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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 205及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 The Skills of Essay Writing Writing can help you to get your thoughts clear, to explore some of your idea

3、s and to【 1】 yourself of important points. The first point about your writing is to figure out the points for which your essay will be【 2】 . The second point is that your writing should usually follow some【 3】 . When writing essays, you should have a selection of【 4】 and the main subject or topic. K

4、eep one eye on the order you have chosen and the other on how you【 5】 things together. Make sure your order: 1. Fits in with your【 6】 , so that you are fairly clear what you want to do; 2. Fits in with what you have been asked to do; 3. Makes sense to your reader; 4. Fits around all of what you want

5、 to【 7】 . The essay should demonstrate a capacity to think critically and to argue in an objective,【 8】 and informed way. You will be marked according to how well you【 9】 the issues raised in the question. You should list all the points you feel are【 10】 to the answer you wish to give. 1 【 1】 2 【 2】

6、 3 【 3】 4 【 4】 5 【 5】 6 【 6】 7 【 7】 8 【 8】 9 【 9】 10 【 10】 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seco

7、nds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 Dream occurs during the period of _. ( A) active steep ( B) passive sleep ( C) deep sleep ( D) oversleeping 12 The dreams of being chased by someone or something occur during periods of _. ( A) anger ( B) anxiety ( C

8、) fear ( D) hatred 13 Which of the following kind of dreams happens to women more frequently than men? ( A) violence dreams ( B) dreams of finding money ( C) dreams about flying or floating in the air ( D) dreams about the sea 14 If a person has the same dream for many times, _. ( A) he should go to

9、 see the doctor ( B) the dream might come true ( C) he may probably have a big problem which he is unable to resolve ( D) he should shorten his sleeping hours 15 According to the interview, what kind of attitude do scientists hold toward dreams about the future which come true is _. ( A) believable

10、( B) unbelievable ( C) reasonable ( D) doubtful SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 Which of the fol

11、lowing statements is NOT true according to the report? ( A) Homosexuals are allowed to marry in Spain, Belgium and Holland. ( B) The new Spanish law will give gay and lesbian couples the rights to adopt children. ( C) The Upper House voted in favor of the legislation last week. ( D) The Roman Cathol

12、ic Church opposes it strongly. 17 The workers have been on a strike against _. ( A) governmental corruption ( B) high taxes and low pays ( C) poor medical service ( D) unemployment and poverty 18 Which of the following statements is NOT true? ( A) Mr. Ahmadinejad has gained around 60 percent of the

13、vote. ( B) Mr. Ahmadinejad is a conservative. ( C) Mr. Ahmadinejad is Interior Minister of Iran at present. ( D) Mr. Ahmadinejad is going to restrict some of the social freedoms. 19 Why have U.S. government temporarily closed the American consulate in Lagos? ( A) Because of political disturbance the

14、re. ( B) Because of economic crisis there. ( C) Because of security threat there. ( D) Because of the workers strike there. 20 In Nigeria, violent clashes frequently erupt between the countrys _. ( A) Muslims and the Blacks ( B) Muslims and Christians ( C) Christians and the Blacks ( D) the Blacks a

15、nd the White 20 Should doctors ever lie to benefit their patientsto speed recovery or to conceal the approach of death? In medicine as in law, government, and other lines of work, the requirements of honesty often seem dwarfed by greater needs: the need to shelter from brutal news or to uphold a pro

16、mise of secrecy; to expose corruption or to promote the public interest. What would doctors say, for example, to a 46-year-old man coming in for a routine physical checkup just before going on vacation with his family who, though he feels in perfect health, is found to have a form of cancer that wil

17、l cause him to die within six months? Is it best to tell him the truth? If he asks, should the doctors deny that he is ill, or minimize the gravity of the illness? Should they at least conceal the truth until after the family vacation? Doctors confront such choices often and urgently. At times, they

18、 see important reasons to lie for the patients own sake; in their eyes, such lies differ sharply from self-serving ones. Studies show that most doctors sincerely believe that the seriously ill do not want to know the truth about their condition, and that informing them risks destroying their hope, s

19、o that they may recover more slowly, or deteriorate faster, perhaps even commit suicide, As one physician wrote: “ours is a profession which traditionally has been guided by a precept that transcends the virtue of uttering the truth for truths sake, and that is as for as possible do harm.“ Armed wit

20、h such precept, a number of doctors my slip into deceptive practices that they assume will “do no harm“ and may will help their patients. They may prescribe innumerable placebos, sound more encouraging than the facts warrant, and distort grave news, especially to the incurably ill and the dying. But

21、 the illusory nature of the benefits such deception is meant to produce is now coming to be documented. Studies show that, contrary to the belief of many physicians, an overwhelming majority of patients do want to be told the truth, even about grave illness, and feel betrayed when they learn that th

22、ey have been misled. We are also learning that truthful information, humanely conveyed, helps patients cope with illness: helps them tolerate pain better, need less medicine, and even recover faster after surgery. Not only do lies not provide the “help“ hoped for by advocates of benevolent deception

23、; they invade the autonomy of patients and render them unable to make informed choices concerning their own health, including the choice of whether to be a patient in the first place. We are becoming increasingly aware of all that can befall patients in the course of their illness when information i

24、s denied or distorted. Dying patients especiallywho are easiest to mislead and most often kept in the darkcan then not make decision about the end of life: about whether or not they should enter a hospital, or have surgery; about where and with whom they should spend their remaining time; about how

25、they should bring their affairs to close and take leave. Lies also do harm to those who tell them: harm to their integrity and, in the long run, to their credibility. Lies hurt their colleagues as well. The suspicion of deceit undercuts the work of the many doctors who are scrupulously honest with t

26、heir patients; it contributes to the spiral of lawsuits and of “defensive medicine,“ and thus it injure, in turn, the entire medical profession. Sharp conflicts are now arising. Patients are learning to press for answers. Patients bills of rights require that they be informed about their condition a

27、nd about alternatives for treatment. Many doctors go to great eloquent bill of rights, believers in benevolent deception continue their age-old practices. Colleagues may disapprove but refrain from objecting. Nurses may bitterly resent having to take part, day after day, in deceiving patients, but f

28、eel powerless to take a stand. There is urgent need to debate this issue openly. Not only in medicine, but in other professions as well, practitioners may find themselves repeatedly in difficulty where serious consequences seem avoidable only through deception. Yet the public has every reason, to be

29、 wary of professional deception, for such practices are peculiarly likely to become deeply rooted, to or the social sciences can there be comfort in the old saying, “what you dont know cant hurt you.“(737 words) 21 The text is about _. ( A) why doctors dont always tell the truth ( B) the benefits of

30、 not knowing the seriousness of an illness ( C) the question of whether patients should be told the truth about their illnesses ( D) the circumstances in which a person should not be told the truth 22 According to the text, a patients bill of rights requires that patients be in formed of _. ( A) the

31、ir state of health ( B) all medical expenses ( C) the doctors qualifications ( D) the anticipated schedule of recovery 23 The most unfortunate consequence of deception in the professions is that _. ( A) colleagues disapprove ( B) sharp conflicts arise between doctors and nurses ( C) patients axe uns

32、ure of their rights ( D) the practice will spread and erode trust 24 From the text we may deduce that the author is inclined to think that doctors should _. ( A) lie to benefit their patients ( B) lie to the dying and the seriously ill only ( C) lie when serious consequences are avoidable only throu

33、gh deception ( D) be honest, with their patients 24 The most damning thing that can be said about the worlds best-endowed and richest country is that it is not only not the leader in health status, but that it is so low in the ranks of the nations. The United States ranks 18th among nations of the w

34、orld in male life expectancy at birth, 9th in female life expectancy at birth, and 12th in infant mortality. More importantly, huge variations are evident in health status in the United States from one place to the next and from one group to the next. The forces that affect health can be divided int

35、o four groupings that led themselves to analysis of all health problems. Clearly the largest group of forces resides in the persons environment. Behavior, in part derived from experiences with the environment, is the next greatest force affecting health. Medical care services, treated as separate fr

36、om other environmental factors because of the special interest we have in them, make a modest contribution to health status. Finally, the contributions of heredity to health are difficult to judge. No other country spends what we do per capita for medical care. The care available is among the best t

37、echnically, even if used too freely and thus dangerously. Given the evidence that medical care is not that valuable and access to care not that bad, it seems most unlikely that our bad showing is caused by the significant proportion who are poorly served. Other hypotheses have greater explanatory po

38、wer: excessive poverty, both actual and relative, and excessive wealth. Excessive poverty is probably more prevalent in the U.S. than in any of the countries that have a better infant mortality rate and female life expectancy at birth. This is probably true also for all but four or five of the count

39、ries with a longer male life Expectancy. In the notably poor countries that exceed us in male survival, difficult living conditions are a more accepted way of life and in several of them, a good basic diet, basic medical care and basic education, and lifelong employment opportunities are an everyday

40、 fact of life. In the U.S. a national unemployment level of 10 percent may be 40 percent in the ghetto while less than 4 percent elsewhere. The countries that have surpassed us in health do not have such severe problems. Nor are such a high proportion of their people involved in them. Excessive weal

41、th is not so obvious a cause of iii health, but, at least until recently, few other nations could afford such unhealthful ways of living. Excessive intake of animal protein and fats, and use of tobacco and drugs, and dangerous recreational sports and driving habits are all possible only when one is

42、wealthy. Our heritage, desires, and opportunities, combined with the relatively low cost of bad foods and speedy vehicles, make us particularly vulnerable. Our unacceptable health status, then, will not he improved appreciably by expanded medical resources nor by their redistribution so much as by a

43、 general attempt to improve the quality of life for all. (506 words) 25 The passage would probably be followed by _. ( A) suggestions for specific proposals to improve the quality of life in America ( B) a listing of the most common causes of death among male and female adults ( C) an explanation of

44、 the causes of poverty in America, both absolute and relative ( D) a proposal to ensure that residents of central cities receive more and better medical care 26 The author is primarily concerned with _. ( A) condemning the U.S. for its failure to provide better medical care to the poor ( B) evaluati

45、ng the relative significance of factors contributing to the poor health status in the U.S. ( C) providing information that the reader can use to improve his or her personal health ( D) advocating specific measures designed to improve the health of the U, S. population. 27 The author refers to the ex

46、cessive intake of alcohol, tobacco, and drug in order to illustrate that _. ( A) some health problems cannot be solved by better medical care ( B) his use of alcohol and other substances is harmful to health ( C) poor health results from tack of proper medical care ( D) wealth may contribute to poor

47、 health status 28 In discussing the forces that influence health, the author implies that medical care services are _. ( A) a special aspect of an individuals environment ( B) a function of an individuals behavior pattern ( C) becoming less important as technology improves ( D) too expensive for mos

48、t people 28 To live in the United States today is to gain an appreciation for Dhrendorfs assertion that social change exists everywhere. Technology, the application of knowledge for practical ends, is a major source of social change. Yet we would do well to remind ourselves that technology is a huma

49、n creation; it does not exist naturally. A spear or a robot is as much a cultural as a physical object. Until humans use a spear to hunt gameor a robot to produce machine parts, neither is much more than a solid mass of matter. For a bird looking for an object on which to rest, a spear or robot serves the purpose equally well. The explosion of the Challenger space shuttle and the Russian nuclear accident at Chernobyl drive home the human quality of technology; they provide cases in wh

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