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本文(ASTM A677-2005e1 Standard Specification for Nonoriented Electrical Steel Fully Processed Types《全处理型无取向电工钢的标准规范》.pdf)为本站会员(周芸)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM A677-2005e1 Standard Specification for Nonoriented Electrical Steel Fully Processed Types《全处理型无取向电工钢的标准规范》.pdf

1、Designation: A 677 05e1Standard Specification forNonoriented Electrical Steel Fully Processed Types1This standard is issued under the fixed designation A 677; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revisio

2、n. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.e1NOTEThe values statement (1.4) was corrected editorially in September 2006.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers the detailed requirements

3、towhich flat-rolled nonoriented fully processed electrical steelshall conform.1.2 This steel is produced to specified maximum core-lossvalues and is intended primarily for commercial power fre-quency (50- and 60-Hz) applications in magnetic devices.Desirable core-loss and permeability characteristic

4、s are devel-oped during mill processing, so additional heat treatment bythe user is usually not necessary.1.3 These nonoriented fully processed electrical steels arelow-carbon, silicon-iron, or silicon-aluminum-iron alloys con-taining up to about 3.5 % silicon and a small amount ofaluminum.1.4 The v

5、alues stated in customary (cgs-emu and inch-pound) units are to be regarded as standard. The values givenin parentheses are mathematical conversions to SI units whichare provided for information only and are not consideredstandard.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2A 34/A 34M Practice for Sa

6、mpling and Procurement Test-ing of Magnetic MaterialsA 340 Terminology of Symbols and Definitions Relating toMagnetic TestingA 343/A 343M Test Method for Alternating-Current Mag-netic Properties of Materials at Power Frequencies UsingWattmeter-Ammeter-Voltmeter Method and 25-cm EpsteinTest FrameA 66

7、4 Practice for Identification of Standard ElectricalSteel Grades in ASTM SpecificationsA 700 Practices for Packaging, Marking, and LoadingMethods for Steel Products for Domestic ShipmentA 717/A 717M Test Method for Surface Insulation Resis-tivity of Single-Strip SpecimensA 719/A 719M Test Method for

8、 Lamination Factor of Mag-netic MaterialsA 720/A 720M Test Method for Ductility of NonorientedElectrical SteelA 937/A 937M Test Method for Determining InterlaminarResistance of Insulating Coatings Using Two AdjacentTest SurfacesA 971 Test Method for Measuring Edge Taper and Crownof Flat-Rolled Elect

9、rical Steel CoilsA 976 Classification of Insulating Coatings by Composi-tion, Relative Insulating Ability and ApplicationE18 Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness and RockwellSuperficial Hardness of Metallic MaterialsE92 Test Method for Vickers Hardness of Metallic Mate-rialsE 140 Hardness Conversion T

10、ables for Metals RelationshipAmong Brinell Hardness, Vickers Hardness, RockwellHardness, Superficial Hardness, Knoop Hardness, andScleroscope Hardness3. Terminology3.1 Definitions: The terms and symbols used in this speci-fication are defined in Terminology A 340.4. Classification4.1 The nonoriented

11、 electrical steel types described by thisspecification are as shown in Table 1.5. Ordering Information5.1 Orders for material under this specification shall includeas much of the following information as necessary to describethe desired material adequately:5.1.1 ASTM specification number.5.1.2 Core-

12、loss type number.5.1.3 Surface coating type.5.1.4 Thickness, width, and length (if in cut lengths insteadof coils).5.1.5 Total weight of ordered item.1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A06 onMagnetic Properties and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A06.02 onMa

13、terial Specifications.Current edition approved June 15, 2005. Published July 2005. Originallyapproved in 1973. Last previous edition approved in 1999 as A 677/A 677M 99.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annua

14、l Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.5.1.6 Limitations in coil size or lift weights.5.1.7 End UseThe user shall di

15、sclose as much pertinentinformation as possible about the intended application toenable the producer to provide material characteristics mostsuitable for specific fabricating practices.5.1.8 Special requirements or exceptions to the provisionsof this specification.6. Manufacture6.1 Typical Melting a

16、nd Casting:6.1.1 These fully processed electrical steels may be made bybasic-oxygen, electric-furnace, or other steelmaking practice.6.1.2 These electrical steels are characterized by low car-bon, usually less than 0.020 %. The principal alloying elementis commonly silicon, but aluminum up to about

17、0.8 % issometimes used instead of or in addition to silicon, dependingon mill-processing practice for the desired magnetic grade.Individual producers will often have different silicon or alumi-num contents for a particular grade because of intrinsicmill-processing procedures.6.1.3 Sulfur content is

18、typically less than 0.025 % and isusually lowest in the numbered types representing lowest coreloss. Manganese is typically present in amounts between 0.10and 0.40 %. Phosphorus, copper, nickel, chromium, molybde-num, antimony, and tin are usually present only in residualamounts except in the higher

19、 numbered core-loss types inwhich phosphorus up to 0.15 % and tin or antimony up to0.10 % may be present.6.1.4 The producer is not required to report chemicalcomposition of each lot except when a clear need for suchinformation has been shown. In such cases, the analyses to bereported shall be negoti

20、ated between the producer and the user.6.2 Typical Rolling and AnnealingThe processing se-quence for fully processed, nonoriented electrical steel com-prises hot-rolling, annealing, pickling, cold-rolling, and decar-burizing annealing.6.3 When changes in the manufacture of the material arebelieved t

21、o exert possible significant effects upon the usersfabricating practices and upon the magnetic performance to beobtained in the specified end use, the producer shall notify theuser before shipment is made so the user has an opportunity toevaluate the effects.7. Magnetic Properties7.1 Specific Core L

22、ossEach core-loss type of electricalsteel is identified by a maximum core-loss limit as shown inTable 1.7.2 PermeabilityThe permeability at all inductions shallbe as high as possible, consistent with the required core-losslimits that govern the grade. Typical relative peak permeability(p) values are

23、 given in Appendix X1.7.3 Specific Exciting PowerThe rms exciting power re-quired for the excitation of a particular type of electrical steelis frequently useful to the user. Typical values of specificexciting power are given in Appendix X1.7.4 Magnetic AgingAlthough steel sold to this specifica-tio

24、n is considered non-aging, the maximum core-loss values ofTable 1 are based on tests of freshly sheared specimens. Theguarantee of magnetic properties after an aging treatment issubject to negotiation between the user and the producer. Thedefinition of aging coefficient and the aging treatments usua

25、llyspecified are given in Terminology A 340.8. Surface Insulation Characteristics8.1 Unless otherwise specified, fully processed nonorientedelectrical steels are supplied with a smooth surface finish anda thin, tightly adherent surface oxide (Coating Type C-0 inClassification A 976) which has suffic

26、ient insulating ability formost small cores.8.2 Applied Coatings:8.2.1 Several types of thin, tightly adherent applied coatings(Coating Types C-3, C-4, C-5, and C-6 in ClassificationA 976)with higher levels of insulating ability are available on fullyprocessed nonoriented electrical steels. If an ap

27、plied coating isneeded, the user shall specify the coating type.8.2.2 If the insulating ability of the applied coating isunusually critical to the application, the user shall specify notonly the coating type, but also the test method (either TestMethod A 717/A 717M or Test Method A 937/A 937M) andTA

28、BLE 1 Core-Loss TypesAand Maximum Core LossesBat a Magnetic Flux Density of 15 kG (1.5 T) and 60 HzCfor As-Sheared Epstein SpecimensD0.0140-in. (0.36-mm) Thickness 0.0185-in. (0.47-mm) Thickness 0.0250-in. (0.64-mm) ThicknessCore-Loss TypeMaximum Core Loss,W/lb (W/kg)Core-Loss TypeMaximum Core Loss,

29、W/lb (W/kg)Core-Loss TypeMaximum Core Loss,W/lb (W/kg)36F145 1.45 (3.20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36F155 1.55 (3.42) 47F165 1.65 (3.64) 64F200 2.00 (4.41)36F165 1.65 (3.64) 47F180 1.80 (3.97) 64F210 2.10 (4.63)36F175 1.75 (3.86) 47F190 1.90 (4.19) 64F225 2.25 (4.96)36F185 1.85 (4.08) 47F20

30、0 2.00 (4.41) 64F235 2.35 (5.18)36F195 1.95 (4.30) 47F210 2.10 (4.63) 64F250 2.50 (5.51)36F205 2.05 (4.52) 47F240 2.40 (5.29) 64F275 2.75 (6.06). . . . . . . . . 47F280 2.80 (6.17) 64F320 3.20 (7.05). . . . . . . . . 47F400 4.00 (8.82) 64F500 5.00 (11.02). . . . . . . . . 47F450 4.50 (9.92) 64F550 5

31、.50 (12.13)ASee Practice A 664.BThe test density shall be the correct ASTM assumed density (in accordance with 14.2) for the chemistry used by the producer to meet the property requirements ofthe specification.CMaximum core losses at a magnetic flux density of 15 kG (1.5 T) and 50 Hz are 0.79 times

32、maximum core losses at 60 Hz.DOne half of strips cut parallel to the steel rolling direction, one half of strips cut perpendicular to the steel rolling direction.A67705e12test conditions to be used to evaluate the insulating ability ofthe coating, as well as the corresponding minimum value ofinsulat

33、ing ability.8.2.3 A thinner-than-usual applied coating may be preferredwhen the core-fabricating practice involves welding or diecasting. In such cases, the coating type shall be suffixed by theletter “A.”9. Mechanical Requirements9.1 Lamination FactorThe lamination factor shall be ashigh as practic

34、able. It is greatest for thicker gages and when thesurface is smooth, uncoated, and without significant amountsof oxide. Lamination factors can be determined using TestMethodA 719/A 719M. Typical values of lamination factor aregiven in Appendix X1.9.2 DuctilityThe material shall be as ductile as pos

35、sible.When required, the ductility can be determined by the bend testfor ductility as described in Test Method A 720/A 720M.Ductility is a function of microstructure and may differbetween producers. The users anneal may also affect ductility.Typical values for ductility are given in Appendix X1.9.3

36、HardnessThe hardness of these materials can bedetermined using Test Methods E18 or Test Method E92.Hardness is affected by chemistry and by the grain size andmicrostructure of the final product. Typical values for thehardness of “as-produced” materials are given inAppendix X1.10. Dimensions and Perm

37、issible Variations10.1 ThicknessSpecified thickness should be one of thecommon thicknesses as follows:Thickness, in. (mm)0.0140 (0.36)0.0185 (0.47)0.0250 (0.64)10.2 Thickness VariationsThe average thickness of thematerial supplied shall be as close as possible to the orderedthickness. Measurements m

38、ade with a contacting micrometerat points no closer than38 in. (10 mm) from the edge of a sheetor coil of specified width shall not differ from the specifiedthickness by more than the values (which include taper) shownin Table 2.10.3 TaperThe rolling of flat-rolled sheets inherentlyproduces an edge

39、which is thinner than the rest of the sheet.This characteristic is termed “tapered edge,” “feather,” orgamma and occurs primarily within 1 to 2 in. (25 to 51 mm)from the as-rolled edge of the material. The thickness variationinvolved in edge taper sometimes is the major portion of thetotal overall t

40、hickness variation permitted by 10.2. Edge taperis defined and may be measured in accordance with TestMethod A 971. It may be expected that the following limits onthe differences in thickness measured along a straight lineperpendicular to the mill edge within the first 3 in. (76 mm) orless from eith

41、er edge of the ordered width will apply:Ordered Thickness, in. (mm) Maximum Taper, in. (mm)0.0140 (0.36) 0.0010 (0.025)0.0185 (0.47) 0.0012 (0.030)0.0250 (0.64) 0.0014 (0.036)10.4 Width TolerancesMaximum deviations from the or-dered width shall be as shown in Table 3.10.5 Length TolerancesThe maximu

42、m deviations fromthe ordered length shall be as shown in Table 4.10.6 CamberCamber is the greatest deviation of a sideedge from a straight line, the measurement being taken on theconcave side with a straightedge. It is limited to14 in. (6.4 mm)per 96 in. (2.4 m) of length.10.7 Out of SquareThis tole

43、rance applies to cut lengthsonly and represents the deviation of an edge from a straight lineplaced at a right angle to the side, touching one corner andextending to the other side. It shall not exceed116 in. (1.6 mm)per 6 in. (152 mm) of width or fraction thereof.11. Workmanship, Finish and Appeara

44、nce11.1 FlatnessAdequately defining the degree of flatnessnecessary for the general application of fully processed elec-trical steel sheets is extremely difficult; therefore, no specificlimits for flatness have been established.11.1.1 It is intended that flatness shall be suitable for theintended ap

45、plication, and consequently, the user should informthe producer of any requirements for a degree of flatness morecritical than that obtained from usual commercial practices.Processes used to improve flatness may affect magnetic andmechanical properties.11.1.2 Commercial practices recognize that shar

46、p, shortwaves and buckles are objectionable.11.1.3 Procedures for judging the degree of critical flatnessnecessary shall be subject to negotiation between user andproducer.11.2 Surface ImperfectionsThe surface shall be reason-ably clean and essentially free of manufacturing defects such asholes, bli

47、sters, slivers, indentations, and so forth, which wouldinterfere with its effective use in the intended application.12. Sampling12.1 The producer shall assign a number to each test lot foridentification. The test lot shall not exceed 20 000 lbs (9100kg) in weight.12.2 Test samples shall be obtained

48、after final mill heattreatment or other operation which is the final operation to havesignificant influence on the magnetic properties of fully pro-cessed electrical steel.12.3 The full width coil identified as a test lot shall besampled in accordance with Practice A 34/A 34M.TABLE 2 Thickness Toler

49、ancesSpecified Thickness, in. (mm)Thickness Tolerances, Over or Under, in. (mm) for Specified Width, in. (mm)6 (0.15) and UnderOver 6 (0.15) to12 (0.30), incl.Over 12 (0.30) to36 (0.91), incl.Over 36 (0.91) to48 (1.22). incl.0.014 (0.36) to 0.020 (0.51), incl 0.0015 (0.038) 0.002 (0.051) 0.002 (0.051) 0.003 (0.076)0.021 (0.53) to 0.031 (0.79), incl 0.002 (0.051) 0.002 (0.051) 0.003 (0.076) 0.003 (0.076)A67705e1313. Specimen Preparation13.1 The Epstein test specimen shall be in the as-shearedcondition with one-half of the test strips sheared parallel to andone

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