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本文([外语类试卷]2009年5月笔译二级实务真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(ownview251)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2009年 5月笔译二级实务真题试卷及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 Development of the City Whatever the particular circumstances of a city, though, its vigour was likely to be affected by technological change. Just as it was improvements in farming that brought about the surpluses that made pos

2、sible the first fixed settlements, so it was improvements in transport that made possible the development of trade on which the prosperity of so many cities depended. Other technological changes made it possible to survive in a city. The Romans, for instance, constructed aqueducts to bring fresh wat

3、er to their towns and sewers to provide sanitation. But only the rich benefited. Most Romans, and many city-dwellers throughout history, lived in squalor, and many died of it. Towns were crowded and insanitary; people were often malnourished; and disease spread fast. Though cities grew in size and n

4、umber for long periods, they could decline and fall, too. Between 1000 and 1300 Europes urban population more than doubled, to about 70m (thanks partly to a new system of crop rotation, made possible by better tools). Then, with the Black Death, it fell by a quarter. Country people died too, but the

5、 city-dwellers were especially vulnerable. Their health depended above all on clean water and sanitation, which few had, and cheap soap and medicines, which had yet to be invented. Not surprisingly, the next big change in the development of the city also turned on a leap in technology: the invention

6、 of engines and manufacturing machinery. The Industrial Revolution did nothing at first to make urban life easier, but it did provide jobslots of them. With the new factories of the industrial age that began in the late 18th century was born an entirely new urban era. Peasants left the land in their

7、 multitudes to live in new cities, first in the north of England, then all over Europe and North America. By 1900, 13% of the worlds population had become urban. 2 A Different Consensus Even as the U.S. Senate debates a vast new tax and spend regime in the name of fighting climate change, a more ins

8、tructive argument was taking place in Copenhagen, Denmark. Some of the worlds leading economists met earlier this month to decide how to do the most good in a world of finite resources. Scarcity is a core economic concept. There isnt an unlimited amount of money to be spent on every problem, so choi

9、ces have to be made. The question addressed by the Copenhagen Consensus Center is what investments would do the most good for the most people. The centers blue-ribbon panel of economists, including five Nobel laureates, weighed more than 40 proposals to improve the world by spending a total of $75 b

10、illion over the next four years. What would do the most good most economically? Supplements of vitamin A and zinc for malnourished children. Number two? A successful outcome to the Doha Round of global flee-trade talks. Global warming mitigation? It ranked 30th, or last, right behind global warming

11、mitigation research and development. On the benefits of freer trade, it was estimated that a successful Doha Round could generate up to $113 trillion in new wealth during the 21st century, at a cost of $420 billion or less from inefficient industries going bust. Meanwhile, providing vitamin A and zi

12、nc would help some 112 million children in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia for merely $60 million a year. The minerals would help prevent blindness and stunted growthincreasing lifetime productivity by an estimated $1 billion. Similar if not quite so bountiful returns apply to investments in iron

13、supplements, salt iodization and deworming, all low-cost measures that the economists in Copenhagen ranked highly. SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (20 points) 3 一个正在高速实现工业化和城市化的发展中大国,内部需求特别是消费需求持续不振,显然不是短期政策因素,而是反映了整体的经济和社会结构失衡。步入了工业化进程的廉价农村劳动力 我们称为农民工,创造了巨大的供给,却不能融入城市作为市民去消费,因此产生了巨大供需缺口。中国今后 30年的发

14、展,在很大程度上取决于我们能否在过去 30年成果的基础上,抓住经济社会发展的主线,逐步废除对进城农民的身份歧视,进行制度创新,从而启动另一个 30年的 经济高速增长和社会平衡发展。能否做到这一点,关键在于农民工市民制的机制设计和创新,这将同 30年前的家庭土地承包制度一样,启动和激发链索式的制度变迁和社会演变,成为推动下一个 30年经济社会发展的引擎。 4 钟馗的脸谱 著名的京剧人物钟馗的脸谱像是一只蝙蝠,因汉语中 “蝙蝠 ”的 “蝠 ”与 “幸福 ”的“福 ”字发音相同,所以成了幸福的形象表意符号。 钟馗的故事有不同版本。流传最广的说法是,他在科举考试中高中榜首,但是因为相貌丑陋被取消了状元

15、资格,一怒之 下撞柱而死。玉帝怜其不幸,封他为捉恶鬼之神。与钟馗一同赴试的杜平出资安葬了他。钟馗感其恩德,将妹妹嫁给了杜平。钟馗既是法官又是执行者,他惩恶扬善。尽管钟馗的形象极为丑陋,但他仍是最受欢迎的神明之一。 钟馗脸谱中的蝙蝠造型意味着他给人们带来的福气,额头上红色元宝形,既表明他的忠正,也暗示他头撞柱而亡。黑白二色的图纹,强化他执法公正的涵义,而似带笑形的化妆手法,又反映了钟馗特有的幽默。 2009年 5月笔译二级实务真题试卷答案与解析 SECTION 1 Compulsory Translation (30 points) 1 【正确答案】 城市的发展 不论一个城市的具体情况如何,其生

16、命力是最易受技术发展的影响的。农业技术进步产生了剩余物资,使最早的定居生活成为了可能,而交通方面的进步也使贸易发展成为了可能,许多城市的繁荣也就依赖于这些贸易发展。其他的技术进步又使人们在城市中得以生存。比方说,古罗马人就建造了引水渠给他们的城市引入清水,也建造了下水管道来保证环境卫生。 但这只是让富人阶层受益。大部分罗马人和历史上众多城市的居 民都生活在肮脏恶劣的环境中,许多人因此死去。城市既拥挤又不卫生,居民往往营养不良,疾病会迅速传播。尽管从长期来看,城市的规模会扩大、数量会增长,但城市也会衰落沦亡。从公元 1000年到 1300年,欧洲的城市人口增长了一倍多,达到七千万左右(部分是由于

17、先进工具的出现,使新的轮作耕种成为了可能 )。接着,黑死病流行,人口锐减了四分之一。乡村的人口也会因病死去,但城市的居民更为脆弱。他们的健康首先依赖于清洁的水和卫生条件,但没有多少人拥有这些,而且,低价的肥皂和药品那时还没有发明呢。 毫无意外地,接下来城市发 展的巨大变化也使技术产生了飞越:发明了发动机和大规模的生产机械。工业革命刚开始时丝毫没有使城市生活变得轻松,但确实提供了相当多的就业机会。随着 18世纪末工业时期新工厂的出现,崭新的城市时代开始了,大量农民离开土地,到新城市生活,最先到英格兰北部、继而扩展到整个欧洲和北美。到 1900年, 13%的世界人口成为了城市居民。 2 【正确答案

18、】 不一样的共识 就在美国参议院讨论一个庞大的新税收和支出制度以应对气候变化时,丹麦的哥本哈根提出了一个更具指导意义 的论点。一些世界顶级的经济学家在本月早些时候碰头,以确定如何最好地运用有限的资源。 “短缺 ”是经济学的核心概念。没有无限量的资金用于解决每个问题,关键是选择。哥本哈根共识中心指出,问题在于投入的资金如何能满足最多人的最大需求。中心那些拥有最高荣誉的经济学专家们 (其中包括五位诺贝尔奖获得者 )对四十多个改善全球的提议做出评估,并将在未来 4年内投入 750亿美元落实这些提议。 最好的、最经济的方法是什么 ? 给营养不良的孩子补充维生素 A和锌。 第二种呢 ? 多哈回合全球自由

19、贸易谈判获得成功。 缓解全球变暖 ?位列第 30,也就是最末一位,它的前一位是缓解全球变暖的研究和开发。 关于自由贸易所能带来的收益,据估计,多哈回合谈判成功能够在 21世纪带来高达 113万亿美元的财富增长,代价只是价值 4200亿美元或更少的运转不良的行业走向末路。 同时,每年仅需 6000万美元就能为撒哈拉以南非洲和南亚地区的约 1.12亿儿童提供维生素 A和锌。矿物质有助于预防失明和发育障碍,增加的终生生产力寿命估计为 10亿美元。即使铁补充剂、食盐加碘和驱虫等所有被哥本哈根的经济学家们排在靠前位置的低成本的措施的 投资回报没有这么丰厚,也相差不多。 SECTION 1 Compuls

20、ory Translation (20 points) 3 【正确答案】 As a main developing country in the course of rapid industrialization and urbanization, Chinas domestic demand (esp. the consumption demand) is yet in constant depress. Obviously, the situation is not caused by its short-term policies, but it indeed reflects the

21、imbalance of the economy and social structure as a whole. The cheap laborers (rural migrant laborers) have greatly involved in the industrialization and have created tremendous product supplies, but they cannot become consumers in urban areas. Thus, a great gap between supply and demand is created.

22、So Chinas development of next 30 years depends on whether we can, with the accomplishments of past 30 years, focus on the essence of the social economic development, and eliminate identity discrimination against rural migrant laborers step by step. We should also carry out policy innovation so as to

23、 start up another round of fast economic growth and balanced social development in next 30 years. The key to this lies in realizing the citizenship mechanism and policy innovation for those rural workers. The new policies will just be like the household contract responsibility system 30 years ago, i

24、nitiate system reform and social changes in chain, and become the engine driving social economic development for the next 30 years. 4 【正确答案】 Zhong Kuis Facial Make-up for Peking Opera In Peking opera, the facial make-up of the well-known character Zhong Kui looks like a bat, which has become an imag

25、e symbolizing happiness, for the pronunciation of fu in bianfu (meaning “bat“ in Chinese) is identical to that of fu in xingfu (meaning “happiness“ in Chinese). The story about Zhong Kui has different versions. The most popular one is that he came out first in the highest imperial examination but wa

26、s disqualified due to his ugly appearance. He bumped himself into the post to death in a pique. Out of pity, the Jade Emperor made him the god in charge of catching evil spirits. Du Ping, who took part in the examination together with Zhong Kui, paid money to bury him. Zhong Kui married his sister t

27、o Du Ping out of gratitude. Acting as both the judge and the executor, Zhong Kui punishes vice and rewards virtue. Extremely ugly as he is, he still ranks among the most popular gods. The bat image of Zhong Kuis facial make-up for Peking Opera implies the blessings he brings to people. The red ingot on his forehead is both a declaration of his loyalty and integrity, and an implication of his death from bumping into the post. The black and white pattern enhances the idea of his fair law enforcement, while the make-up of a seemingly smiling expression indicates Zhong Kuis unique humor.

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