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1、2008年 5月口译二级实务真题试卷及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets be

2、gin. 1 Mr. Vice Premier, the Finance Minister, Mr. Mayor, Ladies and Gentlemen, Let me, first of all, return the compliment, on behalf of all of us, to you, Mr. Vice Premier, to you, Mr.Minister, and you, Mr. Mayor, for the great contribution that you have made to the success of this meeting. Idont

3、think any of us could have imagined a more well-organized conference or a more warm welcome thanyou have given us here in Shanghai, and I would like everyone to join me in expressing our thanks to you.TONE TONE I would like to make just two general comments. The first is that all of us have to work

4、politically to ensure that poverty and the alleviation of poverty arecentral on the global agenda. I believe that today it is not central on the global agenda. I believe that todaylip service is given to the question of poverty. The real issues today that seem to be on the mind of theworldterrorism,

5、 Iraq, Afghanistan, the budget deficitsare the visible problems that must be dealt with,that are immediate, while attention is given less to the equally inevitable and the equally dangerous problemsthat come with poverty. TONE TONE We must deal with the question of social equity and social justice.

6、Because without dealing with thatquestion of poverty, there cant be any peace, and $900 billion being spent on military expenditure, $300billion being spent on agricultural subsidies, and $50- or $60 billion being spent on overseas developmentassistance is one of the absurdities that we have to chan

7、ge. TONE TONE And the second and last thing Id like to say is that we have talked about economics, we have talkedabout advances that must be made for social justice, and weve talked about steps that need to be taken inempowerment and in the methodologies that we can use to scale up. TONE TONE But th

8、e one thing that we have not talked about and that I think all of us need to recognize is that if weare to be effective in advocating the case for poverty reduction, and hopefully eradication, is that we have to do it with a sense of belief that what we are doing is right. We should be addressing th

9、e question of poverty not just from economics, but because dealing with equity and social justice is right. TONE TONE We should not be afraid to say that there is a human content in what were doing, but there is alsoa moral and, if you like, spiritual content in what were doing. We are not here just

10、 as economists. Weare here because we owe every human being in the world an opportunity and a chance to fulfill theirdestiny. TONE TONE And so going out from this meeting I hope we feel a little bit uplifted and a little bit responsible to goout from here to deal with the question of scaling up of p

11、overty alleviation because its right, and as membersof the human race, its something that we should do. Thank you very much to our hosts, and thank you all for being here. TONE TONE 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into Engli

12、sh. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 2 中国的对外开放是 “引进来 ”与 “走出去 ”相结合的对外开放。中国政府在鼓励外商来华投 资的同时,支持并鼓励有实力的中国企业到海外投资。在中国政府的大力推进下,近年来,中国企业实施 “走出去 ”战略实现了较大跨越。截至 2006年底,中国企业在 160多个国家和地区投资

13、设立了近 8,000企业,中方直接投资金额超过730亿美元。 TONE TONE 中国企业在海外投资已由初期的以进出口贸易、航运和餐饮为主,拓展到工业制造、农业合作、资源开发、工程承包和研究开发等众多领域。投资方式也发生了巨大变化,从原来单一的投资办厂,发展到跨国并购、境外上市、设立研发中心、创办工业园区等多种形式。 TONE TONE 在新的历史时期,中国将以更加积极的姿态走向世界。中国将坚持扩大内需的方针,并继续实施平衡的贸易政策。中国将加强与国际多边和区域经济组织的合作,继续促进和推动贸易与投资便利化进程。中国将在平等互利的基础上加强和扩大同世界各国的交流与合作,推动经济全球化朝着有利于

14、共同繁荣的方向发展。TONE TONE 中国已经确立了到 2020年全面建设小康社会,国内生产总值达 4万多亿美元的奋斗目标。拥有 13亿人口、经济快速稳定发展的中国,孕育着无限的商机,将为全球众多的合作伙伴提 供潜力巨大的市场和更多的合作机会。 TONE TONE 中国自 2006到 2010年实施的第 11个五年规划将把中国经济带入新的稳定增长期。在此期间,中国将深化改革,变得更为开放和自由。在接下来的五年中,中国的年均 GDP增长预计将超过 8%。中国政府利用内需作为经济增长的重要引擎之一,并采取一系列措施进一步扩大商品和服务市场。 TONE TONE若年均 GDP增长率达到 13%,消

15、费品和生产资料零售总额将在 2010年达到约 4.8万亿美元。若增长达到 16%,中国的进口将在 2010年达到 1.2万亿美 元。中国经济发展前景广阔,开放的市场孕育着无限商机。 TONE TONE 2008年 5月口译二级实务真题试卷答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the s

16、ignal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 【正确答案】 副总理先生、财政部长先生, 市长先生,女士们,先生们: 首先,请允许我代表在座的各位,感谢副总理先生、部长先生、市长先生,感谢你们为本次会议成功举办所付出的努力。这是一次组织非常出色的会议,而且我们在上海受到了最热烈的欢迎,请大家同我一起向他们表示感谢。 我主要谈两点 。 第一点是,我们要从政治上确保贫困以及扶贫是全球工作的核心内容。我相信目前还没有做到这一点,目前我们

17、仍是口头上讨论贫困问题。而当前世界真正关心的问题是恐怖主义、伊拉克、阿富汗、财政赤字等,这些都是急于要解决的实实在在的问题。但同样无法回避的、同样危险的贫困问题却不怎么受关注。 我们必须要解决社会平等和社会公正的问题,因为解决不了贫困问题,就没有和平。现在 9千亿美元用于军事支出, 3千亿美元用于农业补贴, 500亿到 600亿美元用于境外开发援助,这些都是需要我们改变的错误做法。 第 二点也是最后一点我想说的是,我们讨论过经济,也讨论过为实现社会公正必须要取得的进步,还讨论过为实现赋权而采取的手段和为加大力度可以使用的方法。 但是,有一点我们没有讨论过,而且我认为我们都应该认识到的是,如果我

18、们想有效地宣传减少贫困,更乐观地说是消除贫困,我们就必须要坚信自己所做的一切都是正确的事情。我们解决贫困问题不应仅仅出于经济的考虑,而是因为解决社会公平和公正问题是一项正义的事业。 我们可以毫不掩饰地说自己所从事的工作包括人的因素,还有一种道义的因素,或者说精神的因素在里面。我们不 是作为经济学家到这里来的,我们到这里来是因为我们应该给世界上每个人一个把握命运的机会。 因此,我希望从这里走出去以后,大家感觉多一点振奋,多一点责任感,加强扶贫工作的力度。因为这是一项正义的事业,而且作为人类的一员,这也是我们应该做的。 非常感谢会议主办方,也感谢各位的光临。 二、 PART 2 Chinese-E

19、nglish Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 2 【正确答案】 Chinas opening-up is a combina

20、tion of “inviting in“ and “going global“. While boosting inward investment, the Chinese government also encourages competent Chinese enterprises to invest overseas. Encouraged by the government, Chinese enterprises have made great strides in implementing the strategy of “going global“ in recent year

21、s. By the end of 2006, nearly 8,000 Chinese-invested enterprises had been set up in over 160 countries and regions with direct Chinese investment over 73 billion USD. The areas of overseas Chinese investment have expanded from import and export, shipping and catering to manufacturing, agricultural c

22、ooperation, resource development, project contracting, and R&D. Meanwhile, the forms of investment have also diversified from factory establishment to cross-border mergers and acquisitions, equity swap, overseas listing, R&D centers and industrial parks. In the new era, China will embrace the world

23、with a more positive stance. China will continue to adhere to the principle of expanding domestic demand and to practice balanced trade policy. China will intensify cooperation with the international multi-lateral and regional economic organizations, and continue to promote trade and investment faci

24、litation. China will enhance and expand communication and cooperation with countries all over the world on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, so as to make sure economic globalization will be conducive to common prosperity. China has identified the goal of building a well-off society by 2020,

25、 and Chinas GDP is expected to exceed 4 trillion USD by then. China, with its 1.3-billion population, fast and stable economic development, is a source of unlimited business opportunities, and provides its many partners with a large market and greater possibilities of cooperation. The 11 th Five-Yea

26、r Plan between 2006 and 2010 will drive Chinas economy into a new era of steady growth. During this period, China will deepen the reform and will be more open and free. In the following 5 years, Chinas average annual GDP growth is expected to exceed 8%. The Chinese Government uses domestic demand as

27、 one of the important engines for economic growth, and has taken many measures to expand the commodity and service markets. Ifthe average annual GDP growth rate reaches 13%, the retailing value of consumer goods and production material will amount to 4.8 trillion USD by 2010. If GDP grows to 16%, Chinas import will be 1.2 trillion USD by 2010. Chinas economy is developing with great prospects and the free market has unlimited business opportunities.

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