1、Designation: C1145 06 (Reapproved 2013)1Standard Terminology ofAdvanced Ceramics1This standard is issued under the fixed designation C1145; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in pare
2、ntheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1NOTENew definitions were added editorially in July 2018.1. Scope1.1 This terminology contains definitions and explanatorynotes for the principal words, phrases,
3、 and terms used inadvanced ceramics technology. The given definitions aretechnology-specific and are directly applicable to the design,production, testing, analysis, characterization, and use ofadvanced ceramics for structural, electronic, coating, energy,chemical, nuclear, biomedical, and environme
4、ntal applications.1.2 The purpose of the standard terminology is to provide acollected technical resource and reference that promotes acommon understanding of the principal technical terms usedwithin the advanced ceramics community and encourages theuse of uniform terminology in specifications and r
5、eports.1.3 This international standard was developed in accor-dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-ization established in the Decision on Principles for theDevelopment of International Standards, Guides and Recom-mendations issued by the World Trade Organization TechnicalBarr
6、iers to Trade (TBT) Committee.2. Terminologyabsorbed moisture, nwater held within the materials andhaving physical properties not substantially different fromordinary water at the same temperature and pressure.adhesive failure, ndetachment and separation of a coatingfrom the substrate with cracking
7、and debonding at thecoating-substrate interface. (C1624)adsorbate, nmaterial that has been retained by the process ofadsorption. (C1274)adsorbent, nany solid having the ability to concentratesignificant quantities of other substances on its surface.(C1274)adsorption, nprocess in which molecules are
8、concentratedon a surface by chemical or physical forces, or both. (C1274)adsorption isotherm, nrelation between the quantity ofadsorbate and the equilibrium (relative) pressure of theadsorptive, at constant temperature. (C1274)DISCUSSIONTypically, the amount adsorbed is presented on anisotherm as vo
9、lume in cm3STP (Standard Temperature and Pressure,that is, 273.15 K and 101325.02 Pa) normalized per mass of sample.adsorptive, nany substance available for adsorption.(C1274)advanced ceramic, na highly engineered, high performance,predominately non-metallic, inorganic, ceramic materialhaving specif
10、ic functional attributes. (C1198, C1259,C1292, C1322, C1368, C1525, C1576, C1674)agglomerate, nas used in fractography, a cluster of grains,particles, platelets, or whiskers, or a combination thereof,present in a larger solid mass.aggregate, na dense mass of particles held together bystrong intermol
11、ecular or atomic cohesive forces. It is stableto normal handling and ordinary mixing techniques includ-ing high-speed stirring and ultrasonics. (C242)aliquot, na representative portion of a whole that divides thewhole leaving a remainder. (C1274)back-face strain, nthe strain as meaured with a strain
12、 gagemounted longitudinally on the compressive surface of thespecimen, opposite the crack or notch mouth (often this isthe top surface of the specimen as tested). (C1421)base exchange, na surface property exhibited by collodialinorganic materials, usually clays, whereby absorbed surfacecations are r
13、eplaced by other cations.baseline flexure strength, nin the context of this standard,refers to the flexure strength value obtained after applicationof a grinding procedure specified in this standard. (C1495)DISCUSSIONFor the advanced ceramics to which this this standard isapplicable, the baseline fl
14、exure strength is expected to be a closeapproximation to the inherent flexure strength.blanchard grinding, na type of rotary grinding in which theworkpiece is held on a rotating table with an axis of rotationthat is parallel to the (vertical) spindle axis. (C1495)1This terminology is under the juris
15、diction of ASTM Committee C28 onAdvanced Ceramics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C28.91 onNomenclature and Editorial.Current edition approved Feb. 1, 2013. Published March 2013. Originallyapproved in 1989. Last previous edition approved in 2006 as C1145 06. DOI:10.1520/C1145-06R13E
16、01.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United StatesThis international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for theDevelopment of In
17、ternational Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.1body, nthe structural portion of a ceramic article, or thematerial or mixture from which it is made. (C242)breaking force, F, nthe force at which fracture occurs in a
18、test specimen. (C1674)DISCUSSIONIn this test method, fracture consists of breakage of thetest bar into two or more pieces or a loss of at least 50 % of themaximum force carrying capacity.brittle fracture, nfracture that takes place with little or nopreceding plastic deformation. (C1322)bundle, na co
19、llection of parallel fibers. Synonym, tow.(C1557)calcine, v (calcination, n)firing or heating a granular orparticulate solid at less than fusion temperature, but suffi-cient to remove most of its chemically combined volatilematter (that is, H2O, CO2) and otherwise to develop thedesired properties fo
20、r use.capillary action, nthe phenomenon of intrusion of a liquidinto interconnected small voids, pores, and channels in asolid, resulting from surface tension.casting, drain (hollow casting), vforming ceramic ware byintroducing a body slip into an open, porous mold, and thendraining off the remainin
21、g slip when the cast piece hasreached the desired thickness. (C242)cell pitch, (p), L, nthe unit dimension/s for the cross-section of a cell in the honeycomb component. The cell pitchp is calculated by measuring the specimen dimension ofinterest, the cell count in that dimension, and a cell wallthic
22、kness, where p=(dt)/n. (C1674)DISCUSSIONThe cell pitch can be measured for both the height andwidth of the cell; those two measurements will be equal for a squarecell geometry and uniform cell wall thickness and will be unequal fora rectangular cell geometry.cell wall thickness, (t), L, nthe nominal
23、 thickness of thewalls that form the cell channels of the honeycomb structure.(C1674)censored strength data, nstrength measurements (that is, asample) containing suspended observations such as thatproduced by multiple competing or concurrent flawpopulations. (C1239)ceramic matrix composite, nmateria
24、l consisting of two ormore materials (insoluble in one another), in which themajor, continuous component (matrix component) is aceramic, while the secondary component(s) (reinforcingcomponent) may be ceramic, glass-ceramic, glass, metal, ororganic in nature. These components are combined on amacrosc
25、ale to form a useful engineering material possessingcertain properties or behavior not possessed by the indi-vidual constituents. (C1275)cermet, na composite material or article comprised of aceramic and a metal or metal alloy, interdistributed in any ofvarious geometrical forms but intimately bonde
26、d together.channel porosity, nporosity in the porous ceramic compo-nent that is defined by the large, open longitudinal honey-comb channels. Channel porosity generally has cross-sectional dimensions on the order of 1 millimeter or greater.(C1674)chatter, nan undesirable pattern created on the surfac
27、e of awork piece, usually at regularly spaced intervals, due to anout-of-round, out-of-balance condition or due to an inducednatural frequency, or its harmonics, or both, in a grindingmachine.cohesive failure, nmaterial damage and cracking in thecoating or in the substrate, separate and distinct fro
28、mdetachment and adhesive debonding at the coating-substrateinterface. (C1624)colloidal particle, na dispersed particle with a linear dimen-sion of 5 to 100 minution, nthe act or process of reduction in particlesize, usually but not necessarily by grinding or peting failure modes, ndistinguishably di
29、fferent typesof fracture initiation events that result from concurrent(competing) flaw distributions. (C1239)complete gage section, nthe portion of the specimen be-tween the two outer bearings in four-point flexure andthree-point flexure fixtures. (C1161, C1674)DISCUSSIONThe complete four-point flex
30、ure gage section is twicethe size of the inner gage section. Weibull statistical analysis onlyincludes portions of the specimen volume or surface which experiencetensile positional inhomogeneity, (CI), nas used infractography, a volume-distributed flaw that is a microstruc-tural irregularity related
31、 to the nonuniform distribution of anadditive, a different crystalline or glass phase or in amultiphase material, the nonuniform distribution of a pound flaw distributions, nany form of multiple flawdistribution that is neither pure concurrent nor pure exclu-sive. A simple example is where every tes
32、t specimencontains the flaw distribution A, while some fraction of thetest specimens also contains a second independent flawdistribution B. (C1239)concurrent flaw distributions, ntype of multiple flaw dis-tribution in a homogeneous material where every test speci-men of that material contains repres
33、entative flaws from eachindependent flaw population. Within a given test specimen,all flaw populations are then present concurrently and arecompeting with each other to cause failure. This term issynonymous with “competing flaw distributions.” (C1239)constant applied stress-time to failure curve, na
34、 curvefitted to the values of time to failure at each of severalapplied stresses. (C1576)DISCUSSIONIn the ceramics literature, this is often called a “staticfatigue” curve.constant applied stress time-to-failure diagram, na plotof constant applied stress against time to failure. ConstantC1145 06 (20
35、13)12applied stress and time to failure are both plotted onlogarithmic scales. (C1576)continuous fiber-reinforced ceramic matrix composite(CFCC), nceramic matrix composite in which the rein-forcing phase consists of a continuous fiber, continuous yarn,or a woven fabric. (C1275)coolant, nusually a li
36、quid that is applied to the workpiece orwheel, or both, during grinding for cooling, removal ofgrinding swarf, and for lubrication. (C1495)coolant flow rate, nvolume of coolant per unit time deliv-ered to the wheel and workpiece during grinding. (C1495)crack, (CK), nas used in fractography, a volume
37、-distributedflaw that is a plane of fracture without complete separation.crack deflection, na toughening mechanism in advancedceramics or ceramic matrix composites characterized byfracture surface roughening and crack tilting/twisting duringpropagation around grains or a reinforcing componentcaused
38、by stress fields around the grains or componentdeveloped through mismatches in thermal expansion ormechanical properties (such as elastic modulus), or both,between grains or between reinforcement and matrix.crack orientation, na description of the plane and directionof a fracture in relation to a ch
39、aracteristic direction of theproduct. This identification is designated by a letter or lettersindicating the plane and direction of crack extension. Theletter or letters represent the direction normal to the crackplane and the direction of crack propagation. (C1421)creep, nthe time-dependent part of
40、 a strain resulting fromstress.creep-feed grinding, na mode of grinding characterized bya relatively large wheel depth-of-cut and correspondinglylow rate of feed. (C1495)critical scratch load (LCN), napplied normal force at whicha specific, well-defined, recognizable damage/failure eventoccurs or is
41、 observed in the scratch test of a specific coatingon a specific substrate. (C1624)DISCUSSIONThe subscript N is used to identify progressive failureevents. For example, LC1is often used to identify the first level ofcohesive failure in the coating itself; LC2is often used to identify firstadhesive f
42、ailure between the coating and the substrate. Multiplesubscripts can be used for progressive levels of distinct damage in aspecific coating-substrate systems.critical temperature difference, TC, ntemperature differ-ence between the furnace and the ambient temperature waterbath that will cause a 30 %
43、 drop in the average flexuralstrength. (C1525)cross-feed, nincrement of displacement or feed in thecross-feed direction. (C1495)cross-feed direction, ndirection in the plane of grindingwhich is perpendicular to the principle direction of grinding.(C1495)deairing, nthe process of removing entrapped a
44、ir or ab-sorbed air from a mass or slurry, usually by application of avacuum.depth of penetration, n(1) the distance a penetrant hasentered into a solid material as measured from the surface ofthe material; (2) the maximum depth at which a magnetic orultrasonic indication can be measured in a test s
45、pecimen.diamond paste, ndiamond dust dispersed in a paste or slurryfor use as a grinding or polishing compound.diamond tool, nany tool in which the working area is insetwith diamonds or diamond dust.diamond wheel, na bonded grinding wheel in which theabrasive grains are crushed and sized natural or
46、syntheticdiamonds.discontinuous fiber-reinforced composite, na ceramic ma-trix composite material reinforced by chopped fibers.dish grinder, na grinding machine equipped with a dish-shaped abrasive wheel as a grinding mechanismdish wheel, ndish-shaped abrasive grinding wheel.disk feeder, na rotating
47、 disk beneath the opening of a binwhich delivers material from the bin at a specified rate bycontrolling the rate of rotation of the disk and the size of thegate opening of the bin.disk grinder, na grinding machine equipped with a largeabrasive disk as the work mechanism.disk wheel, na bonded abrasi
48、ve wheel mounted on a plate sothat grinding may be done on the side of the wheel.down-feed, nincrement of displacement or feed in the downfeed direction. (C1495)down-feed directiondirection perpendicular to the plane ofgrinding for a machine configuration in which the grindingwheel is located above
49、the workpiece. (C1495)down-grinding, na condition of down-grinding is said tohold when the velocity vector tangent to the surface of thewheel at points of first entry into the grinding zone has acomponent normal to and directed into the ground surface ofthe workpiece. (C1495)drag, nthe resistance of the foot or base of a ceramic articleto shrinkage during firing time due to friction with the slabor sagger on which it rests.dressing, n(1) the process of
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