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1、BFT阅读(综合)模拟试卷 8及答案与解析 一、 Part 1 0 【 R1】 _A full moon, soft candlelight the mood is complete. Add an attractive partner and some soft background music, who can resist falling into “love“? This, after all, is what the magazine ads say love is supposed to look like. If you find a partner who provides t

2、his setting and invites you in, it is natural to think of love. 【 R2】 _It is great to relish it for a while. But as a steady diet, romance is dangerously under-nourishing. Ideally, romance will be woven through a loving relationship, and reviving it now and then is an excellent way to express affect

3、ion and commitment.【 R3】 _Not only that, but the pressure of your demands may end up destroying your chances for success as a truly loving couple. This doesnt mean that we should automatically be suspicious of romantic behavior or keep our own romantic feelings under lock and key.【 R4】 _That is part

4、 of what makes a relationship fun and exciting but only if both partners understand the role that romance is playing. In true love, the purpose of romance is not to deceive, but to express real affection and enrich an ongoing relationship.【 R5】 _It pleases both partners and renews their commitment t

5、o each other. It gives them a brief break from the daily grind, an opportunity to focus on each other and the relationship in a positive way. Once you have determined that you and your partner both are prepared to accept true love, you need to make sure the ties are there to hold the two of you toge

6、ther as a couple.【 R6】 _They fall into the following general categories: 1)Physical attraction: the attraction need not be electric. With many loving couples, it builds gradually and gently, sometimes taking years to ripen. All that is really required in the beginning is some attraction, mutual open

7、ness, affection and desire for intimacy. 2)Shared goals, interests, and beliefs:【 R7】 _But differences can be overcome if there is solid foundation of shared goals and interests. 3)Mutual respect, acceptance and the desire to please each other: In relationships based on false love, these attitudes o

8、ften flow from one partner only.【 R8】 _And both partners must accept the responsibility of living up to each others expectations. 4)Mutual honesty and trust. Dishonesty has no place in true love. It can only lead to mistrust and division. From the very start, you and your partner must be truthful, b

9、oth with yourselves and with each other. A. It is natural to expect and to express some degree of romance in a new relationship. B. It is sincere. C. But if you insist that your relationship be in a constant state of romance, you are asking the impossible. D. Romance can be dangerously seductive. E.

10、 Couples with similar religious, cultural and political beliefs tend to be more united than those with differing backgrounds. F. Romance is both an atmosphere and a state of mind. G. In true love there must be balance. H. These ties will form the basis for your love, supporting your relationship thr

11、ough the challenges to come. 1 【 R1】 2 【 R2】 3 【 R3】 4 【 R4】 5 【 R5】 6 【 R6】 7 【 R7】 8 【 R8】 8 Early one morning, more than a hundred years ago, an American inventor called Elias Howe finally fell asleep.【 R1】 _But he had run into a very difficult problem: it seemed impossible to get the thread to r

12、un smoothly around the needle. 【 R2】 _He tossed and turned. Then he had a nightmare. He dreamt that he had been captured by a tribe of terrible savages.【 R3】 _When he tried to do so, Howe ran into the same problem as before. The thread kept getting caught around the needle. The king flew into a rage

13、. He ordered his soldiers to kill Howe immediately.【 R4】_But suddenly the inventor noticed something: there was a hole in the tip of each spear. The inventor awoke from the nightmare with a start, realizing that he had just found the solution to the problem. Instead of trying to get the thread to ru

14、n around the needle, he should make it run through a small hole in the center of the needle. 【 R5】_ Elias Howe was far from being unique in finding the answer to his problem in this way. Thomas Edison, the inventor of the electric light bulb, once said that his best ideas came to him in dreams.【 R6】

15、 _Charlotte Bronte also drew on her dream in writing Jane Eyre. The composer Igor Stravinsky once said the only way he could solve his problems in musical composition was to “sleep on them“. To appreciate the value of dreams, you have to understand what happens when you are asleep.【 R7】 _This uncons

16、cious but still active part digests your experiences and goes to work on the problems you have had during the day. It stores all sorts of information and details which you may have forgotten or never have really noticed. It is only when you fall asleep that this part of the brain can send messages t

17、o the part you use when you are awake.【 R8】 _It uses strange images which the conscious part may not understand at first. This is why dreams are sometimes called “secret messages to ourselves“. A. They advanced towards him with their spears raised. B. So did the great physicist Albert Einstein. C. H

18、e had been working all night on the design of a sewing machine. D. The king of the tribe threatened to kill and eat him unless he could build a perfect sewing machine. E. Even them, a part of your mind is still working. F. In spite of his exhaustion, Howe slept very badly. G However, the unconscious

19、 part expresses itself through its own logic and its own language. H. This was the simple idea that finally enabled Howe to design and build the first really practical sewing machine in the world. 9 【 R1】 10 【 R2】 11 【 R3】 12 【 R4】 13 【 R5】 14 【 R6】 15 【 R7】 16 【 R8】 16 When we speak of a basic huma

20、n need, we mean something which is necessary to life, something that we cannot possibly do without.【 R1】 _Without it we would starve to death. But even if we have plenty of food, but of the wrong kind, our bodies will suffer from a lack of the right food. This is known as malnutrition. In primitive

21、countries, mans food needs are the same as in the more advanced societies like our own.【 R2】 _Primitive people eat only the foods which can be grown near their homes, whereas we eat foods which are often grown many thousands of miles away from our homes. Primitive people are satisfied with less vari

22、ety than we are.【 R3】_Just think of the different types of meat we eat: beef, mutton, pork, chicken, turkey, goose, and rabbit. We could manage on a diet of one kind of meat, but how monotonous it would become! Even turkey, which most of us eat only at Christmas, would become monotonous if we ate it

23、 every day.【 R4】 _We need other foods like bread and fruit to provide us with the other essential nutrients which we need to keep our bodies healthy. We agree with primitive man that food is a basic need, but we differ from him in our food wants because of the wide variety of food we have available

24、compared with him.【 R5】 _Take fruit, for example, not only we enjoy the fruits grown in this country, but because of modern methods of transport and food preservation, we can also enjoy the more exotic fruits from countries thousands of miles away, whereas primitive man is limited in his choice to k

25、inds of fruit which actually grow where he lives. 【 R6】 _Clothing is necessary to regulate the heat of our bodies. Since we live in a temperate climate we need more clothes than people living in tropical countries, but less than people living in arctic conditions. Likewise, our clothing needs to cha

26、nge with the season. 【 R7】 _ Shelter, the third of our needs, depends upon the climate, the skill of the builder, ones social position and the materials available.【 R8】 _The three-bedroomed suburban house of the average family would not be grand enough for a very rich family, and yet the modern hous

27、e contains many of the material comforts which were denied to the kings and queens of old. A. Yet we cannot live on meat alone. B. In summer we need light clothing while in winter we need to muffle ourselves to keep warm. C. We all need food and could manage to live a healthy life on limited types o

28、f food. D. Food is a basic human need. E. The simple shelter of the aboriginal would not do for us, and yet it satisfies their needs. F. We have a wider choice than them. G. The same is true of the second of our human needs. H. Therefore we can say that although their needs are like those of our own

29、, their wants are different. 17 【 R1】 18 【 R2】 19 【 R3】 20 【 R4】 21 【 R5】 22 【 R6】 23 【 R7】 24 【 R8】 BFT阅读(综合)模拟试卷 8答案与解析 一、 Part 1 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 这篇文章讲的是浪漫与爱情。第 1句话应该是文章的主旨句。从空格后的内容来看,作者描述了一个非常浪漫的氛围,在这样的氛围中,没有人能抵抗 “爱情 ”的魔力。所以第 1空格应该选 D项,即 “浪漫可能成为危险的诱惑 ”。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 2 【正确答案

30、】 F 【试题解析】 第 2段的 内容和第 1段是截然相反的。第 1段把浪漫描述为一个浪漫的外部氛围,第 2段是从人内心状况来描写,所以此处应该是一个承上启下的句子。 F选项: “浪漫既是一种氛围,同时也是一种心态。 ”符合题意。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 空格前讲了把浪漫当作是长期的稳定食谱是很危险的幼稚行为,空格后的内容进一步说:不但如此,你对浪漫的要求还会破坏你们成为相爱伴侣的成功机会。由此推断,空格处应该是一种对浪漫的不现实的看法或要求。 C选项: “如果你坚持说你们的关系就是一种持续的浪 漫,那么你简直就是在缘木求鱼。 ”用在此处完全符合题

31、意。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 空格前的内容: “并不是说我们应该对一切浪漫的行为都持怀疑态度,压抑住我们的浪漫情感 ”,所以推测这一段应该是正面来描写浪漫的。 A选项: “在开始确定关系时,期待并且向对方表达浪漫是很自然的事情。 ”既和前面一句话照应,又引出了下一句: “这是让你们的关系变得有意思、有激情的一部分。 ” 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 空格前 一句指出,如果是真爱的话,浪漫的目的不是欺骗,而是表达真感情,让关系变得更丰富。所以后面一句应该选 B: “它是真诚的 ”,进一步强调前面一句话的内容。

32、【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 6 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 空格前一句说: “你要确定你和你的伴侣之间存在有某种关系把你们捆绑在一起 ”,空格处应该是对这种关系的进一步解释。 H选项: “这种关系会形成你们相爱的基础,帮助你们渡过将要到来的一些挑战和困难。 ”符合题意。并且本句话中 “ties”一词和上一句话相照应,使前后两个句子有机地连贯在一起。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 7 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 这几句讲的是共同的目标、兴趣和信仰。所以应该选 E: “有相似的宗教、文化背景和政治信仰的伴侣比那些背景不同的伴侣更容易结合在一起。 ”既解释了标题,又和后句话相照应。

33、 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 8 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 这几句讲的是相互理解尊重,相互接受和取悦对方。空格后一句话指出,如果不是真爱,这种关系就会失去平衡,只倒向一边。反之,如果是真爱就会有平衡,双方都会承担起满足对方期望和要求的 责任。所以 G选项完全符合题意。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 9 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 文章第 1句指出,一位美国发明家终于在大早上睡着了。由此推断他肯定是一晚上都没有睡觉。 C选项符合此意。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 10 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 文章第 1段说这位美国发明家通宵达旦

34、地工作,自然很劳累。空格后一句话说他在床上辗转反侧。所以中间缺少一个转折性的过渡句。 F选项: “尽管非常劳累,他却睡得不好。 ”具有承 上启下的作用。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 11 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 这一段主要讲的是这位美国发明家做了一个梦。空格前一句话说他梦到被一个野蛮部落抓去了。 D选项的主语 “这个野蛮部落的首领 ” 和前面一句话的 “野蛮部落 ”一词形成自然的衔接,为正确选项。英语中很多句子是靠重复上一句子的某个词来构成衔接的。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 A选项 “他们举着手中的长矛向他一步步走近 ”,其中 “他

35、”指的是美国发明家, “他们 ”指的是 那些士兵,这些代词应该和前面的句子形成对应关系。空格前的句子: “国王非常生气,命令他的士兵杀死 Howe。 ”和 A选相中的代词一一一对应。所以 A选项是正确选项。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 13 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 本段话讲的是美国发明家在梦里得到启示,找到了问题的解决办法。所以最后一句话应该是一个总结性的句子。并且 H选项 “这个主意 ” 指代的正是空格前一句话,前后形成自然的连贯。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 这段话讲 的是许多知名的发明家都是从梦中得到启示找到问题答案的。文中列举了

36、一些名人,例如爱迪生、夏洛蒂 勃朗特和俄罗斯作曲家。所以 B选项 “伟大的物理学家爱因斯坦也是这样 ”夏洛蒂 勃朗特放在这段最合适。其中“So did” 句型和空格前面一句话形成对应。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 15 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 这段话从科学的角度解释了梦中工作的原理。选项 E: “即使在那个时候,大脑的一部分还在工作 ”,其中的 “then”指的是睡觉的时候,和前面一句话: “要鉴赏到梦的价值,你必须明白睡觉的时候 发生的事情。 ”形成对应关系,做到了意义上的连贯。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 16 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 空格前一句: “只有在睡觉

37、的时候,这部分大脑才会向白天醒着工作时的大脑部分发送信息。 ”和空格后一句: “它使用一些奇怪的信息符号,有意识的大脑部分一开始不一定能懂。 ”不能形成自然的连贯,中间缺少一一个过渡句。 G选项: “然而,这部分无意识的大脑有它自己独特的逻辑和语言表达方法。 ”与前后对应,形成承上启下的关系。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 【知识模块】 逻辑分 析选择填空题 17 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本文讨论了人的基本需求,即衣、食、住等。第 1段从最基本的需求 食物说起。空格后一一句话说: “没有它,我们都会被饿死。 ”很明显这里“它 ”指的是食物。所以 D选项: “食物是最基本的人类需要。

38、 ”符合题意。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 18 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本段比较了远古社会和现代社会人们对食物需求的异同。空格前一一句指出: “在远古社会里,人们对食物的需求和我们现代社会是一样的。 ”而空格后面的内容却说的是对食物需求的 不同之处。所以此处需要一个过渡句。 C选项符合此意。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 19 【正确答案】 H 【试题解析】 前面比较了远古社会和现代社会人们对食物需求的异同,所以空格处应该是一个由此得出的结论。 H选项: “因此我们可以说,尽管他们对食物的基本需求和我们的一样,但是他们对食物的要求却和我们不同。 ”很自然地承接了上文,符合题

39、意。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 20 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 空格前说了我们需要各种不同的肉食来满足我们的要求。空格后却笔锋一转 ,谈起了水果、面包等其他食物。所以此处需要一个承上启下的句子。 A选项: “然而我们却不能只靠肉食来生活。 ”使上下文意思连贯,非常符合题意。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 21 【正确答案】 F 【试题解析】 空格前一句指出: “我们同意远古人的观点:食物是人的基本需求,但是我们和他们的区别在于我们对食物的要求,因为和他们相比,我们有很多种不同的食物供应。 ”选项 F进一步对这句话进行解释: “我们比他们的选择更为广泛一些 ”,前后对应。 【知

40、识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 22 【正确答案】 G 【试题解析】 前面讨论了食物,而本段却讲的是衣服。所以此处缺少一个过渡句。 G选项: “我们人类的第二大需求也是如此。 ”承上启下,很自然地从食物过渡到衣物。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 23 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 空格前一句说 “我们的衣服随季节的变化而变化 ”, B选项和这句话意思非常连贯,进一步对上句话进行解释。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题 24 【正确答案】 E 【试题解析】 本段话讨论了人的第 3大需求:住处。所有选项只有 E谈到了住处。其中 “shelter”一词和本段前后一致,形成意义上的连贯,是正确选项。 【知识模块】 逻辑分析选择填空题

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