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本文(ASTM C505M-2015 Standard Specification for Nonreinforced Concrete Irrigation Pipe With Rubber Gasket Joints (Metric)《带橡胶垫圈接头的无钢筋混凝土灌溉水管的标准规格 (米制)》.pdf)为本站会员(arrownail386)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

ASTM C505M-2015 Standard Specification for Nonreinforced Concrete Irrigation Pipe With Rubber Gasket Joints (Metric)《带橡胶垫圈接头的无钢筋混凝土灌溉水管的标准规格 (米制)》.pdf

1、Designation: C505M 15Standard Specification forNonreinforced Concrete Irrigation Pipe With Rubber GasketJoints (Metric)1This standard is issued under the fixed designation C505M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the

2、year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers nonreinforced concrete pipewith rubber gasket joints to be used for the conveyance o

3、firrigation water with working pressures, including hydraulictransients, as shown in Table 1.1.2 This specification is the SI counterpart of SpecificationC505.NOTE 1This specification is for manufacturing and purchase only anddoes not include requirements for bedding, backfill, installation, or fiel

4、drepairs. The owner is cautioned that he must correlate field conditions withthe characteristics of the pipe specified and provide inspection duringinstallation.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2C33/C33M Specification for Concrete AggregatesC150/C150M Specification for Portland CementC260/C

5、260M Specification for Air-Entraining Admixturesfor ConcreteC494/C494M Specification for Chemical Admixtures forConcreteC497M Test Methods for Concrete Pipe, Manhole Sections,or Tile (Metric)C595/C595M Specification for Blended Hydraulic CementsC618 Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined

6、Natural Pozzolan for Use in ConcreteC822 Terminology Relating to Concrete Pipe and RelatedProductsC989/C989M Specification for Slag Cement for Use inConcrete and MortarsC1017/C1017M Specification for Chemical Admixtures forUse in Producing Flowing ConcreteC1116/C1116M Specification for Fiber-Reinfor

7、ced ConcreteC1602/C1602M Specification for Mixing Water Used in theProduction of Hydraulic Cement ConcreteD395 Test Methods for Rubber PropertyCompression SetD412 Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplas-tic ElastomersTensionD471 Test Method for Rubber PropertyEffect of LiquidsD573 Test Met

8、hod for RubberDeterioration in an AirOvenD1149 Test Methods for Rubber DeteriorationCracking inan Ozone Controlled EnvironmentD1415 Test Method for Rubber PropertyInternationalHardnessD2240 Test Method for Rubber PropertyDurometer Hard-ness3. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsFor definitions of terms relati

9、ng to concretepipe, see Terminology C822.4. Classification4.1 Pipe manufactured in accordance with this specificationshall be known as “Standard Nonreinforced Concrete IrrigationPipe with Rubber Gasket Joints.”5. Basis of Acceptance5.1 The acceptability of the pipe, joint design, and gasketsshall be

10、 determined by the results of the tests prescribed in thisspecification, if and when required, and by inspection todetermine whether the pipe and gaskets conform to thespecification as to design and freedom from defects.6. Materials and Manufacture6.1 ConcreteThe concrete shall consist of cementitio

11、usmaterials, mineral aggregates, admixtures, if used, and water.6.2 Cementitious Materials:6.2.1 CementCement shall conform to the requirementsfor portland cement of Specification C150/C150M or shall beportland blast-furnace slag cement, portland-limestone cement,or portland-pozzolan cement conformi

12、ng to the requirementsof Specification C595/C595M, except that the pozzolan con-stituent in the Type IP portland-pozzolan cement shall be flyash.1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C13 onConcrete Pipe and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C13.01 onNon-Reinforce

13、d Concrete Sewer, Drain and Irrigation Pipe.Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2015. Published October 2015. Originallyapproved in 1980. Last previous edition approved in 2011 as C505M 11. DOI:10.1520/C0505M-15.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Custom

14、er Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States16.2.2 Fly AshFly ash shall conform to

15、the requirements ofSpecification C618, Class F or Class C.6.2.3 Slag CementSlag cement shall conform to the re-quirements of Grade 100 or 120 of Specification C989/C989M.6.2.4 Allowable Combinations of Cementitious MaterialsThe combination of cementitious materials used in the concreteshall be one o

16、f the following: Portland cement only, Portland blast-furnace slag cement only, Portland-pozzolan cement only, Portland-limestone cement only, A combination of portland cement or portland-limestone cement and fly ash, A combination of portland cement or port

17、land-limestone cement and slag cement, A combination of portland cement or portland-limestone cement, fly ash and slag cement, or6.2.4.8 A combination of portland-pozzolan cement and flyash.6.3 AggregatesAggregates shall conform to the require-ments of Specification C33/C33M, except that the

18、require-ments for gradation shall not apply.6.4 AdmixturesThe following admixtures and blends areallowable:6.4.1 Air-entraining admixture conforming to SpecificationC260/C260M;6.4.2 Chemical admixture conforming to SpecificationC494/C494M;6.4.3 Chemical admixture for use in producing flowingconcrete

19、 conforming to Specification C1017/C1017M; and6.4.4 Chemical admixture or blend approved by the owner.6.5 Gaskets:6.5.1 CompositionThe rubber compound used in themanufacture of the gasket shall be compounded from naturalrubber, synthetic rubber, or a mixture of the two fabricated asprescribed in 6.5

20、.2 to 6.5.6, inclusive.6.5.2 FabricationGaskets shall be extruded or moldedand cured in such a manner that they will be dense andhomogeneous at any cross section, and have uniform dimen-sions. They shall be free from porosity, blisters, pitting, andother defects, which will affect their serviceabili

21、ty.6.5.3 TolerancesCommercial tolerances A3-F3, T.032 formolded gaskets, and A3-F3 for extruded gaskets in accordancewith the Rubber Handbook3shall be permitted. The tolerancesin gasket and joint dimensions shall be such as not to exceedpermissible deformations prescribed in Section Physical

22、 Properties of GasketsThe rubber fromwhich the gaskets are fabricated shall have the followingphysical properties:Ultimate elongation at break, min, % 350Ultimate elongation at break afteraging, min, % ofelongation before aging80Hardness, International RubberHardness Degreesor DurometerA40 to 60Comp

23、ression set, max, % 25Water absorption, % 10Ozone resistance no cracks in accordancewith Method D1149AAllowable variation 5 from manufacturers specified hardness. Testing shall be in accordance with Section Strength of SpliceIf a splice is used in the manufac-ture of the gasket, the s

24、trength shall be such that the gasketshall withstand 100 % elongation over the part of the gasketthat includes the splice with no visible separation of the splice.While in the stretched position, the gasket shall be rotated inthe spliced area a minimum of 180 in each direction in orderto inspect for

25、 separation. Any portion of the splice shall becapable of passing a bend test without visible separation. Thebend test for circular gaskets is defined as wrapping the portionof the unstretched gasket containing the splice a minimum of180 and a maximum of 270 around a rod of a diameter equalto the cr

26、oss section diameter of the gasket.6.5.6 StorageThe gaskets shall be stored in a cool, clean,and shaded place, preferably at 21C or less and in no caseshall the gaskets be exposed to the direct rays of the sun formore than 72 hours.6.6 FibersSynthetic fibers and nonsynthetic fibers shall beallowed t

27、o be used, at the manufacturers option, in concretepipe as a nonstructural manufacturing material. Synthetic fibers(Type II and Type III) and nonsynthetic fiber (Type I) designedand manufactured specifically for use in concrete and conform-ing to the requirements of Specification C1116/C1116M shallb

28、e accepted.6.7 WaterWater used in the production of concrete shallbe potable or nonpotable water that meets the requirements ofSpecification C1602/C1602M.7. Design7.1 Design TablesThe standard dimensions shall be asgiven in Table 1. Wall thicknesses furnished shall be not lessthan those given in Tab

29、le 1, except as affected by the tolerancespecified in Section 12.3Available from the Rubber Manufacturers Assn., Inc., 1400 K St., NW, suite900, Washington DC, 20005.TABLE 1 Standard Dimensions, Working Pressures, and TestRequirementsDesignatedInternalDiameter, mmWallThickness,AmmWorkingPressure,BmR

30、equiredHydrostatic TestPressure,CkPaMinimum Three-Edge-BearingLoad, kN/linearmetre150 19 9 275 19.0200 25 9 275 19.5250 32 9 275 20.5300 38 9 275 22.0375 47 9 275 24.0450 57 9 275 26.5525 66 9 275 27.5600 75 9 275 29.0AThinner walls are not prohibited on pipe units not over 1.22 m in length but thet

31、hickness of such walls should be not less than the internal diameter divided by 10.BWith the exception of 525 and 600-mm pipe, higher working pressures are notprohibited to be used up to a maximum of 15 m for 150 through 300-mm diametersand 12 m for 375 through 450-mm diameters. In these cases the s

32、trength of thepipe shall be increased to give minimum internal hydrostatic test pressures of atleast three times the design working pressure when tested as specified in 10.4.CFor hydrostatic test requirements, refer to 10.4.C505M 1527.2 Modified DesignManufacturers shall submit to theowner for appro

33、val prior to manufacture, wall thicknessesother than those shown in Table 1. Such pipe shall meet all ofthe test and performance requirements specified by the ownerin accordance with 5.1.8. Joints8.1 Pipe units shall be manufactured with male- and female-type joints of such design that the rubber ga

34、sket applied theretoshall be the sole element depended upon to make the jointsflexible and watertight.8.2 The slope on the conic surfaces of the gasket seat on theinside of the female portion and on the outside of the maleportion shall be not more than 3.5 measured from a longitu-dinal trace on the

35、inside surface of the pipe. The female or themale portions, or both, shall form a proper gasket positioningarea or “seat.” The joint design shall be such that, when thejoint has been fully closed and is off center sufficiently to causethe outer concrete surface of the male portion and the innerconcr

36、ete surface of the female portion to come into contact atsome place in the joint periphery, the deformation of the gasketadjacent to that point shall not exceed 50 % of the stretcheddiameter for O-ring gaskets, or 75 % of the uncompressedradial thickness for all other types. At the diametricallyoppo

37、site side, the gasket deformation shall be not less than15 % of the stretched diameter for O-ring gaskets, or 25 % ofthe uncompressed radial thickness for all other types. O-ringgaskets are defined as solid gaskets of circular cross section.Stretched gasket diameters shall be calculated as being=1/1

38、1x! times the original gasket diameter where x equalsthe percent of gasket stretch divided by 100.8.3 The joint design shall provide for the deflection of eachpipe unit by opening one side of the outside perimeter of thejoint, wider than the fully closed position, a distance no lessthan 13 mm or 25

39、% of the wall thickness, whichever is less,without reducing its watertightness.8.4 The joint shall be of such design that it will withstand,without cracking or fracturing, the forces caused by thecompression of the gasket, and the required hydrostatic testpressure.8.5 All surfaces of the joint upon

40、or against which thegasket bear shall be smooth, free of spall, cracks, or fractures,and imperfections that would adversely affect performance.8.6 Alternative Joint DesignsIf permitted by the owner,manufacturers shall submit to the owner, detailed designs forjoints and gaskets other than those descr

41、ibed in 8.2, 8.3, 8.4,and 8.5. Design submissions shall include joint geometrytolerances, gasket characteristics, proposed plant tests, gasketsplice bend tests, and such other information as required by theowner to evaluate the joint design for field performance. Jointsand gaskets of alternative joi

42、nt designs shall meet all testrequirements of this specification unless waived by the owner.Alternative joint designs shall be acceptable provided thedesigns are approved by the owner prior to manufacture andprovided the test pipe comply with the specified test.9. Concrete Mixture9.1 The aggregates

43、shall be sized, graded, proportioned, andthoroughly mixed with such proportions of cementitious ma-terials and water as will produce a homogeneous concretemixture of such quality that the pipe will conform to the testand design requirements of this specification. Cementitiousmaterials shall be as sp

44、ecified in 6.2 and shall be added to themix in a proportion not less than 280 kg/m, unless mix designswith a lower cementitious materials content demonstrate thatthe quality and performance meet the requirements of thisspecification.10. Physical Requirements10.1 Test Specimens:10.1.1 Specimens for t

45、est shall be full-size pipe units andgaskets that conform in every respect to the inspection require-ments of this specification, shall be selected at random by theowner at the place of manufacture of the pipe, and shall betested in advance of shipment to the site of installation.10.1.2 Test specime

46、ns of pipe shall be selected from datedlots and the manufacturer shall furnish manufacturing data forthe lot tested if so required by the owner.10.2 Number and Type of Tests RequiredThe manufac-turer shall furnish specimens for the test without charge up to1 % of the number of pipe units of each dat

47、ed lot, except thatin no case shall fewer pipe units be furnished than necessary toperform the tests herein specified. Specimens shall be propor-tioned equally to the test to which they are to be subjectedexcept that the owner can specify different proportions prior topurchase. The manufacturer shal

48、l bear all the expense of testingsuch pipe. Should a larger number of specimens be tested upondemand of the owner or manufacturer, then the cost of suchadditional test specimens and the expense of testing shall beborne by the party making such demand.10.3 External Load Test RequirementThe minimum th

49、ree-edge-bearing strength shall be as given in Table 1 and shall bemade in accordance with Test Methods C497M. If mutuallyagreed upon between the manufacturer and the owner, othertypes of bearings such as hard rubber blocks or sand-filled,high-pressure hose are acceptable.10.3.1 It is not prohibited to fill depressions of exteriorsurface irregularities with plaster of paris to equalize thebearing surfaces. The user of this specification is advised thatsand or other loose fine material may be spread along thelength of the crown of the pipe to equ

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