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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 250及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 The Rise of RP Historical reasons Received Pronunciation(RP)was originally associated with a【 1】 _ spoken

3、 in the region 【 1】 _ between central England and London, including Oxford and Cambridge. Its survival was due to its use by the【 2】 _ 【 2】 _ in the 14lh century and by university students in tile 【 3】 _Ages. 【 3】 _ Its rise in importance resulted from its application in government and official docu

4、ments. The prestige of its【 4】 _ pattern of 【 4】 _ pronunciation came about with its use in【 5】 _schools 【 5】 _ in the 19th century. As a result, its【 6】 _is accepted by Television 【 6】 _ and the radio, the professions and teaching English as a foreign language. Three characteristics of RP 1)its spe

5、akers dont regard themselves as connected with any geographical region; 2)RP is largely used in England; 3)RP is a “class“ accent, associated with【 7】 _ 【 7】 _ social classes Its present status Decline in the prestige of RP is the result of a)loss of monopoly of education by the privileged; b)【 8】 _

6、of higher education in the post-war 【 8】 _ period. However, it still retains its eminence among certain professional people. There is a rise in the status of all【 9】 _ac 【 9】 _ cents. We are moving towards the【 10】 _position: 【 10】 _ general acceptance of all regional accents and absence of a class

7、accent that transcends all regions. 1 【 1】 2 【 2】 3 【 3】 4 【 4】 5 【 5】 6 【 6】 7 【 7】 8 【 8】 9 【 9】 10 【 10】 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At t

8、he end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 According to Mr. Bacon, people keep snakes because _. ( A) they like them as pets ( B) they like them although they dont have them as pets ( C) they use them to fright

9、en other people ( D) they are keen on snake meat 12 From the conversation, we can conclude that the RoyaI-RSPCA must be _. ( A) a zoo with various animals ( B) a market selling various animals ( C) an organization for the protection of animals ( D) an organization for the protection of children 13 A

10、nimals are good for old peoples health in the sense that animals _. ( A) can look after them in hospital and home ( B) can be their good companions ( C) are more reliable than people ( D) can help them establish more social contacts 14 The lipstick marks on the animals heads show that people _. ( A)

11、 are cruel with their animals ( B) spend more money on animals than on their children ( C) are treating their animals too well ( D) are making up their animals 15 According to Mr. Bacon, the best part of his job is _. ( A) the excitement involved with the possible danger ( B) the small amount of pap

12、er work ( C) the veterinary medicine ( D) the delivering of new animals SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questi

13、ons. 16 Americas allies in Europe are _ to take military action against Basnias Serbs. ( A) ready ( B) unwilling ( C) willing ( D) likely 17 According to the Vance-Owen plan, Sarajevo would be controlled by _. ( A) Muslims ( B) Serbs ( C) Croats ( D) all above 18 The notice issued by the Ministry of

14、 Land and Resources and the Ministry Agriculture requires that _. ( A) basic farmland protection zones should be established ( B) illegally occupying and destroying farmland should be punished ( C) a legal system to protect basic farmland be set up ( D) A and B 19 About how many hectares of the farm

15、land were lost to economic expansion and natural disasters in 1998? ( A) 397,000 hectares. ( B) 261,300 hectares. ( C) 658,300 hectares. ( D) Not clearly stated. 20 According to the notice, which are not taken into account in the establishment of basic farmland protection zones? ( A) The arable land

16、 in the cities. ( B) The arable land along highways. ( C) The arable land on the outskirts of cities. ( D) The arable land along railroad. 20 SANTEE, CALIF - When news broke about the mayhem and killing at Santana High School, Charles Williams frantically dashed to the school to make sure his 15-yea

17、r-old son wasnt hurt. As he searched the chaotic tableau of sobbing teens and panicked parents, Williams called a girl, “Do you know where Andy is?“ Her quiet reply: “With the cops.“ Until that moment, Williams apparently had no idea what his son, Charles Andrew, had planned to that morning when he

18、left their small apartment in this town northeast of San Digeo. But, sadly, others had a clue. The teen had bragged to several friends and at least one adult, 29-year-old Chris Reynolds, about his scheme to shoot his classmates. Some of his friends thought it was simply bluster from a kid. Yet two o

19、f them were so concerned that they patted Williams down that morning. They didnt go far enough to find his fathers 22-caliber, long-barrel revolver in Williamss yellow backpack. Bombs and hit lists. Even before last weeks shooting, the collective culture had been changing. Last month, potential disa

20、sters were foiled in schools from New York to California because students reported their concerns. Just days after the Santana High School shooting, students tipped off police who arrested a handful of kids at several other California schools for allegedly making threats that included plotting to pu

21、t a bomb on a teachers desk and drawing up a hit list of 16 students. “The climate is changing where young people are more willing to report threats, but that change is happening slowly.“ says Ron Stephens, executive director of the National School Safety Center. “Santee is certainly a lesson in tha

22、t. We must continually work with young people about why it is in their interest to come forward.“ Thats tough task, considering children are taught almost from kindergarten, not to tattle. No one wants to be an informer, but as Tom Hall, San Diego schools security chief, says, “Weve got to get kids

23、to understand that there is a proper time to tell. “A recent Secret Service study found that in more than three quarters of school shootings, the attacker told someone, almost always a peer, about his plan beforehand. Only twice out of 37 cases did that kid tell an adult. “We as lay people, kids and

24、 adults, dont need to make the decision about whether someone is joking,“ says Marceta Reilly, superintendent of the Kansas school district where a student last month turned in three teens for an alleged plot to blow up the school. “It is important to turn it over to someone who can investigate it p

25、roperly.“ Overall, school violence is down, despite the outpouring of high-profile shootings that often produce imitators including many after Santee. No one wanted to take any chances in Elmira, N. Y. , where the entire town has worked to prevent another Columbina. Last month, students noticed an 1

26、8-year-old student acting oddly on the bus. After students told school authorities, an officer found 18 pipe bombs and a sawed-off shotgun in a green bag and a 22-semiautomatic pistol folded in his trousers. “Weve tried to foster a new attitude: This is not snitching“, says Chemung County District A

27、ttorney John Trice. “These are kids who have decided, I dont want anyone to get hurt.“ Bullies. Some classmates described Andy Williams as a friendly, quiet kid. But others said he was deeply troubled, disturbed by the separation from his mother, who had been divorced from his father for about 10 ye

28、ars. The youngster was also a frequent target of bullies. Experts believe the Santee shooting will fuel a redoubling of anti-bullying efforts that began after Columbina. Colorado is working on a bill that would require all schools to develop bully-prevention plans. A new law requires New Hampshire s

29、chool boards to adopt anti-bullying policies. Oregon is considering a bill that would ban bullying. Some parents and civil libertarians may worry that the Santee shooting will renew zeal for Columbina-inspired, but much criticized, zero-tolerance policies. Already last week, stories of students bein

30、g suspended or arrested - some turned in by fellow teens-were coming in from across the nation. And the schools new credo: Silence isnt golden. 21 How do you understand the word “mayhem“ in Paragraph 1? ( A) Firing. ( B) Bombing. ( C) Disaster. ( D) Violent disorder. 22 It can be inferred from the p

31、assage that _. ( A) Charles Williams had tried to prevent his son from the killing ( B) Charles Andrew kept his scheme to shoot as a top secret ( C) people who had the clue of the killing did not take Andrews words seriously except two ( D) some of Andrews classmates found a revolver in his backpack

32、 23 Which of the following statements is true? ( A) Some of the treats can be removed. ( B) Young people play a minor role in tipping the police off some accidents. ( C) It is found that the attacker is likely to tell his plan beforehand to his peer. ( D) It is not difficult to make young people und

33、erstand why it is in their interest to tattle. 24 What does the last paragraph tell us? ( A) Andy Williams parents divorce has some negative effects on him. ( B) Andy Williams was rather popular because he used to be quite friendly. ( C) Anti-bullying policies are adopted by all schools in Colorado.

34、 ( D) Silence is strongly banned in schools. 24 At 5:30 in the morning we are deep in a dark forest on an island in the midddle of the Panama Canal. Weve been out walking for only 15 minutes, but Im already soaked in sweat. As a colleague and I plod along, my head lamp picks out the occasional trail

35、 marker, but mainly the light seems to operate as a major local landmark for insects. Several mosquitoes have already discovered the delights of the soft parts of my ears, while others are slowly working their way between my seeks and legs to be discovered later after much scratching. Suddenly a der

36、anged roaring and barking starts 25m above my head and builds chaotically and intensity before slowly quieting after several minutes. Similar mad choruses respond from other areas of the forest. Hearing the dawn cacophony of howler monkeys always give me a deep sense of pleasure - the joy of being b

37、ack in the tropics. It may be a hot, humid place where insects, plants and fungi rule, but the phone and fax wont find me here. Im free to watch monkeys, collect data and try to tease out a tiny piece of the great puzzle of lifes diversity. That diversity faces disaster, and every biologist has a ho

38、rror story to tell. Each year many of us return to the field after a cold winters teaching to discover that our research sites have been destroyed and our experiments and study organisms have disappeared. We can see with our own eyes the mass extermination of the worlds animal and plant life as fore

39、sts, savannas and wetlands give way to farmland, housing developments and shopping malls. If current rates of habitat destruction continue, it is likely that we will condemn from a quarter to half the worlds currently living species to extinction within the next 100 years. Nowhere is life more diver

40、se than in tropical rainforests, and nowhere is the assault on life more tragic. Scientists are only beginning to understand the complex webs of interdependencies among various species. Increasingly, ecological research in the tropics is revealing how dependent humans are on forests for a wide varie

41、ty of important services, particularly regulation of the earths atmosphere and climate. We may owe as much to the residents of the rainforests as we do our cattle, corn and wheat. Much of our understanding of tropical-forest biology comes from research on Barro Colorado Island, a 1,600-hectare dot i

42、n the middle of the Panama Canal. B. C. I., as the island is affectionately known to the biologists who work there, is covered with dense tropical forest, which was declared a nature reserve in 1923. The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute facility on B. C. I., established in 1946, is a Mecca fo

43、r tropical biologists, who work to uncover the complex links between the large variety of species that live in forests and to demonstrate the importance of these woodlands as sources for medicines and other products of incalculable value to humans. The atmosphere at the research station is probably

44、similar to that at Los Alamos, New Mexico, in the 1940s when a group of the worlds top physicists were cloistered together trying to design the atom bomb. The justified the creation of a nuclear weapon by assuming it would provide the ultimate deterrent that could be used to reinforce peace in a dem

45、ocratic world. Similarly, the longer-term future of human civilization on earth is dependent on the earths forests, which act as its lungs, livers and kidneys. That is why scientists on B. C. I. are struggling to unravel the mysteries of the forests before they disappear. At first the forest in Pana

46、ma just looks like a wall of green. Then you start to notice differences between plant species, and file sheer diversity seems suddenly overwhelming. Variations between plants are often subtle and only apparent for the short period of time that a species bears flowers or fruit. Slowly you begin to i

47、dentify specific types and family groups such as the palms, heliconias and fig trees. Yet each of these families contains many species, every one of which has a subtle variation on an evolutionary theme that has found a slightly different way of competing for limited light and nutrients, or escaping

48、 from predators and diseases. The fig trees provide a spectacular example of the complex interaction of species that enables forests to function. Of more than 1,000 species of figs in the world, at least 20 are found in Panama. Most tree species on B. C. I. bear fruit only seasonally, producing an a

49、bundance of it at the beginning of the rainy season in May and June. This is all consumed by variety of birds, monkeys and bats, and by the end of the rainy season, in October through December, there is a major shortage of food in the forest. Saving the day are the fig trees, which may bear fruit at any time. Why do fig trees follow a

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