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1、GMAT( VERBAL)逻辑推理模拟试卷 7及答案与解析 1 Prominent business executives often play active roles in United States presidential campaigns as fundraisers or backroom strategists, but few actually seek to become president themselves. Throughout history the great majority of those who have sought to become preside

2、nt have been lawyers, military leaders, or full-time politicians. This is understandable, for the personality and skills that make for success in business do not make for success in politics. Business is largely hierarchical, whereas politics is coordinative. As a result, business executives tend to

3、 be uncomfortable with compromises and power-sharing, which are inherent in politics. Which one of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the proposed explanation of why business executives do not run for president? ( A) Many of the most active presidential fundraisers and backroom strategis

4、ts are themselves politicians. ( B) Military leaders are generally no more comfortable with compromises and power-sharing than are business executives. ( C) Some of the skills needed to become a successful lawyer are different from some of those needed to become a successful military leader. ( D) So

5、me former presidents have engaged in business ventures after leaving office. ( E) Some hierarchically structured companies have been major financial supporters of candidates for president. 2 Sedimentary rock hardens within the earth s crust as layers of matter accumulate and the pressure of the laye

6、rs above converts the layers below into rock. One particular layer of sedimentary rock that contains an unusual amount of the element iridium has been presented as support for a theory that a meteorite collided with the earth some sixty million years ago. Meteorites are rich in iridium compared to t

7、he earths crust, and geologists theorize that a meteorites collision with the earth raised a huge cloud of iridium-laden dust. The dust, they say, eventually settled to earth where it combined with other matter, and as new layers accumulated above it, it formed a layer of iridium-rich rock. Which on

8、e of the following, if true, would counter the claim that the iridium-rich layer described in the passage is evidence for the meteorite collision theory? ( A) The huge dust cloud described in the passage would have blocked the transmission of sunlight and lowered the earths temperature. ( B) A layer

9、 of sedimentary rock takes millions of years to harden. ( C) Layers of sedimentary rock are used to determine the dates of prehistoric events whether or not they contain iridium. ( D) Sixty million years ago there was a surge in volcanic activity in which the matter spewed from the volcanoes formed

10、huge iridium-rich dust clouds. ( E) The iridium deposit occurred at about the same time that many animal species became extinct and some scientists have theorized that mass dinosaur extinctions were caused by a meteorite collision. 3 It is repeatedly claimed that the dumping of nuclear waste poses n

11、o threat to people living nearby. If this claim could be made with certainty, there would be no reason for not locating sites in areas of dense population. But the policy of dumping nuclear waste only in the more sparsely populated regions indicates, at the very least, some misgiving about safety on

12、 the part of those responsible for policy. Which one of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the argument? ( A) Evacuation plans in the event of an accident could not be guaranteed to work perfectly except where the population is small. ( B) In the event of an accident, it is certain

13、that fewer people would be harmed in a sparsely populated than in a densely populated area. ( C) Dumping of nuclear waste poses fewer economic and bureaucratic problems in sparsely populated than in densely populated areas. ( D) There are dangers associated with chemical waste, and it, too, is dumpe

14、d away from areas of dense population. ( E) Until there is no shred of doubt that nuclear dumps are safe, it makes sense to situate them where they pose the least threat to the public. 4 Behind the hope that computers can replace teachers is the idea that the students understanding of the subject be

15、ing taught consists in knowing facts and rules, the job of a teacher being to make the facts and rules explicit and convey them to the student, either by practice drills or by coaching. If that were indeed the way the mind works, the teacher could transfer facts and rules to the computer, which woul

16、d replace the teacher as drillmaster and coach. But since understanding does not consist merely of knowing facts and rules, but of the grasp of the general concepts underlying them, the hope that the computer will eventually replace the teacher is fundamentally misguided. Which one of the following,

17、 if true, would most seriously undermine the authors conclusion that computers will not eventually be able to replace teachers? ( A) Computers are as good as teachers at drilling students on facts and rules. ( B) The job of a teacher is to make students understand the general concepts underlying spe

18、cific facts and rules. ( C) It is possible to program computers so that they can teach the understanding of general concepts that underlie specific facts and rules. ( D) Because they are not subject to human error, computers are better than teachers at conveying facts and rules. ( E) It is not possi

19、ble for students to develop an understanding of the concepts underlying facts and rules through practice drills and coaching. 5 The high cost of production is severely limiting which operas are available to the public. These costs necessitate reliance on large corporate sponsors, who in return deman

20、d that only the most famous operas be produced. Determining which operas will be produced should rest only with ticket purchasers at the box office, not with large corporate sponsors. If we reduce production budgets so that operas can be supported exclusively by box-office receipts and donations fro

21、m individuals, then the public will be able to see less famous operas. Which one of the following, if true, would weaken the argument? ( A) A few opera ticket purchasers go to the opera for the sake of going to the opera, not to see specific operatic productions. ( B) The reduction of opera producti

22、on budgets would not reduce the desire of large corporate sponsors to support operas. ( C) Without the support of large corporate sponsors, opera companies could not afford to produce any but the most famous of operas. ( D) Large corporate sponsors will stop supporting opera productions if they are

23、denied control over which operas will be produced. ( E) The combination of individual donations and box-office receipts cannot match the amounts of money obtained through sponsorship by large corporations. 6 Samples from the floor of a rock shelter in Pennsylvania were dated by analyzing the carbon

24、they contained. The dates assigned to samples associated with human activities formed a consistent series, beginning with the present and going back in time, a series that was correlated with the depth from which the samples came. The oldest and deepest sample was dated at 19,650 years before the pr

25、esent, plus or minus 2,400 years. Skeptics, viewing that date as too early and inconsistent with the accepted date of human migration into North America, suggested that the samples could have been contaminated by dissolved “old carbon“ carried by percolating groundwater from nearby coal deposits. Wh

26、ich one of the following considerations, if true, argues most strongly against the suggestion of the skeptics? ( A) No likely mechanism of contamination involving percolating groundwater would have affected the deeper samples from the site without affecting the uppermost sample. ( B) Not every appli

27、cation of the carbon-dating procedure has led to results that have been generally acceptable to scientists. ( C) There is no evidence that people were using coal for fuel at any time when the deepest layer might have been laid down. ( D) No sample in the series, when retested by the carbon-dating pr

28、ocedure, was assigned an earlier date than that assigned to a sample from a layer above it. ( E) No North American site besides the one in Pennsylvania has ever yielded a sample to which the carbon-dating procedure assigned a date that was comparably ancient. 7 Before the printing press, books could

29、 be purchased only in expensive manuscript copies. The printing press produced books that were significantly less expensive than the manuscript editions. The publics demand for printed books in the first years after the invention of the printing press was many times greater than demand had been for

30、manuscript copies. This increase demonstrates that there was a dramatic jump in the number of people who learned how to read in the years after publishers first started producing books on the printing press. Which one of the following statements, if true, casts doubt on the argument? ( A) During the

31、 first years after the invention of the printing press, letter writing by people who wrote without the assistance of scribes or clerks exhibited a dramatic increase. ( B) Books produced on the printing press are often found with written comments in the margins in the handwriting of the people who ow

32、ned the books. ( C) In the first years after the printing press was invented, printed books were purchased primarily by people who had always bought and read expensive manuscripts but could afford a greater number of printed books for the same money. ( D) Books that were printed on the printing pres

33、s in the first years after its invention often circulated among friends in informal reading clubs or libraries. ( E) The first printed books published after the invention of the printing press would have been useless to illiterate people, since the books had virtually no illustrations. 8 Most dispos

34、able plastic containers are now labeled with a code number(from 1 to 9)indicating the type or quality of the plastic. Plastics with the lowest code numbers are the easiest for recycling plants to recycle and are thus the most likely to be recycled after use rather than dumped in landfills. Plastics

35、labeled with the highest numbers are only rarely recycled. Consumers can make a significant long-term reduction in the amount of waste that goes unrecycled, therefore, by refusing to purchase those products packaged in plastic containers labeled with the highest code numbers. Which one of the follow

36、ing, if true, most seriously undermines the conclusion above? ( A) The cost of collecting, sorting, and recycling discarded plastics is currently higher than the cost of manufacturing new plastics from virgin materials. ( B) Many consumers are unaware of the codes that are stamped on the plastic con

37、tainers. ( C) A plastic container almost always has a higher code number after it is recycled than it had before recycling because the recycling process cause a degradation of the quality of the plastic. ( D) Products packaged in plastics with the lowest code numbers are often more expensive than th

38、ose packaged in the higher-numbered plastics. ( E) Communities that collect all discarded plastic containers for potential recycling later dump in landfills plastics with higher-numbered codes only when it is clear that no recycler will take them. 9 Nuclear fusion is a process whereby the nuclei of

39、atoms are joined, or “fused,“ and in which energy is released. One of the by-products of fusion is helium-4 gas. A recent fusion experiment was conducted using “heavy“ water contained in a sealed flask. The flask was, in turn, contained in an air-filled chamber designed to eliminate extraneous vibra

40、tion. After the experiment, a measurable amount of helium-4 gas was found in the air of the chamber. The experimenters cited this evidence in support of their conclusion that fusion had been achieved. Which one of the following, if true, would cast doubt on the experimenters conclusion? ( A) Helium

41、4 was not the only gas found in the experiment chamber. ( B) When fusion is achieved, it normally produces several byproducts, including tritium and gamma rays. ( C) The amount of helium 4 found in the chamber s air did not exceed the amount of helium 4 that is found in ordinary air. ( D) Helium 4 g

42、as rapidly breaks down, forming ordinary heHum gas after a few hours. ( E) Nuclear fusion reactions are characterized by the release of large amounts of heat. 10 A government agency publishes ratings of airlines, ranking highest the airlines that have the smallest proportion of late flights. The age

43、ncys purpose is to establish an objective measure of the relative efficiency of different airlines personnel in meeting published flight schedules. Which one of the following, if true, would tend to invalidate use of the ratings for the agency s purpose? ( A) Travelers sometimes have no choice of ai

44、rlines for a given trip at a given time. ( B) Flights are often made late by bad weather conditions that affect some airlines more than others. ( C) The flight schedules of all airlines allow extra time for flights that go into or out of very busy airports. ( D) Airline personnel are aware that the

45、government agency is monitoring all airline flights for lateness. ( E) Flights are defined as “late“ only if they arrive more than fifteen minutes past their scheduled arrival time, and a record is made of how much later than fifteen minutes they are. 11 1 . In the aftermath of a worldwide stock-mar

46、ket crash, Country T claimed that the severity of the stock-market crash it experienced resulted from the accelerated process of denationalization many of its industries underwent shortly before the crash. Which of the following, if it could be carried out, would be most useful in an evaluation of C

47、ountry Ts assessment of the causes of the severity of its stock-market crash? ( A) Calculating the average loss experienced by individual traders in Country T during the crash. ( B) Using economic theory to predict the most likely date of the next crash in Country T. ( C) Comparing the total number

48、of shares sold during the worst days of the crash in Country T to the total number of shares sold in Country T just prior to the crash. ( D) Comparing the severity of the crash in Country T to the severity of the crash in countries otherwise economically similar to Country T that have not experience

49、d recent denationalization. ( E) Comparing the long-term effects of the crash on the purchasing power of the currency of Country T to the immediate, more severe short-term effects of the crash on the purchasing power of the currency of Country T. 12 Guitar strings often go “dead“ become less responsive and bright in tone after a few weeks of intense use. A researcher whose son is a classical guitarist hypothesized that dirt and oil, rather than changes in the material properties of the string, were responsible. Which of the following investigations is most likely 10 yield signif

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