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本文(ASTM A1036-2004(2015) Standard Guide for Measuring Power Frequency Magnetic Properties of Flat-Rolled Electrical Steels Using Small Single Sheet Testers《使用小型单板测试仪测量平板轧钢工频磁特性的标准指南》.pdf)为本站会员(towelfact221)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM A1036-2004(2015) Standard Guide for Measuring Power Frequency Magnetic Properties of Flat-Rolled Electrical Steels Using Small Single Sheet Testers《使用小型单板测试仪测量平板轧钢工频磁特性的标准指南》.pdf

1、Designation: A1036 04 (Reapproved 2015)Standard Guide forMeasuring Power Frequency Magnetic Properties of Flat-Rolled Electrical Steels Using Small Single Sheet Testers1This standard is issued under the fixed designation A1036; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year ofor

2、iginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This guide covers procedures for interpreting the spe-cific c

3、ore loss and peak permeability determined using smallsingle-sheet test systems. It is limited to single-sheet testsystems that require a test specimen or coupon be cut from thematerial being tested and are designed such that the entirewidth of that test specimen is magnetized during testing.1.2 This

4、 guide is primarily intended for measurements ofthe magnetic properties of flat-rolled electrical steels at fre-quencies of 50 Hz or 60 Hz under sinusoidal flux conditions.1.3 This guide includes procedures to provide correlationwith the 25-cm Epstein test method (Test Method A343/A343M).1.4 The ran

5、ge of magnetic flux densities is governed by theproperties of the test specimens and the instruments and testpower source. Nonoriented electrical steels may be tested atmagnetic flux densities up to about 16-kG 1.6T for core loss.The maximum magnetic field strength for peak permeabilitytesting is li

6、mited by the current carrying capacity of themagnetizing winding and the test power source. Single sheettesters are typically capable of testing at magnetic fieldstrengths up to 50 Oe 4000 A/m or more.1.5 Within this guide, a small single sheet tester (small SST)is defined as a magnetic tester desig

7、ned to test flat, rectangularsheet-type specimens. Typical specimens for these testers aresquare (or nearly so). The design of the small SST test fixturemay be small enough to accommodate specimens about 5 by 5cm or may be large enough to accommodate specimens about36 by 36 cm. Specimens for a parti

8、cular SST must beappropriate for the particular test fixture.1.6 This guide covers two alternative test methods: Method1 and Method Method 1 is an extension of Method 1 of Test MethodA804/A804M, which describes a test fixture having twowindings that encircle the test specimen and two low-rel

9、uctance, low-core loss ferromagnetic yokes that serve as fluxreturn paths. The dimensions of the test fixture for Method 1are not fixed but rather may be designed and built for anynominal specimen dimension within the limits given in 1.5.The power loss in this case is determined by measuring theaver

10、age value of the product of primary current and inducedsecondary voltage.1.6.2 Method 2 covers the use of a small single sheet tester,which employs a magnetizing winding, a magnetic flux sensingwinding, and a magnetic field strength detector. The power lossin this case is determined by measuring the

11、 average value ofthe product of induced secondary voltage and magnetic fieldstrength.1.6.3 The calibration method described in the annex of thisguide applies to both test methods.1.7 The values and equations stated in customary (cgs-emuand inch-pound) or SI units are to be regarded separately asstan

12、dard. Within this standard, SI units are shown in brackets.The values stated in each system may not be exact equivalents;therefore, each system shall be used independently of the other.Combining values from the two systems may result in noncon-formance with this standard.1.8 This standard does not p

13、urport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory requirements prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:

14、2A340 Terminology of Symbols and Definitions Relating toMagnetic TestingA343/A343M Test Method for Alternating-Current Mag-netic Properties of Materials at Power Frequencies UsingWattmeter-Ammeter-Voltmeter Method and 25-cm Ep-stein Test FrameA677 Specification for Nonoriented Electrical Steel Fully

15、Processed Types1This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A06 on MagneticProperties and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A06.01 on Test Methods.Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2015. Published October 2015. Originallyapproved in 2004. Last previous edition approved in 2009 a

16、s A103604 (2009).DOI: 10.1520/A1036-04R15.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.Copyright ASTM Inte

17、rnational, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States1A683/A683M Specification for Nonoriented Electrical Steel,Semiprocessed TypesA726 Specification for Cold-Rolled Magnetic LaminationQuality Steel, Semiprocessed TypesA804/A804M Test Methods for Alternating-

18、Current Mag-netic Properties of Materials at Power Frequencies UsingSheet-Type Test SpecimensA840/A840M Specification for Fully Processed MagneticLamination Steel3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 GeneralThe definitions of terms, symbols, and con-version factors relating to magnetic testing found i

19、n Terminol-ogy A340 are used in the methods in this guide.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 sheet specimena rectangular specimen comprised ofa single piece of material or paralleled multiple strips ofmaterial arranged in a single layer.3.2.2 small single sheet testera magnetic

20、 tester designedto determine the magnetic properties of small rectangularsheet-type specimens.4. Significance and Use4.1 Materials EvaluationSmall single sheet testers weredeveloped to supplement the testing of Epstein specimens forvarious applications. They are especially appropriate for deter-mini

21、ng the magnetic properties of samples when insufficientmaterial is available for preparation of an Epstein specimen.Although the small specimen size is attractive, the precision ofthe small sheet testers is not expected to be as good as that ofthe test method Test Method A343/A343M. Small sheet test

22、ersare frequently used to measure the properties of both fullyprocessed and semiprocessed nonoriented and magnetic lami-nation steels. Specimens of semiprocessed steels are normallysubjected to an appropriate quality development anneal prior totesting. Small sheet testers may also be used to evaluat

23、eoriented electrical steels in either the as sheared or stress-reliefannealed condition.5. Apparatus5.1 Test Method 1The apparatus for Test Method 1 in-cludes a test fixture having two windings that encircle the testspecimen (a magnetizing winding and a flux-sensing secondarywinding) and two low-rel

24、uctance, low-core loss ferromagneticyokes that serve as flux return paths. Such a test fixture may beconstructed by following the instructions given in Annex A1 ofTest Method A804/A804M. The test power and instrumenta-tion for this method are described as Test Method 1 in TestMethod A804/A804M. The

25、primary difference between thetests covered by this guide and Test Method 1 of Test MethodA804/A804M are the dimensions of the yokes and the limita-tion to the use of double-yoke test fixtures. When selecting testinstrumentation and test power source components for Method1, the devices selected for

26、use with small single-sheet testfixtures must have appropriate ranges for these smaller testfixtures.5.2 Test Method 2Test systems for Method 2 are suppliedas complete test systems: test fixture, test power source, andcomplete instrumentation.6. Procedure6.1 Determine Correction FactorsFollowing the

27、 proce-dures given in Annex A1, determine correction factors for thegrades of material that will be evaluated at the magnetic fluxdensities at which tests will be performed. The samples used todetermine the correction factors must be typical of the materialthat will be evaluated since correction fac

28、tors vary with class ofmaterial, chemical composition, thickness, heat treatment,grain direction, magnetic flux density, and other physicalproperties.6.2 Prepare the Test SpecimenThe type of test fixture andits dimensions govern the dimensions of permissible testspecimens. The minimum length of a sp

29、ecimen shall be no lessthan the outside dimension of the distance between pole facesof the test fixture. The amount of projection of the specimenbeyond the pole faces of fixture is not critical but should be nolonger than necessary for convenient loading and unloading ofthe specimen. For maximum acc

30、uracy, the specimen widthshould, as nearly as practicable, be the maximum that can beaccommodated by the opening of the test coil. As a minimum,it is recommended that the specimen width be at least one halfof the maximum width that can be accommodated by the testcoil.6.2.1 Specimens with length and

31、width appropriate for thesmall single sheet tester shall be cut by a suitable method. Thespecimens shall be as rectangular as practicable. Excessiveburr and mechanical distortion must be avoided when prepar-ing the test specimens. Specimens may be subjected to anydesired heat treatment.6.3 Make Init

32、ial DeterminationsDepending upon the testequipment used, the appropriate measured values of length,width, thickness, or mass, or combinations thereof, of thespecimen must be determined prior to conducting magnetictests. These measured values are needed to set up the instru-ment for conducting tests.

33、 When mass is required, it shall bedetermined using a balance capable of measuring the specimenmass with an uncertainty less than 0.1 %. The length or widthof the specimen shall be measured by any suitable method withan uncertainty less than 0.1 %.6.3.1 Cross-sectional AreaThe preferred method of de

34、ter-mining cross-sectional area is the mass-density method. Sometest systems may require that the width and thickness of thespecimen be entered into the test instrument and others mayrequire that the cross-sectional area be entered. The cross-sectional area is determined using the following equation

35、:A 5 m/l! (1)where:A = cross-sectional area of specimen, cm2,m = total mass of specimen, g,l = actual length of specimen, cm, and = assumed density of specimen material, g/cm3.When required, the thickness may be determined by dividingthe cross-sectional area by the width.A1036 04 (2015)26.3.2 Altern

36、ate Cross-sectional AreaAlthough the mass-density method of determining the cross-sectional area is thepreferred method, direct measurement of the thickness andwidth of the test specimen is an alternate method. When thethickness is measured directly with a micrometer, the length ofthe specimen does

37、not need to be measured. Direct measure-ment of the thickness is likely to increase the uncertainty ofmeasurements, especially for specimens that have appliedcoatings, have rough surfaces, or are very thin (less than about0.018 in. 0.50 mm). If direct thickness measurement is usedwhen testing specim

38、ens, direct thickness measurement shouldalso be used when making measurements with the small sheettester to determine calibration constants (the correspondingEpstein tests are always to be conducted according to TestMethod A343/A343M).6.4 Perform Tests:6.4.1 Method 1Follow the procedures for conduct

39、ing testsaccording to Sections 9 though 11 of Test Method A804/A804M to determine the uncorrected core losses or uncor-rected magnetic field strengths, or both, at the desired fluxdensities. When computing the uncorrected core loss anduncorrected magnetic field strength, the effective path lengthsho

40、uld be the distance between the inner edges of the flux-return yokes measured in the direction of the flux path in thetest specimen.6.4.2 Method 2Follow the instrument manufacturers in-structions to determine the uncorrected core losses or uncor-rected magnetic field strengths, or both, at the desir

41、ed fluxdensities.6.5 Apply Correction FactorsUsing the appropriate cor-rection factors for the test specimen and test magnetic fluxdensity, correct the uncorrected core losses and uncorrectedmagnetic field strengths determined using the small single-sheet tester (according to either Method 1 or Meth

42、od 2) usingthe equations below:PCB;!5 KlPa(2)where:PC(B;)= corrected specific core loss, W/lb W/kg,Kl= correction factor for core loss at specified testconditions, andPa= uncorrected specific core loss by yoke fixture test,W/lb W/kg.HP5 K2Ha(3)where:HP= corrected peak magnetic field strength, Oe A/m

43、,K2= correction factor for magnetic field strength at speci-fied test conditions, andHa= uncorrected peak magnetic field strength by yokefixture test, Oe A/m.7. Keywords7.1 alternating current; core loss; electrical steel; flux den-sity; magnetic; magnetic material; magnetic test; permeability;power

44、 frequency; sheetANNEXES(Mandatory Information)A1. CALIBRATION OF SMALL SINGLE SHEET TESTERS (SSTs)A1.1 This calibration procedure uses specimens that aresuitable for testing using a 25-cm Epstein frame. Thesespecimens are composed of strips that are typically longer thanthe normal test specimen for

45、 the SST being calibrated. Thesingle sheet testers described in both methods discussed in thisguide are considered to be insensitive to excess specimenlength. If the specimens are longer than the distance betweenthe outside edges of the yoke, the portion of the specimen thatextends beyond the yoke s

46、hould be supported to avoid stress.A1.2 The specimens used to calibrate the SST shall consistof strips typical of the grade of material that is to be tested inthe SST. At least five specimens of each grade are preferred.For oriented materials these specimens shall be stress-reliefannealed. For nonor

47、iented materials, the annealed condition ofthe calibration specimens shall be the same as that of thematerial to be tested. The width of each strip shall be 3.0 cm30 mm. The minimum length of each specimen shall be 28cm 280 mm. The number of strips in each specimen shall bea multiple of four and a m

48、inimum of twelve.A1.3 Each specimen shall be tested in a 25-cm Epsteinframe in accordance with test method Test Method A343/A343M. The magnetic properties to be determined are thosewhich the SST will be used to measure routinely whencalibrated.A1.4 Each specimen shall be tested in the SST. A maximum

49、of 12 strips (limited by test fixture) may be combined inparallel in a single layer when tested in the SST. Dependingupon the outside dimension of the distance between the yokefaces of the SST test fixture, tests may be required at more thanone position along the length of the specimen to permitevaluation of the average properties.A1.5 When conducting tests using equipment described inMethod 1, an effective magnetic path length must be assumedfor calculating the uncorrected specific core loss from mea-sured total power loss. The preferred assume

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