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本文([外语类试卷]BEC商务英语(高级)阅读模拟试卷8及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(rimleave225)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、BEC商务英语(高级)阅读模拟试卷 8及答案与解析 一、 PART ONE 0 Look at the statements below and at the reviews of various new business products on the opposite page. Which review (A, B, C, D or E) does each statement 1-8 refer to7 For each statement 1-8, mark one letter (A, B, C, D or E) on your Answer Sheet. You will nee

2、d to use some of these letters more than once. A PRINTER Hamaki UKs new DFG-2OO0 Bubble Jet printer is ideal for anyone looking to add colour to serious documents and presentations, and is an upgrading of last years DFG-15. Outstanding graphics make it a leading printer in its class, ideal for a bus

3、iness looking for quality, although its price may put it out of the reach of most private users. The unit can reproduce the finest details and its extended palette of colours means that a wide variety of images can be produced. Operated using software that can spot user errors before they result in

4、poor printing, the machine has a simple two-button control panel. It is also very user-friendly and easy to install. B ELECTRONIC MULTIMEDIA BOX Primal Products is set to liven up even the dullest desktop with its latest range of accessories. Office workers can now express themselves and individuali

5、se their working area with the Storage Collection. The Collection is a series of smart-looking boxes for multimedia disks, spoilt only by a rather unnecessary and gimmicky digital display on the front of the box, telling you what disks it contains. Available in bright colours chosen to match hardwar

6、e trends, the collection is easily carried, which is a definite plus for those who need to take their work home with them. C FAX MACHINE Reaks office machinery further expands its Home-office range of products with the introduction of the RK1 fax machine. To reduce routine filing and save valuable t

7、ime, the RK1 prints incoming documents and collates them automatically. Its slightly angular appearance is not very eye-pleasing, but it is very inexpensive, can store up to fifty numbers for quick dialling and has a built-in paper cutter. D NOTEBOOK COMPUTER Kipadi, the company responsible for mark

8、eting Melon computers, has launched the MH3 notebook computer with unique removable disk drive. This means that each user can keep their own files confidential, on separate disks. The MH3 does take some time to master, and its functions are rather complex. However, it is extremely versatile and is i

9、deal for use in the workplace and at home. It only weighs 3 kg, comes with a one year warranty and is in the mid-price range for notebook computers. E PHOTOCOPIER Petersons new slimline photocopier is another attempt at making a product as small as possible. It is extremely portable for a photocopie

10、r, and even comes with a carrying case. It is very easy to use and includes the offer of a free home or office demonstration if you request one. This is a fairly basic machine, and copy quality leaves something to be desired; however, if you need a portable photocopier this could be for you - althou

11、gh it is difficult to imagine a big market for this type of machine. 1 This product helps you organise your paperwork. 2 This product has a feature that is not essential. 3 It is rather difficult to learn how to use this product. 4 This product is expensive for home use. 5 This product is designed t

12、o make your working area look more interesting. 6 Someone from the company can show you how to use this product. 7 This product has a special device for ensuring privacy. 8 This product is not likely to be required by many people. 二、 PART TWO 8 Read this text taken from an article about health clubs

13、. Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps. For each gap 9-14, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet. Do not use any letter more than once. There is an example at the beginning (0). Travel stress brings boom to health clubs A rapid growth in business travel has p

14、rovided a lucrative spin-off for British health clubs as companies try to prevent hard-working executives from suffering travel-related stress. Health clubs are fully booked throughout the coming months all around the country and many are planning to expand their facilities. (0) H According to Gilli

15、e Turner, group marketing manager for the Champneys group of health clubs, during the last recession executives lost many of their extra benefits as companies cut back. (9) She says that large companies also seem to have decided that it is no good sending someone to a country like Spain as a reward

16、for doing a good job, because they will simply eat too much and flop onto a beach. (10) Champneys, the company acknowledged as the market leader in this field, is now planning to introduce a special Profiting from Stress course, which will run over three days. (11) Jonathon Stapleton, general manage

17、r of Champneys, says that modern corporate life being what it is, most business travellers find that they are having to do the work which - even a year ago - was done by two. (12) To meet this new demand, other health clubs are also thinking of introducing similar schemes. Clare Brandish, the sales

18、and marketing director of another health club, has noticed a marked change in the clientele at her club. (13) Businesses of all kinds are anxious to reduce absenteeism. (14) Much of the problem is caused by long periods away from home, irregular hours, business entertaining and jet lag. According to

19、 the Guild of Business Travel Agents, sales of business-class airline tickets have risen by 12% in the past year, hotel bookings have gone up by 36% and car hire has risen by 24%. Dave Reynolds, the GBTA chief executive, says that the trouble is that the same number of people are being asked to trav

20、el more often. He comments that it is no wonder they need to take a break in a health club. A. It has been calculated that about 40 million working days are lost each year in Britain because of stress, ten times as many as are lost to industrial disputes. B. Instead, they want executives to become f

21、itter so that they can do even more for the company in the future. C. This has involved a considerable rise in the number of business bookings, whereas previously most clients came as private individuals. D. Now they are being restored, as industry realises that the health of its executives is vital

22、. E. But who will benefit most from these developments? F. Because of the pressures this imposes, many companies have now decided that it is worthwhile paying for their senior executives to take a proper break and get advice on how to combat stress. G. Executives taking part in it will be given mass

23、ages and health treatments, workouts and a range of talks on how to deal with stress, especially when travelling. H. So whats the reason for this new trend? 三、 PART THREE 14 Read the following article about recruitment in the UK and the questions on the opposite page. For each question (15-20), mark

24、 one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. graduate recruitment has a growing role. But companies need to know whether their recruitment staff who interview candidates for jobs really know what theyre doing. Carl Gilleard, chief executive of the Association of Graduate Recruiters (AGR), acknow

25、ledges that in a perfect world, the people who recruit graduates would have been in the role for some time building up workplace knowledge. He says the reality is that the high turnover of graduate recruitment managers in most blue chips means there is little continuity in how companies operate. The

26、res the difficulty in maintaining important contact with university careers departments, for example, he explains. You need a depth of understanding to appreciate where the company is coming from and how its progressing. We can identify two specialisms within the recruiters role. Those that work on

27、the recruitment and selection side need traditional human resources (HR) skills such as good interviewing technique, observation, common sense, objectivity, patience and listening skills. But increasingly there are those who take a strategic view and look more widely at how their company is represen

28、ted in the marketplace. Its a clear advantage if you can identify with your target audience. Many young members of middle management are seconded into HR for a year because their firms feel they can identify with job-seeking graduates. Yet in an industry that has been revolutionised by the internet,

29、 privatised career services and rocketing numbers in higher education, it is questionable how relevant these managers experiences are. Some high-fliers see a secondment to HR as a sideways move; a firms HR function might not carry the same kudos as, say, the finance department, although obviously th

30、e recruitment and retention of staff is of crucial importance. Georgia de Saram, specialising in graduate recruitment at a law firm, is one of a new breed of young dynamic recruiters who see HR as their vocation rather than a transitory career move. I was attracted to the profession because I enjoy

31、working with people and its an obvious follow-on from my anthropology degree, she says. In this capacity, you get to know people and they know you even though they might not know other people in the firm. As a recruiter, she sees herself as the interface between graduates and the firm thats looking

32、to attract them? Its such a tug of war between law firms for the best trainees - often theyll turn you down in favour of an offer theyve received from elsewhere. You need to be good at marketing your firm, to know what interests graduates and how you can reach potential employees, whether thats thro

33、ugh virtual law fairs or magazines. A recent AGR survey suggests that the sectors in which there is less turnover of graduate recruitment managers are more successful in recruiting the graduates they want. The legal sectors sophisticated understanding of the market, for example, means they manage to

34、 recruit exactly the right number of trainees despite intense competition and thousands of applications. The people recruiting seem to build up a specialism and then pass on their knowledge and expertise to those new to the graduate recruitment sector. Jackie Alexander, an HR partner at Pricewaterho

35、useCoopers, feels that HR professionals are finally reaching board level and receiving the sort of acknowledgement they deserve. They are judged by the value they add to the business, she says, and, as a professional services firm, the right people are our biggest asset. As Georgia de Saram points o

36、ut: From our companys point of v. iew, if I cant establish a rapport with a candidate and bring out their best, it might not be just their future but also ours that is at stake. 15 According to Carl Gilleard, many recruiters lack ( A) detailed knowledge of their sector. ( B) appropriate academic qua

37、lifications. ( C) understanding of graduates expectations. ( D) experience of the companies they work for. 16 What change in the recruitment process is mentioned in the third paragraph? ( A) Recruitment staff are re-training. ( B) Broader approaches are being adopted. ( C) Traditional abilities are

38、being given less value. ( D) Different interview processes are being used. 17 On what grounds are certain managers seconded to HR departments? ( A) It is believed that they will relate to potential recruits. ( B) It is thought that they will benefit most from new developments. ( C) It is assumed tha

39、t they will be able to apply specialised knowledge. ( D) It is expected that they will take advantage of new promotion opportunities. 18 Which of the following areas does Georgia de Saram mention as an aspect of her work? ( A) representing her company effectively to its recruits ( B) increasing recr

40、uitment numbers at her company ( C) encouraging a wide range of company recruits ( D) influencing her companys recruitment policy 19 What was revealed about law firms in a survey? ( A) They are competing more effectively than before against other sectors. ( B) They prefer to retain trainees for exte

41、nded periods wherever possible. ( C) They have managed to employ particularly knowledgeable HR staff. ( D) They appeal to those HR managers who are keen for promotion. 20 What point is made about recruitment in the final paragraph? ( A) New levels of qualification are being developed for it. ( B) It

42、 is now being perceived as key to increased profitability. ( C) Higher numbers of managers are being attracted to it. ( D) It is becoming central to a businesss survival. PART FOUR 四、 PART FOUR 20 Read the article below about work and leisure. Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, B, C or

43、 D on the opposite page. For each question (21-30), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet. Leisure Time There are some people who really do live for their work and lead totally fulfilled lives with this as their only or main focus. Are you one of them? If not, are you (21) enough atten

44、tion to your need for time away from work? There are two big problems here. One is finding a job that does not involve excessive hours, a job where you are still (22) seriously even if you dont frequently work late. The other is deciding how you want to spend your leisure time. If circumstances are

45、conspiring to squeeze that last bit of precious (23) time out of your week, then (24) on to some time, even one hour a week, as sacred. Build it into your diary and never let anyone (25) you out of it. Even if it means doing an extra hour earlier in the week, its worth it. Another (26) is to try to

46、change the status quo. It is often middle management who want to see us at our desks 24 hours a day, (27) of output, whereas more objective senior managers may (28) that going home on time is a more productive long-term strategy. Perhaps its time for us to (29) a stand. Even if, in the short term, w

47、e cannot work fewer hours and so cannot find the leisure time we need, then at least we can bear it in (30) as an aim for the future. ( A) setting ( B) paying ( C) putting ( D) holding ( A) dealt ( B) received ( C) handled ( D) taken ( A) lone ( B) single ( C) individual ( D) personal ( A) hang ( B)

48、 grip ( C) lean ( D) sit ( A) convince ( B) tell ( C) talk ( D) converse ( A) lane ( B) street ( C) avenue ( D) alley ( A) thoughtless ( B) regardless ( C) uncaring ( D) unconcerned ( A) accept ( B) view ( C) support ( D) approve ( A) give ( B) bring ( C) place ( D) make ( A) opinion ( B) idea ( C)

49、mind ( D) memory 五、 PART FIVE 30 Read the article below about business on line. For each question 31 40, write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet. INTERNET: A COST-EFFECTIVE WAY TO PROMOTE BUSINESS The Internet is changing the way people shop and purchase goods. It has created a new market WITH great opportunities for people running a small home-business and gives them a big advantage over the typical retail establishment. Before, if a customer wanted to buy a stereo for example, they had

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