org/. There is an option available toautomatically receive an e-mail notification when errata are posted to a particular code or standard.This option can be found on the appropriate Committee P
5、age after selecting “Errata” in the “PublicationInformation” section.ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American NationalStandards. The Standards Committee that a
6、pproved the code or standard was balanced to assure that individuals fromcompetent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was madeavailable for public review and comment that provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry, aca
7、demia,regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large.ASME does not “approve,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity.ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with anyitems mentioned in this document,
8、and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability forinfringement of any applicable letters patent, nor assumes any such liability. Users of a code or standard are expresslyadvised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement
9、 of such rights, isentirely their own responsibility.Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted asgovernment or industry endorsement of this code or standard.ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this docum
10、ent issued in accordance with the establishedASME procedures and policies, which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals.No part of this document may be reproduced in any form,in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without the prior written permission of the publisher.The Am
11、erican Society of Mechanical EngineersTwo Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990Copyright 2013 byTHE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERSAll rights reservedPrinted in U.S.A.CONTENTS(A Detailed Contents Precedes Each Division)Foreword ivPreparation of Technical Inquiries vCommittee Roster . viiPref
12、ace ixSummary of Changes xiDivision 1 OM Code: Section IST . 1Division 2 OM Standards 109Division 3 OM Guides . 309iiiFOREWORDThis document was developed and is maintained by the ASME Committee on Operation andMaintenance (OM Committee) of Nuclear Power Plants. The Committee operates under proce-dur
13、esaccreditedbytheAmericanNationalStandardsInstituteasmeetingthecriteriaofconsensusprocedures for American National Standards.Due to the additional time required to consolidate the OM Code and OM-S/G documents, the2009 edition encompasses all material that would have been included in the 2007 edition
14、, 2008addenda, and 2009 addenda.The 2012 edition of Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants includes revisions tovarious sections of Division 1, along with the addition of Mandatory Appendix V. Approvedcode cases and interpretations have also been added.The OM Committee develops, revises,
15、and maintains Codes, Standards, and Guides applicableto the safe and reliable operation and maintenance of nuclear power plants.This publication, the 2012 edition of Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants, wasapproved by the ASME Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards. ASME OM-2012 was appr
16、ovedby the American National Standards Institute on December 21, 2012.ivPREPARATION OF TECHNICAL INQUIRIESTO THE COMMITTEE ON OPERATIONAND MAINTENANCE OF NUCLEAR POWER PLANTSINTRODUCTIONThe ASME Committee on Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants meets regularlyto conduct standards develo
17、pment business. This includes consideration of written requests forinterpretations, Code Cases, and revisions to Operation and Maintenance Code and developmentof new requirements as dictated by technological development. This supplement provides guid-ancetoCodeusersforsubmittingtechnicalinquiriestot
18、heCommittee.TechnicalinquiriesincluderequestsforrevisionsoradditionstotheCoderequirements,requestsforCodeCases,andrequestsfor Code interpretations.Code Cases may be issued by the Committee when the need is urgent. Code Cases clarify theintent of existing Code requirements or provide alternative requ
19、irements. Code Cases are writtenas a question and a reply and are usually intended to be incorporated into the Code at a laterdate. Code interpretations provide the meaning of or the intent of existing requirements in theCode and are also presented as a question and reply. Both Code Cases and Code i
20、nterpretationsare published by the Committee.The Code requirements, Code Cases, and Code interpretations established by the Committeeare not to be considered as approving, recommending, certifying, or endorsing any proprietaryor specific design or as limiting in any way the freedom of manufacturers
21、or constructors tochoose any method of design or any form of construction that conforms to the Code requirements.Moreover, ASME does not act as a consultant on specific engineering problems or on thegeneral application or understanding of the Code requirements. If, based on the inquiry informa-tion
22、submitted, it is the opinion of the Committee that the inquirer should seek assistance, theinquiry will be returned with the recommendation that such assistance be obtained.As an alternate to the requirements of this Supplement, members of the Committee and itssubcommittees, subgroups, and working g
23、roups may introduce requests for Code revisions oradditions, Code Cases, and Code interpretations at their respective Committee meetings or maysubmit such requests to the secretary of a subcommittee, subgroup, or working group.AllinquiriesthatdonotprovidetheinformationneededfortheCommitteesfullunder
24、standingwill be returned.INQUIRY FORMATSubmittals to the Committee shall include:(a) Purpose. Specify one of the following:(1) revision of present Code requirement(s)(2) new or additional Code requirement(s)(3) Code Case(4) Code interpretation(b) Background. Provide the information needed for the Co
25、mmittees understanding of theinquiry, being sure to include reference to the applicable Code subsection, appendix, edition,addenda, paragraphs, figures, and tables. Preferably, provide a copy of the specific referencedportions of the Code.(c) Presentations. The inquirer may desire or be asked to att
26、end a meeting of the Committeeto make a formal presentation or to answer questions from the Committee members with regardto the inquiry. Attendance at a committee meeting shall be at the expense of the inquirer. Theinquirers attendance or lack of attendance at a meeting shall not be a basis for acce
27、ptance orrejection of the inquiry by the Committee.vCODE REVISIONS AND ADDITIONSRequests for Code revisions or additions shall provide the following:(a) Proposed Revision(s) or Addition(s). For revisions, identify the requirements of the Code thatrequire revision and submit a copy of the appropriate
28、 requirements as they appear in the Codemarked up with the proposed revision. For additions, provide the recommended wording refer-enced to the existing Code requirements.(b) Statement of Need. Provide a brief explanation of the need for the revision(s) or addition(s).(c) Background Information. Pro
29、vide background information to support the revision(s) or addi-tion(s) including any data or changes in technology that form the basis for the request that willallow the Committee to adequately evaluate the proposed revision(s) or addition(s). Sketches,tables, figures, and graphs should be submitted
30、 as appropriate. When applicable, identify anypertinent paragraph in the Code that would be affected by the revision(s) or addition(s) andparagraphs in the Code that reference the paragraphs that are to be revised or added.CODE CASESRequests for Code Cases shall provide a Statement of Need and Backg
31、round Information similarto that defined in subparas. (b) and (c) of “Code Revisions or Additions” section. The proposedCode Case should identify the Code Section and Division and be written as a Question and Replyin the same format as existing Code Cases. Requests for Code Cases should also indicat
32、e theapplicable Code edition(s) and addenda to which the proposed Code Case applies.CODE INTERPRETATIONSRequests for Code interpretations shall provide the following:(a) Inquiry. Provide a condensed and precise question, omitting superfluous background infor-mation, and, when possible, composed in s
33、uch a way that a “yes“ or a “no“ Reply, possibly withbrief provisos, is acceptable. The question should be technically and editorially correct.(b) Reply. Provide a proposed Reply that will clearly and concisely answer the Inquiry question.Preferably, the Reply should be “yes” or ”no” possibly with b
34、rief provisos.(c) Background Information. Provide any background information that will assist the Committeein understanding the proposed Inquiry and Reply.SUBMITTALSSubmittals to and responses from the Committee shall meet the following:(a) Submittal. Inquiries from Code users shall preferably be su
35、bmitted in typewritten form;however, legible handwritten inquiries will also be considered. They shall include the name,address, telephone number, and fax number, if available, of the inquirer and be mailed to thefollowing address:SecretaryCommittee on Operation and Maintenance ofNuclear Power Plant
36、sThe American Society of Mechanical EngineersTwo Park AvenueNew York, NY 10016-5990(b) Response. The Secretary of the Operation and Maintenance Committee shall acknowledgereceipt of each properly prepared inquiry and shall provide a written response to the inquirerupon completion of the requested ac
37、tion by the Committee.viCOMMITTEE ON OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OFNUCLEAR POWER PLANTSAs of October, 2012STANDARDS COMMITTEEJ. J. Zudans, Chair J. G. RocasolanoA. A. Dermenjian, Vice Chair W. J. RoitR.I. Parry, Vice Chair C. W. RowleyF. Huang, Staff Secretary T. P. Ruggiero, Jr.J. E. Allen G. E. Schi
38、nzelT. N. Chan B. J. ScottS. D. Comstock C. D. SellersT. S. Daugherty S. R. SemanK. G. DeWall D. M. SwannG. W. Doody S. R. SwanterR. S. Hartley C. L. ThibaultM. Honjin G. L. ZiglerW. L. Justice R. M. Emrath, ContributingR. G. Kershaw MemberR. C. Lippy J. H. Ferguson, HonoraryA. C. McMurtray MemberJ.
39、 W. Meyer S. D. Hyten, HonoraryG. R. Palmer MemberC. N. Pendleton J. H. Shortt, HonoraryR. Rana MemberJ. H. Riley J. S. G. Williams, HonoraryT. V. Robinson MemberSPECIAL COMMITTEE ON STANDARDS PLANNINGG. E. Schinzel, Chair M. HonjinG. L. Zigler, Vice Chair A. C. McMurtrayR. Haessler, Secretary C. D.
40、 SellersT. S. Daugherty C. L. ThibaultA. A. Dermnejian J. J. ZudansSUBCOMMITTEE ON OM CODESD. M. Swann, Chair T. G. LoebigW. L. Justice, Vice Chair A. C. McMurtrayT. N. Chan G. R. PalmerS. D. Comstock C. N. PendletonT. S. Daugherty R. RanaA. A. Dermenjian J. G. RocasolanoK. G. DeWall W. J. RoitG. W.
41、 Doody T. P. Ruggiero, Jr.R. S. Hartley B. J. ScottR. G. Kershaw C. D. SellersS. R. Khan S. R. SemanH. S. Koski, Jr. G. L. ZiglerR. C. Lippy J. J. ZudansviiSubgroup ISTA/ISTC (SC-OMC)S. R. Seman, Chair R. S. HartleyJ. W. Perkins, Secretary S. R. KhanA. N. Anderson H. S. Koski, Jr.J. G. Billerbeck R.
42、 C. LippyR. Binz IV G. E. McGovernS. D. Comstock R. RanaJ. J. Dore, Jr. J. G. RocasolanoSubgroup ISTB (SC-OMC)T. P. Ruggiero, Jr., Chair M. L. McGahaW. L. Justice, Secretary C. N. PendletonR. Binz IV T. V. RobinsonM. Gowin N. B. StocktonR. S. Hartley D. M. SwannR. D. Jacks W. R. TomlinsonJ. W. Kin R
43、. J. WolfgangI. T. Kisisel P. R. Hitchcock ContributingT. G. Loebig MemberM. C. ManciniSubgroup ISTD (SC-OMC)G. R. Palmer, Chair M. PalmerR. Rana, Vice Chair L. A. PharesH. S. Koski, Jr., Secretary R. L. Portmann, Jr.K. Asmundsson M. A. PressburgerG. S. Bedi O. RosenbaumD. P. Brown P. G. ScholarR. E
44、. Day M. D. ShuttJ. G. Kanute R. E. Richards ContributingR. E. Labeaf MemberS. A. NormanSubgroup ISTE (SC-OMC)G. L. Zigler, Chair A. A. DermenjianC. D. Sellers, Vice Chair M. HonjinR. Haessler, Secretary J. G. RocasolanoG. E. Schinzel, Secretary C. W. RowleyJ. G. BillerbeckSubgroup on Air-Operated V
45、alves (SC-OMC)R. G. Kershaw, Chair R. C. LippyF. R. Setzer, Vice Chair D. T. LurkM. J. Barlok M. A. McDanielK. L. Cortis T. P. Sanders, Jr.M. F. Farnan C. L. ThibaultC. S. Ko S. UnikewiczR. L. LakeSubgroup on Check Valves (SC-OMC)B. J. Scott, Chair R. D. JacksD. A. Cruz, Vice Chair B. P. LindenlaubE
46、. Noviello, Secretary T. B. MaanaviV. T. Ataman J. L. SabinaF. A. Bensinger A. R. SimonL. I. Ezekoye T. E. ThygesenM. F. FarnanSubgroup on Diesel Generators (SC-S/G)A. L. Ho, Chair S. J. LoeperA. G. Killinger, Vice Chair N. TragerJ. B. B. Abernathy W. D. WahT. N. Chan D. D. WeeksR. A. Kayler, Jr. R.
47、 J. WolfgangA. Little D. V. ZinkSubgroup on Functional Systems (SC-S/G)J. R. Hayes, Chair J. W. MeyerT. S. Daugherty D. OConnorJ. J. Dore, Jr. W. R. Peebles, Jr.F. P. Ferraraccio S. R. SwantnerSubgroup on Motor-Operated Valves (SC-OMC)K. G. DeWall, Chair C. H. HansenC. W. Smith, Vice Chair R. G. Ker
48、shawT. N. Chan T. S. NeckowiczD. A. Cruz C. S. SongJ. Doyal C. L. ThibaultM. F. Farnan J. E. ThilkingS. Hale D. G. Van PeltviiiSubgroup on OM-29 (SC-S/G)B. J. Scott, Chair T. S. NeckowiczR. G. KershawTask Group on New Reactor OM CodesR. C. Lippy, Chair J. S. McCrickardJ. G. Billberbeck J. W. MeyerR.
49、 Binz IV G. R. PalmerA. Cardillo C. N. PendletonS. D. Comstock T. P. RuggieroJ. J. Dore, Jr. T. G. ScarbroughR. S. Hartley S. UnikewiczSubgroup on Piping Systems (SC-S/G)D. E. Olson, Chair A. N. NguyenG. A. Antaki J. R. RajanK. E. Atkins M. TrubeljaK. K. Fujikawa B. J. VollR. G. Gilada Y. WongK. A. KhuzaieTask Group on Pump Performance Based ISTR. F. Bosmans M. C. ManciniD. J. KanuchSubgroup on Relief Valves (SC-OMC)S. D. Comstock, Chair R. J. ONeillB. R. Collier, Secretary W. J. RoitJ. G. Billerbeck A. H. RolloC. A. Glass S. R. SemanW. F. Hart C. ShepherdM. Mir P. W. TurrentineT.
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