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ASTM B374-2006 Standard Terminology Relating to Electroplating《电镀的相关标准术语》.pdf

1、Designation: B 374 06Endorsed by AmericanElectroplaters SocietyEndorsed by NationalAssociation of Metal FinishersStandard Terminology Relating toElectroplating1This standard is issued under the fixed designation B 374; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal ad

2、option or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONThese definitions correspond to interpretations as applied to electro

3、plating and do not necessarilycorrespond to the definitions used in other fields.1. Referenced Documents1.1 ASTM Standards:2B 368 Test Method for Copper-Accelerated Acetic Acid-Salt Spray (Fog) Testing (CASS Test)2. Terminologyabrasive blastinga process for cleaning or finishing bymeans of an abrasi

4、ve directed at high velocity against thework piece.activatorin diffusion coatings, a chemical, usually a halidesalt, that enters into a reaction with the source or masteralloy, depositing the source on the substrate.activationelimination of a passive condition on a surface.activity (ion)the ion conc

5、entration corrected for deviationsfrom ideal behavior. Concentration multiplied by activitycoefficient.addition agenta material added in small quantities to asolution to modify its characteristics. It is usually added to aplating solution for the purpose of modifying the character ofa deposit.adhesi

6、onthe attractive force that exists between an elec-trodeposit and its substrate that can be measured as the forcerequired to separate an electrodeposit and its substrate.adhesion, practical, nthe force or work required to detachor remove a coating from the underlayer or substrate; it canbe measured

7、in terms of peel, pull, or shear strength as anexperimentally determined quantity.aluminizingforming of an aluminum or aluminum alloycoating on a metal by hot dipping, hot spraying, or diffusion.amorphousnoncrystalline, or devoid of regular structure.amperethe current that will deposit silver at the

8、 rate of0.0011180 g/s. Current flowing at the rate of 1 C/s.angstrm unit (A)108cm.aniona negatively-charged ion.anodethe electrode in electrolysis, at which negative ionsare discharged, positive ions are formed, or other oxidizingreactions occur.anode corrosiondissolution of anode metal by the elect

9、ro-chemical action in an electrolytic cell.anode efficiencycurrent efficiency of a specified anodicprocess.anode film(1) the layer of solution in contact with the anodethat differs in composition from that of the bulk of thesolution. (2) The outer layer of the anode itself consisting ofoxidation or

10、reaction products of the anode metal.anode polarizationSee polarization.anodic coatinga protective, decorative, or functional coat-ing, formed by conversion of the surface of a metal in anelectrolytic oxidation process.anodizingan electrolytic oxidation process in which thesurface of a metal, when a

11、nodic, is converted to a coatinghaving desirable protective, decorative, or functional prop-erties.anolytethe portion of electrolyte in the vicinity of the anode;in a divided cell, the portion of electrolyte on the anode sideof the diaphragm.anti-pitting agentan addition agent for the specific purpo

12、seof preventing gas pits in a deposit.autocatalytic platingdeposition of a metal coating by acontrolled chemical reduction, catalyzed by the metal oralloy being deposited.automatic machine (or conveyor)a machine for mechani-cally processing parts through treatment cycles, such ascleaning, anodizing,

13、 or plating.1This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B08 onMetallic and Inorganic Coatings and is the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeB08.01 on Ancillary Activities.Current edition approved May 15, 2006. Published June 2006. Originallyapproved in 1961. Last previous edition

14、 approved in 2003 as B 374 96 (2003).2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM Internat

15、ional, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.automatic plating: (1) fullplating in which the cathodes areautomatically conveyed through successive cleaning andplating tanks. (2) semiplating in which the cathodes areconveyed automatically through only one

16、 plating tank.auxiliary anodea supplementary anode employed duringelectrodeposition to achieve a desired thickness distributionof the deposit.auxiliary cathodeSee thief.back emf (electromotive force)the potential set up in anelectrolytic cell that opposes the flow of current, caused bysuch factors a

17、s concentration polarization and electrodefilms. See emf (electromotive force).ball burnishingSee barrel burnishing.barrel burnishingthe smoothing of surfaces by means oftumbling the work in rotating barrels in the presence ofmetallic or ceramic shot, and in the absence of abrasive. Inball burnishin

18、g, the shot consists of hardened steel balls.barrel electroplatingan electroplating process in whichelectrodeposits are applied to articles in bulk in a rotating,oscillating, or otherwise moving container.barrel finishing (or tumbling)bulk processing in barrels, ineither the presence or absence of a

19、brasives or burnishingshot, for the purpose of improving the surface finish.barrel plating (or cleaning)plating or cleaning in which thework is processed in bulk in a rotating container.barrel processingmechanical, chemical, cleaning, or elec-trolytic treatment of articles in bulk or in a rotating,o

20、scillating, or otherwise moving container.barrier layerin anodizing aluminum, the thin, pore-free,semiconducting aluminum oxide region nearest the metalsurface and distinct from the main anodic oxide coatingwhich has a pore structure.base metal(1) See basis metal;(2) in diffusion coatings, themetal

21、present in the largest proportion in an alloy.basis metal (or material)material upon which coatings aredeposited.bipolar electrodean electrode that is not directly connectedto the power supply but is so placed in the solution betweenthe anode and the cathode that the part nearest the anodebecomes ca

22、thodic and the part nearest the cathode oxidea finish on metal produced by immersing a metalin hot oxidizing salts or salt solutions.blastingSee sand blasting; grit blasting; wet blasting.blistera dome-shaped imperfection or defect, resulting fromloss of adhesion between a metall

23、ic deposit and the sub-strate.blooma visible exudation or efflorescence on a dipa solution, once widely used, containing a mercurycompound used to deposit mercury upon a metal by immer-sion, usually prior to silver plating.blueingthe formation of a thin oxide film on steel, either byhea

24、ting in air, or by immersion in oxidizing solutions.bright dip (nonelectrolytic)a solution used to produce abright surface on a metal.bright electroplatinga process that produces an electrode-posit having a high degree of specular reflectance in theas-plated condition.bright electroplating rangethe

25、range of current densitieswithin which an electroplating solution produces a brightdeposit under a given set of operating conditions.bright platinga process that produces an electrodeposithaving a high degree of specular reflectance in the as-platedcondition.bright plating rangethe range of current

26、densities withinwhich a given plating solution produces a bright plate.brighteneran addition agent that leads to the formation of abright plate, or that improves the brightness of the deposit.bright-throwing powerthe measure of the ability of aplating solution or a specified set of plating condition

27、s todeposit uniformly bright electroplate upon an irregularlyshaped cathode.bronzingthe application of a chemical finish to copper orcopper alloy surfaces to alter the color.brush platinga method of plating in which the platingsolution is applied with a pad or brush, within which is ananode and whic

28、h is moved over the cathode to be plated.brush polishing (electrolytic)a method of electropolishing(q.v.) in which the electrolyte is applied with a pad or brushin contact with the part to be polished.buffera compound or mixture that, when contained insolution, causes the solution to resist change i

29、n pH. Eachbuffer has a characteristic limited range of pH over which itis effective.buffingthe smoothing of a surface by means of a rotatingflexible wheel to the surface of which fine, abrasive particlesare applied in liquid suspension, paste, or grease stick form.building upelectroplating for the p

30、urpose of increasing thedimensions of an article.burn offthe unintentional removal of an autocatalytic de-posit from a nonconducting substrate, during subsequentelectroplating operations, owing to the application of excesscurrent or a poor contact area.burnishingthe smoothing of surfaces by rubbing,

31、 accom-plished chiefly by the movement rather than the removal ofthe surface layer.burnt deposita rough, noncoherent or otherwise unsatisfac-tory deposit produced by the application of an excessivecurrent density and usually containing oxides or otherinclusions.bus (bus bar)a rigid conducting sectio

32、n, for carrying currentto the anode and cathode bars.butler finisha finish composed of fine, uniformly distributedparallel lines, having a characteristic luster usually producedwith rotating wire brushes or cloth wheels with appliedabrasives.calomel half cell (calomel electrode) a half cell containi

33、nga mercury electrode in contact with a solution of potassiumchloride of specified concentration that is saturated withmercurous chloride (calomel).calorizingimparting resistance to oxidation to an iron orsteel surface by heating in aluminum powder at 800 to1000C (1470 to 1830F).CASS test (copper ac

34、celerated salt spray) an acceleratedcorrosion test for some electrodeposits and for anodiccoatings on aluminum (see Test Method B 368).B374062cataphoresisSee electrophoresis.cathodethe electrode in electrolysis at which positive ionsare discharged, negative ions are formed, or other reducingactions

35、occur.cathode efficiencythe current efficiency of a specified ca-thodic process.cathode filmthe layer of solution in contact with the cathodethat differs in composition from that of the bulk of thesolution.cathode polarization See polarization.catholytethe portion of the electrolyte in the vicinity

36、of thecathode; in a divided cell the portion of the cathode side ofthe diaphragm.cationa positively-charged ion.caustic dipin diffusion coatings, a strongly alkaline treat-ment applied by dip or spray for neutralizing acid residues.cementationSee pack cementation.chelate compounda compound in which

37、the metal is con-tained as an integral part of a ring structure and is not readilyionized.chelating agenta compound capable of forming a chelatecompound with a metal ion. See chelate compound.chemical millingthe shaping of a work piece by immersionin an etchant employing a resist for selective remov

38、al ofmaterial.chemical platingdeposition of a metal coating by chemical,non-electrolytic methods. See also immersion plate, con-tact plating.chemical polishingthe improvement in surface smoothingof a metal by simple immersion in a suitable solution. Seebright dip (nonelectrolytic).chromatinga proces

39、s for producing a conversion coatingcontaining chromium compounds.chromizinga surface treatment at elevated temperatures,generally carried out in pack, vapor, or salt baths, in whichan alloy is formed by the inward diffusion of chromium intothe base metal.cleaningthe removal of grease, oxides, or ot

40、her foreignmaterial from a surface.alkaline cleaning cleaning by means of alkaline solutions.anodic or reverse cleaningelectrolytic cleaning in whichthe work is the anode.cathodic or direct cleaningelectrolytic cleaning in whichthe work is the cathode.diphase cleaning cleaning by means of solutions

41、thatcontain a solvent layer and an aqueous layer. Cleaning iseffected both by solvent and emulsifying current cleaningSee cathodic or direct cleaning.electrolytic cleaningalkaline cleaning in which a current ispassed through the solution, the work being one of theelectrodes.emulsion cl

42、eaning cleaning by means of solutions con-taining organic solvents, water, and emulsifying agents.immersionSee soak cleaning.reverse current cleaningSee anodic or reverse cleaning.soak cleaning cleaning by immersion without the use ofcurrent, usually in alkaline solution.solvent cleaning cleaning by

43、 means of organic solvents.spray cleaning cleaning by means of spraying.ultrasonic cleaningcleaning by any chemical means aidedby ultrasonic solventtwo-stage cleaning systemwherein a concentrate containing organic solvents andsurface-active agents is applied to a surface

44、, subsequentlyemulsified, and removed along with the soil, by waterrinsing.coating cyclespecific time and temperature to achieve de-sired depth of diffusion.coating, diffusionan alloy coating produced by applyingheat to one or more coatings deposited on a metal substrate.colloidal particlean electri

45、cally-charged particle, generallysmaller in size than 200 m, dispersed in a second continu-ous phase.color anodizingin anodizing aluminum, formation of acolored coating on aluminum where the colored compound,pigment, or dye is incorporated after the coating has beenformed.coloring(1) the production

46、of desired colors on metalsurfaces by appropriate chemical or electrochemical action.(2) light buffing of metal surfaces for the purpose ofproducing a high luster. Called “color buffing.”complex ionan ion composed of two or more ions orradicals, both of which are capable of independent existence,for

47、 example, cuprocyanide (Cu(CN)3)=.complexing agenta compound that will combine with me-tallic ions to form complex ions. See complex posite coatinga coating consisting of deposits incorpo-rating particles of another material. See also posite platean electrodeposit consisting of two or morelayers of

48、metal deposited successively.concentration polarizationthat part of the total polarizationthat is caused by changes in the activity of the potential-determining components of the electrolyte.conductancethe capacity of a medium, usually expressed inmhos, for transmitting electric current. The recipro

49、cal ofresistance.conducting salta salt added to the solution in order toincrease its conductivity.conductivityspecific conductancethe current transferredacross unit area per unit potential gradient. In the metricsystem, K = amperes per square centimetre divided by voltsper centimetre. The reciprocal of platingdeposition of a metal by the use of aninternal source of current by immersion of the work insolution in contact wi

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