1、Designation: A 675/A 675M 03e1Standard Specification forSteel Bars, Carbon, Hot-Wrought, Special Quality,Mechanical Properties1This standard is issued under the fixed designationA 675/A 675M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the yearof original adoption or, in the case of r
2、evision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.e1NOTEEditorial changes wer
3、e made to S7.1 in June 2005.1. Scope*1.1 This specification2covers hot-wrought special qualitycarbon steel bars and bar size shapes produced to mechanicalproperty requirements and intended for general constructionalapplications.1.2 The bars are available in nine strength grades designated45, 50, 55,
4、 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, and 90 310, 345, 380, 415, 450,485, 515, 550, and 620 corresponding to the minimumultimate tensile strength in ksi MPa. The chemical composi-tion is selected by the manufacturer to develop the requiredmechanical properties.1.3 Hot-wrought special quality carbon steel bars subjec
5、t tomechanical property requirements are hot wrought in straightlengths only. Sections and sizes available are covered inSpecification A 29/A 29M.1.4 Some applications may require one or more of theavailable designations shown under Supplementary Require-ments.NOTE 1Merchant-quality hot-wrought carb
6、on steel bars subject tomechanical property requirements are covered in Specification A 663/A 663M.1.5 The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI unitsare to be regarded separately as the standard. Within the text,the SI units are shown in brackets. The values stated in eachsystem are not eq
7、uivalents, therefore each system must be usedindependently of the other. Combining values from the twosystems may result in nonconformance with the specification.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:3A 29/A 29M Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon andAlloy,Hot-Wrought and Cold-Finished, General
8、 RequirementsforA 370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testingof Steel ProductsA 663/A 663M Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon, Mer-chant Quality, Mechanical PropertiesE 290 Test Method for Semi-Guided Bend Test for Ductilityof Metallic Materials3. Terminology3.1 Definitions of Terms Sp
9、ecific to This Standard:3.1.1 special qualitySpecial quality bars are used whenend use, method of fabrication, or subsequent processingtreatment requires quality characteristics not available in mer-chant quality. Typical applications involve bending or machin-ing for general constructional uses. So
10、me end uses or fabricat-ing procedures can necessitate one or more requirements whichare described in the Supplementary Requirements.4. Ordering Information4.1 Orders for material under this specification shouldinclude the following information:4.1.1 Quantity (weight or number of pieces),4.1.2 Name
11、of material (hot-wrought special quality bars),4.1.3 Dimensions, including length,4.1.4 Cross section (round, square, hexagon, equal legangle, etc.),4.1.5 Specification designation and date of issue,4.1.6 Grade designation (Table 1),1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01
12、 on Steel,Stainless Steel, and Related Alloys, and is the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeA01.15 on Bars.Current edition approved October 10, 2003. Published November 2003. Origi-nally approved in 1972. Last previous edition approved in 2000 as A 675/A 675M90a (2000).2For ASME Boiler and Pressu
13、re Vessel Code applications see related Specifi-cation SA 675 in Section II of that Code.3For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summ
14、ary page onthe ASTM website.1*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.4.1.7 Leaded steel, if required (6.2),4.1.8 Copper bearing steel, if required (6.3),4.1.9 T
15、est report, if required (Section 10),4.1.10 Supplementary Requirements or special require-ments if required, and4.1.11 Application and processing.NOTE 2A typical ordering description is as follows: 10 000 lb, 5000kg Hot Wrought Special Quality Carbon Steel Bars, 1 in. diameter 3 10ft, 25m 3 3m Round
16、, ASTM A 675/A 675M dated _ , Grade 50,345 Copper Bearing, Test Report Required, S3 Special Straightness,Boiler Supports.5. Materials and Manufacture5.1 Melting PracticeThe steel shall be made by one ormore of the following primary processes: open-hearth, basic-oxygen, or electric-furnace. The prima
17、ry melting may incor-porate separate degassing or refining and may be followed bysecondary melting using electroslag remelting or vacuum-arcremelting. Where secondary melting is employed, the heatshall be defined as all of the ingots remelted from a singleprimary heat.5.2 Deoxidation:5.2.1 Unless ot
18、herwise specified, the steel shall be rimmed,capped, semi-killed, or killed at the producers option.5.2.2 When required, the purchaser may specify the re-quired deoxidation practice, dependent upon strength gradespecified, purchasers methods of fabrication, and end userequirements. Killed steels can
19、 be produced to coarse or fineaustenitic grain size (Supplementary Requirement S1).5.3 ConditionUnless otherwise specified, the bars shall befurnished as-rolled and not pickled, blast cleaned, or oiled. Atthe producers option, bars may be cleaned for inspection.6. Chemical Composition6.1 The steel s
20、hall conform to the chemical requirementsspecified in Table 2.6.2 Leaded SteelWhen required, lead may be specified asan added element. When lead is specified as an added element,a range from 0.15 to 0.35 % inclusive shall be furnished. Sucha steel is identified by adding the letter L after the grade
21、designation, for example 60L 415L.6.3 Copper-Bearing SteelWhen required copper may bespecified as an added element. Copper-bearing steel is identi-fied by stating “copper-bearing” on the purchase order.6.4 When tension tests are waived in accordance with7.1.1.2, chemistry consistent with the mechani
22、cal propertiesdesired shall be applied.7. Mechanical Properties7.1 Tension Tests7.1.1 Requirements: The material as represented by the test specimenshall conform to the applicable requirements in Table Shapes less than 1 in.2645 mm2 in cross sectionand bars (other than flats) less t
23、han12 in. 12.5 mm inthickness or diameter need not be subject to tension tests by themanufacturer. For material over34 in. 19 mm in thickness ordiameter, a deduction of 0.25 % from the percentage ofelongation in 8 in. 200 mm specified in Table 1 shall be madefor each increase of132 in. 0.8 mm
24、 in the specified thicknessor diameter above34 in. 19 mm. For material under516 in. 8 mm in thickness ordiameter, a deduction of 2.00 % from the percentage ofelongation in 8 in. 200 mm specified in Table 1 shall be madefor each decrease of132 in. 0.8 mm in the specified thicknessor diameter b
25、elow516 in. 8 mm. For Grades 45, 50, 55, 60, and 65 310, 345, 380,and 415 for material over 2 in. 50 mm in thickness ordiameter, a deduction of 1.00 % from the percentage ofelongation in 2 in. 50 mm specified in Table 1 shall be madefor each 1 in. 25 mm of specified thickness or diameter orfr
26、action thereof over 2 in. 50 mm in thickness or diameter. For Grades 70, 75, 80, and 90 485, 515, 550 and620 for material over 2 in. 50 mm in thickness or diameter,a deduction of 1.00 % from the percentage of elongation in 2in. 50 mm specified in Table 1 shall be made for each 1 in.TABLE 1 Te
27、nsile RequirementsGradeDesigna-tionATensile Strength Yield Point, minBElongation, min, %Cksi MPa ksi MPa 8 in. or 200 mmGage Length2 in. or 50 mmGage Length45 310 45 to 55 310 to 380 22.5 155 27 3350 345 50 to 60 345 to 415 25 170 25 3055 380 55 to 65 380 to 450 27.5 190 23 2660 415 60 to 72 415 to
28、495 30 205 21 2265 450 65 to 77 450 to 530 32.5 225 17 2070 485 70 to 85 485 to 585 35 240 14 1875 515 75 to 90 515 to 620 37.5 260 14 1880 550 80 min 550 min 40 275 13 1790 620 90 min 620 min 55 380 10 14AWhen lead is required, add the letter “L” after the grade designation, for example, 45L.BWhen
29、the tension test does not show a yield point (drop of the beam, halt of the pointer or sharp-kneed stress-strain diagram), yield strength shall be determined byeither 0.5 % extension-under-load or 0.2 % offset. The minimum ksi (MPa) requirement does not change. The test report, if required, shall sh
30、ow yield strength.CSee through for deduction in elongation due to section size.TABLE 2 Chemical Requirements (Heat Analysis)ElementPhosphorus, max 0.040Sulfur, max 0.050Copper, when copper steel is specified, min 0.20LeadAAWhen required, lead may be specified as an added element. See
31、 6.2.A 675/A 675M 03e1225 mm of specified thickness or diameter, or fraction thereof,over 2 in. 50 mm in diameter or thickness, to a maximumdeduction of 3 %.7.1.2 Test Specimens: Test specimens shall be prepared for testing from thematerial in its as-rolled condition unless otherwise specifie
32、d(see Supplementary Requirements). The tension specimen maybe aged as described in Test Methods and Definitions A 370. Test specimens shall be taken longitudinally andmay be tested in full thickness or section, or they may bemachined to the dimensions shown in Fig. 4 or Fig. 5 of TestMethods
33、and Definitions A 370. If test specimens are selectedconforming to the dimensions of Fig. 5, they shall be machinedfrom a position midway between the center and the surface ofthe bar. Test specimens for shapes and flats may be ma-chined to the form and dimensions shown in Fig. 4 of TestMethod
34、s and Definitions A 370 or with both edges parallel.Test specimens for material over 112 in. 40 mm in thicknessor diameter may be machined to a thickness or diameter of atleast34 in. 20 mm for a length of at least 9 in. 230 mm, orthey may conform to the dimensions shown in Fig. 5 of TestMethods and
35、Definitions A 370.7.1.3 Number of TestsTwo tension tests shall be madefrom each heat, unless the finished material from a heat is lessthan 50 tons 45 Mg, when one tension test will be sufficient.However, for material 2 in. 50 mm and under in thickness,when the material from one heat differs38 in. 9.
36、5 mm or morein thickness, one tension test shall be made from both thethickest and the thinnest material rolled (larger than the sizes in7.1.1.2) regardless of the weight represented. For material over2 in. 50 mm thick, when the material from heat differs 1 in.25 mm or more in thickness, one tension
37、 test shall be madefrom both the thickest and the thinnest material rolled that ismore than 2 in. 50 mm thick regardless of the weightrepresented.7.1.4 Test MethodTension tests shall be made in accor-dance with Test Methods and Definitions A 370 using theapplicable method for determining yield point
38、.7.2 Bend Tests:7.2.1 Requirements: Bend requirements apply only to flat bars (all sizes),bars other than flats less than12 in. 12.5 mm in thickness ordiameter, and shapes less than 1 in.2645 mm2 in crosssection. When bend tests are required for other sizes, Supple-mentary Requirement S6 must
39、 be specified. The bend test specimen shall stand being bent atroom temperature through 180 without cracking on theoutside of the bent portion, to an inside diameter which shallhave the relation to the thickness or diameter of the specimenas given in Table Test Specimens: Bend
40、test specimens for material 112 in. 40 mmand under in diameter or thickness may be the full thickness ofthe section. For flat bars over 2 in. 50 mm in width, the widthmay be reduced by milling to 112 in. 40 mm. Bend test specimens for material over 112 in. 40mm in diameter or thickness may be
41、 machined to a thicknessor diameter of at least34 in. 20 mm or to 1 by12 in. 25 by12.5 mm in section. Machined sides of bend test specimensmay have the corners rounded to a radius of not over116 in.1.6 mm for material 2 in. 50 mm and under in thickness,and not over18 in. 3.2 mm in radius for materia
42、l over 2 in.50 mm in thickness.7.2.3 Number of TestsWhen subject to bend test, two bendtests shall be made from each heat, unless the finished materialfrom a heat is less than 50 tons 45 Mg, when one bend testwill be sufficient. However, for material 2 in. 50 mm andunder in thickness, when the mater
43、ial from one heat differs38in. 9.5 mm or more in thickness, one bend test shall be madefrom both the thickest and the thinnest material rolled regard-less of the weight represented. For material over 2 in. 50 mmthick, when the material from one heat differs 1 in. 25 mm ormore in thickness, one bend
44、test shall be made from both thethickest and the thinnest material rolled that is more than 2 in.50 mm thick regardless of the weight represented.7.2.4 Test MethodsBend tests shall be made in accordancewith Test Method E 290.8. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance8.1 Bars shall be free of visible pip
45、e, undue segregation, andinjurious surface imperfections.8.2 Surface FinishThe bars shall have a commercialhot-wrought finish obtained by conventional hot rolling. See5.3 for producers descaling option.TABLE 3 Bend RequirementsGradeDesignationRatio of Bend Diameter to Thickness of Specimen for Thick
46、ness or Diameter of Bar, in. (mm)34 20 andUnderOver34 20 to1 25, inclOver 1 25 to112 40, inclOver 112 40 to2 50, inclOver 2 50 to3 75, inclOver 3 75 to5 125, inclOver 5 12545 310 flat flat12 112350 345 flat12 1112 212 331255 38012 1112 22121260 4151212 212 3312 465 450 1 112 23312 4570 485 112 2212
47、331275 515 2 2 3 312 4412 680 550 2 212 331212 690 620AABend requirements are not required for Grade 90 620, but may be specified by agreement between purchaser and manufacturer (see Supplementary RequirementS6).A 675/A 675M 03e139. General Requirements9.1 Material furnished under this specification
48、 shall con-form to the applicable requirements for the current edition ofSpecification A 29/A 29 M.10. Certification10.1 When specified by the purchaser, a manufacturerscertification that the material was manufactured and tested inaccordance with this specification together with a report of theheat
49、analysis, tensile requirements, and bend test (if applicable)test results shall be furnished. Only one test need be reportedwhen the amount of material from a heat in a shipment is lessthan 10 tons 9 Mg and when the thickness variationsdescribed in (7.1.3) and (7.2.3) are not exceeded. The reportshall incl
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