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本文([外语类试卷]2009年5月口译二级实务真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(ownview251)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2009年 5月口译二级实务真题试卷及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets be

2、gin. 1 Today we launch UNICEFs annual flagship report: “The State of the Worlds Children 2009“, which this year focuses on maternal and newborn health. The report shows that more must be done to addressmaternal and newborn health to help save and improve the lives of millions of children and their f

3、amilies.TONE TONE Every year, more than 500,000 women die as a result of pregnancy or childbirth complications. Around 70,000 of these deaths are among girls and young women 15 to 19. This is not only a tragic personal loss forthe family, but it also leaves a long-term impact on the health and well-

4、being of children and the developmentof communities and countries. Around 99 per cent of maternal deaths take place in the developing worldwhere having a child remains among the most serious health risks for women. Twenty one per cent ofmaternal deaths take place in just three countries: the Democra

5、tic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia and Nigeria.TONE TONE In Niger, the country with the highest lifetime risk of maternal mortality, 1 in 7 women will die fromcomplications related to pregnancy or giving birth. The comparable risk in the developed world is 1 in 8,000.Since 1990, complications related t

6、o pregnancy and childbirth have taken the lives of an estimated 10 millionwomen. That is equal to around 20 per cent of the total population of South Africa. In addition, every year,some 4 million newborns die within the first 28 days of life from largely preventable causes. That is about40 per cent

7、 of all under-five deaths every year. The burden is disproportionately heavy in Africa and Asia.Ninety five per cent of maternal deaths occur in Africa and Asia combined and 90 per cent of newborn deathsoccur in Africa and Asia. TONE TONE The good news is that between 1995 and 2005 skilled birth att

8、endant coverage increased from 54 percent to 62 per cent in the developing world. During the same period ante-natal care rose from 60 percent to75 per cent. Yet around 50 million births in the developing world or about 40 per cent of all births remainwithout skilled health personnel. TONE TONE And g

9、irls must go to school. Women who are educated are more likely to be healthy and to give birth to healthy babies who will survive and grow into adulthood. Educating girls and young women is one ofthe most powerful ways of breaking a vicious cycle of poverty and creating a Supportive environment form

10、aternal and newborn health. TONE TONE At the household level, awareness needs to be increased about the importance of recognizing danger signs and ensuring that care for the woman or infant is sought right away. Changes must also be made at thecommunity level to address issues such as infrastructure

11、 and financial resources to ensure access to healthcare. And finally, health workers must be available, trained, and have the appropriate equipment. TONE/TONE Progress has been made in reducing child mortality but much more must be done especially inaddressing maternal and newborn health. The world

12、must approach this task with a shared sense ofurgency and a collaborative response. Results will be measured in lives saved and lives improved. Thankyou. TONE TONE 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpre

13、ting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 2 女士们,先生们,上午好 ! 中国和马来西亚是友好近邻,两国传统友谊源远流 长。中国明朝郑和七下西洋,五次到达马六甲,同当地人民友好交往和互利通商,至今传为佳话。中马建交 33年来,两国经贸合作持续快速发展。中国海关统计, 2006年两国贸易额达 371亿美元,比建交时增长 230多倍,今年将超过 450亿美

14、元。中马两国互为重要贸易伙伴。中国已成为马来西亚棕榈油和天然橡胶的最大出口市场和电子产品第四大出口市场。 TONE TONE 在双边贸易快速增长的同时,两国之间的相互投资也取得较大发展。截至今年 9月底,马来西亚对华实际投资已超过 45亿美元。随着中国经济实力的不断增强和“走 出去 ”战略的实施,已有越来越多的中国企业到马来西亚开展投资合作。马来西亚政治稳定,民族和睦,经济快速增长,投资环境优越,中国政府积极支持和鼓励有实力的中国企业到马来西亚投资,开展互利双赢的合作。 TONE TONE 为推动中国与马来西亚以及东盟各国之间的友好往来,发展双边贸易关系,中国商务部在马来西亚政府和工商界的大力

15、支持下,举办了中国商品展览会。从 2004年至今已成功举办三届。累计有近 500家中国企业参展,来自 30多个国家的买家到展会参观、采购和洽谈,展会已经在中马两国企业界树立起良好的形 象,建立起自身的品牌。 TONE TONE 本次展会参展企业超过 200家,其中 100多家企业将携带新产品和新技术首次到马来西亚参展,将有 8,000多买家到会。我相信,本次展会一定会对中马经贸合作起到积极推动作用。 TONE TONE 进一步加强中马友好合作,符合两国根本利益。扩大中马互利经贸合作将为中马友好注入更多的实质性内容,为两国人民创造更多的福祉。我们愿与马方共同努力,在 “平等互利、共同发展 ”的原

16、则基础上开展多种形式的互利合作,不断开创两国经贸合作的新局面。预祝本次展览 洽谈会取 得圆满成功 !谢谢。 TONE TONE 2009年 5月口译二级实务真题试卷答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you a

17、re listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 【正确答案】 今天,我们在此发布联合国儿童基金会的年度旗舰报告 2009年世界儿童状况,今年的报告主要关注孕妇与新生儿健康。报告显示,在孕妇与新生儿健康方面我们必须要做更多,以挽救新生儿的生命,并改善无数儿童与其家庭的生活。 每年,有超过 50万名女性死于怀孕或分娩并发症,其中大约 7万人是 15到 19岁的女孩和年轻女性。这不仅 对于家庭来说是痛苦的损失,还对孩子的健康成长和社会与国家的发展造成长期的影响。 99%左右的孕妇死亡发生在不发达国家,在这些国

18、家,生孩子是对女性最严重的健康威胁之一。全世界孕妇死亡的 21发生在刚果民主共和国、埃塞俄比亚和尼尔利亚这三个国家。 在孕妇死亡危险率最高的尼日尔,每 7名女性中会有 1名死于怀孕或分娩引起的并发症,而在发达国家,每 8,000名女性中才会有 1名因此死亡。 1990年以来,怀孕或分娩引起的并发症已夺走了约 1千万女性的生命,这大约相当于南非总人口的20%。另外,每年有约 400万新生儿在出生后的 28天内死亡,而大多数死亡是可以避免的。这一数字大约是每年 5岁以下死亡儿童人数的 40。孕妇和新生儿死亡分布极不均匀,多集中在非洲和亚洲。 95%的孕妇死亡和 90%的新生儿死亡都发生在非洲和亚洲

19、。 令我们欣慰的是, 1995年到 2005年,发展中国家中熟练的分娩护理人员人数从54增加到了 62;同时,选择孕期看护的人数从 60%增加到了 75%。但是,发展中国家中约 5千万人,或者说全世界约 40%的分娩仍在没有专业卫生护理人员的条件下进行。 女孩必须上学。受过教育的女性更有可能身体健康,更有可能生出健康的孩子,孩子也会存活长大。要打破贫穷恶性循环,创造一个利于孕妇和新生儿健康的环境,让女孩和年轻女性接受教育是最有力的方法之一。 在家庭层面,要增强对识别危险迹象的重要性的认识,保证女性或婴儿能够很快得到照料。社区也要不 断改善,解决基础设施和财政资源等问题,确保人们能够得到健康护理

20、。最后,还必须要有接受过培训的医疗工作者和必要的设备。 我们在减少儿童死亡率方面已取得了一些进步,但是还应做得更多,尤其是在针对孕妇与新生儿健康方面。全世界必须有共同的紧追感、协调行动,来完成这一任务。无数生命会因此得到挽救和改善。谢谢大家。 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the sign

21、al. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 2 【正确答案】 Ladies and gentlemen, Good morning! China and Malaysia are friendly neighbours. The two countries have a long-standing traditionalfriendship. Zheng He of the Ming Dynasty went on voyages to

22、 the western oceans for seven times. Amongthem, for fiVe times, he arrived at the Strait of Malacca and made friendly exchanges and mutually beneficialtrade with the local people, which has been a much-told story to this day. In the past 33 years since China and Malaysia established diplomatic relat

23、ions, the economic and trade cooperations between the two countries have seen a sustained, rapid and sound development. According to China Customs statistics, the trade volume of the two nations in 2006 has reached $37.1 billion, increasing by more than 230 times since the establishment of relations

24、. This year the number will exceed $45 billion. China and Malaysia are important trade partners to each other. China has become the biggest export market of Malaysian pahn oil and natural rubber and the fourth of electronic products. With the rapid increase of bilateral trade, the mutual investment

25、between the two countries has also made great progress. Up to the end of this September, Malaysias actual investment in China has gone over $4.5 billion. With the constant enhancement of Chinas economic strength and the implementation of the strategy of “going global“, more and more Chinese companie

26、s are going to Malaysia for investment and cooperation.Malaysia enjoys political stability, ethnic harmony, fast growing economy, and excellent investmentenvironment, therefore the Chinese government actively supports and encourages capable Chinese companiesto make investments in Malaysia and develo

27、p mutually beneficial cooperation. In order to promote amities and develop bilateral trade among China, Malaysia and other members of ASEAN, the Ministry of Commerce of China has successfully held the China Commodity Fair for three times since 2004, under the strong support of the Malaysian Governme

28、nt and business communities. Altogetherup to 500 Chinese companies have attended the fair, and buyers from more than 30 countries have joinedfor visits, purchases and business negotiations. The fair has set up a favorable image among Chinese andMalaysian business communities and has established a br

29、and of its own. This year, over 200 companies will attend the fair. For more than 100 companies, it is their first time to exhibit their new products and technologies at the fair in Malaysia. As many as more than 8,000 buyers will be present. I believe the fair of this year is sure to play an active

30、 role in the promotion of the economic andtrade cooperation between China and Malaysia. It serves the fundamental interests of both countries to further strengthen the friendly cooperation of China and Malaysia. The broadening of mutually beneficial economic and trade cooperation will add moreessent

31、ials to the amities of the two countries and therefore bring greater welfare to their people. We arewilling to make joint efforts with Malaysia to develop mutually beneficial cooperation in multiple forms onthe basis of “equality, mutual benefit, and common development“, and open up new prospects for the bothcountries economic and trade cooperation. I wish this fair a great success! Thank you.

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