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1、GRE( VERBAL)基础填空模拟试卷 32及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as

2、a whole. 1 Although optimists often encourage people to anticipate success, an excessive (i)_in future outcomes may be unrealistic, even (ii)_. 2 Studying gray whales during the 1970s, marine biologist Mary Lou Jones dubbed one of her subjects “Amazing Graces“ , for its friendliness was (i)_and its

3、movements underwater (ii)_beyond description. 3 The_nature of the virus allows it to continually change its form and thus go undetected by the bodys immune system. 4 The city reveals its unique type of_most fully during the cheerful and noisy New Years celebrations, which attract international as we

4、ll as local participants. 5 John Hope Franklins From Slavery to Freedom was_book because it permanently altered how United States history was studied. 6 Students already confused by difficult college-admission procedures will be further _by the universitys complex new online process. 7 Cherokee wome

5、n traditionally exercised_authority: they managed agriculture, determined clan membership, and wielded considerable economic power. 8 The (i)_that met the novella upon publication was so(ii)_its modest achievement that even the author wondered whether the response was truly deserved. 9 The participa

6、nts in the study considered themselves (i)_but in yielding to the wishes of the group, they were assuming (ii)_values. 10 Basset hounds tend to be_breed of dog: most are not easily aroused into action. 11 Mary Somervilles career was that of a true_: she wrote on astronomy, mathematics, physics, and

7、geography, among other subjects. 12 Eager to appear sophisticated and learned, Vincent cultivated a persona that was both (i)_and (ii)_. 13 Because the perfumer possessed an unusually sensitive nose, he had the ability to _subtle variations in even the most complex odors. 14 The officials record was

8、 both (i)_and (ii)_: he missed many important votes and never led any legislative initiatives. 15 Irene is_compliments, feeling that they are often nothing but empty flattery. 16 When elected director general of the World Health Organization, Dr. Margaret Chan promised to work_, to be unflagging in

9、her efforts to produce results. 17 Some deep-sea creatures discovered by marine biologists seem to (i)_the imagination, so great is the (ii)_between these creatures and the more familiar marine organisms found in the shallower waters. 18 Maria never_advice: she prefers to solve her problems without

10、help from others. 19 The (i)_of homing pigeons to sense Earths magnetic field may serve as (ii)_ tool in helping them find their way home, even across hundreds of miles. 20 Because they make up just a small percent of all objects that fall to Earth, carbonaceous meteorites are considered_. 21 The vo

11、cation of literary criticism should in no way (i)_the critics pleasure in a work of art; at the same time, however, such enjoyment should not (ii)_judgment. 22 It is not surprising that the writings of this philosopher are among the most (i)_in the field, because he deliberately makes them easy to (

12、ii)_. 23 The meeting had_effect on Hannah: she found that her concerns about the new policy were adequately addressed. 24 In 2008, Muslims in the United States were the religious group most evenly_the political spectrum : 29 percent liberal, 38 percent moderate, 25 percent conservative. 25 As one of

13、 historys most visible proponent of_this activist lectured internationally on the evils of alcohol consumption. GRE( VERBAL)基础填空模拟试卷 32答案与解析 SECTION 1 Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered

14、or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. 1 【正确答案】 B, D 【试题解析】 逗号说明前后同义重复。第二空与 unrealistic(不真实的 )同义重复。 delusional幻觉的, speculative深思熟虑的, judicious慎重的。答案选 D。negation否定, confidence自信, interest兴趣。代入选项,第一空答案选 B。 【知识模块】 基础填空 2 【

15、正确答案】 B, F 【试题解析】 逗号说明前后同义重复。第一空与 Amazing(令人惊奇的 )同义重复。 prosaic单调的, astonishing令人惊奇的, deceptive骗人的。答案选 B。第二空与 Graces(魅力 )同义重复。 lethal致命的, taut整洁的, nimble灵巧的。答案选F 【知识模块】 基础填空 3 【正确答案】 B, D 【试题解析】 allows说明前后同义重复。空格与 continually change its form(连续变换形态 )同义重复。 infectious传染性的, mutable易变的, debilitating使人衰弱的

16、, protean易变的, benign仁慈的, contagious传染性的。答案选 BD。注:这里 infectious和 contagious是干扰项,同表示 “传染性的 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 4 【正确答案】 C, E 【试题解析】 空格与 cheerful and noisy(欢乐而吵闹的 )同义重复 insularity狭隘, reflection反射, conviviality欢快, provinciality狭隘, jollification欢快,introspection反省。答案选 CE注:这里 insularity和 provinciality是干扰项,同表示 “

17、狭隘 ” 【知识模块】 基础填空 5 【正确答案】 A, C 【试题解析】 because说明前后同义重复。空格与 permanently altered(永久改变 )同义重复。 influential有影响力的, comfortable舒适的, momentous有影响力的, confusing令人困惑的, outrageous蛮横的, baffling令人困惑的。答案选AC。注:这里 confusing和 baffling是干扰项,同表示 “令人困惑的 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 6 【正确答案】 B, C 【试题解析】 空格与 confused(困惑 )同义重复。 cheer鼓励, f

18、rustrate使沮丧,dismay使沮丧, inspire鼓励, soothe使平静, encourage鼓励。答案选 BC。注 :这里 cheer, inspire和 encourage是干扰项,同表示 “鼓励 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 7 【正确答案】 A, F 【试题解析】 冒号说明前后同义重复。空格与 they managed agriculture,determined clan membership, and wielded considerable economicpower(她们管理农业,确定氏族成员,掌握相当多的经济权利 )同义重复。 extensive广泛的,temp

19、orary临时的, limited有限的, circumscribed有限的, unjust不公的,comprehensive广泛的。答案选 AF。注:这里 limited和 circumscribed是干扰项,同表示 “有限的 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 8 【正确答案】 C, D 【试题解析】 第一空与 modest(不太高的 )对应,第二空充当它们之间的逻辑关联。两空联动,若第二空表示逻辑同义,则第一空与 modest同义重复;反之,则第一空与 modest反义重复。 incredulity不轻信, indifference冷漠, acclamation赞扬; disproportio

20、nate to与 不相称, commensurate with与 相称,essential of 的本质。答案选 CD。 【知识模块】 基础填空 9 【正确答案】 B, E 【试题解析】 but说明前后反义重复。两空联动,反义重复。 expedient有利的,autonomous独立自主的, cooperative合作的; narcissistic自我陶醉的, collective合作的, munificent慷慨的。答案选 BE。 【知识模块】 基础填空 10 【正确 答案】 B, D 【试题解析】 冒号说明前后同义重复。空格与 most are not easily aroused int

21、o action(大多数很难被调动起来 )同义重复。 perspicacious有敏锐洞察力的,phlegmatic冷漠的, estimable值得尊敬的, impassive冷漠的, overriding首要的, overbearing首要的。答案选 BD。注:这里 overriding和 overbearing是干扰项,同表示 “首要的 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 11 【正确答案】 D, E 【试题解析】 冒号说明前后同义重复。空格与 she wrote on astronomy,mathematics, physics, and geography,among other subje

22、cts(她在天文学、数学、物理、地理以及其他学科上都有著作 )同义重复。 philistine市侩,amateur外行, charlatan骗子, erudite博学者, polymath博学者, dilettante外行。答案选 DE。注:这里 amateur和 dilettante是干扰项,同表示 “外行 ”,且与正确选项构成反义重复。 【知识模块】 基础填空 12 【正确答案】 B, E 【试题解析】 逗号说明前后同义重复第一空与 sophisticated(见多识广的 )同义重复。 morose忧郁的, urbane有涵养的, mordant尖酸刻薄的。答案选 B。第二空与 learn

23、ed(博学的 )同义重复。 gregarious群居的, erudite博学的, pedantic迂腐的。答案选 E。 【知识模块】 基础填空 13 【正确答案】 C, E 【试题解析】 Because说明前后同义重复。空格与 unusually sensitive nose(异常灵敏的鼻子 )同义重复。 foretell预言, contain限制, distinguish分辨, avoid避免, detect辨明, presage预言。答案选 CE注:这里 foretell和 presage是干扰项,同表示 “预言 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 14 【正确答案】 B, F 【试题解析】 冒

24、号说明前后同义重复。第一空与 missed many important votes(错过了许多重要选举 )同义重复。 ambitious有野心的, scant不足的, reasonable合理的。答案选 B。第二空与 never led any legislative initiatives(从来没有领导过任何立法举措 )同义重复 accomplished娴熟的, unique独特的, undistinguished普通的 . 答案选 F 【知识模 块】 基础填空 15 【正确答案】 D, E 【试题解析】 逗号说明前后同义重复。空格与 nothing but empty(空洞无物的 )同义

25、重复,填入一个表示负面评价的词 appreciative of欣赏 的, sensitive to对 敏感, susceptible to易受 的影响, suspicious of对 怀疑,incredulous of对 怀疑, hungry of渴望 的。答案选 DE 【知识模块】 基础填空 16 【正确答案】 C, D 【试题解析】 逗号说明前 后同义重复。空格与 unflagging(不松懈的 )同义重复。vaingloriously自负地, fecklessly粗心地, indefatigably不松懈地, untiringly不松懈地, circumspectly周到地, ineff

26、ectually无用地。答案选 CD 【知识模块】 基础填空 17 【正确答案】 A, E 【试题解析】 逗号说明前后同义重复。设空处 (i)the imagination和 so great is the(ii)同义重复 defy违反, electrify使震惊, elucidate阐明; enmity敌意,disparity不同, collusion共谋答案选 AE。 【知识模块】 基础填空 18 【正确答案】 C, D 【试题解析】 冒号说明前后同义重复。设空处 neveradvice与 prefers to solve her problems without help from ot

27、hers(更喜欢独自解决问题 )同义重复。proffer提供, forget忘记, request寻求, seek寻求, discount减少, offer提供。答案选 CD。注:这里 proffer和 offer是干扰项,同表示 “提供 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 19 【正确答案】 A, E 【试题解析】 ability能力, reluctance勉强, unsuitability不恰当; useless无用的, valuable有价值的, undiscovered未被发现的。代入选项,答案选 AE。 【知识模块】 基础填空 20 【正确答案】 C, F 【试题解析】 Because说明

28、前后同义重复。空格与 small percent of(很小的比例 )同义重复。 wanting缺乏的不足的, large大的, rare罕见的, dense浓密的,nonexistent不存在的, scarce罕见的。答案选 CF。 【知识模块】 基础填空 21 【正确答案】 B, E 【试题解析】 however说明前后取反,但是反义体现在 “评论 (i)艺术乐趣 ”和“艺术乐趣 (ii)评论 ”上面,所以两空同义重复。 inspire激励, inhibit抑制,extend扩展。答案选 B。 supplant排挤, skew曲解, hone磨炼 . 答案选 E。 【知识模块】 基础填空

29、22 【正 确答案】 C, D 【试题解析】 surprising说明前后反义重复; not取反。两空联动,同义重复。complex复杂的, profound深奥的, accessible容易理解的; comprehend理解,ignore忽略。 forget遗忘。答案选 CD。 【知识模块】 基础填空 23 【正确答案】 A, F 【试题解析】 冒号说明前后同义重复。空格与 her concerns about the new policy were adequately addressed(关于新政策她所关心的 问题已经完全传达了 )同义重复。 mollifying安抚的, bewilde

30、ring令人为难的, soporific催眠的, hypnotic催眠的, indiscernible不可识别的, emollient安抚的。答案选 AF。注:这里 soporific和 hypnotic是干扰项,同表示 “催眠的 ” 【知识模块】 基础填空 24 【正确答案】 A, C 【试题解析】 冒号说明前后同义重复。空格与 29 percent liberal, 38 percent moderate, 25 percent conservative(29%是自由派、 38是温和派、 25是保守派 )同义重复。 distribute across分布, predicted by被 预测

31、, disperse across分布, oppose to反对 , disconnect from与 分离, segregate from与 分离。答案选 AC注:这里 disconnect from和 segregate from是干扰项,同表示“与 分离 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 25 【正确答案】 D, F 【试题解析】 As说明前后同义重复。 空格与 the evils of alcohol consumption(酒精对身体的害处 )同义重复。 debauchery放荡, indulgence沉溺, democracy民主, temperance禁酒, individualism个人主义, teetotalism禁酒。答案选 DF。 【知识模块】 基础填空

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