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本文([外语类试卷]2013年11月成人本科学位英语真题试卷(精选)及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(吴艺期)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2013年 11月成人本科学位英语真题试卷(精选)及答案与解析 一、 Dialogue Communication 0 Jenny: Hey, Rosy! I heard that you are going to The Mall today. Rosy: 【 D1】 _ Jenny: Yes. Please buy me the bag that I showed you the other day. Rosy: 【 D2】 _ Jenny: Thanks a lot, Rosy. Do you have enough money with you? If you dont, Ill wi

2、thdraw some for you. Rosy:【 D3】 _I have enough. Jenny: Okay, then. 【 D4】 _ A. OK, no problem. B. That wont be necessary. C. Remember, dont pay more than $ 90 for it. D. Do you want to get something from there? 1 【 D1】 2 【 D2】 3 【 D3】 4 【 D4】 4 Wayne: You told me that the meeting was at 8:00. Molly:

3、I said 8:00 a.m., not 8:00 p.m. You must have been confused about the time. Wayne:【 D5】 _Anyway, I ve already missed the meeting so it doesn t matter now. Molly: I should have called you when I saw that you weren t present.【 D6】 _ Wayne: It s all right.【 D7】 _ A. I guess I was. B. It wasn t your fau

4、lt. C. Well, you should be. D. Im sorry, I never thought of that. 5 【 D5】 6 【 D6】 7 【 D7】 7 Mendy: Hello, Sammy. It has been quite some time, hasnt it? Sammy: 【 D8】 _ Mendy: Hows everything? Sammy:【 D9】 _Do you remember Carmen? Mendy: The law student? Sammy: Yes, thats right. Shes a lawyer now. Mend

5、y: 【 D10】 _ Sammy: And do you remember Rita? She is now a mother of three children! Mendy: Well, I m really happy for both Carmen and Rita. A. That s fantastic news! B. Oh yes, eight years to be exact. C. Thanks for telling me that. D. Not bad. 8 【 D8】 9 【 D9】 10 【 D10】 二、 Part I Reading Comprehensi

6、on (30%) Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line

7、 through the center. 10 Dante Gabriel Rossetti, the famous 19th-century poet and artist, was once approached by an elderly man. The old fellow had some drawings that he wanted Rossetti to look at and tell him if they were any good, or if they at least showed potential talent. Rossetti looked them ov

8、er carefully. After the first few, he knew that they were worthless, showing not the least sign of artistic talent. But Rossetti was a kind man, and he told the elderly man as gently as possible that the pictures were without much value and showed little talent. He was sorry, but he could not lie to

9、 the man. The visitor was disappointed, but seemed to have expected Rossetti s judgment. He then apologized for taking up Rossetti s time, but would he just look at a few more drawings these done by a young art student? Rossetti looked over the second group of drawings and immediately became enthusi

10、astic over the talent they revealed. “ These,“ he said, “oh, these are good. This young student has great talent. He has a great future if he will work hard and stick to it.“ Rossetti could see that the old fellow was deeply moved. “Who is this fine young artist?“ he asked. “Your son?“ “No,“ said th

11、e old man sadly. “It is me 40 years ago. If only I had heard your praise then! For you see, I got discouraged and gave up too soon.“ 11 An old man asked Rossetti to_. ( A) draw a picture for him ( B) teach him how to paint ( C) evaluate his drawings ( D) help improve his painting skills 12 Which of

12、the following could be best said about Rossetti? ( A) Critical. ( B) Sincere. ( C) Stubborn. ( D) Creative. 13 How did the old man respond to Rossetti s negative comment? ( A) He was angry and desperate. ( B) He was surprised and disappointed. ( C) He was discouraged, but took it calmly. ( D) He was

13、 hurt, but could do nothing about it. 14 Rossetti said that the young art student_. ( A) would have a bright future ( B) had some potential, but not great talent ( C) was as talented as the old man ( D) showed little talent in painting 15 What does the story try to tell us? ( A) Never give up too ea

14、sily. ( B) No pains, no gains. ( C) Early bird catches the worm. ( D) It s never too old to learn. 15 Saving energy means saving money. Homeowners know this basic fact, but they often don t know what kinds of adjustments they can make in their houses and apartments that will result in savings. For t

15、hose willing to spend some time and money to reap long-term energy savings, an energy assessment is the way to go. An energy assessor will come into your home and assess its energy efficiency. The assessor will find out areas of your home that use the most energy and offer solutions to lower your en

16、ergy use and costs. Trained energy assessors know what to look for and can locate a variety of problems that may be resulting in energy inefficiency, including inadequate insulation(隔热 ), construction problems, and uneven heat distribution. There are quicker and less costly measures that can be take

17、n as well. One way to save money is to replace bulbs with fluorescents(荧光灯 ). This can result in a saving of more than 50% on your monthly lighting costs. When it s time to replace old appliances, it s wise to spend a bit more for an energy-efficient model, and be sure that you are taking advantage

18、of energy-saving settings already on your current refrigerator, dishwasher, washing machine, or dryer. Windows provide another opportunity to cut your energy costs. Fill the holes or cracks of old windows that might be leaky to let in cold wind, and choose double-paned (双层 )windows if you re buildin

19、g an addition or replacing old windows. Most areas of your home or apartment offer opportunities to save energy and money. The results are significant and are well worth the effort. 16 According to the passage, which of the following would an energy assessor do? ( A) Change your light bulbs. ( B) Fi

20、x construction problems. ( C) Replace your old appliances. ( D) Check your heating system. 17 As is implied in the passage, energy assessment is_. ( A) free of charge ( B) worthwhile in the long run ( C) absolutely necessary ( D) kind of troublesome 18 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the

21、passage? ( A) Using fluorescent can cut 50% of the lighting costs. ( B) Energy efficient appliances should be used. ( C) A local energy company will send an energy assessor on request. ( D) Some appliances have energy-saving settings. 19 According to the passage, double-paned windows_. ( A) are ener

22、gy efficient ( B) can only be used as replacement ( C) are only used in new buildings ( D) will lower your heating costs by 50% 20 Which of the following best expresses the main idea of this passage? ( A) There are many things a homeowner can do to save energy and money. ( B) Hiring an energy assess

23、or will save energy and money. ( C) Homeowners dont know what they can do to save energy and money. ( D) Replacing windows and light bulbs are well worth the effort and cost. 20 Is Halloween celebrated where you live? In the United States and Canada, Halloween is widely known and celebrated every ye

24、ar on October 31. Halloween customs, though, can be found in many other parts of the globe. In some places holidays are celebrated that, although named differently, share similar themes: contact with the spirit world involving the spirits of the dead, the devil and angels. Personally, you may not be

25、lieve in supernatural spirits. You might simply view taking part in Halloween and similar celebrations as a way to have fun and teach your children to explore their imagination. Many people, though, regard these celebrations as harmful for the following reasons: Firstly,Halloween is actually related

26、 to the prospect of contact with spiritual forces, many of which threaten or frighten. Likewise, many celebrations like Halloween have religious origins and are deeply rooted in ancestor worship(祖先崇拜 ). Even today, people around the world use these days to make contact with supposed spirits of the d

27、ead. Secondly, although Halloween has been viewed mainly as an American holiday, each year people in more and more countries have been adopting it. Many newcomers to the celebration, however, are unaware of the religious origins of Halloween symbols, decorations, and customs, most of which are relat

28、ed to supernatural beings and supernatural forces. Thirdly, thousands of people, who follow ancient Celts(凯尔特人 ), still call Halloween by the ancient name Samhain and consider it to be the most sacred night of the year. Others dont realize it, while theyre celebrating the Celtic holiday. In view of

29、the foregoing, it is wise for you to know about the dark origins of Halloween and similar celebrations. Having this fuller understanding may help you decide whether to participate in these holidays. 21 According to the author, the theme of Halloween is to_. ( A) celebrate the harvest season ( B) spr

30、ead religious teachings ( C) contact the spirit of the dead ( D) help children explore their imagination 22 Many people regard Halloween celebrations as harmful because_. ( A) the celebrations can disturb the dead ( B) some of the celebration activities are frightening ( C) children may be frightene

31、d by supernatural forces ( D) some of the celebrations are very dangerous 23 Those who celebrate Halloween without knowing its origins may_. ( A) not understand Halloween s true meaning ( B) act as strangely as the dead and the devils ( C) ruin the atmosphere of the celebrations ( D) change their re

32、ligious beliefs 24 According to the passage, Halloween was probably first celebrated by_. ( A) Americans ( B) Canadians ( C) Indians ( D) Celts 25 The author s purpose in writing this passage is to_. ( A) warn people not to celebrate Halloween any more ( B) criticize the Halloween celebration activi

33、ties ( C) tell people to be careful in deciding whether to celebrate Halloween ( D) promote the tradition of Halloween and its celebrations 25 Americans use the term “ college students“ to mean students either in colleges or universities. Not only that, Americans almost never say “going off to unive

34、rsity“ or “when I was in university.“ That sounds British. Instead, they say “going off to college“ and “when I was in college.“ College, university: whats the difference? Colleges and universities have many things in common. Both offer undergraduate degrees in the arts and sciences, for example. An

35、d both can help prepare young people to earn a living. But many colleges do not offer graduate studies. Another difference is that universities are generally bigger. They offer more programs and do more research. Another place of higher education, especially in technical areas, is an institute, like

36、 the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Yet even an institute of technology can offer a wide choice of programs and activities. M.I.T. says that 75 percent of freshmen come there with a strong interest and involvement in the arts. Modern universities developed from those of Europe in the Middle

37、Ages. The word “university“ came from the Latin universitas, describing a group of people organized for a common purpose. “College“ came from collegium, a Latin word with a similar meaning. In England, colleges were formed to provide students with places to live. Usually each group was studying the

38、same thing. So college came to mean an area of study. The first American universities divided their studies into a number of areas and called each one a college. This is still true. A college can also be a part of a university. For example, Harvard College is the undergraduate part of Harvard Univer

39、sity. Programs in higher learning can also be called schools, like a school of engineering or a medical school within university. You know, learning all these terms is an education in itself. 26 Americans use “college students“ to refer to students either in colleges or universities, because_. ( A)

40、there are more colleges than universities in America ( B) colleges and universities are actually the same ( C) both colleges and universities can offer degrees ( D) colleges and universities have many things in common 27 One of the differences between colleges and universities is that_. ( A) college

41、s do not do research ( B) no college offers graduate studies ( C) colleges often offer fewer programs ( D) universities dont provide dormitories 28 According to the passage, institutes_. ( A) cover no other areas but technical ones ( B) have functions similar to colleges and universities ( C) provid

42、e 75% of their programs in technical areas ( D) are at a lower level of higher education 29 The terms of “college“ and “university“ in Latin_. ( A) have similar meanings ( B) mean quite differently ( C) refer to the same thing ( D) are confusing in English 30 The main idea of this passage is to_. (

43、A) introduce the institutions in higher education ( B) evaluate the institutions in higher education ( C) clarify the institution terms in higher education ( D) classify the institutions in higher education 三、 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (30%) Directions: In this part, there are 30 incomplete s

44、entences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 31 Our physics teacher explained to us that light_faster than sound. ( A) is

45、traveling ( B) traveled ( C) travels ( D) has traveled 32 The new leader promised that the problem _ care of as soon as he could. ( A) will take ( B) will be taken ( C) would take ( D) would be taken 33 Your hair needs_. You d better have it done tomorrow. ( A) to cut ( B) cut ( C) cutting ( D) bein

46、g cut 34 If my father will not agree to sign the papers,_. ( A) so I wont ( B) so will I ( C) neither I will ( D) neither will I 35 The lectures, _the current international issues, are very well received. ( A) are covered ( B) covering ( C) covered ( D) to cover 36 Some bosses keep all important mat

47、ters_in their own hands. ( A) instantly ( B) tightly ( C) closely ( D) immediately 37 As a matter of fact, a lazy student would never_to his family s expectations. ( A) live up ( B) work up ( C) make up ( D) stand up 38 My papers and books got_. I must have them all carefully arranged. ( A) out of c

48、ontrol ( B) out of order ( C) out of date ( D) out of sight 39 It makes_to eat a reasonably balanced diet when you cut weight. ( A) meaning ( B) sense ( C) reason ( D) idea 40 I told him to_and spend a few days with us if he passed by. ( A) drop on ( B) drop down ( C) drop in ( D) drop out 41 Please

49、 feel_to make any suggestions you have in mind. ( A) happy ( B) easy ( C) right ( D) free 42 He didn t have time to read the report word for word: he just_it. ( A) skimmed ( B) observed ( C) looked ( D) saw 43 I suggested he should_himself to the new conditions. ( A) adapt ( B) adopt ( C) regulate ( D) suit 44 On New Year s Eve, the city holds an outdoor_ w

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