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本文([外语类试卷]2013年职称英语(综合类)A级真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(testyield361)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2013年职称英语(综合类) A级真题试卷及答案与解析 一、 词汇选项 (第 1-15题,每题 1分,共 15分 ) 下面每个句子中均有 1个词或短语在括号中,请为每处括号部分的词汇或短语确定1个意义最为接近选项。 1 Respect for life is a cardinal principle of the law. ( A) fundamental ( B) moral ( C) regular ( D) hard 2 The proposal was endorsed by the majority of members. ( A) rejected ( B) approved (

2、C) submitted ( D) considered 3 Many experts remain skeptical about his claims. ( A) untouched ( B) certain ( C) silent ( D) doubtful 4 This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed. ( A) turned dead ( B) passed by ( C) carried away ( D) become extinct 5 The methods of commu

3、nication used during the war were primitive. ( A) reliable ( B) effective ( C) simple ( D) alternative 6 Three world-class tennis players came to contend for this title. ( A) argue ( B) claim ( C) wish ( D) compete 7 Come out, or Ill bust the door down. ( A) shut ( B) beat ( C) set ( D) break 8 The

4、rules are too rigid to allow for human error. ( A) general ( B) complex ( C) inflexible ( D) direct 9 The tower remains intact ever after two hundred years. ( A) unknown ( B) undamaged ( C) unusual ( D) unstable 10 They didnt seem to appreciate the magnitude of the problem. ( A) existence ( B) cause

5、 ( C) importance ( D) situation 11 The contract between the two companies will expire soon. ( A) shorten ( B) start ( C) end ( D) resume 12 The drinking water has became contaminated with lead. ( A) polluted ( B) treated ( C) tested ( D) corrupted 13 She shed a few tears at her daughters wedding. (

6、A) produced ( B) wiped ( C) injected ( D) removed 14 Rumors began to circulate about his financial problems. ( A) send ( B) hear ( C) confirm ( D) spread 15 The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town. ( A) cautious ( B) naked ( C) blind ( D) private 二、 阅读判断 (第 16-22题,每题 1分,共 7分 ) 下

7、面的短文后列出了 7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择 A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择 B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择 C。 15 Mau Piailug, Ocean Navigator Mau sailed from Hawaii to Tahiti using traditional methods. In early 1976, Mau Piailug, a fisherman, led an expedition in which he sailed a traditional Polynesian boat across 2,

8、 500 miles of ocean from Hawaii to Tahiti. The Polynesian Voyaging Society had organised the expedition. Its purpose was to find out if seafarers(海员 )in the distant past could have found their way from one island to the other without navigational instruments, or whether the islands had been populate

9、d by accident. At the time, Mau was the only man alive who knew how to navigate just by observing the stars, the wind and the sea. He had never before sailed to Tahiti, which was a long way to the south. However, he understood how the wind and the sea behave around islands, so he was confident he co

10、uld find his way. The voyage took him and his crew a month to complete and he did it without a compass or charts. His grandfather began the task of teaching him how to navigate when he was still a baby. He showed him pools of water on the beach to teach him how the behaviour of the waves and wind ch

11、anged in different place. Later, Mau used a circle of stones to memorise the positions of the stars. Each stone was laid out in the sand to represent a star. The voyage proved that Hawaiis first inhabitants came in small boats and navigated by reading the sea and the stars. Mau himself became a keen

12、 teacher, passing on his traditional secrets to people of other cultures so that his knowledge would not be lost. He explained the positions of the stars to his students, but he allowed them to write things down because he knew they would never be able to remember everything as he had done. 16 At th

13、e time of his voyage, Mau had unique navigational skills. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 17 Mau was familiar with the sea around Tahiti. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 18 Mau could not afford a compass or charts. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 19 Mau learnt navigation s

14、kills from his grandfather. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 20 Mau used stones to memorise where the stars were situated in the sky. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 21 The first inhabitants of Hawaii could read and write. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 22 Mau expected his

15、 students to remember the positions of the stars immediately. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 三、 概括大意与完成句子 (第 23-30题,每题 1分,共 8分 ) 下面的短文后有 2项测试任务: (1)第 23-26题要求从所给的 6个选项中为第 2-5段每段选择一个最佳标题; (2)第 27-30题要求从所给的 6个选项中为每个句子确定一个最佳选项。 22 Traffic Jams No End in Sight 1. Traffic congestion(拥堵 )affects

16、 people throughout the world. Traffic jams cause smog in dozens of cities across both the developed and developing world. In the U. S. , commuters(通勤人员 )spend an average of a full working week each year sitting in traffic jams, according to the Texas Transportation Institute. While alternative ways

17、of getting around are available, most people still choose their cars because they are looking for convenience, comfort and privacy. 2. The most promising technique for reducing city traffic is called congestion pricing, whereby cities charge a toll to enter certain parts of town at certain times of

18、day. In theory, if the toll is high enough, some drivers will cancel their trips or go by bus or train. And in practice it seems to work: Singapore, London and Stockholm have reduced traffic and pollution in city centres thanks to congestion pricing. 3. Another way to reduce rush-hour traffic is for

19、 employers to implement flextime, which lets employees travel to and from work at off-peak traffic times to avoid the rush hour. Those who have to travel during busy times can do their part by sharing cars. Employers can also allow more staff to tele-commute(work from home)so as to keep more cars of

20、f the road altogether. 4. Some urban planners still believe that the best way to ease traffic congestion is to build more roads, especially roads that can take drivers around or over crowded city streets. But such techniques do not really keep cars off the road; they only accommodate more of them. 5

21、. Other, more forward-thinking, planners know that more and more drivers and cars are taking to the roads every day, and they are unwilling to encourage more private automobiles when public transport is so much better both for people and the environment. For this reason, the American government has

22、decided to spend some $ 7 billion on helping to increase capacity on public-transport systems and upgrade them with more efficient technologies. But environmentalists complain that such funding is tiny compared with the $ 50 billion being spent on roads and bridges. A. Changing work practice B. Not

23、doing enough C. Closing city centres to traffic D. A global problem E. A solution which is no solution F. Paying to get in 23 Paragraph 1_ 24 Paragraph 2 _ 25 Paragraph 3_ 26 Paragraph 4_ 26 A. drive around B. go by bus C. travel regularly D. encourage more private cars E. spend more money F. reduce

24、 traffic jams 27 Most American drivers think it convenient to_. 28 If charged high enough, some drivers may_to enter certain parts of town. 29 Building more roads is not an effective way to_. 30 The U. S. government has planned to_updating public-transport systems. 四、 阅读理解 (第 31-45题,每题 3分,共 45分 ) 下面

25、有 3篇短文后有 5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题选 1个最佳选项。 30 Why So Many Children? In many of the developing countries in Africa and Asia, the population is growing fast. The reason for this is simple: Women in these countries have a high birth rate from 3. 0 to 7. 0 children per woman. The majority of these women are poor

26、, without the food or resources to care for their families. Why do they have so many children? Why dont they limit the size of their families? The answer may be that they often have no choice. There are several reasons for this. One reason is economic. In a traditional agricultural economy, large fa

27、milies are helpful. Having more children means having more workers in the fields and someone to take care of the parents in old age. In an industrial economy, the situation is different. Many children do not help a family; instead, they are an expense. Thus, industrialization has generally brought d

28、own the birth rate. This was the case in Italy, which was industrialized quite recently and rapidly. In the early part of the twentieth century, Italy was a poor, largely agricultural country with a high birth rate. After World War II, Italys economy was rapidly modernized and industrialized. By the

29、 end of the century, the birth rate had dropped to 1. 3 children per woman, the worlds lowest. However, the economy is not the only important factor that influences birth rate. Saudi Arabia, for example, does not have an agriculture-based economy, and it has one of the highest per capita incomes in

30、the world. Nevertheless, it also has a very high birth rate(7. 0). Mexico and Indonesia, on the other hand, are poor countries, with largely agricultural economies, but they have recently reduced their population growth. Clearly, other factors are involved. The most important of these is the conditi

31、on of women. A high birth rate almost always goes together with lack of education and low status for women. This would explain the high birth rate of Saudi Arabia. There, the traditional culture gives women little education or independence and few possibilities outside the home. On the other hand, t

32、he improved condition of women in Mexico, Thailand, and Indonesia explains the decline in birth rates in these countries. Their governments have taken measures to provide more education and opportunities for women. Another key factor in the birth rate is birth control. Women may want to limit their

33、families but have no way to do so. In countries where governments have made birth control easily available and inexpensive, birth rates have gone down. This is the case in Singapore, Sri Lanka, and India, as well as in Indonesia, Thailand, Mexico, and Brazil. In these countries, women have also been

34、 provided with health care and help in planning their families. These trends show that an effective program to reduce population growth does not have to depend on better economic conditions. It can be effective if it aims to help women and meet their needs. Only then, in fact, does it have any real

35、chance of success. 31 In a traditional agricultural economy, a large family ( A) may limit income. ( B) can be an advantage. ( C) Isnt necessary. ( D) is expensive. 32 When countries become industrialized, ( A) the birth rate generally goes down. ( B) families often become larger. ( C) women usually

36、 decide not have a family. ( D) the population generally grows rapidly. 33 According to this passage, Italy today is an example of an ( A) agricultural country with a high birth rate. ( B) agricultural country with a low birth rate. ( C) industrialized country with a low birth rate. ( D) industriali

37、zed country with a high birth rate. 34 Saudi Arabia is mentioned in the passage because it shows that ( A) the most important factor influencing birth rate is the economy. ( B) women who have a high income usually have few children. ( C) the birth rate depends on per capita income. ( D) factors othe

38、r than the economy influence birth rate. 35 In Mexico, Thailand, and Indonesia, the government ( A) is not concerned about the status of women. ( B) has tried to improve the condition of women. ( C) has tried to industrialize the country rapidly. ( D) does not allow women to work outside the home. 3

39、5 Making a Loss Is the Height of Fashion Given that a good year in the haute couture(高级定制女装 )business is one where you lose even more money than usual, the prevailing mood in Paris last week was sensational. The big-name designers were falling over themselves to boast of how many outfits they had so

40、ld at below cost price, and how this proved that the fashion business was healthier than ever. Jean-Paul Gaultier reported record sales. “but we dont make any money out of it, “ the designer assured journalists backstage. “No matter how successful you are, you cant make a profit from couture, “ expl

41、ained Jean Jacques Picart, a veteran fashion PR man, and co-founder of the now-bankrupt Lacroix house. Almost 20 years have passed since the unusual economics of the couture business were first exposed. Outraged that he was losing money on evening dresses costing tens of thousands of pounds, the cou

42、turier Jean-Louis Scherrer published a detailed summary of his costs. One outfit he described curtained over half a mile of gold thread, 18, 000 sequins(亮片 ), and had required hundreds of hours of hand-stitching in an atelier(制作室 ). A fair price would have been 50, 000, but the couturier could only

43、get 35, 000 for it. Rather than riding high on the foolishness of the super-rich, he and his team could barely feed their hungry families. The result was an outcry and the first of a series of government-and industrysponsored inquiries into the surreal(超现实的 )world of ultimate fashion. The trade cont

44、inues to insist that couture offers you more than you pay for, but its not as simple as that. When such a temple of old wealth starts talking about value for money, it isnt to convince anyone that dresses costing as much as houses are a bargain. Rather, it is to preserve the peculiar mystique(神秘 ),

45、lucrative(利润丰厚的 )associations and threatened interests that couture represents. Essentially, the arguments couldnt be simpler. On one side are those who say that the business will die if it doesnt change. On the other are those who say it will die if it does. Whats not in doubt is that haute couture

46、 the term translates as “high sewing“ is highly dated. Huge in its costs, tiny in its clientele and questionable in its influence, it still remains one of the great themes of Parisian life. In his book, The Fashion Conspiracy, Nicholas Coleridge estimates that the entire couture industry rests on th

47、e whims(一时兴起 )of less than 30 immensely wealthy women, and although the number may have grown in recent years with the new prosperity of Asia, the number of couture customers worldwide is no more than 4, 000. To qualify as couture, a garment must be entirely handmade by one of the 11 Paris couture h

48、ouses registered to the Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture. Each house must employ at least 20 people, and show a minimum of 75 new designs a year. So far, so traditional, but the Big Four operators Chanel, Dior, Givenchy and Gaultierincreasingly use couture as a marketing device for their far mo

49、re profitable ready-to-wear, fragrance and accessory lines. 36 What is the main idea of the first paragraph? ( A) The haute couture designers claim losses in their sales. ( B) The haute couture business is expanding quickly. ( C) The haute couture designers make much profit in their sales. ( D) The haute couture businessmen are happy with their profit. 37 According to the second paragraph, Jean-Louis Scherrer ( A) was in a worse financial position than other couturiers. ( B) w

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