1、AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDReinforcedThermoset Plastic Corrosion-Resistant EquipmentASME RTP-12011(Revision of ASME RTP-12007)Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Copyright ASME Inter
2、national Provided by IHS under license with ASME Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ASME RTP-12011(Revision of ASME RTP-12007)ReinforcedThermoset PlasticCorrosion-ResistantEquipmentAN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDThree Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 USACo
3、pyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Date of Issuance: May 31, 2011The next edition of this Standard is scheduled for publication in 2013. There will be no addendaissued to this edition.A
4、SME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspects of thisStandard. Periodically, certain actions of the ASME RTP Committee may be published as Cases.Cases and interpretations are published on the ASME Web site under the Committee Pages athttp:/cstools.asme.org a
5、s they are issued.ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American NationalStandards. The Standards Committee that approved the code or standard was balanced to assure
6、 that individuals fromcompetent and concerned interests have had an opportunity to participate. The proposed code or standard was madeavailable for public review and comment that provides an opportunity for additional public input from industry, academia,regulatory agencies, and the public-at-large.
7、ASME does not “approve,” “rate,” or “endorse” any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity.ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with anyitems mentioned in this document, and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a
8、 standard against liability forinfringement of any applicable letters patent, nor assumes any such liability. Users of a code or standard are expresslyadvised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, isentirely their own responsibilit
9、y.Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) affiliated with industry is not to be interpreted asgovernment or industry endorsement of this code or standard.ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this document issued in accordance with the establishedASME p
10、rocedures and policies, which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals.No part of this document may be reproduced in any form,in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without the prior written permission of the publisher,except as otherwise noted on forms contained in this docu
11、ment.The American Society of Mechanical EngineersThree Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990Copyright 2011 byTHE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERSAll Rights ReservedPrinted in U.S.A.Copyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking
12、 permitted without license from IHS-,-,-CONTENTSForeword xStatement of Policy on the Use of Certification Marksand Code Authorization in Advertising xiStatement of Policy on the Use of ASME Marking to Identify Manufactured Items . xiCommittee Roster . xiiIntroduction . xivSummary of Changes xvPart 1
13、 General Requirements . 11-100 Introduction 11-200 Users Basic Requirements Specification . 21-300 Fabricators Design Report 71-400 Inspection 71-500 Fabricators Quality Control Program . 8Part 2 Materials 132-100 Scope 132-200 Laminate Compositions 132-300 Materials . 13Subpart 2A Requirements for
14、Representative Flat Laminates . 142A-100 Introduction 142A-200 Laminate Requirements 142A-300 Requirements for Physical and Mechanical Properties . 142A-400 Test Methods . 172A-500 Records 172A-600 Additional Standard Laminate Compositions for Subpart 2A 17Subpart 2B Requirements for Laminates Devel
15、oped Using the Lamination AnalysisMethod 182B-100 Laminate Composition . 182B-200 Requirements for Physical and Mechanical Properties . 182B-300 Test Methods . 182B-400 Records 18Subpart 2C Permissible Tolerances for Laminate Thickness Variation 182C-100 Tolerance for Average Spot Thickness . 192C-2
16、00 Tolerance for Average Thickness of a Major Part 192C-300 Exceptions . 19Part 3 Design 203-100 Scope 203-200 General 203-300 Definitions . 20Subpart 3A Design by Rules 213A-100 Loadings . 213A-200 Design for Total Internal Pressure . 223A-300 Design for External Pressure 253A-400 Seismic, Wind, an
17、d Snow Loadings . 283A-500 Large Diameter RTP Equipment Body Flanges 283A-600 Vessels Supported by Shell Attachments 283A-700 Reinforcement of Circular Openings 293A-800 Secondary Bond Shear Stress . 29iiiCopyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Not for ResaleNo reproduct
18、ion or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Subpart 3B Design by Stress Analysis 293B-100 Introduction 293B-200 Design Acceptability . 303B-300 Loading 313B-400 Design . 313B-500 Stress Criteria 313B-600 External Pressure . 323B-700 Attachments . 32Part 4 Fabrication 334-100 Scope 334-2
19、00 Large Diameter Body Flanges . 334-300 Shell Joints . 334-400 Flanged Nozzles . 344-500 Manways 354-600 Reinforcement of Cutouts . 354-700 Tolerances . 354-800 Balsa Wood Cored Plates . 35Part 5 Overpressure Protection 525-100 Basis for Design 525-200 Protection Against Overpressure 525-300 Type o
20、f Overpressure Protection 525-400 Location of Overpressure Protection Devices 525-500 Installation Practices . 525-600 Overpressure Device Set Pressure . 525-700 Relief Device Sizing 525-800 Discharge Lines From Pressure Relief Devices . 525-900 Responsibility for Design and Selection . 53Part 6 Ins
21、pection and Tests . 546-100 Scope 546-200 Inspector . 546-300 Inspection and Responsibility . 546-400 Conditions for Inspection . 546-500 Equipment Design . 556-600 Materials . 556-700 Fabrication . 556-800 Fabricators Quality Assurance Program 556-900 Final Inspection 55Part 7 Shop Qualification .
22、647-100 Scope 647-200 General 647-300 Fabricators Facilities and Equipment . 647-400 Personnel 647-500 Quality Control Program, Document Handling, and Record System 647-600 Demonstration of Capability 647-700 Minimum Test Values From Demonstration Laminates 667-800 Demonstration Vessel 667-900 Ident
23、ifying Demonstration Laminates . 667-1000 Laboratory Test and Test Report Requirements for DemonstrationLaminates . 68ivCopyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Part 8 Certification . 708-1
24、00 Scope 708-200 General 708-300 Certification of ASME RTP-1 Fabricators 708-400 ASME RTP-1 Certificate of Authorization for Vessel Fabricators . 71Figures1-1 Official ASME Certification Mark With RTP Designator . 123-1 Toriconical Head Dimensions . 244-1 Torispherical Heads 364-2 Flat-Bottom Tank K
25、nuckle Detail 374-3 Joint Arrangement 394-4 Flush Nozzle Installation . 404-5 Penetrating Nozzle Installation . 414-6 Bottom Drain Detail 434-7 Stiffener Detail . 444-8 Support Skirt Attachment Detail 454-9 Fabrication Tolerances 464-10 Nozzle Flange Dimensions for Class 150 Bolting 474-11 Flanged N
26、ozzle Lay-Up Method 484-12 Nozzle Installation and Cutout Reinforcement Location Alternate . 494-13 Nozzle Gussets . 504-14 Flange Tolerances 514-15 Flat Cored Bottom Knuckle Detail 517-1 Dimensions for Tensile Test Specimen . 68Tables1-1 Users Basic Requirements Specification (UBRS) . 31-2 Fabricat
27、ors Data Report 91-3 Fabricators Partial Data Report . 112A-1 Standard Laminate Composition Type I . 152A-2 Standard Laminate Composition Type II 162A-3 Minimum Values of Flat Laminates . 174-1 Flange Flatness Tolerance . 334-2 Typical Dimensions of Manways 354-3 Shear Bond Length . 426-1 RTP Visual
28、 Inspection Acceptance Criteria 597-1 Required Resins and Acceptable Fabrication Processes for DemonstrationLaminates . 657-2 Dimensional Requirements for Hand Lay-Up and Spray-Up DemonstrationLaminates . 677-3 Reinforcement Requirements for Hand Lay-Up and Spray-UpDemonstration Laminates 67Mandator
29、y AppendicesM-1 Reinforcement Materials Receiving Procedures 73M-2 Matrix Materials Receiving Procedures 82M-3 Calculation of Physical and Mechanical Properties Using LaminationAnalysis Method . 91M-4 Quality Control Program . 113M-5 Qualification of Laminators and Secondary Bonders . 115M-6 Demonst
30、ration Vessel 121M-7 Repair Procedures 129M-8 Acoustic Emission Examination . 134M-9 Glossary . 136M-10 Reference Documents . 140M-11 Submittal of Technical Inquiries to the Reinforced Thermoset PlasticCorrosion Resistant Equipment Committee . 142vCopyright ASME International Provided by IHS under l
31、icense with ASME Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-M-12 Dual Laminate Vessels . 144M-13 Balsa Wood Receiving and Inspection Procedures . 183FiguresM3-1 Glass Fiber Volume Percent Versus Tensile Modulus . 93M3-2 Glass Fiber Volume Percent Versus Shear
32、Modulus 94M3-3 Oriented Glass Fiber at 30 Vol. % Versus Tensile Modulus . 95M3-4 Oriented Glass Fiber at 30 Vol. % Versus In-Plane Shear Modulus . 96M3-5 Oriented Glass Fiber at 40 Vol. % Versus Tensile Modulus . 97M3-6 Oriented Glass Fiber at 40 Vol. % Versus In-Plane Shear Modulus . 98M3-7 Oriente
33、d Glass Fiber at 50 Vol. % Versus Tensile Modulus . 99M3-8 Oriented Glass Fiber at 50 Vol. % Versus In-Plane Shear Modulus . 100M3-9 Oriented Glass Fiber at 60 Vol. % Versus Tensile Modulus . 101M3-10 Oriented Glass Fiber at 60 Vol. % Versus In-Plane Shear Modulus . 102M3-11 Oriented Glass Fiber at
34、70 Vol. % Versus Tensile Modulus . 103M3-12 Oriented Glass Fiber at 70 Vol. % Versus In-Plane Shear Modulus . 104M3-13 Poissons Ratios 10 to 70 Vol. % 105M3-14 Moment Resultants . 107M3-15 In-Plane Force Resultants . 107M3-16 Geometry of an n-Layered Laminate 108M3-17 Coordinate Systems 109M5-1 Pipe
35、 Test Piece . 118M5-2 Secondary Bond Test Assembly . 119M5-3 Secondary Bond Test Specimen . 120M6-1 ASME RTP-1 Demonstration Vessel . 126M6-2 Post-Test Sectioning of Vessel for Final Inspection and Display 127M6-3 Witness of Hydrotest of ASME RTP-1 Demonstration Vessel . 128M12C-1 Support Ledges Sho
36、wing Recommended Weld Locations Away FromThermoformed Bends 158M12D-1 Maximum Offset Allowed for Joints Between Sheets With DifferentThicknesses 160M12D-2 Visual Features of Hot Gas Welds . 162M12D-3 Illustrations of Flow Lines 162M12D-4 Heat Affected Zone Patterns 163M12D-5 Butt Fusion Welds Showin
37、g Melt Flow Lines 164M12D-6 Nozzle Construction for Penetrating Nozzle . 165M12D-7 Nozzle and Manway Constructions . 166M12D-8 Bottom Nozzle Constructions . 167M12G-1 Dual Laminate Demonstration Vessel . 172M12G-2 Post-Test Sectioning of Dual Laminate Demonstration Vessel for FinalInspection and Dis
38、play . 177TablesM1A-1 Veil and Mat Reinforcement Log Sheet 74M1B-1 Roving Reinforcement Log Sheet 76M1C-1 Fabric Reinforcement Log Sheet . 78M1D-1 Milled Fiber Reinforcement Log Sheet . 81M2C-1 Recommended Numerical Standards for Comparator Viscosity Tubes 84M2F-1 Resin Log Sheet 87M2F-2 Curing Agen
39、ts Log Sheet . 88M2G-1 Common Additives Log Sheet 90M3-1 Glass Volume Fraction and Density . 106M3-2 Layer Properties 106M3-3 Products of Layer Properties 106M3-4 Summary Table of Laminate Properties . 107M5-1 Laminator Qualification Report . 116M5-2 Secondary Bonder Qualification Report . 117M6-1 U
40、sers Basic Requirements Specification (UBRS) . 122viCopyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-M8-1 Acceptance Criteria 135M12B-1 ASTM Specifications for Thermoplastic Materials . 145M12B-2 T
41、ypical Thermoplastic Properties . 146M12B-3 Thermoplastic Sheet or Roll Receiving Log 148M12B-4 Thermoplastic Sheet Visual Inspection Acceptance Criteria 149M12B-5 Welding Material Receiving Log 151M12B-6 Bonding Resin Receiving Log . 152M12B-7 Conductive Material Receiving Log . 154M12B-8 Thermopla
42、stic Shape Receiving Log 156M12D-1 Visual Weld Defects 161M12E-1 Lining Visual Inspection Acceptance Criteria 170M12G-1 Users Basic Requirements Specification (UBRS) . 173M12H-1 Welder Qualification Report 179M12H-2 Weld Strength Requirements 181M13-1 Balsa Wood Core Inspection Sheet 184Nonmandatory
43、 AppendicesNM-1 Design Examples . 185NM-2 Design of Integral Body Flanges 204NM-3 Seismic, Wind, and Snow Loadings . 220NM-4 Hold-Down Lug Design 227NM-5 Ring Support of Vessels 237NM-6 Example of a Fabricators Quality Control Program 250NM-7 Acceptance Inspection by Users Inspector 264NM-8 Handling
44、 and Shipping 271NM-9 Installation of RTP Vessels 273NM-10 Requirements and Responsibilities of User (or Users Agent), Fabricator,Inspector, and Certified Individual 276NM-11 Design for 250 lb Concentrated Load on a Torispherical Head . 280NM-12 FRP Flange Design . 282NM-13 Stress Analysis Methods 2
45、86NM-14 ISO 9001 Quality Control System . 306NM-15 Flat Cored Plate Design 312NM-16 External Pressure Design Example for Cylindrical Shells . 315FiguresNM1-1 Toriconical Head . 186NM1-2 Stress Intensity in a Toriconical Head . 188NM1-3 Horizontal Tank 190NM1-4 Pressure Distribution . 191NM1-5 Saddle
46、 Reaction 192NM1-6 Stress Along Top Meridian, Initial Try 193NM1-7 Stress Along 45 deg Meridian, Initial Try 194NM1-8 Stress Along 90 deg Meridian, Initial Try 195NM1-9 Stress Along 135 deg Meridian, Initial Try 196NM1-10 Stress Along Bottom Meridian, Initial Try . 197NM1-11 Stress Along Top Meridia
47、n, Final Try . 199NM1-12 Stress Along 45 deg Meridian, Final Try 200NM1-13 Stress Along 90 deg Meridian, Final Try 201NM1-14 Stress Along 135 deg Meridian, Final Try . 202NM1-15 Stress Along Bottom Meridian, Final Try 203NM2-1 Design of Flat-Face Integral Body Flanges With Full-Face Gaskets 208NM2-2
48、 Values of F (Integral Flange Factors) 209NM2-3 Values of f (Hub Stress Correction Factors) 210NM2-4 Values of T, U, Y, and Z (Terms Involving K) 211NM2-5 Values of V (Integral Flange Factors) 213NM2-6 Design of Flat-Face Integral Body Flanges With Full-Face Gaskets(Example Calculation 72 in. Flange
49、 at 30 psi) 214viiCopyright ASME International Provided by IHS under license with ASME Not for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NM4-1 Wound-On Hold-Down Lug 228NM4-2A Secondary Bonded Hold-Down Lug, Type A 229NM4-2B Secondary Bonded Hold-Down Lug, Type B 230NM4-3 Mome
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