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本文([外语类试卷]2012年职称英语(理工类)C级真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(孙刚)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2012年职称英语(理工类) C级真题试卷及答案与解析 一、 词汇选项 (第 1-15题,每题 1分,共 15分 ) 下面每个句子中均有 1个词或短语在括号中,请为每处括号部分的词汇或短语确定1个意义最为接近选项。 1 The storm caused severe damage. ( A) physical ( B) accidental ( C) serious ( D) environmental 2 Many forms of cancer can be cured if detected early. ( A) selected ( B) operated ( C) develope

2、d ( D) discovered 3 The story was published with the sole purpose of selling newspapers ( A) real ( B) main ( C) only ( D) practical 4 A large crowd assembled outside the American embassy ( A) gathered ( B) watched ( C) shouted ( D) walked 5 He kept in constant contact with his family while he was i

3、n Australia ( A) gradual ( B) regular ( C) direst ( D) occasional 6 On the table was a vase filled with artificial flowers ( A) wild ( B) fresh ( C) lovely ( D) false 7 We had trouble finding a pure water supply ( A) typical ( B) complete ( C) clean ( D) clear 8 “What do you mean by that”Paul asked

4、sharply ( A) critically ( B) helplessy ( C) politely ( D) quickly 9 She only needs a minute amount of money ( A) certain ( B) fair ( C) full ( D) small 10 Keep your passport in a secure place ( A) special ( B) good ( C) safe ( D) different 11 He inspired many young people to take up the sport ( A) e

5、ncouraged ( B) allowed ( C) called ( D) advised 12 Did she accept his research proposal? ( A) invitation ( B) plan ( C) offer ( D) view 13 The city centre was wiped out by the bomb ( A) covered ( B) destroyed ( C) reduced ( D) moved 14 Id like to withdraw 500 from my current account ( A) leave ( B)

6、pay ( C) put ( D) draw 15 The contempt he felt for his fellow students was obvious ( A) hate ( B) need ( C) love ( D) pity 二、 阅读判断 (第 16-22题,每题 1分,共 7分 ) 下面的短文后列出了 7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择 A;如果该句提供的是错误信息 ,请选择 B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择 C。 15 Eastern Quakes Can Trigger Big Shakes In the first

7、 week of November 2011, people in central Oklahoma experienced more than two dozen earthquakes. The largest, a magnitude 5.6 quake, shook thousands of fans in a college football stadium, caused cracks in a few buildings and rattled the nerves of many people who had never felt a quake before. Oklahom

8、a is not an area of the country famous for its quakes. If you watch the news on TV, you see reports about all sorts of natural disasters hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding and wildfires, to name a few. But the most dangerous type of natural disaster, and also the most unpredictable, is the earthquake.

9、Researchers at the U.S. Geological Survey estimate that several million earthquakes rattle the globe each year. That may sound scary, but people dont feel many of the tremors because they happen in remote and unpopulated regions. Many quakes happen under the ocean, and others have a very small magni

10、tude, or shaking intensity. A magnitude 5.8 earthquake that struck central Virginia the afternoon of August 23, 2011, was felt from central Georgia to southeastern Canada. In many urban areas, including Washington, D.C., and New York City (Wall Street shown), people crowded the streets while enginee

11、rs inspected buildings. Credit: Wikimedia/Alex Tabak Scientists know about small, remote quakes only because of very sensitive electronic devices called seismometers. These devices detect and measure the size of ground vibrations produced by earthquakes. Altogether, USGS researchers use seismometers

12、 to identify and locate about 20,000 earthquakes each year. Although earthquakes can happen anywhere in the world, really big quakes occur only in certain areas. The largest ones register a magnitude 8 or higher and happen, on average, only once each year. Such big ones typically occur along the edg

13、es of Earths tectonic plates. Tectonic plates are huge pieces of Earths crust, sometimes many kilometers thick. These plates cover our planets surface like a jigsaw puzzle. Often, jagged edges of these plates temporarily lock together. When plates jostle and scrape past each other earthquakes occur.

14、 On average, tectonic plates move very slowly about the same speed as your fingernails grow. But sometimes earthquakes rumble through portions of the landscape far from a plates edges. Although less expected, these “mid-plate” tremors can do substantial damage. Some of the biggest known examples rat

15、tled the eastern half of the United States two centuries ago. Today, scientists are still puzzling over why the quakes occurred and when similar ones might occur. 16 Oklahoma is an area often experiencing natural disasters. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 17 The earthquake is the most unpre

16、dictable natural disaster. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 18 Few earthquakes happen without peoples awareness. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 19 Seismometers can identify and locate most of the earthquakes in China. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 20 Big earthquakes of a

17、 magnitude 8 0r higher seldom happen far from the edges of tectonic plates. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 21 Whenever tectonic plates move, earthquakes happen. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 22 The earthquake that hit the eastern half of the United States two centuries ago is th

18、e biggest “mid-plate“ one in history. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 三、 概括大意与完成句子 (第 23-30题,每题 1分,共 8分 ) 下面的短文后有 2项测试任务: (1)第 23-26题要求从所给的 6个选项中为第 2-5段每段选择一个最佳标题; (2)第 27-30题要求从所给的 6个选项中为每个句子确定一个最佳选项。 22 Learn about Light 1. Ancient civilizations were amazed by the existence of light for t

19、housands of years. The Greek philosophers believed that light was made up of countless, tiny particles that enter the human eye and create what we call vision. However, Empedocles and a Dutch scientist named Christian Huygens believed that light was like a wave. According to them, light spread out a

20、nd travelled like a straight line. This theory was accepted during the 19th century. 2. ln 1905, Albert Einstein published a research paper in which he explained what is referred to as the photoelectric effect. This theory explains that particles make up light. The particles Einstein was referring t

21、o are weightless bundles(束) of electromagnetic(电磁) energy called photons(光子) . Today, scientists agree that light has a dual(二重) nature it is part particle and part wave. It is a form of energy that allows us to see things around us. 3. Things that give off light are known as sources of light. Durin

22、g the day, the primary source of light is the sun. Other sources of light include stars, flames, flashlights, street lamps and glowing gases in glass tube. 4. When we draw the way light travels we always use straight lines. This is because normally light rays travel in a straight line. However, ther

23、e are some instances that can change the path and even the nature of light. They are reflection, absorption, interference (干扰) , etc. 5. Physicists have attempted to measure the speed of light since the early times. In 1849, Hippolyte Fizeau conducted an experiment by directing a beam of light to a

24、mirror located kilometers away and placed a rotating cogwheel(旋转齿轮) between the beam and the mirror. From the rate of rotation of the wheel, number of wheels teeth and distance of the mirror, he was able to calculate that the speed of light is 313 million meters per second. In a vacuum(真空) ,however,

25、 the speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second. This is about a million times faster than the speed of an airplane. A. How is the nature of light explained today? B. What are sources of light? C. How did physicists measure the speed of light? D. How does light travel? E. How did people think o

26、f light years ago? F. What causes a shadow? 23 Paragraph 2 _. 24 Paragraph 3 _. 25 Paragraph 4 _. 26 Paragraph 5 _. 26 A. sources of light B. the speed of light C. the path of light D. a straight line E. a beam of light F. a form of energy 27 Objects are visible to the human eye as light is _. 28 St

27、ars, flames, flashlights are some examples of _. 29 Some instances such as reflection and absorption can change _. 30 Hippolyte Fizeau conducted an experiment to measure _. 四、 阅读理解 (第 31-45题,每题 3分,共 45分 ) 下面有 3篇短文后有 5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题选 1个最佳选项。 30 Graphenes Superstrength Big technology comes in tiny pac

28、kages. New cell phones and personal computers get smaller every year, which means these electronics require even smaller components on the inside. Engineers are looking for creative ways to build these components, and theyve turned their eyes to graphene, a superthin material, made of carbon, that c

29、ould change the future of electronics. This years Nobel Prize for Physics has been awarded to Andre Geim and Kostya Novoselov from the University of Manchester, UK. for the discovery of graphene. Graphene isnt just small, its “the thinnest possible material in this world.“ says Novoselov. He calls i

30、t a “wonder material.“ Its so thin that you would need to stack about 25,000 sheets just to make a pile as thick as a piece of ordinary white paper. If you were to hold a sheet of graphene in your fingers, youd have no idea because you wouldnt be able to see it. Carbon is one of the most abundant el

31、ements in the universe. Every known kind of life contains carbon. Graphene is a sheet of carbon, but only one atom thick. You dont have to look far to find grapheneits all around you. If you want this high-tech wonderstuff, all you need is a pencil, paper and a little adhesive tape. Use the pencil t

32、o shade a small area on the paper, and then apply a small piece of adhesive tape over the area. When you pull up the tape, you11 see that it pulls up a thin layer of some of the shading from your pencil. That layer is called graphite, one of the softest minerals in the world. Now stick the same piec

33、e of tape on another sheet of paper and pull the tape upthere should be an even thinner layer, this time left on the paper. Now imagine that you do this over and over, until you get the thinnest possible layer of material on the paper. This layer would be only one atom thick, and you wouldnt be able

34、 to see it. Graphite is made of layers of graphene. So when you get to the thinnest possible layer, youve found graphene. 31 What would change the future of electronics according to engineers? ( A) Personal computer. ( B) Big technology. ( C) Graphene. ( D) Creative ways. 32 Which of the following s

35、tatements about graphene is true ? ( A) It is visible to the human eye. ( B) It is possibly the thinnest material in the world. ( C) It can be used to make paper. ( D) Finding it demands time and money. 33 The word “apply” in paragraph 4 could be used to replaced by ? ( A) push. ( B) find. ( C) coll

36、ect. ( D) put. 34 What does the writer tell in the last two paragraph ? ( A) An easy way to find graphene. ( B) Significance of the discovery of graphene. ( C) Development of high-tech wonders. ( D) Possible applications of graphen 35 Graphenes super strength lies in the fact that. ( A) It is the th

37、innest material in the world. ( B) It is made of the most abundant elements in the world. ( C) It can help to make electronic components smaller. ( D) It helps engineers to produce more sensitive electronic products. 35 Puerto Rican Cuisine(菜肴) Puerto Rico, a Caribbean (加勒比海区 ) island rich in histor

38、y and remarkable natural beauty, has a cuisine all its own. Immigration(移民) to the island has helped to shape its cuisine, with people from all over the world making various contributions to it. However, before the arrival of these immigrants, the Taino people lived on the island of Puerto Rico. Tai

39、no cuisine included such foods as rodents (啮齿动物 ), fresh shellfish and fish fried in corn oil. Many aspects of Taino cuisine continue today in Puerto Rican cooking, but it has been heavily influenced by the Spanish, who invaded Puerto Rico in 1508, and Africans, who were initially brought to Puerto

40、Rico to work as slaves. Taino cooking styles were mixed with ideas brought by the Spanish and Africans to create new dishes. The Spanish extended food choices by bringing cattle, pigs, goats, and sheep to the island. Africans also added to the islands food culture by introducing powerful, contrastin

41、g tastes in dishes. In fact, much of the food Puerto Rico is now famous for - coffee, coconuts, and oranges - was actually imported by foreigners to the island. A common assumption many people make about Puerto Rican food is that it is very spicy(辛辣的 ). lts true that chili peppers are popular; aij c

42、aballero in particular is a very hot chili pepper that Puerto Ricans enjoy. However, milder(微辣的 ) tastes are popular too, such as sofrito. As the base of many Puerto Rican dishes, sofrito is a sauce made from chopped onions, green bell peppers, sweet chili peppers, and a handful of other spices. It

43、is fried in oil and then added to other dishes. 36 who lived in Puerto Rico first ( A) the Africans ( B) the Spanish ( C) the Americans ( D) the Taino people 37 In the first paragraph the word “it”refers to ( A) immigration ( B) Caribbean history ( C) the islands natural beauty ( D) Puerto Rican cui

44、sine 38 what is the main idea of the second paragraph? ( A) Taino dishes are important in Puerto Rican cooking ( B) Food imported by foreigners isnt really Puerto Rican ( C) Puerto Rican cooking has many outside influences ( D) African foods have probably had the most influence 39 How is sofrito use

45、d? ( A) It is eaten before meals ( B) It is added to other dishes ( C) It is used where foods are too spicy ( D) It is eaten as a main dish 40 which of the following is NOT true? ( A) softito is a type of extremely spicy food ( B) Many people think Puerto Rican food is spicy ( C) Puerto Rican cuisin

46、e uses a lot of chili peppers ( D) Aij caballero is a type of chile pepper 40 Archive Gallery: The Best of Bionics (仿生学) Humans might be the most highly-evolved species on the planet, but most animals possess skills we can only dream of having. Imagine how much electricity we could save if we could

47、see in the dark the way cats do. Imagine leaping from tree to tree like a monkey. Giraffes(长颈鹿) , which are otherwise calm and good-natured, sleep only 4.6 hours a day. We realized a long, long time ago that nature provides the best blueprint(蓝图) for invention. Weve borrowed canals from beavers(河狸)

48、and reflectors from cats eyes. Although the words “bionics“ became popular only after the 1960s, history shows that nature has always provided ideas on solving everyday problems. Our archives(档案) dont go back to the time of Leonardo da Vinci and his bird-like flying machines, but we can take you to

49、the late 19th century, where we applied those same principles for building our first practical airplanes. To prepare for their flight at Kitty Hawk, the Wright brothers studied the movements of pigeons to figure out how they stayed high up when they were heavier than air. Their success inspired scores of successors to improve on the airplane by studying various aspects of nature. One of Orville Wrights pupils caught and stuffed seagulls to examine their wingspan. Meanwhile, two French inventors examined sp

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