1、Designation: C4 04 (Reapproved 2014)Standard Specification forClay Drain Tile and Perforated Clay Drain Tile1This standard is issued under the fixed designation C4; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of originaladoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last r
2、evision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.Asuperscriptepsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.1. Scope1.1 This specification establishes the criteri
3、a for acceptance,prior to installation, of drain tile and perforated drain tile to beused for underdrainage, filter fields, leaching fields, and similarsubdrainage installations.1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematicalc
4、onversions to SI units that are provided for information onlyand are not considered standard.1.3 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to theTest Methods portion of this specification:This standard doesnot purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any,associated with its use. It
5、is the responsibility of the user of thisstandard to establish appropriate safety and health practicesand determine the applicability of regulatory limitations priorto use.NOTE 1Attention is called to Test Methods C301 and TerminologyC896.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2C301 Test Methods
6、for Vitrified Clay PipeC896 Terminology Relating to Clay Products3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 Clay, fire clay, shale, and surface clay are as defined inTerminology C896.3.1.2 Within this specification, the terms tile, drain tile, andclay drain tile are synonyms.4. Classification4.1 Four class
7、es of clay drain tile are specified:4.1.1 Standard.4.1.2 Extra Quality.4.1.3 Heavy Duty.4.1.4 Extra Strength.4.2 Drain tile of a higher strength classification than thatspecified by the purchaser may be furnished by the seller,provided the substituted drain tile meets the physical require-ments of t
8、he class specified.5. Materials and Manufacture5.1 Drain tile shall be manufactured from clay, fire clay,shale, surface clay, or a combination of these materials, that,when formed into tile and fired to suitable temperatures, yieldsa product that conforms to this specification.6. Physical Properties
9、6.1 Drain tile shall meet the physical test requirements forthe class, as specified in Table 1.6.2 The maximum water absorption (5-h boiling) shall be asfollows:Average, % Individual, %Standard 13 16Extra Quality 11 13Heavy Duty 11 13Extra Strength 11 136.3 The requirements for water absorption (5h
10、boiling)shall be waived, provided that test specimens meet the require-ments of the freezing and thawing test, Section 13, of thisspecification7. Sizes and Perforations7.1 The size of drain tile shall be designated by insidediameter. Not all sizes and strengths may be available from allmanufacturers
11、.7.2 The minimum length of drain tile smaller than 10 in.(255 mm) diameter shall be approximately 12 in. (305 mm).7.3 The length of drain tile 10 in. (255 mm) through 30 in.(760 mm) diameter shall be not less than 112 times theirdiameter.1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committe
12、e C04 onVitrified Clay Pipe and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C04.20 onMethods of Test and Specifications.Current edition approved Sept. 1, 2014. Published September 2014. Originallyapproved in 1914. Last previous edition approved in 2009 as C4 04 (2009). DOI:10.1520/C0004-04R14.2For
13、referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700,
14、West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States17.4 PerforationsPerforations shall be circular and cleanlycut through the tile wall. They shall be arranged in rowsparallel to the longitudinal axis of the tile. The minimumnumber of rows of perforations shall be as shown in Table Where two row
15、s of perforations are used, the rowsshall be separated by an arc of 90 6 Where four rows of perforations are used, the rowsshall be symmetrical around a vertical centerline. The lower-most rows of perforations shall be separated by an arc of 90 610, and the uppermost rows shall be separated
16、 by an arc of notover 160 measured around the lower part of the tile (Fig. 1).7.4.3 If more than four rows of perforations are used, thespacing of rows shall be uniform between the limits in The purchaser shall specify the desired perforationdiameter option of: (1)14 6116 in. (6.4 6 1.6
17、mm) or (2)12618 in. (13 6 3.2 mm), and the number of rows of perfora-tions.7.4.5 Perforations shall not be spaced more than approxi-mately 3 in. (76 mm) center-to-center along the rows.8. Workmanship and Finish8.1 Drain tile shall be free of cracks, checks, or chips thatdecrease the strength.8.2 Dra
18、in tile shall conform to the permissible dimensionalvariations in Table 3.8.3 Plain-end tile shall be furnished unless otherwise speci-fied by the purchaser.8.3.1 The ends of plain-end tile shall be sufficiently squareas to make close joints.9. Sampling and Testing9.1 Tile shall be sampled and teste
19、d in accordance withSections 11 through 13.9.2 For test purposes, full-size drain tile shall be selected bythe purchaser or his authorized representative. Tile shall berepresentative of the lot from which they are selected. Theplace or places of selection shall be designated when thepurchase order i
20、s issued. The manufacturer or seller shallfurnish test tile without charge.9.3 Each tile shall be individually marked so that it isidentifiable within the testing period.10. Basis of Acceptance10.1 Acceptability of nonperforated drain tile is determinedby compliance with the requirements of Table 1,
21、 Table 3, andthe inspection requirements of Section 14.10.2 Acceptability of perforated drain tile is determined bycompliance with the requirements of Tables 1-3 and theinspection requirements of Section 14.TEST METHODS11. Crushing Strength Test11.1 Test Samples:11.1.1 Test tile shall be sound, full
22、 size, and selected by thepurchaser or his representative.11.1.2 The number of tile to be tested shall not exceed 0.5 %of the number of tile of each size furnished, except that no lessthan five tile of each size shall be tested.11.2 Loading Apparatus (see Fig. 2):11.2.1 Testing Machine: The
23、loading apparatus may consist of any mechani-cally driven or hand-powered device that is capable of applyingthe necessary loads, with upper and lower bearings capable oftransmitting these loads to the tile. The bearings shall bebearing beams and contact edges. Any device that is capable of a
24、pplying a load at auniform rate, from 500 to 2000 lbf/linear ftmin (7.3 to 29KN/linear mmin) of tile length, may be used for making thetest. The testing machine shall be sufficiently rigid sothat the load distribution will not be appreciably affected by thedeformation or yielding of any part
25、. The machine and bearingsshall be constructed to transmit the load in a vertical planethrough the longitudinal axes of the bearings and tile. TheTABLE 1 Physical Test Requirements for Clay Drain TileInternalDiameterof Tile,in.Standard Extra Quality Heavy Duty Extra StrengthMinimum Crushing Strength
26、,Albf/linear ft (kN/m)Minimum Crushing Strength,Albf/linear ft (kN/m)Minimum Crushing Strength,Albf/linear ft (kN/m)Minimum Crushing Strength,Albf/linear ft (kN/m)Average Individual Average Individual Average Individual Average Individual312 800 (12) 680 (10) 1100 (16) 990 (14) 1400 (20) 1260 (18) 2
27、000 (29) 1800 (26)4 800 (12) 680 (10) 1100 (16) 990 (14) 1400 (20) 1260 (18) 2000 (29) 1800 (26)5 800 (12) 680 (10) 1100 (16) 990 (14) 1400 (20) 1260 (18) 2000 (29) 1800 (26)6 800 (12) 680 (10) 1100 (16) 990 (14) 1400 (20) 1260 (18) 2000 (29) 1800 (26)8 800 (12) 680 (10) 1100 (16) 990 (14) 1500 (22)
28、 1350 (20) 2140 (31) 1920 (28)10 800 (12) 680 (10) 1100 (16) 990 (14) 1550 (23) 1400 (20) 2200 (32) 1980 (29)12 800 (12) 680 (10) 1100 (16) 990 (14) 1700 (25) 1530 (22) 2420 (35) 2170 (32)14 840 (12) 720 (11) 1100 (16) 990 (14) 1850 (27) 1660 (24) 2640 (39) 2370 (35)15 870 (13) 740 (11) 1150 (17) 10
29、30 (15) 1980 (29) 1780 (26) 2800 (41) 2620 (38)16 . . . . . . 1200 (18) 1080 (16) 2100 (31) 1890 (28) 3000 (44) 2700 (39)18 . . . . . . 1300 (19) 1170 (17) 2340 (34) 2100 (31) 3300 (48) 2970 (43)21 . . . . . . 1450 (21) 1300 (19) 2680 (39) 2410 (35) . . . . . .24 . . . . . . 1600 (23) 1440 (21) 3000
30、 (44) 2700 (39) . . . . . .27 . . . . . . 1800 (26) 1620 (24) 3330 (49) 3000 (44) . . . . . .30 . . . . . . 2000 (29) 1800 (26) 3590 (52) 3230 (47) . . . . . .AStrengths of sizes not listed may be interpolated between tabular values of sizes and strengths of the nearest listed diameters.C4 04 (2014)
31、2bearings shall be attached to the machine so as to receive anduniformly transmit the loads required in the tests, withoutvibration or shock. The loading apparatus shall provide means fordetermination of load with an accuracy of at least 98 % andcapable of retaining the loading information t
32、hat results in thecrushing strength determination.11.2.2 Bearing BeamsBearing beams shall be no less thanthe length of the barrel of the tile. Built-up bearing beams maybe used, provided their deflection does not exceed that speci-fied. In order for the bell or socket of the tile, if applicable, toc
33、lear the bearing beams, it is recommended that the bearingbeams be faced with a metal or hardwood member for affixingthe contact edges.11.2.3 Three-Edge Bearings: Three-edge bearings shall consist of an uppermember, comprised of a bearing beam on which one contactedge is located so that it l
34、ies in the vertical plane passingthrough the longitudinal axis of the tile, and a lower membercomprised of a bearing beam on which two contact edges aresymmetrically located parallel to that vertical plane. The contact edges shall consist of rubber stripsalone or hardwood strips with plaster
35、 of paris fillets. Contactedges shall uniformly contact the outside of the tile. The two contact edges on the lower member shallbe spaced apart approximately 1 in./ft (83 mm/m) of tilediameter, but in no case less than 1 in. (25 mm). Positioning strips may be used to align the upperc
36、ontact edge and to align and space the lower contact edges. Inthe case of rubber contact edges, positioning strips shall notexceed one half of the thickness of the contact edge and mayremain in place. If rubber strips are used as contact edges, they shallbe cut or formed from a material havi
37、ng a Shore A,instantaneous, durometer hardness between 45 and 60. Thestrips shall be of rectangular cross section, having a 2-in.(51-mm) width, and a thickness not less than 1 in. (25 mm) normore than 112 in. (38 mm). The contact edges shall be usedwith the 2-in. (51 mm). dimension in contact with t
38、he bearingbeam. Rubber contact edges may be attached to the bearingbeam by an adhesive, provided the contact edge remains firmlyfixed in position. If hardwood strips with plaster of paris fillets areused as contact edges, the strips shall be straight and have across section not less than 1 i
39、n. (25 mm) in either direction.Thebottom contact edges shall have vertical sides, with the interiortop corners having a radius of approximately12 in. (13 mm).The contact edges shall be securely fastened to the beams. Plaster of paris fillets shall be cast on hardwoodcontact edges to provide
40、uniform bearing contact on the outsideof the tile. Fillets shall be cast on the two lower contact edgesand on the upper contact edge, along the tile crown. Sufficientexcess plaster shall be removed from between the two lowercontact edges to eliminate the possibility of a single continuouslower conta
41、ct. The tile and contact edges shall be joined whilethe plaster of paris is still workable. Testing shall be performedonly after the fillets have set.11.3 Procedure:11.3.1 Immerse tile, 12-in. (305-mm) diameter and smaller,in water for at least 1 h and not more than 2 h immediatelyprior to testing.
42、Tile with diameters larger than 12 in. (305 mm)may be tested without wetting, but shall not be dried except asmay occur in complying with the provisions of No tile specimen shall be exposed to temperatureslower than 40F (4.4C) from the start of wetting until tested.Frozen tile shall be
43、 completely thawed before testing.11.3.3 Strength tests are to be made by the three edgebearing method.11.3.4 Center all bearings and test tile accurately for sym-metrical distribution of load.11.3.5 Apply load as continuously as testing equipmentpermits until the tile fails.11.3.6 Record the load a
44、t which failure occurs.11.4 Calculation and ReportCalculate and report the re-sults of individual strength tests and the average in pounds-force per linear foot (or newtons per linear metre) of tile.TABLE 2 Number of Perforations per Row for Perforated Clay Drain TileNominal Lengths of Tile, ft (m)T
45、ile Size Diameter, in.(mm)Minimum Number ofRows ofPerforations1 (0.31) 112 (0.46) 2 (0.61) 212 (0.76) 3 (0.92)Minimum Number of Perforations per Row312 , 4, 5, 6 (89, 100, 125,150)4 35791312 , 4, 5, 6 (89, 100, 125,150)25811358, 10, 12 (205, 255, 305) 4 3579114 to 18 (355 to 455) 6 . . . 5 7 9 11FIG
46、. 1 Spacing of Four Rows of PerforationsC4 04 (2014)312. Absorption Test12.1 Test Specimens:12.1.1 All absorption test tile specimens shall be sound,solid pieces of tile. They shall be free of observable cracks orshattered edges and shall not have laminations and fissuresmore than is typical of the
47、tile from which they are taken.12.1.2 Test specimens shall consist of segments taken fromeach of the tile broken in the crushing strength test, and theyshall be selected in accordance with the following provisions:12.1.3 For tile with nominal inside diameters of 12 in. (305mm) or less, and nominal l
48、engths of 12 in., a “standard sample”shall consist of one full-length quarter segment taken fromeach of the tile broken in the strength test. A quarter segmentis meant to be one of the four pieces into which a tile usuallybreaks in the strength test. Each segment selected shall beapproximately of un
49、iform width. If a tile breaks in such amanner that a satisfactory quarter segment cannot be obtained,the absorption test may be performed on two or more pieceswhose combined areas approximate the area of a quarter tile ofthat size. Such a specimen shall be selected so that both endsand center portion of the tile are represented. The averageabsorption of the pieces so selected shall be considered to bethe absorption for that tile.12.1.4 For tile with nominal inside diameters or lengths inexcess of 12 in. (305 mm), the absorption test shall beperformed on thr
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