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本文([外语类试卷]BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷2及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(sofeeling205)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 2及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 Look at the notes below. You will hear an answerphone message about arrangements for a business trip. Conversation One Look at the notes below. You will hear an answerphone message about arrangements for a business trip. Bern trip - changes need to take 【 1】 _

2、 have meeting with the 【 2】 _ important to check the 【 3】 _ ask to see results of 【 4】 _ 5 Look at the notes below. You will hear a man telephoning to ask about a recent training session. Notes Outcomes of training session looking at 【 5】 _ was useful advice on 【 6】 _ was valuable the 【 7】 _ was too

3、 short next time: involve 【 8】 _ in planning 9 Look at the notes below. You will hear a woman telephoning about a recruitment drive. staff needed due to growth in 【 9】 _ advertising to demand good 【 10】 _ interview to include a 【 11】 _ from candidates training, programme to be designed by 【 12】 _ 二、

4、 PART TWO 13 You will hear five speakers talking about their work. For each recording, decide what the speaker is trying to achieve. Write one letter (A - H) next to the number of the recording. Do not use any letter more than once. You will hear the five recordings twice. A to speed up project comp

5、letion times B to cut expenditure on temporary staff C to rationalise the system of record-keeping D to combine functions across departments E to save time spent in meetings F to co-ordinate projects on different sites G to streamline the recruitment process H to reduce differences among targets 18

6、You will hear five speakers talking about business trips. For each recording, choose the reason the speaker gives for the trip. Write one letter (A - H) next to the number of the recording. Do not use an), letter more than once. You will hear the five recordings twice. A to re-negotiate a contract B

7、 to inspect the condition of some equipment C to meet a potential client D to attend a strategy planning meeting E to visit a trade fair F to recruit a new agent G to investigate potential premises H to review the results of a survey 三、 PART THREE 23 You will hear a talk presented by a reporter. Thi

8、s talk is about various kinds of problems occurring during the east-west cooperation upon vehicles and machinery on the third market. For each question 23 30 mark one letter for the correct answer After you have listened once, replay the recording. 23 Individual-to-group communication includes _. (

9、A) a news release ( B) lobbying ( C) a press conference 24 Publicity is distinguished from advertising in that _. ( A) it can be readily accepted by the audience. ( B) it can be “forced“ on the audience. ( C) it can be used to accomplish any communication objective. 25 The company lobbies are _. ( A

10、) powerful people ( B) professionals ( C) media representatives 26 Publicity is used to attract _. ( A) media representatives ( B) the attention of the public to the products of a company ( C) powerful people 27 There are _channels for gaining publicity. ( A) two ( B) three ( C) four 28 The word “gr

11、eat“ in the sentence “. our product is great.“ in the last paragraph means _. ( A) very large ( B) very big ( C) very good 29 A press conference will draw media representatives if _. ( A) they feel the subject or speaker has news value ( B) you give money to him ( C) organizations invite them 30 The

12、 credibility level of publicity typically is _. ( A) as high as advertising ( B) a little lower than advertising ( C) much higher than advertising. BEC商务英语(中级)听力模拟试卷 2答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文】 Dave: Hi, this is Helen, Sorry this is late notice, but I just need to update you on the trip to Bern ther

13、eve been some changes. First, Something for your briefcase. Were holding prices on the list at the same level as last year, but with all the product changes, you do need to have the latest catalogue with you. And, on top of talking to the marketing people, youll need to set up a meeting with someone

14、 Ive just found out theyve appointed a new IT coordinator, so youll need to organise a session with him, obviously. And its vital that you set aside some time to go through the strategy document carefully - its got to be agreed soon, before we set the new targets. And finally - sorry theres so much!

15、 - theyve been carrying out some market research, so be sure, once youve done your presentation, you remember to say you want to see the findings should be interesting. OK, well thats it for the time being. 1 【正确答案】 LATEST CATALOGUE 2 【正确答案】 IT CQORDINATOR 3 【正确答案】 STRATEGY DOCUMENT 4 【正确答案】 MARKET

16、RESEARCH 5 【听力原文】 F: Amanda Sharpe M: Oh hi, Mandy. I just wanted to ask how the training day went. Im sorry I couldnt be there. F: Hi, Jim. Yes, we missed you. Well, it was good overall. There was a rather familiar presentation of theory, and then some very informative case studies to discuss. We a

17、lso spent time reviewing important staffing issues, and there were some tips given on teamwork that we can definitely put into practice. M: Sounds excellent. F: Yes, although the afternoon session seemed to go on and on. I found it hard to concentrate, but when I looked at the handout afterwards for

18、 the main points, it was very brief, and didnt say much. Anyway, theres another one next month. Ive suggested the training manager consults with the HR supervisor in setting it up, to make sure its all relevant. I hope youll be able to make it. M: Yes, Ill be free for that one. 5 【正确答案】 CASE STUDIES

19、 6 【正确答案 】 TEAMWORK 7 【正确答案】 HANDOUT 8 【正确答案】 HR SUPERVISOR 9 【听力原文】 M: Carol, hello - I gather you wanted to speak to me. F: Oh yes, George, thanks for calling, Its about the recruitment we need to do. M: OK F: Therell be a lot more to do with the new contract, meaning export sales are going to ris

20、e, but weve got to make sure we attract the right kind of people. So when you draw up the copy for the advertisement, will you put in something about their needing to be strong in communication skills rather than just languages, which dont necessarily guarantee what we want? M: Sure. F: And I think

21、well need to make the interviews effective. We ought to test them in some way, and getting them to give a presentation nothing very complicated - will achieve that, I think. Now, once theyve been selected, itll be down to the quality of the training they get. Rather than overloading Personnel, Ive a

22、sked the Sales Director to put together a programme. M: That makes sense. Ill get started on the ad. 9 【正确答案】 EXPORT SALES 10 【正确答案】 COMMUNICATION SKILLS 11 【正确答案】 PRESENTATION 12 【正确答案】 SALES DIRECTOR 二、 PART TWO 13 【听力原文】 Its a cliche, isnt it our biggest asset is our people? But if its true, were

23、 in real trouble here. Staff turnovers alarmingly high, with far too many people going off to talk to recruitment agencies. Its the same across the board, in every department. And its costing a fortune in paying short-term people to fill the gaps. I want to increase levels of satisfaction in order t

24、o increase retention and stop wasting money. 13 【正确答案】 B 14 【听力原文】 It ought to be a fairly straightforward management task, so I dont know why its proving so difficult. Of course we need to get together to review progress at each stage of any given project, but surely we dont have to take all day to

25、 do it? We should try issuing bulletins in advance, and then, when we do sit down together, well all be in the picture already, and can discuss the important points. 14 【正确答案】 E 15 【听力原文】 Well, if Id known it would be like this, Id never have agreed to take it on in the first place. We should have s

26、et ourselves a target to start with, I suppose. Now it looks like well never get the job done. And the same things happening with other jobs, too. I want to see them finished up much quicker from now on, even if it means taking on extra staff in the short term. 15 【正确答案】 A 16 【听力原文】 Its only fair to

27、 expect a level playing field, and thats all Im really suggesting. The present systems putting untold stress on some people, and leaving others under-employed. Theres no reason why each branch should be trying to achieve a separate quota it means some people are getting bonuses for whats only averag

28、e for other people. We need to get everyone working on the same basis. Im sure itll improve productivity. 16 【正确答案】 H 17 【听力原文】 I hope we can manage to get things running better here. Its very frustrating, seeing so much inefficiency, and knowing what thats costing us. I really want to get everythin

29、g better before we expand into the new premises. The problem lies in the way responsibilities are distributed among the various section heads, with each one separately doing their own accounts and payroll. Id prefer to see that all handled centrally, done in a unified way. 17 【正确答案】 D 18 【听力原文】 The

30、journey should turn out to be worth it. Theyre obviously keen to do business with someone, and I just hope itll be us. They seemed to like the samples I showed them, and said they thought our terms were fair. Of course actual details would get discussed later, but Im hopeful theyll come on board, an

31、d its a part of the world where we need customers. Well have to see. 18 【正确答案】 C 19 【听力原文】 It was a long way to go, but of course its necessary. Weve had so many problems with components manufactured at that site. But as they were saying its because the machinery was in need of replacement, then we

32、had no choice but to go and check it out. Its true its showing its age, but I think its a question of repairs, not replacing it all, Itll take a few weeks, but then we should be back to normal. 19 【正确答案】 B 20 【听力原文】 Im still not convinced I really needed to fly out - most of what we said could have

33、been done by email or phone. Alter all, its basically just a lot of figures, isnt it? But I guess because it will lead to important changes in our overall plans, its better to sit down together and make sure we all agree on how to interpret the data. And some of the findings are really interesting.

34、20 【正确答案】 H 21 【听力原文】 Yes, not a bad trip, this time. And of course if we do decide to work together, then I wont have to come out nearly so often in the future. He seems to have the right background, and attitude, and some great contacts, so Id be happy to have him as our man there. His office addr

35、ess is in a good part of town, and I think hed be very likely to build up our customer base. 21 【正确答案】 F 22 【听力原文】 Its quite an event in itself, getting all the partners together- only happens about once a year Its tough, trying to fit everything into a couple of days, especially when well be living

36、 with the decisions for a long time to come. But we have established a way forward, both targets and routes to meeting them. I think well be able to strengthen our market position this way, with new branches and customer growth. 22 【正确答案】 D 三、 PART THREE 23 【听力原文】 Publicity is any promotional commun

37、ication about an organization or its products that is presented by the media but is not paid for by the organization. Publicity usually takes the form of a news story appearing in a mass medium or an endorsement (认可 ) provided by an individual informally or in a speech or interview. There are three

38、channels for gaining publicity. One is to prepare a story (called a news release) and make it known to the media. The intention is for the selected newspapers, television stations, or other media to report the information as news. The second channel is personal communication with a group. A press co

39、nference will draw media representatives if they feel the subject or speaker has news value. Company tours and speeches to different groups of people are other forms of individual-to-group communications. The third channel is one-on-one personal communication, often called lobbying (游说 ). Companies

40、lobby law makers or other powerful people in an attempt to influence their opinions, and also their decisions. In addition, firms will give products to highly visible people in hope that the people will be seen u sing them. Publicity can help to accomplish any communication objective. It can be used

41、 to announce new products, publicize new policies, recognize employees, de scribe research breakthroughs, or report financial performance if the message is viewed by the media as newsworthy (有新闻价值的 ) or by the group or individual receivers as interesting or useful. This is what distinguishes publici

42、ty from advertising publicity cannot be forced on the audience. This is also the source of its power. The credibility (可信度 ) level of publicity typically is much higher than advertising, If we tell you our product is great, you may well be skeptical (怀疑的 ). But if an independent, objective third par

43、ty says our product is great, you are more likely to believe it. 23 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 Individual-to-group communication包括 a press conference, company tours和 speeches to different groups of people. 24 【正确答案】 A 【试题 解析】 由 “This is what distinguishes publicity from advertisingpublicity cannot be forced on

44、 the audience.”可知。 25 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 由 “Companies lobby law makers or other powerful people” 可知。 26 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 宣传就是吸引客户买产品,这是常识。 27 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 由 “There are three channels for gaining publicity”可知。 28 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 考察 “great”词意,其意较多,这儿作 “very good”讲。 29 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 文中有原话: “A press conference will draw media representatives if they feel the subject or speaker has news value.”。 30 【正确 答案】 C 【试题解析】 从 “The credibility level of publicity typically is much higher than advertising”可知。结合常识,这个答案也不难得出。

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