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1、GMAT( VERBAL)阅读模拟试卷 6及答案与解析 0 The following questions present a sentence, part of which or all of which is underlined. Beneath the sentence, you will find five ways of phrasing the underlined part. The first of these repeats the original; the other four are different. If you think the original is be

2、st, choose the first answer; otherwise choose one of the others. These questions test correctness and effectiveness of expression. In choosing your answer, follow the requirements of standard written English; that is, pay attention to grammar, choice of words, and sentence construction. Choose the a

3、nswer that produces the most effective sentence; this answer should be clear and exact, without awkwardness, ambiguity, redundancy, or grammatical error. 1 Because of our laws concerning habeas corpus, prosecutors will rarely move forward with a murder prosecution should there be no body as evidence

4、 that a murder took place. ( A) should there be no body as evidence ( B) without a body as evidence ( C) unless there may be a body to show ( D) without having found a body for evidence ( E) lacking the possession of a body for evidence 2 Thomas Jefferson viewed religious freedom, as the other found

5、ing fathers, as a fundamental component of a free society. ( A) Thomas Jefferson viewed religious freedom, as the other founding fathers, as a fundamental component ( B) Thomas Jefferson, being like the other founding fathers, viewed religious freedom as a fundamental component ( C) Thomas Jefferson

6、 viewed religious freedom as a fundamental component, like the other founding fathers, ( D) Thomas Jefferson, like the other founding fathers, understood the naturally fundamental component of religious freedom ( E) Thomas Jefferson, like the other founding fathers, viewed religious freedom as a fun

7、damental component 3 Found exclusively on the Galapagos Islands, marine iguanas are the only species of iguana to enter the water, where they seek out the algae that make up the bulk of its diet. ( A) marine iguanas are the only species of iguana to enter the water, where they seek out the algae ( B

8、) the marine iguana, being the only species of iguana to enter the water, searches for the algae ( C) the marine iguana is the only species of iguana to enter the water, where it searches for the algae ( D) marine iguanas are the only iguana species entering the water, where it seeks out the algae (

9、 E) the marine iguana is the only iguana species to enter the water, where they search for the algae 4 Because a rockslide had blocked much of the passage, the spelunking team was not able of exploring the till extent of the cave. ( A) the spelunking team was not able of exploring the full extent of

10、 ( B) the full extent was not able to be explored by the spelunking team of ( C) the spelunking team was unable in exploring, to its full extent, ( D) therefore the spelunking team was unable to explore the full extent of ( E) the spelunking team was unable to explore the full extent of 5 A distingu

11、ished physician who worked from the 1930s to the 1970s, many new medical techniques, perhaps most notably in the field of epidural steroids, were pioneered by Dr. Marvin Leason. ( A) many new medical techniques, perhaps most notably in the field of epidural steroids, were pioneered by Dr. Marvin Lea

12、son ( B) Dr. Marvin Leason notably pioneered many new medical techniques, perhaps most so in the field of epidural steroids ( C) Dr. Marvin Leason pioneered many new medical techniques, perhaps most notably in the field of epidural steroids ( D) the field of epidural steroids was perhaps the most no

13、table of the many new medical techniques pioneered by Dr. Marvin Leason ( E) perhaps most notable among the new medical techniques pioneered by Dr. Marvin Leason were those in the field of epidural steroids 6 Students at a certain university have complained that some of their professors do not provi

14、de copies of their lecture notes at every class. The student body president has argued that, in order to further the educational purposes of the university, all professors should be required to post their lecture notes online. Which of the following, if true, most weakens the students argument that

15、the professors should be required to post their lecture notes online? ( A) At the most popular classes, there are often insufficient quantities of lecture note copies to accommodate all of the students. ( B) Students have acknowledged that if the lecture notes are posted online, they will be less li

16、kely to go to class. ( C) Professors complain that the university does not provide sufficient copying funds, so that professors often have to pay for copies of lecture notes out of their own pockets. ( D) Over 80 percent of students have access to the Internet in their dorm rooms, and all students h

17、ave 24-hour access to the Internet at the computer lab. ( E) The university has publicly stated that one of the educational goals of the university is to help all students gain competency with the Internet. 6 The following two questions are based on the following passage: The Southfork Steel Company

18、 is in trouble. Since 1960 it has made guaranteed payments to retirees out of a pension fund paid into by current employees as a percentage of their salaries. The restructuring of the Southfork workforce, however, has meant that fewer employees are now needed to produce the same amount of work as in

19、 the days of the retired employees. Since current employees are unwilling to pay a larger percentage of their salaries into the pension system than their predecessors did, the pension fund will inevitably go bankrupt. 7 Which of the following, if true, suggests that the passage is correct in its con

20、clusion that the pension fund will inevitably go bankrupt? ( A) Employees who retire today will, on average, live five years longer than those who retired in the 1960s. ( B) The workers union has consistently vetoed any efforts on the part of management to cut tire level of pension payments to retir

21、ed employees. ( C) Although Southfork Steel now produces almost twice as much steel as it did during the 1960s, overseas competition has driven the price of steel, adjusted for inflation, to less than one-third of its price in the 1960s, and there is no indication that pric ( D) Consultants have adv

22、ised Southfork management that it can improve efficiency at the plant by implementing further workforce restructuring that could decrease the total number of employees by approximately 10 percent. ( E) Southfork employees in management do not take part in the general pension system, but instead pay

23、into and collect from a separate system that guarantees higher payments. 8 Which of the following, if true, casts the most doubt on the conclusion in the passage that the pension fund will inevitably go bankrupt? ( A) The pension fund is invested in a conservative portfolio of bonds and money market

24、 funds that perform, on average, slightly better than inflation. ( B) Financial analysts have determined that, with current levels of payments into and out of the plan, the pension fund will remain solvent for at least another seven years. ( C) If the company is bought or goes out of business, the p

25、ayments to retirees from the pension funds are likely to become subject to arbitration by either the new owners or the bankruptcy trustees, in which case the “guaranteed“ payments could be readjusted ( D) The restructuring of the workforce has dramatically increased the efficiency of steel productio

26、n at Southfork, resulting in substantially higher revenues per employee than in the past, and consequently much higher salaries. ( E) Although the modern era is referred to as a “postindustrial“ age, the worldwide demand for steel has never been higher. 9 A recent study showed that more than 50 perc

27、ent of people who commit violent crimes had seen at least one act of violence on television during the preceding week. Many psychologists suggest that exposure to acts of violence, even when they are obviously fictional, can increase a persons propensity to commit violent acts. If government regulat

28、ors were to ban all violence on television, therefore, we could expect the incidence of violent crimes to decrease by over 50 percent. The two portions in boldface in the passage above play which of the following roles? ( A) The first portion is an inference related to the conclusion of the argument

29、; the second portion supports the conclusion. ( B) The first portion is a conclusion that is not necessarily true based on the evidence; the second portion supports that conclusion. ( C) The first portion is evidence that supports the argument; the second portion is a conclusion that is not necessar

30、ily true based on the evidence. ( D) The first portion is evidence that supports the argument; the second portion is a conclusion that must be true based on the evidence. ( E) The first portion is a conclusion that must be true based on the evidence; the second portion is an inference related to tha

31、t conclusion. 9 The questions in this group are based on the content of a passage. After reading the passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions following the passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage. Of all aspects of Indian culture, the caste syst

32、em is perhaps the most bewildering to outsiders. For visitors unaccustomed to this system of hereditary social divisions, the complex and mostly unwritten rules governing whom a person can marry, what kind of work she can do, and even what kind of food she can eat may seem puzzling and mysterious. O

33、ne reason for this confusion is that the concept of caste is actually divided into two separate but related concepts in Indian culture: varna and jati. Varna, which literally means “color,“ is the most basic social division. There are four varna: the Brahmans, the traditional priest class; the Kshat

34、riya, the warrior class; the Vaishya, the skilled workers and merchants; and the Sudra, laborers whose role is to serve the three higher classes. Below the Sudra are a class known as the Untouchables, who technically fall outside of the varna system because they are supposedly “unclean“ in a ritual

35、sense. The Untouchables are the lowest class in India, but they make life possible for everyone else because they take care of the jobs that would “pollute“ the higher classes, such as working with dead animals or cleaning sewage. The Indian statesman Mohandas Gandhi, in an effort to promote social

36、equality, encouraged people to refer to Untouchables as the Harijan, which means “Children of God.“ Each varna is then divided into hundreds or thousands of jati, a term that literally means “birth.“ The jati are kinship groups with hereditary roles and professions, such as leatherworker or brick-ma

37、ker. Observant Hindus have traditionally married within their varna and jati. The origins of the caste system are obscure. The prevailing theory among anthropologists is that the Varna system emerged shortly after the so-called Aryan Invasion of the second millennium B.C. According to this theory, a

38、 population of Indo-European invaders conquered northern India around 1500 B.C. The Indo-Europeans placed themselves in the three highest rungs of society (Brahman, Kshatriya, and Vaishya), corresponding to the traditional division of Indo-European societies into priests, warriors, and commoners, wh

39、ile placing the conquered local populations into the worker classes of the Sudra and the Untouchables. This theory does not account for the jati system, however, which has parallels in no other Indo-European society. Most anthropologists suggest that the jati system predates the varna system, and th

40、at it might have originated in the Harappan civilization that prevailed in northern India prior to the Aryan Invasion. 10 What is the primary purpose of the passage? ( A) To compare and contrast two theories on the origin of the caste system in India ( B) To shed some light on an aspect of Indian so

41、ciety that can be confusing to outsiders ( C) To highlight the social injustices still faced by the Untouchable caste in India today ( D) To discredit the theory that the “Aryan Invasion“ brought an end to the Harappan civilization ( E) To explain to the reader the distinction between the Brahman an

42、d Kshatriya castes 11 The final paragraph plays what role in relation to the rest of the passage? ( A) It offers information that raises doubts about the conclusions expressed in the previous paragraph. ( B) It discusses an alternative view to points stated as facts in the second paragraph. ( C) It

43、restates the question raised in the opening paragraph, using information offered in the second and third paragraphs. ( D) It offers background information for the system described in the two preceding paragraphs. ( E) It summarizes points raised elsewhere in the passage. 12 What can we infer about t

44、he intentions of Mohandas Gandhi from the mention of him in the passage? ( A) He wished to switch the respective socioeconomic positions of the highest and the lowest castes in Indian society. ( B) He desired the reconciliation of India with Pakistan. ( C) He rejected the so-called Aryan Invasion in

45、 favor of an autochthonous explanation for the roots of Indian culture. ( D) He supported the cultural dominance of the Brahman “priest“ caste over the Kshatriya “warrior“ caste. ( E) He wished to free a class of people from the stigma of an unfavorable name. 13 The relationship of jati to varna is

46、most comparable to which of the following relationships? ( A) The relationship of individual playing cards to a 52-card deck ( B) The relationship of a group of related species of animals to the genus to which the species belong ( C) The relationship of a compact disk to the songs contained on that

47、disk ( D) The relationship of a transmission to the car in which the transmission has been installed ( E) The relationship of an updated version of software to the original version of that software 14 What inference could reasonably be drawn from the second to last sentence of the passage? ( A) Unli

48、ke the situation of the jati, parallels can be found between the varna system and the social divisions found in other Indo-European societies. ( B) The jati system is actually a product of the Dravidian cultures of central and southern India. ( C) Although more anthropologists support the Aryan Inva

49、sion theory than support any other explanation for the origins of the caste system, a majority of anthropologists do not believe this theory. ( D) The jati system, unlike the varna system, developed after the influence of Indo-Europeans in India had already been established. ( E) The Sudra did not willingly accept the low-caste jati to which they were assigned, but these social roles were forced upon them anyway. 15 According to the passage, the caste system would affect all except which of the following scenarios in a caste-observant Indian persons life? ( A) A Brahman is having dinner

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