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本文([外语类试卷]BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷38及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(explodesoak291)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 38及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 You will hear how to get ready for the annual dinner and dance As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number After you have listened once, replay the recording The year has flown and it is that(1) _ ! The Annual Din

2、ner and Dance will be held on(2) _ from (3) _ untillate As usual there will be a (4) _ Chinese dinner, including special requirements can, of course, (5) _ And Carmen Fashions will(6) _ us with a fashion show as we eat With lucky draws(7) _ and after-dinner entertainment and dancing, it looks like b

3、eing a night not to (8) _ This company-sponsored dinner will cost you only(9) _ each If it is anything like previous yearsfunctions you can(10) _ a good time, so get your(11) _ from Reception or Personnel and book now! Mary Martin has the honor of being (12) _ arrangements this year, so she can be c

4、ontacted in case of any queries 二、 PART TWO 13 You will hear five different business people talking about business secrets related to good customer service For each extract there are two tasks For Task One, choose which business success secret described from the list A-H For Task Two, choose the exp

5、erience from the list A-H After you have listened once, replay the record 13 Task One-Business Success secrets For questions 13-17, match the extracts with business success secrets, listed A-H For each extract, choose which business success secret stated. write one letter(A-H)next to the number of t

6、he extract A Honesty to your customers B Training staff to be concerned about customer as we are C Business to customer loyalty D The customer is always right E Providing true customer service F Setting up a sales incentive program G Tiering your customers H Distributing free samples to customers 18

7、 Task Two-Experience For questions 18-22 match the extracts with the experience, listed A-H For each extract, choose the experience stated write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the extract A I worked as a detective in a hotel B I passed the saving on to my customer C I helped customers to solve

8、 personal problems D I bought rubber cement in a hardware store E I worked as a clerk in a hardware store F Advertised featured customer service should satisfy different needs G I handled complaint H I sold the product to customer with little discount 三、 PART THREE 22 You will hear part of a convers

9、ation between a management consultant and a Training Manager of Anderson, a chain supermarket, who are talking about the importance of case studies for staff train-ing For each question 23-30, mark one letter A, B or C for the correct answer. You will hear the recording twice 23 What is said about t

10、he problem the Anderson Company is facing? ( A) To retain the ownership of the various chain shops ( B) To improve the efficiency among various chain shops ( C) To ensure more flexibility of the various chain shops 24 What is said about the training programme for the Anderson Company? ( A) The train

11、ing programme should be focusing on increasing the sales volume. ( B) The training programme will be given to all sales managers in the chain shops. ( C) There are plenty of training resources but lack of suitable delivery method 25 The consultant recommendedcase studybecause case studies can ( A) g

12、ive a general picture of a clients experiences and results ( B) be the most cost-efficient method in dealing with the details in management ( C) be the most helpful for solving problems in communication strategies 26 The collection of data in case studies should include the following EXCEPT ( A) all

13、 the necessary data that could be collected ( B) various types of documentation, questionnaires, interviews and observation ( C) every piece of first hand data you could collect 27 What is the recommended order of organizing your data? ( A) A chronological order ( B) A theme order ( C) An event orde

14、r 28 Which of the following is NOT true about the narratives in case studies? ( A) The narrative is a story that integrates and summarizes key information around the focus of the case study ( B) The narrative should be complete but it doesnt really matter if an outside reader fails to un-derstand wh

15、at happened regarding the case。 ( C) The narrative could be validated by reviews from programme participants 29 What is the final step in developing a successful case study? ( A) The case studies might be used to highlight where in the programme the process needs to be strengthened ( B) The case stu

16、dies might be crosscompared to isolate any themes or patterns ( C) The case studies might be summarized for the inference of some generally applicable rules 30 The Training Manager could get the reference material EXCEPT ( A) borrowing directly from the consultancy companya archive ( B) taking away

17、the sample the consultant offered ( C) googling online for relevant materials BEC商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 38答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 1 【听力原文】 Woman: Yes, the year has flown and it is that time once again!The Annual Dinner and Ince will be held in the Dynasty Suite at the Shangri La Hotel on 17 December from 7:30 P m

18、 untillate As usual there will be a 10-course Chinese dinner, and special requirements can, of course, be catered for And Carmen Fashions will be entertaining us with a fashion show as we eat With lucky draws, spot prizes and after-dinner entertainment and dancing, it seems to be a night not to be m

19、issed This company-sponsored dinner will cost you only$50 each-and it is the same price for partners too!If it is anything like previous years functions,you can be assured of a good time-so get your registration foilils from Reception or Personnel and book now!Mary Martin has the honor of being in c

20、harge of arrangements this year, so she can be contacted in case of any queries 1 【正确答案】 time once again 【试题解析】 此题是对文章细节的提问。根据听力原文第一句可得, the year has flown and it is that time once again,由此,可得答案为 time once again。 2 【正确答案】 17-十二月 【试题解析】 此题是对时间的提问,在听音时需要特别留意时间词语。听力原文为: The Annual Dinner and Dance will

21、 be held in the DynaStv Suite at the Shangri La Hotel on 17 December from 7:30 P.m until late,由 此可知此处填入: December 17。 3 【正确答案】 7:30 P.m 【试题解析】 此题是对时间的提问在听音时需要特别留意时间词语。听力原文为: The Annual Dinner and Dance will be held in the Dynastv Suite at the Shangri La Hotel on 17 December from 7:30 P.m.untillate,由

22、此可知此处填入: 7:30 P.m。 4 【正确答案】 10-course 【试题解 析】 此题是对文章细节的提问。根据听力原文可得: As usual there will be a 10-course Chinese dinner, and special requirements can, of course, be catered for,意思是跟平常一样会有十桌中餐,当然,其他要求也能得以满足。由此可知此处填入: 10-course。 5 【正确答案】 be catered for 【试题解析】 与上题类似,此处填入: be catered for。 6 【正确答案】 be ente

23、rtaining 【试题解析】 此题是对原文细节的提问。根据语法分析,此句需要填入动词,因此在听音时需要留意相关动词。此处填入: be entertaining。 7 【正确答案】 spot prizes 【试题解析】 题干意思是:有幸运抽签 餐后娱乐以及跳舞看来像是不容错过的一夜。因此,此处需要填入与 lucky draws等词并列的娱乐项目。根据听力原文,此处填入: spot prizes。 8 【正确答案】 bemissed 【试题解析】 此题是对上题意思的进一步阐述。根据 听力原文可得此处填入:be missed。 9 【正确答案】 $50 【试题解析】 此题是对金额的提问,在听音过程

24、中需要填入金额的词语。根据听力原文可得,答案为 $50。 10 【正确答案】 be assured of 【试题解析】 此题是对原文细节的提问,此句语法分析可知此处需要填写句中动词。根据听力原文可得,答案为: be assured of。 11 【正确答案】 registration forms 【试题解析】 此题是对原文细节的提问,此句语法分析可知此处需要填写 your所修饰的名词。根据听力原文可得,答案为: registration forms。 12 【正确答案】 in charge of 【试题解析】 此题是对原文细节的提问。根据听力原文可得: Mary Martin has the

25、honor of being in charge of arrangements this year, So she can be contacted in case of any queries,由此可得答案为 in charge of。 二、 PART TWO 13 【听力 原文】 Man: One of customer service secrets is to build business to customer loyalty This is my number one customer service secret, and is by far the most importan

26、t one I was taught about business to customer loyalty many, many years ago, before I started my own business, when I still worked as a hotel detective in a ritzy down-town Calgary hotel The hotel insisted that every one of us who had contact with their customers know the customer by his full name an

27、d, when possible, other personal or business information about him When you can show concern about what matters to your customer, and you can bet on it, youve just acquired a customer for life Speaker Two Woman: We should provide true customer service In todays market environment, service has become

28、 a clich and it seems like“everyons doing it” So if everyone is doing it, why not jump ahead of the wolf pack by providing even more creative, personalized services to your customers than your competitors can?Nor is one type of customer service suitable for all your customers Lets say your advertise

29、d featured customer service is Home Delivery The first customer may welcome this Home Delivery because its difficult for him to get out and shop in person But your second customer may enjoy “window shopping”and carrying his purchases around with him as he goes from shop to shop Speaker Ttttee Man: W

30、ed better be honest with your customers If your customer even suspects that you are trying to pull something over on him, you can kiss that customer goodbye-permanently!Were you fortunate enough to purchase an item from a wholesaler at a discount price?Instead of being tempted to richly improve my b

31、ottom line, I usually pass that saving on to my customer This will ingrain confidence in my customer so that, in the future, my customers will know where to come for real savings In the long run, my bottom line will thank myself for having made this choice Speaker Four Woman: We should educate our s

32、taff to be equally as concerned about our customers as we are Some years ago I went into a hardware store and asked the young summer student clerk for some rubber cement “You mean, a tire patching kit?”“No ”I repeated “I want a bottle of rubber cement ”The kid obviously didnt have a clue what I was

33、talking about However, rather than finding out what rubber cement is, he gave me a strange 1ook, then turned his back and went on to serve another customer Needless to say,after that incident I took all my hardware business elsewhere Speaker Five Man: We should remember“The customer is always right

34、”If a customer comes to you about a complaint be very serious about how you handle it Is the customer upset and angry?First, I calm him with words and action and show that I am serious about doing something to correct the problem Even if it is obvious that hes wrong, sometimes its better for repeat

35、business to take the loss and compensate the customer Then, when my customer is satisfied that his complaint has been properly addressed, thank him for bringing the problem to my attention Remember, no amount of advertising can repair the damage done by failing to properly address a customers concer

36、rL 13 【正确答案】 C 【试题 解析】 听力原文中出现: One of customer service secrets is to build business to customer loyalty This is my number one customer service secret, and is by far the most important one。说明该叙述者认为最重要的成功秘诀在于保持顾客忠诚。故答案为 C。 14 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 听力原文提到: We should Drovide true customer service。由此可得答案为 E。

37、15 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 听力原文中提到: Wed better be honest with your customers,因此,可得答案为 A。 16 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 听力原文中提到: We should educate our staff to be equally as concerned about our customers as we are,由此可得答案为 B。 17 【正确答案】 D 【试 题解析】 听力原文中提到了: We should remember“The customer is always right”,说明答案为 D。 18 【正确答

38、案】 A 【试题解析】 此段听力原文中: I still worked as a hotel detective in a ritzy downtown Calgary hotel,说明叙述者曾经在饭店里做侦探,故答案为 A。 19 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 听力原文为: by providing even more creative, personalized services to your customers than your competitors can,由此可得 Advertised featured customer service should satisfy diff

39、erent needs。故答案为 F。 20 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 听力原文为: I usually pass that saving on to my customer,由此可得答案为 B。 21 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 精析 听力原文为: Some years ago I went into a hardware store and asked the young summer student clerk for some rubber cement可得该叙述者进入五金店是为了买: rubber cement。由此,可得答案为 D。 22 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】

40、听力原文的叙述者一直重复自己如何处理顾客投诉,故答案为 G。 三、 PART THREE 22 【听力原文】 F: Good morning, nice to meet you Please take a seat M: Thank you F: So, youre the Training Manager of Anderson, am I right?Give me some background of the companyso I get a general picture M: Joseph Anderson founded the company nearly twenty yea

41、rs ago, and he ran it for a long time Our businesses had been doing fine, but now with the intense competition in the field, we are actually going downwards The biggest problem now is to improve the efficiency among various chain shops, I mean, retaining our control without affecting each stores aut

42、onomy。 Mr Anderson intends to organize a training programme for all the shop owners so here I am F: What kind of training programme do you intend to have? M: I was thinking of something like communication strategies, ways to improve your efficiency, etc An-yway, there should be no worries about the

43、training resources, as we do have plenty of them But then I wonder about the appropriate method for the delivery F: In this case, I would recommend thecase study, which I thought wouldnt be an unfamiliar term to you, right? M: Yes, I know, but not so much Could you tell me more in detail? F: OK Case

44、 studies are particularly useful in depicting a holistic portrayal of a clients experiences and results regarding a programme For example, to evaluate the effectiveness of a programmes processes, evaluators might develop case studies on its successes and failures They are used to organizing a wide r

45、ange of information about a case and then analyzing the contents A case can be individuals, programmes, or any unit, depending on what the programme evaluators want to examine through indepth analysis and comparison M: I see, it sounds very applicable But how could we develop a case study that is ta

46、ilored to our companys needs? F: OK, therere normally five steps Ill go through them one by one M: All right, please go ahead F: The first step is about the data collection You must make sure that all necessary data is gathered-first-hand would be preferred, but second-hand is also OK。 For example,

47、if the study is to highlight a programmes failure with a client, data would be collected about the programme, its processes and the client Data could result from a combination of methods, including documentation(applications, histories, records,etc ), questionnaires, interviews and observation M: Ye

48、s F: And then the data is organized into an approach to highlight the focus of the study In our example, data in the case would be organized in a chronological order to portray how the client got into the pro-gramme, went through it and did not receive effective services M: So that should be the second step Whats next? F: Youre right The third step concerns the development of a case study narrative The narrative is a highly readable story that integrates and summarizes key information around the focus of the case study The narrative should be complete to th

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