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本文(ASTM C1795-2015 Standard Test Methods for High-Temperature Characterization of Gypsum Boards and Panels《石膏薄板和中厚板高温特性的标准试验方法》.pdf)为本站会员(孙刚)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM C1795-2015 Standard Test Methods for High-Temperature Characterization of Gypsum Boards and Panels《石膏薄板和中厚板高温特性的标准试验方法》.pdf

1、Designation: C1795 15Standard Test Methods forHigh-Temperature Characterization of Gypsum Boards andPanels1This standard is issued under the fixed designation C1795; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last

2、revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 These test methods describe three bench top test meth-ods for measuring the thermophysical responses of gypsumboards and pa

3、nels when exposed to high temperatures. The testmethods are:1.1.1 High-temperature Core CohesionThis test methodevaluates the ability of the test specimen to withstand aspecified mechanical strain while exposed to elevated tempera-ture.1.1.2 High-temperature ShrinkageThis test method evalu-ates dime

4、nsional changes in the test specimen when exposed toelevated temperatures.1.1.3 High-temperature Thermal InsulationThis testmethod evaluates the rate of heat transfer through the thicknessof the test specimen by measuring the length of time requiredto heat the center of the test specimen over a spec

5、ifiedtemperature rise when exposed to prescribed furnace condi-tions.1.2 The test methods appear in the following order:Test Method SectionHigh-temperature Core Cohesion 4High-temperature Shrinkage 5High-temperature Thermal Insulation 61.3 UnitsThe values stated in either inch-pound units orSI units

6、 (given in parenthesis) are to be regarded separately asstandard. The values stated in each system may not be exactequivalents; therefore, each system shall be used independentlyof the other. Combining values from the two systems mayresult in non-conformance with the standard.1.4 While these tests a

7、re useful for evaluating fire propertiesof gypsum boards and panels, they are not suitable forpredicting the Test Methods E119 fire resistance performanceof a specific gypsum protected assembly that has not previ-ously been tested in accordance with Test Methods E119 andcorrelated to these tests.21.

8、5 This standard is used to measure and describe theresponse of materials, products, or assemblies to heat andflame under controlled conditions, but does not by itselfincorporate all factors required for fire hazard or fire riskassessment of the materials, products, or assemblies underactual fire con

9、ditions.1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Refe

10、renced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:C11 Terminology Relating to Gypsum and Related BuildingMaterials and SystemsE119 Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Constructionand MaterialsE631 Terminology of Building Constructions2.2 Other Standards:EN 520 Gypsum PlasterboardsDefinitions, Requirementsand T

11、est Methods3. Terminology3.1 GeneralRefer to Terminologies C11 and E631 forstandard terminology on gypsum and related buildingmaterials, systems and building construction.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 Thermal Insulation Index (TI), na single value indexthat denotes the rat

12、e of heating at the center of the ThermalInsulation Test specimen as determined by the elapsed time tothe nearest minute for the temperature to rise from 104 to392F (40 to 200C).1This test method is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee C11 on Gypsumand Related Building Materials and Systems and i

13、s the direct responsibility ofSubcommittee C11.01 on Specifications and Test Methods for Gypsum Products.Current edition approved Dec. 1, 2015. Published January 2016. DOI: 10.1520/C1795-152Shipp, P. H., and Yu, Q., “Thermophysical Characterization of Type X SpecialFire Resistant Gypsum Board,” Proc

14、eedings of the Fire and Materials 2011Conference, San Francisco, Jan. 1, 2011 Feb. 2, 2011, Interscience Communica-tions Ltd., London, UK, pp 417-426.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States14. High-temperature Core Cohesion4.1

15、 Summary of Test MethodThe high-temperature corecohesion of gypsum panel products is evaluated by applying ashear force and bending moment to a cantilevered test speci-men by hanging a weight from the free end of the specimen.The specimen is exposed to heating from two burner flames ata specified di

16、stance and location from its fixed end. Theexposure of the specimen to the burner flame results in thecalcination of the specimen, which weakens the core matrixand results in deflection of the loaded, cantilevered specimen.When a specified deflection occurs, the specimen is examinedfor breakage. Thi

17、s test is derived from an earlier version of thehigh-temperature core cohesion test found in EN 520.4.2 Significance and UseThis test method provides aprocedure for evaluating the high temperature strain capacityof gypsum panel products.4.3 Apparatus:4.3.1 Specimen Mounting DeviceA fixture capable o

18、frigidly supporting the specimen and weight in the horizontalplane. The specimen is clamped or otherwise held rigidly atone end in a cantilevered horizontal position. The mountingfixture shall provide sufficient clearance of the end weightfixture above the horizontal base to allow for the full presc

19、ribeddeflection of the specimen. (Figs. 1 and 2).4.3.2 Hanger StrapA bracket for suspending a weightfrom the free end of the test specimen consisting of anL-shaped metal strap constructed of 20 gauge sheet metal orother suitable material. The short leg of the strap is 0.65 60.05 in. (16 6 1 mm) in l

20、ength. The long leg of the strap hasa mounting hole drilled in it near the outer extremity and is ofsufficient length that the hook or wire by which the loadingweight is suspended from the strap does not contact thespecimen.4.3.3 Loading WeightA weight fitted with a hook or wirefor hanging it from t

21、he free end of the specimen by means ofthe hanger strap. The loading weight may be configured as acup or disk to receive weighted shot or slotted disks to adjustthe weight for different test specimen thicknesses. The totalweight of the entire loading device (hanger strap, loadingweight, suspension w

22、ire or hook) shall correspond to thenominal thickness of the sample in accordance with Eq 1,rounded to the nearest integer multiple of 25, and shown inTable 1:4.3.4 PlatformAn adjustable height platform to limit thedeflection of the specimen to the specified distance of 0.4 60.05 in. (10 6 1 mm) (Se

23、e Fig. 1.)4.3.5 Heating System: Two propane Meker burners having a nozzle diam-eter of 1.14 6 0.04 in. (29 6 1.0 mm) and a gas orifice of 0.036 0.01 in. (0.76 6 0.25 mm) are mounted horizontally withtheir nozzles facing each other (Figs. 2 and 3). The axes of the burners are aligned to

24、 within 0.05 in.(1 mm). Needle valves at the base of each burner provide forfine adjustment of the gas flow rate to control flame shape andtemperature.FIG. 1 Side View of Core Cohesion Test ApparatusW 5 10.6St0.50D(1)Where:W = Total weight of loading device, oz., andt = Nominal board thicknes

25、s, in.TABLE 1 Required Loading Device Weight for Each BoardThicknessNominal Board Thickness Weight of Loading Device12 in. (12.7 mm) 10.6 0.4 oz (300 10 g)58 in. (15.9 mm) 13.2 0.4 oz (375 10 g)34 in. (19.1 mm) 15.9 0.4 oz (450 10 g)C1795 1524.3.5.4 Natural gas or propane is supplied to each burnerf

26、rom a single source via a tube with a Y fitting. A pressureregulator to control the pressure and a pressure gauge tomeasure the pressure are installed in the line between thesource and the Y fitting. The gas pressure supplied to the Yfitting shall be 0.5 6 0.1 psig (3.5 6 0.7 kPa). A flow metermay o

27、ptionally be installed to aid in monitoring and maintain-ing consistent gas flow rates (Fig. 4). The burners are adjusted to produce stable, pre-mixed flames with the characteristic blue zone of the flamecovering the entire screen area at the mouth of the burner andprojecting 3/8 6 1/8 in. (1

28、0 6 3 mm) from the burner. Beyondthe blue premixed zone, both flames project horizontally in aturbulent deflagration contacting the specimen near its bottomedge with little or no vertical deflection due to buoyancy orforced convection in the space between the burner and wherethe flame strikes the te

29、st specimen perpendicularly.The zone ofheating extends from the bottom edge of the specimen upwardsto the top edge.4.3.6 ThermocouplesInsulated chromel-alumel thermo-couples (Type K) 1/16 in. (1.6 mm) diameter stainless steelsheathed, ungrounded tip 36 ga. The thermocouples are aligned horizo

30、ntally with thetop of the burners and secured to the burner with a hose clamp(Fig. 3).4.3.7 Gauge Blocks, 0.2 in. (5 mm), 0.4 in. (10 mm), and1.0 in. (25.4 mm).4.3.8 StopwatchTiming device capable of measuringelapsed time in one second intervals or less.4.4 SamplingTest specimens shall be taken from

31、 thesample lot of gypsum panel products as indicated in 4.5.FIG. 2 Top View of Core Cohesion Test ApparatusFIG. 3 Alignment of Burners and Thermocouples with Respect to Test SpecimenC1795 1534.5 Test Specimens:4.5.1 Cut six specimens from the gypsum board sampleusing a saw to insure straight, square

32、 edges.4.5.2 Each specimen shall be 12.0 6 0.1 in. (300 6 2 mm)long by 1.75 6 0.05 in. (45 6 1 mm) wide, with the edges ofthe specimen not less than 4 in. (100 mm) from any edge of thefull gypsum board sample. Specimens can be tested when cutfrom any orientation from the sample board for specificeva

33、luation but since the orientation can contribute to themeasured results, the orientation must be identified and re-corded for each test result. Common orientations for evaluationare the long edge of the specimen parallel to the paper-boundor long edge of the board as manufactured or the long edge of

34、the specimen parallel to the end perpendicular to the paper-bound or long edge of the board as manufactured.4.6 ConditioningCondition specimens to constant weightat a temperature of 85 6 15F (29.5 6 8.5C) and relativehumidity 50 6 2%.4.7 Procedure:4.7.1 Clamp one end of the test specimen in the supp

35、ortingdevice in a cantilever configuration. The long edge extendslengthwise 10.25 6 0.05 in. (260 6 1 mm) from the supportpoint to the free end of the test specimen. The short edge of thetest specimen is vertical (Figs. 1-3).4.7.2 Align the lower edge of the test specimen to the lowestpoint of the b

36、urner nozzles (Figs. 1 and 3).4.7.3 Position the mid-point of the burner nozzles 4.0 60.05 in. (100 6 1 mm) from the point of support (Figs. 1 and2).4.7.4 Position the mouth of each burner nozzle 1.0 6 0.05in. (25.4 6 1 mm) from the adjacent specimen face by meansof a gauge block (Figs. 2 and 3).4.7

37、.5 Position each thermocouple parallel to the upper edgeof the burner and 0.2 6 0.05 in. (5 6 1 mm) from the specimenface by means of a gauge block (Figs. 2 and 3).4.7.6 Place the hanger strap on the free end of the cantile-vered test specimen, 10.25 6 0.05 in. (260 6 1 mm) from thesupport point of

38、the mounting device, and suspend the loadingweight from it. The total weight of the suspended load shall beas specified in Adjust the height of the platform so that the distancefrom the platform to the bottom of the suspended load is 0.4 60.05 in. (10 6 1 mm) above the surface of the pla

39、tform. Verifythe spacing by means of a gauge block (Fig. 2).4.7.8 Open the gas valve, start the stopwatch and ignite bothburners. Adjust the gas flow so that the temperature at eachthermocouple is 1832 6 90F (1000 6 50C). Both flames shall be stabilized at the specifiedtemperature with

40、 the characteristic appearance described in4.3.5.5 within 60 s of lighting the burners.4.7.9 The test is over when the specimen deflects downwardand the load comes into contact with the surface of theplatform. At the conclusion of the test, stop the stopwatch andshut off the burners. V

41、isually inspect the specimen immediately aftershutting off the burners. Observe if the specimen has broken into two or moredistinct pieces at or before the time at which the load contactedthe platform. Record the elapsed time from the start to the end ofthe test and whether or not the

42、specimen was broken into twoor more distinct pieces.4.7.10 Repeat steps 4.7.1 of the procedure for eachof the six test specimens from the gypsum panel productsample.4.8 ReportReport the number of specimens that remainedintact, the number of specimens that broke into two or moredistinct piece

43、s, and the time to reach 0.4 in. (10 mm) deflectionfor each specimen.4.9 Precision and BiasNo information is presented abouteither the precision or bias of this test method for measuringhigh-temperature core cohesion since the test result is qualita-tive.5. High-temperature Shrinkage Test5.1 Summary

44、 of Test MethodThis test method evaluateshigh-temperature shrinkage of gypsum panel products byexposing specimen disks to prescribed temperature conditionsFIG. 4 Schematic of Gas Supply to BurnersC1795 154in a muffle furnace and measuring the change in diameterbefore and after heating exposure.5.2 S

45、ignificance and UseThis test method evaluates thehigh-temperature shrinkage of gypsum panel products and isuseful for estimating their behavior when exposed to fire.5.3 Apparatus:5.3.1 Drill Presscapable of running 620 rpm.5.3.2 Hole Sawnominal 4 in. (100 mm) outside diameterwith pilot drill bit rem

46、oved.5.3.3 FurnaceBox furnace with PID control, 2012F(1100C) maximum temperature, 3500 W power, 240 VAC,volumetric capacity 0.65 cu. ft. (18.4 l) with interior dimen-sions 1499in.(356 x 229 x 229 mm) and no exteriorpenetrations or vents.3, The furnace shall be capable of temperature control

47、of 6 10F (6 5C) up to and including 930F (500C) and 618F (6 10C) for temperatures exceeding 930F (500C).5.3.4 Hearth PlateCeramic tray, made of vitreous alumi-nosilicate fiber insulation or equivalent refractory material tosupport test specimen loads.5.3.5 Digital Electronic or Dial CaliperDiameter

48、measur-ing device, 0-6 in. (0-152 mm) range, 0.001 in. (0.025 mm)graduation.5.3.6 Specimen PedestalsSix pedestals, nominal 1/4 in.(6.35 mm) high and fabricated from stainless steel tubing, 2 in.(51 mm) diameter x 0.047 in. (1.2 mm) wall thickness (Fig. 5).5.4 Furnace Set-up Procedure:5.4.1 Furnace S

49、ettingsPreset the furnace as follows:5.4.2 The temperature of the furnace shall be recordedduring the test and subsequent cooling period. Do not open thefurnace door at elevated temperatures to avoid thermal shockdamage to the furnace and specimens.5.4.3 Allow the furnace to return to room temperaturebefore starting the next test.5.5 SamplingTest specimens shall be taken from thesample lot of gypsum panel products as indicated in Test Specimens:5.6.1 Each specimen shall be cut not less than 4 in.(100 mm) from

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