1、Designation: A1016/A1016M 141A1016/A1016M 17Standard Specification forGeneral Requirements for Ferritic Alloy Steel, AusteniticAlloy Steel, and Stainless Steel Tubes1This standard is issued under the fixed designation A1016/A1016M; the number immediately following the designation indicates theyear o
2、f original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of lastreapproval. A superscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1 NOTEEditorially corrected 2.1 and 25.2.5 in February 2017.1. Scope*
3、1.1 This specification covers a group of requirements that, unless otherwise specified in an individual specification, shall applyto the ASTM product specifications noted below.Title of Specification ASTMDesignationASeamless Carbon-Molybdenum Alloy-Steel Boiler andSuperheater TubesA209/A209MSeamless
4、 Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy-Steel Boiler, Superheater,and Heat-Exchanger TubesA213/A213MWelded Austenitic Steel Boiler, Superheater, Heat-Exchanger,and Condenser TubesA249/A249MElectric-Resistance-Welded Ferritic Alloy-Steel Boiler andSuperheater TubesA250/A250MSeamless and Welded Ferritic and Ma
5、rtensitic Stainless SteelTubing for General ServiceA268/A268MSeamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing forGeneral ServiceA269Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing forGeneral ServiceA269/A269MSeamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel SanitaryTubingA270Seamless and Wel
6、ded Austenitic Stainless Steel SanitaryTubingA270/A270MSeamless and Welded Carbon and Alloy-Steel Tubes forLow-Temperature ServiceA334/A334MWelded Austenitic Stainless Steel Feedwater Heater Tubes A688/A688MAustenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for Breeder Reactor CoreComponentsA771/A771MSeamless and We
7、lded Ferritic/Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubingfor General ServiceA789/A789MWelded Ferritic Stainless Steel Feedwater Heater Tubes A803/A803MAustenitic and Ferritic Stainless Steel Duct Tubes for BreederReactor Core ComponentsA826/A826MHigh-Frequency Induction Welded, Unannealed Austenitic SteelCond
8、enser TubesA851A These designations refer to the latest issue of the respective specifications.1.2 In the case of conflict between a requirement of a product specification and a requirement of this general requirementsspecification, the product specification shall prevail. In the case of conflict be
9、tween a requirement of the product specification ora requirement of this general requirements specification and a more stringent requirement of the purchase order, the purchase ordershall prevail.1.3 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units are to be regarded separately as standard.
10、Within the text, the SI unitsare shown in brackets. The values stated in each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each system shall be used1 This specification is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee A01 on Steel, Stainless Steel and RelatedAlloys and is the direct responsibility of S
11、ubcommittee A01.10on Stainless and Alloy Steel Tubular Products.Current edition approved March 1, 2014March 15, 2017. Published March 2014March 2017. Originally approved in 2001. Last previous edition approved in 20132014as A1016/A1016MA1016/A1016M 14113 DOI: 10.1520/A1016_A1016M-14E01.10.1520/A1016
12、_A1016M-17.This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Becauseit may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consul
13、t prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current versionof the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standardCopyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, P
14、A 19428-2959. United States1independently of the other. Combining values from the two systems may result in non-conformance with the standard. Theinch-pound units shall apply unless the “M” designation (SI) of the product specification is specified in the order.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standa
15、rds:2A209/A209M Specification for Seamless Carbon-Molybdenum Alloy-Steel Boiler and Superheater TubesA213/A213M Specification for Seamless Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy-Steel Boiler, Superheater, and Heat-Exchanger TubesA249/A249M Specification for Welded Austenitic Steel Boiler, Superheater, Heat-E
16、xchanger, and Condenser TubesA250/A250M Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded Ferritic Alloy-Steel Boiler and Superheater TubesA268/A268M Specification for Seamless and Welded Ferritic and Martensitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General ServiceA269A269/A269M Specification for Seamless and Weld
17、ed Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General ServiceA270A270/A270M Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic and Ferritic/Austenitic Stainless Steel Sanitary TubingA334/A334M Specification for Seamless and Welded Carbon and Alloy-Steel Tubes for Low-Temperature ServiceA370 Test Methods an
18、d Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel ProductsA530/A530M Specification for General Requirements for Specialized Carbon and Alloy Steel PipeA688/A688M Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Feedwater Heater TubesA700 Guide for Packaging, Marking, and Loading Methods
19、for Steel Products for ShipmentA751 Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel ProductsA771/A771M Specification for Seamless Austenitic and Martensitic Stainless Steel Tubing for Liquid Metal-Cooled ReactorCore Components (Withdrawn 2004)3A789/A789M Specification for Sea
20、mless and Welded Ferritic/Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubing for General ServiceA803/A803M Specification for Seamless and Welded Ferritic Stainless Steel Feedwater Heater TubesA826/A826M Specification for Seamless Austenitic and Martensitic Stainless Steel Duct Tubes for Liquid Metal-CooledReactor Co
21、re Components (Withdrawn 2004)3A851 Specification for High-Frequency Induction Welded, Unannealed, Austenitic Steel Condenser Tubes (Withdrawn 2002)3A941 Terminology Relating to Steel, Stainless Steel, Related Alloys, and FerroalloysA1047/A1047M Test Method for Pneumatic Leak Testing of TubingA1058
22、Test Methods for Mechanical Testing of Steel ProductsMetricD3951 Practice for Commercial PackagingE92 Test Methods for Vickers Hardness and Knoop Hardness of Metallic MaterialsE213 Practice for Ultrasonic Testing of Metal Pipe and TubingE273 Practice for Ultrasonic Testing of the Weld Zone of Welded
23、 Pipe and TubingE309 Practice for Eddy Current Examination of Steel Tubular Products Using Magnetic SaturationE426 Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy Current) Examination of Seamless and Welded Tubular Products, Titanium,AusteniticStainless Steel and Similar AlloysE570 Practice for Flux Leakage Exam
24、ination of Ferromagnetic Steel Tubular Products2.2 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code:Section IX,IX42.3 Federal Standard:FED-STD-183 Continuous Identification Marking of Iron and Steel Products52.4 Military Standards:MIL-STD-271 Nondestructive Testing Requirements for Metals5MIL-STD-163 Steel Mill
25、 Products Preparation for Shipment and Storage5MIL-STD-792 Identification Marking Requirements for Special Purpose Equipment52.5 Steel Structures Painting Council:SSPC-SP6 Surface Preparation Specification No. 6 Commercial Blast Cleaning62.6 Other Documents:SNT-TC-1A Recommended Practice for Nondest
26、ructive Personnel Qualification and Certification7AIAG Bar Code Symbology Standard82 For referencedASTM standards, visit theASTM website, www.astm.org, or contactASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM Standardsvolume information, refer to the standards Document Summary pag
27、e on the ASTM website.3 The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on www.astm.org.4 Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), ASME International Headquarters, Two Park Ave., New York, NY 10016-5990, http:/www.asme.org.5 Available from Standardization D
28、ocuments Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5098, Attn: NPODS.6 Available from Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC), 40 24th St., 6th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4656, http:/www.sspc.org.7 Available from American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT), P.O.
29、Box 28518, 1711 Arlingate Ln., Columbus, OH 43228-0518, http:/www.asnt.org.8 Available from Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG), 26200 Lahser Rd., Suite 200, Southfield, MI 48033, http:/www.aiag.org.A1016/A1016M 1723. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 The definitions in Test Methods and Definitio
30、ns A370 or Test Methods A1058, Test Methods, Practices, and TerminologyA751, and Terminology A941 are applicable to this specification and to those listed in heat, nin secondary melting, all of the ingots remelted from a single primary heat.3.1.3 imperfection, nany discontinuity or irregul
31、arity found in a tube.4. Manufacture4.1 The steel shall made by any process.4.2 The primary melting is permitted to incorporate separate degassing or refining and is permitted to be followed by secondarymelting, such as electroslag remelting or vacuum-arc remelting.4.3 When steel of different grades
32、 is sequentially strand cast, the resultant transition material shall be removed using anestablished procedure that positively separates the grades.5. Ordering Information5.1 It is the responsibility of the purchaser to specify all requirements that are necessary for product ordered under the produc
33、tspecification. Such requirements to be considered include, but are not limited to, the following:5.1.1 Quantity (feet, metres, or number of pieces),5.1.2 Name of material (stainless steel tubing),5.1.3 Method of manufacture, when applicable (seamless (SML), welded (WLD), or heavily cold-worked (HCW
34、),5.1.4 Grade or UNS number,5.1.5 Size (outside diameter and average or minimum wall thickness),5.1.6 Length (specific or random),5.1.7 End finish if required,5.1.8 Optional requirements,5.1.9 Specific type of melting, if required,5.1.10 Test report requirements,5.1.11 Specification designation and
35、year of issue, and5.1.12 Special requirements or any supplementary requirements, or both.6. Chemical Composition6.1 Chemical AnalysisSamples for chemical analysis, and method of analysis, shall be in accordance with Test Methods,Practices, and Terminology A751.6.2 Heat AnalysisAn analysis of each he
36、at of steel shall be made by the steel manufacturer to determine the percentages ofthe elements specified. If secondary melting processes are employed, the heat analysis shall be obtained from one remelted ingotor the product of one remelted ingot of each primary melt. The chemical composition thus
37、determined, or that determined froma product analysis made by the tubular product manufacturer, shall conform to the requirements specified in the productspecification.6.2.1 For steels ordered under product specifications referencing this specification of general requirements, the steel shall notcon
38、tain an unspecified element, other than nitrogen for stainless steels, for the ordered grade to the extent that the steel conformsto the requirements of another grade for which that element is a specified element having a required minimum content. For thisrequirement, a grade is defined as an alloy
39、described individually and identified by its own UNS designation in a table of chemicalrequirements within any specification listed within the scope as being covered by this specification.6.3 Product AnalysisProduct analysis requirements and options, if any, shall be as contained in the product spec
40、ification.7. Tensile Properties7.1 The material shall conform to the tensile property requirements prescribed in the individual product specification.7.2 The yield strength, when specified, shall be determined corresponding to a permanent offset of 0.2 % of the gauge lengthor to a total extension of
41、 0.5 % of the gauge length under load.7.3 If the percentage of elongation of any test specimen is less than that specified and any part of the fracture is more than 34in. 19.0 mm from the center of the gauge length, as indicated by scribe marks on the specimen before testing, a retest shall beallowe
42、d.8. Standard Mass per Unit Length8.1 The calculated mass per foot, based upon a specified minimum wall thickness, shall be determined by the following equation(see Note 1):A1016/A1016M 173W 5CD2t!t (1)where:C = 10.69 0.0246615,W = mass per unit length, lb/ft kg/m,D = specified outside diameter, in.
43、 mm, andt = specified minimum wall thickness, in. mm.NOTE 1The calculated masses given by Eq 1 are based on the masses for carbon steel tubing. The mass of tubing made of ferritic stainless steelsmay be up to about 5 % less, and that made of austenitic stainless steel up to about 2 % greater than th
44、e values given. Mass of ferritic/austenitic (duplex)stainless steel will be intermediate to the mass of fully austenitic and fully ferritic stainless steel tubing.8.2 The permitted variations from the calculated mass per foot kilogram per metre shall be as prescribed in Table 1.9. Permitted Variatio
45、ns in Wall Thickness9.1 Variations from the specified minimum wall thickness shall not exceed the amounts prescribed in Table 2.9.2 For tubes 2 in. 50 mm and over in outside diameter and 0.220 in. 5.6 mm and over in thickness, the variation in wallthickness in any one cross section of any one tube s
46、hall not exceed the following percentage of the actual mean wall at the section.The actual mean wall is defined as the average of the thickest and thinnest wall in that section.Seamless tubes 10 %Welded tubes 5 %9.3 When cold-finished tubes as ordered require wall thicknesses 34 in. 19.1 mm or over,
47、 or an inside diameter 60 % or lessof the outside diameter, the permitted variations in wall thickness for hot-finished tubes shall apply.10. Permitted Variations in Outside Diameter10.1 Except as provided in 10.2.1, 10.3, and 25.10.4, variations from the specified outside diameter shall not exceed
48、the amountsprescribed in Table 3.10.2 Thin-wall tubes usually develop significant ovality (out-of-roundness) during final annealing, or straightening, or both.Thin-wall tubes are defined as those with a specified wall 3 % or less than the specified OD, or with a wall specified as 0.020 in.0.5 mm or
49、less.10.2.1 1 The diameter tolerances of Table 3 are not sufficient to provide for additional ovality expected in thin-wall tubes, and,for such tubes, are applicable only to the mean of the extreme (maximum and minimum) outside diameter readings in any one crosssection. However, for thin wall tubes the difference in extreme outside diameter readings (ovality) in any one cross section shallnot exceed the following ovality allowances:Outside Diameter, in. mm Ovality Allowance1 25.4 and under 0.020 0.5Over 1 25.4 2.0 % of specified
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