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1、GRE( VERBAL)综合模拟试卷 7及答案与解析 一、 SECTION 1 Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as

2、a whole. 1 At their best,(i)_book reviews are written in defense of value and in the tacit hope that the author, having had his or her(ii)_pointed out, might secretly agree that the book could be improved. 2 The gaps in existing accounts of the playwrights life are not(i)_, since much of the documen

3、tary evidence on which historians have relied is(ii)_. 3 That todays students of American culture tend to(i)_classical music is understandable. In our own time, Americas musical high culture has degenerated into a formulaic entertainment divorced from the contemporary moment. Thus, to miss out on wh

4、at our orchestras are up to is not to(ii)_much. In the late Gilded Age, however, music was widely esteemed as the “queen of the arts.“ Classical music was in its American heyday,(iii)_the culture at large.4 The serious study of popular culture by intellectuals is regularly credited with having rende

5、red obsolete a once-dominant view that popular culture is inherently inferior to high art. Yet this alteration of attitudes may be somewhat(i)_.Although it is now academically respectable to analyze popular culture, the fact that many intellectuals feel compelled to rationalize their own(ii)_action

6、movies or mass-market fiction reveals, perhaps unwittingly, their continued(iii)_the old hierarchy of high and low culture.二、 SECTION 2 Directions: In each of the following questions, a related pair of words or phrases is followed by five lettered pairs of words or phrases. Select the lettered pair

7、that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair. 5 Retrofitted with stabilizing devices, some of which_its aesthetics, the bridge has been reopened, no longer prone to excessive swaying but not quite the breathtaking structure it originally was. A impair B resist C

8、improve D enhance E restore F compromise 6 Although cosmic objects have struck Earth since the planets very formation, humanity has only recently become aware of these events: two centuries ago the idea that objects orbiting the Sun could collide with Earth was widely_. A ridiculed B doubted C disse

9、minated D promulgated E marginalized F disbelieved 7 That people_the musical features of birdsongs suggests that despite the vast evolutionary gulf between birds and mammals, songbirds and humans share some common auditory perceptual abilities. A mimic B recognize C relish D are confounded by E can

10、make out F are puzzled by 8 Torpeys study has turned a seemingly_topic, the passport, into a fascinating one by making an original contribution to the sociology of the state. A ironic B banal C provocative D witty E insipid F stimulating 9 Britain is attractive to worldwide advertisers because it is

11、_market, so there is no need to tailor advertisements for different parts of the country. A a global B an uncomplicated C a vast D a homogeneous E a uniform F an immense 10 The bands long-standing strategy of laying leisurely explorations atop a steady funk beat has proven to be surprisingly_: a con

12、cert in Cologne from 1972 sounds as if it could have taken place today. A fortuitous B foresighted C prescient D popular E serendipitous F lucrative 11 Factory production made an absence of imperfections so blandly commonplace that the_of hand-produced goods were now cherished where they once might

13、have been shunned. A advantages B revivals C benefits D pretensions E blemishes F defects 12 Through its state associations, the American Medical Association controlled who could become a physician and dominated_professions like nursing and occupational therapy. A commensurate B proportionate C kind

14、red D affiliated E imperative F voluntary 13 In a strong indication of the way the entire party is_the candidate with moderate credentials, the outspokenly conservative former mayor of a major city has promised to raise a substantial amount of money for the candidates campaign. A rallying behind B i

15、ncensed over C undecided about D mortified over E embarrassed about F coalescing around 14 Mr. Hirsch says he will aim to preserve the foundations support of_ thinkers, individuals who are going against the trends in a field or an acknowledged set of opinions. A iconoclastic B integrative C doctrina

16、ire D heterodox E dogmatic F synthesizing 15 In France cultural subsidies are_: producers of just about any film can get an advance from the government against box-office receipts, even though most such loans are never fully repaid. A ubiquitous B invaluable C sporadic D scanty E questionable F omni

17、present 16 The problem of avoiding duplicate names such as for Internet domain names or for e-mail accounts is particularly_when the name has to fit into a format that allows only a finite number of possibilities. A meager B acute C agreeable D severe E beneficial F productive 17 At nearly 450 pages

18、, the novel is_: the author does not often resist the temptation to finish off a chapter, section, or even paragraph with some unnecessary flourish. A instructive B complex C prolix D educational E long-winded F explicit 18 If researchers can determine exactly what is wrong with people who suffer fr

19、om this condition, they may be able to suggest drug therapies or other treatments that could_the effects of the damage. A mitigate B exacerbate C specify D identify E ameliorate F stabilize 19 Some analysts worry about consumers perception that the electronics industry is always on the verge of majo

20、r breakthroughs; that perception could hurt the industry by making consumers reluctant to buy products they believe will soon be_. A incompatible B devalued C obsolete D ubiquitous E everywhere F outmoded 20 After people began to make the transition from gathering food to producing food, human socie

21、ties followed markedly_courses; some adopted herding, others took to tillage, and still others stuck to foraging. A divergent B rural C novel D unfamiliar E disparate F quotidian 21 In The Simple Soybean, the author is much less restrained in his enthusiasm for the beans medical efficacy than he is

22、in his technical writings, but he still cautions against treating soy as a_. A staple B supplement C herald D panacea E cure-all F harbinger 22 Parkins characterization of the movement as neoscholastic is too_to be accepted without further investigation. A cursory B detailed C perfunctory D biased E

23、 self-evident F complete 23 A recent study suggests that vitamin E supplements, despite widespread belief in their_, are no better than sugar pills for delaying the onset of the degenerative disease. A potential B misuse C popularity D efficacy E prevalence F usefulness 24 Despite her relaxed and fl

24、exible style, Ms. de la Fressange is_ businesswoman who knows how to market her brand: herself. A a ruthless B a creative C a canny D an industrious E a shrewd F an effective GRE( VERBAL)综合模拟试卷 7答案与解析 一、 SECTION 1 Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that some

25、thing has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. 1 【正确答案】 B,E 【试题解析】 The second part of the sentence talks about the author agreeing that the book can be improved aft

26、er the things named by Blank(ii)are pointed out; therefore, the answer to Blank(ii)must denote something negative whose presence calls for improvement. The only answer choice for Blank(ii)that is negative in meaning is “transgressions,“ so it is correct. Book reviews that point out the author s tran

27、sgressions are negative in nature, so the answer to Blank(i)must be negative in meaning; the only answer choice that meets this condition is “adverse,“ so it is correct. Thus the correct answer is adverse(Choice B)and transgressions(Choice E). 2 【正确答案】 A,F 【试题解析】 The sentence focuses on the relation

28、ship between the gaps in existing accounts of a life and the evidence used to produce those accounts. Since “gaps“ implies a concern with completeness, the characterization of that evidence that makes the most sense for Blank(ii)is “incomplete.“ The other choices, “credible“ or “extant,“ could expla

29、in the accuracy or verifiability of the accounts in question but nothing about the gaps themselves. Once it is determined that “incomplete“ is the best choice for characterizing the evidence, it follows that the gaps in the accounts based on that evidence would likely be considerable, so the opposit

30、e of considerable, “trifling,“ is the correct answer for Blank(i). Thus the correct answer is trifling(Choice A)and incomplete(Choice F). 3 【正确答案】 C,D,I 【试题解析】 The “however“ of the next-to-last sentence indicates that the authors characterization of the relationship between classical music and popul

31、ar culture during the Gilded Age contrasts with the current state of affairs. Since music was widely esteemed during the Gilded Age, it follows that it is viewed more negatively, or disregarded, during the current era. Of the choices for Blank(i), “ignore“ is the only choice that conveys this sentim

32、ent; “promote“ connotes the opposite, while “reinterpret“ suggests a different sort of positive engagement with classical music that is otherwise unmentioned in the passage. The author characterizes the current disconnection between music and culture as understandable, and uses pejorative language(“

33、degenerated,“ “formulaic“)to describe current classical music. Of the three choices for Blank(ii), “sacrifice“ best conveys this dismissive attitude; “appreciate“ would convey that those who forego orchestral concerts are indeed missing something worthwhile, while “malign“ overstates the presumed le

34、vel of feeling and activity of one who simply does not attend concerts. Since the lack of a connection between culture and classical music must contrast with the relationship during the Gilded Age, the answer to Blank(iii)is “centrally embedded in.“ Of the other two choices, “generally rejected by“

35、would provide no contrast, while “antagonistic toward“ suggests a relationship that would not explain why music was so widely esteemed. Thus the correct answer is ignore(Choice C), sacrifice(Choice D), and centrally embedded in(Choice I). 4 【正确答案】 C,D,H 【试题解析】 The sentence discusses a purported chan

36、ge in how popular culture and high art are relatively valued; the author is scrutinizing the notion that the academic study of the former has significantly raised its once lowly status. In the last sentence, Blank(iii)is preceded by the word “continued,“ indicating that something about intellectuals

37、 view of the hierarchy of culture has remained unchanged. Since the author states in the first sentence that this hierarchy was once dominant, “investment in“ the hierarchy would indicate that sense of continuity. Neither of the other two options is supported by the passage because there is no indic

38、ation the author believes that intellectuals have a long-held aversion to or misunderstanding of that hierarchy. The “although“ that begins the last sentence indicates that the phrase completed by Blank(ii)will contrast the respectability of analyses of popular culture with something that nonetheles

39、s reveals a continued allegiance to the hierarchy. A need to explain away a “distaste for“ or an “indifference to“ action movies or pulp fiction would not indicate any such allegiance, so those choices must be incorrect. However, a need to justify ones penchant or liking for popular culture would in

40、dicate an adherence to the high-low culture hierarchy. Thus “penchant for“ is the correct choice for Blank(ii). Finally, since the author is suggesting that the hierarchy given to high and low culture is not obsolete as some claim, it follows that the shift in attitudes is exaggerated; thus, the cor

41、rect answer to Blank(i)is “overstated.“ “Underappreciated“ implies the opposite, and “counterproductive“ implies a judgment about the value of the hierarchy, whereas the passage is primarily concerned with its existence. Thus the correct answer is overstated(Choice C), penchant for(Choice D), and in

42、vestment in(Choice H). 二、 SECTION 2 Directions: In each of the following questions, a related pair of words or phrases is followed by five lettered pairs of words or phrases. Select the lettered pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair. 5 【正确答案】 A,F 【试题解

43、析】 The sentence suggests that the addition of devices to make the bridge more stable has consequently lessened its previous aesthetic impact as a “breathtaking structure.“ The words “restore,“ “improve,“ and “enhance“ do not describe the appropriate qualitative direction of the change caused by the

44、retrofitting as “impair“ and “compromise“ do. Though “resist“ makes some sense when inserted into the blank, it does not produce a sentence with the same meaning as either of these. Thus the correct answer is impair(Choice A)and compromise(Choice F). 6 【正确答案】 B,F 【试题解析】 The colon introduces an examp

45、le that explains or demonstrates the former lack of awareness about cosmic collisions with Earth. Because people were not aware of the existence of events of this type, the idea of their possibility would not have been “disseminated“ or “promulgated.“ Although “ridiculed“ and “marginalized“ make sen

46、se when inserted into the blank, they do not produce sentences with the same meaning, which “doubted“ and “disbelieved“ do. Thus the correct answer is doubted(Choice B)and disbelieved(Choice F). 7 【正确答案】 B,E 【试题解析】 According to the sentence, some human ability or other suggests that humans share a p

47、erceptual ability with songbirds. The words that fill the blank must allow for the existence of this ability in humans, which “are confounded by“ and “are puzzled by“ do not. Although both “mimic“ and “relish“ make sense when inserted into the blank, they each designate more than just perception, an

48、d they both lack another word that would create a sentence similar in meaning. Thus the correct answer is recognize(Choice B)and can make out(Choice E). 8 【正确答案】 B,E 【试题解析】 The adjective “seemingly“ indicates that the words that fill the blank will contrast with “fascinating.“ Of the responses, “ban

49、al“ and “insipid“ are both opposites of “fascinating,“ and they yield sentences alike in meaning, so they are the correct response. While “provocative“ and “stimulating“ are near in meaning, they do not provide any contrast to “fascinating,“ so they are incorrect. Neither of the other responses has a near synonym among the choices, nor do they provide any opposition to the characterization of the passport as a fascinating topic. Thus th

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