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本文([外语类试卷]BEC商务英语(高级)写作模拟试卷112及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(sumcourage256)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、BEC商务英语(高级)写作模拟试卷 112及答案与解析 一、 PART TWO 1 The department you are in is performing very well this quarter and an increase in budget is demanded. Your head of department has asked you to produce a report about increasing the budget to continue this success for the Managing Director. Write the report f

2、or the Managing Director : - summarising the performance of your department this quarter - describing the support you need most - outlining your plans for future development and benefit the company will get from it. Write 200-250 words. 2 You are the Advertisement Manager of your company. The Managi

3、ng Director has asked you to write a report to analyse your work in the publicity in April. Write a report for the Managing Director: - introducing the general situation in your department - telling your boss the problems you have found - giving your proposals to solve the issues. Write 200-250 word

4、s. 3 You are one staff of the Sales Department in a furniture company. Now the customers are reducing and the sales are declining. The Sales Manager has asked you to produce a report to analyse the problems. Write the report for the Sales Manager: - explaining these issues you found out - summarisin

5、g the reason why these problems occurred - giving your proposals. Write 200-250 words. 4 Performance of the car company you are in is not good recently because of several reasons. The Managing Director has asked you to write a report about how to solve these problems. Write a report for the Managing

6、 Director on analysing these problems: - telling your boss in which way you found these problems - explaining the reason why these problems occurred - supplying your proposals to solve the issues. Write 200-250 words. BEC商务英语(高级)写作模拟试卷 112答案与解析 一、 PART TWO 1 【正确答案】 Report on increasing budget The pu

7、rpose of this report is to summarise the performance of our department this quarter as well as to describe the support we need for future development. Due to a series of technical innovations and management reforms in the beginning of this quarter, our department got a big reshuffle and many people

8、got trained for new techniques. Consequently, productivity efficiency got raised and total output of this quarter doubled that of the same period of last year, and is 150% more than the previous quarter. More orders are coming this quarter as our department is operating at full speed. As a result, m

9、ore advanced equipments and skilled workers are in great demand to satisfy the need of the whole market. Therefore, additional budget is needed because the initial one is not enough to continue this success. According to the current market conditions, about three advanced machines will be purchased

10、and ten skilled workers should be in place before the end of this month. Whats more, workers who used to be in charge of the old machines should be arranged to get a thorough training about the new machine. With all the above measures carried out, Im sure our company can manufacture more products to

11、 satisfy the growing market demand and continue this success in next quarter. 【试题解析】 题目要求写一则针对增加预算的报告。根据题目要求可知,本文是一则写给总经理的预算报告,首先要求说明本部门该季度的工作情况,然后描述目前需要的支持,最后说明将来的工作计划及公司可能的获益情况。说明本季度工作情况时,可以说明通过哪些措施取得了哪些成就,可以用一些具体的数据进行支撑;描述目前的需求时应有针对性的提出具体的要 求,不能模棱两可,含混不清同时应给出充分的理由;说明将来的工作计划时,应结合前面工作中提到的事项进行,保证前后文

12、的连贯性和逻辑性。写作时。应注意文章的逻辑性和条理性,同时注意数据的精确性和用语的准确性。 2 【正确答案】 Report on the work in April Introduction The report aims to give a thorough description of the work in the publicity in April. All the information and statistics are obtained from my daily records of the job. Findings We observe a rising demand

13、for our products in April and a marked increase in sale on the whole as a result of a series of advertisements in the media and several sales promotion activities in several major cities. Surprisingly, one of the advertisements got so popular that we can often hear many children singing the theme so

14、ng of it. According to the update sales data and an analysis about it, we found that sales in three major cities grew significantly, about twice more than that of the same period of last year and doubled that of March. However, we also found some problems which can be boiled down to the following: F

15、irst, some customers in the south are not accustomed to the new taste of the juice. Second, one of the advertisement is not very popular in northern part and investigations found that audiences just cant understand it. Third, most children prefer the H-shaped bottle to the rectangular one. Proposals

16、 To solve these problems and make our products more popular to increase sales at the current speed, I propose that several measures should be taken. First, new taste should be added to the juice to attract customers in the south, and advertisement should be followed. Second, a thorough investigation

17、 should be made about customers in the north and a new advertisement be put on. Third, more H-shaped bottles should be manufactured to meet childrens taste. With all the above measures taken, Im sure we can keep the good sales performance. 【试题解析】 本题要求写一则四月份工作情况的汇报。根据题目要求可知,首先应介绍部门的总体情况,然后说明发现的问题,最后提

18、出解决问题的建议。汇报部门工作情况时,应说明数据来源,详细说明通过哪些措施达到了哪些目标;说明目前存在的问题时,应结合工作情况,提出具体的针对性的问题,而不能泛泛而谈,这样下面提出解决方案时才有可能有针对性。写作时,应注意文章前后的逻辑关系,保持全文内容的一致性,同时应注意说理清晰,层次分明,语言标准地道。 3 【正确答案】 Report on current situation This report presents the findings of the analysis to the recent problems and some proposals to solve them. A

19、ll the data are gathered from our sales record. After ayalysing the recent sales record and comparing it with that of the same period of last year, I found that sales performance of this period is not optimistic, with customers reducing and sales declining. Sales in November get a new low, with only

20、 about 150, 000 pieces of furniture sold out in the south, which is about 25% less than that of the previous month. The reasons for this situation seem to be complicated. In the first place, winter is the off-season for furniture and most people will delay their purchase plan until the spring. In th

21、e next place, there appears a new rival which have the some kinds of furniture that appeal to customers very much. Whats more, they recently made various advertisement campaigns and promotion activities which attracted a lot of customers. Third, our company hasnt put on new products for a long time

22、and customers are not satisfied with that. As to the problems we found out, several measures should be taken in the following days. On the one hand, new products should be designed to meet customers taste. On the other hand, advertisement and some promotion activities should be made synchronized wit

23、h the new products coming into market. Im sure with these measures taken, the customers will come back and sales will go up quickly. 【试题解析】 题目要求写一则关于目前家具销量下降的报告。根据题目要求可知,首先应说明发现的问题有哪些,总结一下发生这些问题的原因,最后提出自己的建议。说明发现的问题时,应说明数据来源,问题要具体、明确,可以用数据进行支撑;说明原因时要结合前面提出的问题进行分析;最后提出建议时也应针对问题和原因,做到有的放矢。本文应注意文章的层次性和

24、逻辑性。做到前后照应。用语地道,说明清楚,描述客观。 4 【正确答案】 Report on solving the problems The purpose of this report is to analyse the problems we face recently and to supply my proposals to solve them. As we all know, sales of our cars in Western Europe recently are not pleasing and complaints from customers increased gr

25、eatly last month. After an investigation of wide scope with the help of our trade and a massive market research in Western Europe, I found out several reasons for the problems. Our main findings are as follows: Firstly, our brand image get affected due to a series of recalls in Western Europe, custo

26、mers there wont trust our brand and consequently decline to purchase our products. Secondly, customers cant get timely service in our maintenance stations for lack of skilled servicemen. Thirdly, some distributors lost faith in our company and are not promoting our products. On the basis of what hav

27、e been found, I would thereby recommend that our company take the following strategies: First, advertisement campaigns should be launched to raise the public belief about our brand image. Second, more skilled servicemen should be recruited and some effective measures should be taken to improve our a

28、fter-sale services. Third, a meeting with the distributors should be held to tell them about our future plans and to boost their confidence in us. Im sure with these measures taken, our company can regain our No. One position in car industry. 【试题解析】 本题要求写一篇关于解决目前存在的问题的报告。根据题目要求可知,需要给总经理写一封针对目前存在的问题提出解决方案的报告。要求首先说明如何发现这些问题。然后说明这些问题出现的原因。最后提出自己的建议。说明如何发现这些问题时。可以从自己部门的数据、经销商的反馈、顾客的意见、媒体的评论等方面进行;说明这些问题产生的原因 时,应注意实事求是,针对公司的问题说明,而不是泛泛而谈,更忌不着边际;提出自己的建议时应结合前面的问题及出现问题的原因进行分析,问题应有针对性和可行性。写作时,应注意用语准确,层次清晰,理由合理,建议可行。

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