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本文([外语类试卷]BEC商务英语(初级)听力模拟试卷51及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(ownview251)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、BEC商务英语(初级)听力模拟试卷 51及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 The customer cant have a refund because ( A) its a clearance item. ( B) he has lost the receipt. ( C) its beyond the time limit. 2 How are they going to solve the problem? ( A) Meet the clients. ( B) Change suppliers. ( C) Find new clients. 3 For which day do

2、es the man finally book the meeting room?4 According to the new schedule, when will the workshop end? ( A) A new project. ( B) Current assignments. ( C) Performance evaluation. 5 According to the new schedule, when will the workshop end? ( A) 11% ( B) 13% ( C) 3% 6 According to the new schedule, whe

3、n will the workshop end? ( A) He didnt check. ( B) There was a new bank account. ( C) She miscalculated the total amount. 7 According to the new schedule, when will the workshop end?8 Which age group does the man want to focus on? ( A) 46-55 ( B) 36-45 ( C) 18-26 二、 PART TWO 8 Car Rental Form Types

4、of cars: compact car (9) car a minivan Daily charge: $ (10) $27.95 $35.95 Insurance: $14.95/day, regardless of (11) Yes No Customers Name: Josh (12) Address: 154 King Street, Bramhall, Cheshire, (13) Total charge: $324.92 Rental periods: From July 18th to (14) Note: The customer is expected to fill

5、up the gas tank before returning the car. Failing to do so will result in being charged $ (15) /gallon. 三、 PART THREE 15 Making Use of the Trade Show Problems: No. 1 How to get the right people to communicate with the【 16】 No. 2 How to find the right booth. No. 3 How to display the products. Last bu

6、t not the least (a reminder): Solutions: To【 17】 people with great【 18】 communication skills. To learn about the location based on its price. (Do not forget to【 19】 for the booth ! ) To display the products in different ways. ( e. g. sign holder,【 20】 holders, wall magazine racks, poster frames, and

7、【 21】 etc. ) To talk to some people who have previously【 22】 in the trade show to find out more. 四、 PART FOUR 23 Doherty got the secret recipes for jam from his ( A) classmate. ( B) grandma ( C) neighbor. 24 How did his jam become popular in the first few years? ( A) Local people told one another. (

8、 B) Many farmers helped him sell it. ( C) He made ads in the neighborhood. 25 What made him move production from his family kitchen into a commercial setting? ( A) Great demand for his jam. ( B) Complaints from his parents. ( C) Need for better hygiene conditions. 26 His products sold better in a de

9、clining jam market mainly because they were ( A) less expensive. ( B) very traditional. ( C) much healthier. 27 Which statement was NOT true about his difficulty in finding a jam factory to work with? ( A) He had no capital. ( B) He had no ambition. ( C) He had little experience. 28 He chose to run

10、the business instead of staying in the university for he ( A) felt tired of going to university. ( B) needed to get himself organized first. ( C) loved to go on TV and fly all over the place. 29 Which statement is true about his time management? ( A) He avoids doing things quickly. ( B) He always wo

11、rks long hours. ( C) He only does the necessary things. 30 His future plan may NOT include ( A) expanding the market for jam. ( B) developing other food products. ( C) buying supermarkets in America BEC商务英语(初级)听力模拟试卷 51答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文】 M: Excuse me! Id like to return this sweater for a ref

12、und. The first time I washed it, it shrank at least two sizes. F: Oh, thats a clearance item. But dont worry. Its also refundable within 7 days after purchase. Do you have the receipt? M: Here it is. F: Sorry, I am afraid I cannot refund this, because you bought it 8 days ago. M: Oh, I didnt realize

13、 that. 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 顾客因为什么原因不能退货 ?营业员说虽然顾客所买的是件清货商品 (clearance item),但是如果有小票的话自购买日算起七天内 (within 7 days after purchase)也可退货 (refundable)。这位顾客也有小票,但是他的毛衣购于八天前,超出了七天的期限,所以不能退货了。正确的答案是 C,超出了时间期限。 2 【听力原文】 M: Unfortunately, were having a number of complaints from our clients in Europe. They arent pl

14、eased with the goods we are sending them. F: Well, shall we invite the clients to meet with us? M: Itll show them our concern, but I doubt if it can help ultimately. F: Why dont we change suppliers? M: Thats an excellent idea. I will try to find and contact new suppliers immediately. 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解

15、析】 他们将如何解决这个问题 ?根据对话内容,谈话人所面临的问题是欧洲的客户对货品不满意。要如何解决这个问题呢 ?对话中的女士先提议请客户来见面 (invite the clients to meet with us),但是男士回答说这样只能表明他们对这个问题的关注 (show them our concern),但是很怀疑能不能最终有所帮助 (doubt if it can help ultimately)。接着女士又提议换新的供货商 (change suppliers),男士立即表示同意,并要立即寻找、联系新的供货商。因此正确的答案是 B,换供货商。 3 【听力原文】 M: Hello.

16、Id like to book the meeting room for the 26th October, and I need a projector in it. F: Well, the meeting room is available on that day, but the projector has been lent to the sales department. M: Then will they be both available either on the 25th or the 27th? F: Only on the 28th, Im afraid. M: Ok,

17、 we will put off the presentation until the 28th. 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 这位男士最终定下哪一天用会议室 ?对话中的男士起初预订 10月26日使用会议室,并要求同时使用投影仪 (projector),但是 26日投影仪已经被销售部门借去了。这位男士只好询问 25或 27日之间哪一天可以同时使用会议室和投影仪,结果女士回答只有 28号才可以,因此他不得不最终决定将报告推迟 (put off the presentation)到 28号。对话中出现了几个干扰性的日期,但是既然只有 28号才可以同时使用会议室和投影仪,那么他只能预订 28

18、号的会议室了。正确答案为 C。 4 【听力原文】 M: Hey, Diane, did you go to the team meeting this morning? F: Yeah. The manager presented a new project to us, and we also talked about progress of current assignments, and due dates, etc. M: Did he mention the evaluation of last months performance? F: We were about to come

19、 to that when he got that urgent call. 4 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 会议没有讨论哪个问题 ?这是一道从否定的角度提问的题目。根据对话中的女士的回答,在会议上经理介绍了新项目 (present a new project),谈论了目前任务的进展 (progress of current assignment)以及截止日期 (due date)。接着男士问经理是否提到上个月工作的评估 (evaluation of last months performance),女士回答他们正要谈论这个问题的时候,经理接到一个紧急电话。从这句话中我们不难推测到没有谈到

20、的话题是 “上个月的工作评估 ”,因为经理有紧急情况要处理,没顾得上谈这件事,因此正确答案为 C。 “be about to”意为 “正打算做某事 ”;“come to something”意为 “马上要说到某事 ”。 5 【听力原文】 M: How much commission fee do you charge if you help us market the product? F: Well, normally, we work on a commission of around 13% for each order. M: Oh, I think our boss usually

21、pays around 8%. F: Your project involves quite a lot of promotions, dealing with customers and so on. M: Yeah, I can see that. But I am afraid the best we can do is a three percent rise. 5 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 这位男士最后所建议的佣金比例是多少 ?对话中的男士首先询问女士帮助他们的产品上市所需多少佣金。女士回答佣金份额一般是订单金额的 13%左右。然而男士说他们老板一般仅付 8%左右的定金。女士回

22、应道: “你们的项目涉及推广、接待客户等许多工作 ”。她说这句话的用意是表示这个项目的工作量很大,只有 8%的佣金是不够的。男士表示理解,但是他说最多上调 3%(a 3% rise),当然是在 8%的基础上。那么 8%+3%=11%,最后建议的佣金比例为11%,正确答案为 A。 6 【听力原文】 F: Sam, I couldnt figure out why the ending balance on 2007 didnt match the beginning balance on 2008. M: When I checked, it was matching. How much is

23、the difference? F: The amount is exactly $42, 000. M: Oh. I got it. We opened another bank account at the end of 2007. I might not have included that information. F: That makes sense. Im just glad it wasnt my miscalculation. 6 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 两项余额为何不相符 ?对话中的女士询问 Sam为什么 2007年底的余额与 2008年年初的余额不相符。 “fig

24、ure out”意为 “理解,弄清楚原因 ”。 Sam回答说当他检查的时候余额是吻合的。据此可以排除答案 A, He didnt check,当Sam得知两项余额相差 42,000美元时,他突然明白怎么回事了 (I got it)。原来是他们在 2007年底的时候重新开了一个银行账户 (open another bank account),但是他却忘了告诉这位女士这一信息。听到这一消息后,这位女士也很释然,很高兴不是自己算错了 (it wasnt my miscalculation),基于这一信息,我们也可将选项 C她将总数计 算错误排除掉;从而选出正确答案 B,还有一个新账户。 7 【听力原

25、文】 F: I need to go over the schedule for Wednesdays workshop. M: Okay. Heres the schedule. The workshop will start at nine thirty. F: Okay. Now, we had planned originally for the workshop to go until ten thirty, but now we have someone from the international center coming to speak to the participant

26、s on overseas promotion, so how about extending the workshop for half an hour? M: Fine. Lets change the schedule. 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 根据新日程的安排,研讨会何时结束 ?这也是一道涉及时间表变更的问题,要得出正 确的答案需要做一些简单的运算。根据原定的计划 (we had planned originally) ,研讨会将于九点半开始,一直到十点半结束,但是对话中的女士说由于现在有一位来自国际中心的要给参会者讲讲有关海外推广的情况(overseas promotio

27、n),所以需要将研讨会延长半个小时 (extending the workshop for haft an hour)。 “extend”意为 “延长,扩展 ”,如果能够正确理解这个关键词语的意义,那么很容易就能想出在十点半的基础上延长半个小时即是十一点。因此正确 的答案为 C。 8 【听力原文】 F: Based on the survey, we can see the most active consumer groups are those between 18 and 26 years old, followed by the 36-to 45-year-olds. So we sh

28、ould target the 18-to 26-year-old age group more. M: But over the past three years, there has been a growing trend among the 46-to 55-year-olds. I believe this trend will continue, so we should focus on this group instead. 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 这位男士想要针对什么年龄段的顾客群 ?对话中的女士提出,根据调查 (survey),最为活跃的顾客群是 18 26年龄

29、段的顾客,其次 (followed by)是36 45年龄段的客户,因此应该更加针对 最活跃的 18 26年龄段的客户群。但是对话中的男士提出了异议。他注意到在过去的三年中, 46 55年龄段客户呈上升趋势 (a growing trend),而且他相信这种趋势会保持下去,所以他认为应该针对这一年龄段的客户群。因此正确答案为 A。 二、 PART TWO 8 【听力原文】 F: Morning, Sir. How can I help you? M: Morning. Id like to rent a car. F: Okay. Lets see what we can find. We h

30、ave several cars to choose from. What size are you looking for? M: What are my options? F: Well, we have a compact car, midsize car, and a minivan. M: How much are they? F: Compact is $21.95 a day, midsize is $27.95 a day, and a minivan is $35.95 a day. M: I guess Ill take a midsize car. F: How long

31、 will you be renting the car? M: One week. F: All right. Would you like insurance? M: Umm, how much is it? F: It is $14.95 a day and it covers everything regardless of fault. M: Yes, please. F: So can I have your name? M: Sure. The last name is Mackinnon. M-A-C-K-I-N-N-O-N. First name is Josh. F: An

32、d your address please? M: 154 King Street, . Bramhall, Cheshire, . SK7 1JN. F: SK7 . 1JN. Great. That will be $324.92. Please sign here. You can pick up your car downstairs. Its July 18th today, and your expected time to return the car is July 25th. That is exactly one week. Oh, also, the gas tank i

33、s full, and you should fill up the gas tank before you return it. If you dont want to, we can do it for $3 a gallon. Is there anything else I can do for you? M: Whats the return date please? F: The 25th. M: OK, thats it. Thank you very much. F: Youre more than welcome. Good-bye. 9 【正确答案】 MIDSIZE 【试题

34、解析】 共有三种型号的车可供选择, compact car(小型车 ), midsize car (中型车 ),和 minivan(小面包车 )。根据题目提示,需要填出的是第二种车型。客服人员在介绍价钱的时候再次重复了三种车型,最后顾客决定选择 midsize car,又一次重复了这个词。因此得出这道题的正确答案应该困难不大。 10 【正确答案】 21.95 【试题解析】 每种车对应一个价钱。根据题目中的提示,需要填 出的是第一种车compact car的租金。这种车型排在第一个,因此听对话的时候,当顾客问道“How much are they?”之后就要特别留心客服人员的回答。 compac

35、t car 21.95/天,midsize car 27.95/天, minivan 35.95/天。题目中已经给出了美元单位的符号,因此这里只需填写数字 21.95即可。 11 【正确答案】 FAUIT 【试题解析】 保险 (insurance)每天 14.95美元。 “Regardless of fault”是与车有关的保险中常 用的说法,意为 “无论哪一方的责任 ”。 12 【正确答案】 MACKINNON 【试题解析】 顾客姓并不常见,因此他将其拼写出来。只要将听到的字母写下即可。 13 【正确答案】 SK7 1JN 【试题解析】 这是顾客地址中的邮政编码。客服人员听到后又将其重复了一

36、遍。做题的时候迅速写下即可。英国的邮政编码通常是六位左右的数字和字母的组合,前面几位代表城市地区,后面几位代表街道位置。 14 【正确答案】 25TH 【试题解析】 客服人员在谈话中明确指出,顾客归还车的日期是 7月 25日。此外也可以对还车的日期进行推断。租车的日期是 18日,租车时问是一周,从而也可推出还车的日期是 25日。 15 【正确答案】 3 【试题解析】 根据要求,顾客在还车之前要给油箱加满油,否则要按照每加仑 3美元的标准收取油费。 三、 PART THREE 15 【听力原文】 M: Are you a small business owner? Do you want to

37、participate in the local trade show to promote your business or product? Is this your first time as a participant in any trade show? Are you confused about how to make the most out of the local trade show to promote your product or service? This presentation may help. The most common problem for sma

38、ll business owners is its difficult to get the right people to communicate with the visitors. To solve this problem, you must identify a few smart people within your organization who are great at interpersonal communication skills. Another big problem for small business owners is that they do not kn

39、ow which the right booth is. Booths at great locations are normally priced higher than ordinary booths. This can be a good way to find out one. However, do not forget to bargain for the booth-they are often sold for less than the card price. Some may also wonder how to display their products in orde

40、r to attract more visitors. There are different ways to display your products in a booth. For example you can get some sign holders, brochure holders, wall magazine racks, poster frames and stands etc. These items would make your booth look more professional. Last but not the least, talk to some peo

41、ple who have previously participated in that trade show to get a better understanding of what you can expect. 16 【正确答案】 VISITORS 【试题解 析】 独白中直接出现的内容。这里的 visitors指的是来到展台前的人。需要注意的是 visitor一词的拼写,是以 “or”结尾,而不是 “er”。 17 【正确答案】 IDENTIFY 【试题解析】 此处 identify的意思为 “找出,发现 ”。要在自己的单位中找出几个人际交往能力过人的员工,让他们在贸易展览会跟客户交流

42、。 18 【正确答案】 INTER PERSONAL 【试题解析】 “人与人之间的,人际的 ”。见第 17题解释。 19 【正确答案】 BARGAIN 【试题解析 】 说话人特别提示说不要忘记讲价,把展台的租金向下压一压。“they are often sold for less than the card price”的意思是 “他们通常卖的比标出的价格要低一些 ”因此讲讲价通常能得到许多实惠。 20 【正确答案】 BROCHURE 【试题解析】 介绍手册。 “brochure holders”指的是用来放置公司、企业宣传手册的架子。 brochure一词在商务英语中比较常用,所以要特别注意

43、它的拼写。 21 【正确答案】 STANDS 【试题解析】 “poster stands”指的是陈列海报、告示之类的支架。 22 【正确答案】 PARTICIPATED 【试题解析】 短语 “participate in”意为 “参与,参加 ”。说话人提出的最后一点建议是找曾经参加过贸易展览会的人谈一谈,以便加深对展览会的认识。题目中所用的是现在完成时,所以要用 participate一词的过去分词一 participated。 四、 PART FOUR 23 【听力原文】 F: When his classmates were still busy with making trouble,

44、Fraser Doherty started to make a fortune. He was only fourteen years old when he decided to make a few jars of homemade jam and try selling them for extra money. Who could have guessed that those recipes would help him become the worlds best student entrepreneur? Today we reached Doherty via phone a

45、t his home to discuss his success story and future plan. Doherty, could you tell us how you got started? M: It all started one afternoon when my grandmother taught me how to make jam with her secret recipes. So I started as a hobby making it in the kitchen and selling it to the neighbors and at farm

46、ers markets. It just sort of grew and grew by word of mouth while I was still in high school. At one point I was making about 1,000 jars of jam a week from our tiny little kitchen. F: That developed really fast. M: Yes. I soon realized Id have to come up with some sort of big idea in order to move p

47、roduction into a commercial setting. After a lot of research, I discovered that sales of jam have actually been in decline for the last couple of decades. F: Why was that? M: Thats because jam has a very unhealthy and old fashioned image. I just set myself the ambition of changing that by trying to

48、come up with a way to make jam a bit healthier, more fun and more appealing to the younger audience. F: And what did you do? M: I developed a set of new recipes where the jams are made entirely from fruits and fruit juice. All natural and healthy. F: Now you supply about 500 shops across the U. K. ,

49、 which is amazing. But Doherty, I guess the grocers and manufacturers are not used to negotiating with someone so young. Was your age an issue that you had to overcome? M: Definitely. I, as a student, had very little experience, no capital and just sort of an ambition to change the world of jam. F: Thats hard, wasnt it? M: Yes. I knocked on lots of different doors and I had a lot of doors slammed in my face. But eventually I managed to convince one factory to work with me. F: Then how did you cope with your business

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