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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 365及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 Aspects That May Facilitate Reading . Determining your purpose A. Reading for【 1】 like reading the latest

3、 Harry Potty Novel B. Reading for information: like reading in a(n)【 2】 of the library . Prior knowledgeA. An initial key in helping you【 3】 what the article will be about whether it will interest you whether it is familiar to youB. A help for the reader to find some material easy to understand buil

4、d his or her【 4】 of the new text . InterestA. providing you with an extra【 5】 for readingB. making you care more about what the author has to say .【 6】 your progress (reading with a pencil)A. asking questions on headlines and titlesB. noting words you dont understand C.【 7】 ideas you like . Summariz

5、ing the main pointsA. listing the【 8】 of each paragraphB. lumping together paragraphs with similar ideasC. putting key ideas into your own words D.【 9】 the common thoughts or thread . Mapping out the essay . A. creating a visual representation of the essayB. having a picture of something in your min

6、d in various shapese. g. , lists, diagrams,【 10】 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to ans

7、wer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 Which of the following countries or regions where AIDS is spreading much faster is NOT mentioned by Bill Smith? ( A) the former Soviet Union ( B) South Africa ( C) India ( D) China 12 Why has Africa been more affected by AIDS

8、than any other place in the world? ( A) Because Aft-lea is the place from where AIDS starts to spread worldwide. ( B) Because Africans are too brave and resourceful in trying many things. ( C) Because there were not systems in place both to prevent people from contracting it and spreading it. ( D) B

9、ecause Africans arc ready to see some changes in every fiel 13 All the following medicines are available now EXCEPT_? ( A) medicine that stops mother-to-child transmission ( B) medicine that gives most young adults who take it a normal life span ( C) medicine that gives all adults a chance to live n

10、ormal lives ( D) medicine that gives little kids that get the HIV positive a good chance to grow up and live normal lives 14 What is the purpose of Bill Smiths AIDS foundation? ( A) To prevent people from contracting and spreading AIDS. ( B) To carry out research on how to prevent the spread of AIDS

11、. ( C) To keep up with the rate of the epidemic growing. ( D) To promote AIDS awareness and prevention. 15 What is President Smiths view on the incident of Karl Rove? ( A) The president in office shouldnt make a decision about the people who work for him. ( B) Decision should be made after all the f

12、acts are available. ( C) The prosecutor should make the final decision. ( D) All the people who are involved should take a vote on the final decision. SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

13、At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 Which of the following is TRUE about the explosion? ( A) 9 people were in critical condition. ( B) Some sport utility vehicles were damaged. ( C) 2 people were wounded by the blast. ( D) A small patch of sand was

14、burnt black. 17 What is Mr. Sarkozys purpose of visiting Westminster Abby? ( A) To address both Houses of Parliament. ( B) To enjoy a glittering state banquet. ( C) To honor the unknown soldier. ( D) To meet Prince Charles and his wife. 18 Which of the following indicates the exact sequence of the p

15、laces Sarkozy will visit? ( A) Windsor Castle-Westminster Abby-Royal Gallery ( B) Royal Gallery-Westminster Abby-Windsor Castle ( C) Westminster Abby-Windsor Castle-Royal Gallery ( D) Westminster Abby-Royal Gallery-Windsor Castle 19 What is the main idea of the news item? ( A) Seals have been ruthle

16、ssly hunted in Canada. ( B) EU considers measures against Canada on seal hunt. ( C) Canada encourages hunters to take pelts from seals. ( D) EU has already banned Canadian seal products. 20 What has been the major concern of EU over a wider ban since the 1983 barring? ( A) It might affect hunters an

17、d their communities. ( B) It might destroy free trade within EU. ( C) It might invite retaliation. from Canada. ( D) It might be criticized by animal activists. 20 In the eighteenth century, Japans feudal overlords, from the shogun to the humblest samurai, found themselves under financial stress. In

18、 part, this stress can be attributed to the overlords failure to adjust to a rapidly expanding economy, but the stress was also due to factors beyond the overlords control. Concentration of the samurai in castle towns had acted as a stimulus to trade. Commercial efficiency, in turn, had put temptati

19、ons in the way of buyers. Since most samurai had been reduced to idleness by years of peace, encouraged to engage in scholarship and martial exercises or to perform administrative tasks that took little time, it is not surprising that their tastes and habits grew expensive. overlords income, despite

20、 the increase in rice production among their tenant farmers, failed to keep pace with their expenses. Although shortfalls in overloads income resulted almost as much from laxity among their tax collectors (the nearly inevitable outcome of hereditary office-holding) as from their higher standards of

21、living, a misfortune like a fire or flood, bringing an in crease in expenses or a drop in revenue, could put a domain in debt to the city rice-brokers who handled its finances. Once in debt, neither the individual samurai nor the shogun himself found it easy to recover. It was difficult for individu

22、al samurai overlords to increase their income because the amount of rice that farmers could be made to pay in taxes was not unlimited, and since the income of Japans central government consisted in part of taxes collected by the shogun from his huge domain, the government too was constrained. Theref

23、ore, the Tokugawa shoguns began to look to other sources for revenue. Cash profits from government-owned mines were already on the decline because the most easily worked deposits of silver and gold had been exhausted, although debasement of the coinage had compensated for the loss. Opening up new fa

24、rmland was a possibility, but most of what was suitable had already been exploited and further reclamation was technically unfeasible. Direct taxation of the samurai themselves would be politically dangerous. This left the shoguns only commerce as a potential source of government income. Most of the

25、 countrys wealth, or so it seemed, was finding its way into the hands of city merchants. It appeared reasonable that they should contribute part of that revenue to ease the shoguns burden of financing the state. A means of obtaining such revenue was soon found by levying forced loans, known as goyo-

26、kin; although these were not taxes in the strict sense, since they were irregular in timing and arbitrary in amount, they were high in yield. Unfortunately, they pushed up prices. Thus, regrettably, the Tokugawa shoguns search for solvency for the government made it increasingly difficult for indivi

27、dual Japanese who lived on fixed stipends to make ends meet. 21 Which is the authors attitude toward the samurai discussed in the first paragraph? ( A) Warmly approving. ( B) Mildly sympathetic. ( C) Bitterly disappointed. ( D) Harshly disdainful. 22 Which is the major reason for the financial probl

28、ems experienced by Japans feudal overlords? ( A) Profits from mining had declined. ( B) Spending had outdistanced income. ( C) The samurai had concentrated in castle-towns. ( D) The coinage had been sharply debase 23 The reason that individual samurai did not find it easy to recover from debt is_. (

29、 A) taxes were irregular in timing and arbitrary in amount ( B) the Japanese government had failed to adjust to the needs of a changing economy ( C) there was a limit to the amount in taxes that farmers could be made to pay ( D) the domains of samurai overlords were becoming smaller and poorer as go

30、vernment revenues increased 24 Which could best be substituted for the word “THIS“ in the last sentence of the second paragraph? ( A) The search of Japans Tokugawa shoguns for solvency. ( B) The unfairness of the tax structure in eighteenth-century Japan. ( C) The difficulty experienced by both indi

31、vidual samurai and the shogun himself in extricating themselves from debt. ( D) The difficulty of increasing government income by other means. 25 According to the passage, the actions of the Tokugawa shoguns in their search for solvency for the government were regrettable because those actions_. ( A

32、) resulted in the exhaustion of the rnost easily worked deposits of silver and gold ( B) raised the cost of living by pushing up prices ( C) were far lower in yield than had originally been anticipated ( D) acted as deterrent to trade 25 A green and yellow parrot, which hung in a cage outside the do

33、or, kept repeating over and over: “Allez vous-en! Allez vous-en! Sapristi! Thats all right!“ he could speak a little Spanish, and also a language which nobody understood, unless it was the mocking-bird that hung on the other side of the door, whistling his fluty notes out upon the breeze with madden

34、ing persistence. Mr. Pontellier, unable to read his newspaper with any degree of comfort, arose with an expression and an exclamation of disgust. He walked down the gallery and across the narrow “bridges“ which connected the Lebrun cottages one with the other, He had been seated before the door of t

35、he main house. The parrot and the mockingbird were the property of Madame Lebrun, and they had the right to make all the noise they wished. Mr. Pontellier had the privilege of quitting their society when they ceased to be entertaining. He stopped before the door of his own cottage, which was the fou

36、rth one from the main building and next to the last. Seating himself in a wicker rocker which was there, he once more applied himself to the task of reading the newspaper. The day was Sunday; the paper was a day old. The Sunday papers had not yet reached Grand Isle. He was already acquainted with th

37、e market reports, and he glanced restlessly over the editorials and bits of news which he had not had time to read before quitting New Orleans the day before. Mr. Pontellier wore eye-glasses. He was a man of forty, of medium height and rather slender build; he stooped a little. His hair was brown an

38、d straight, parted on one side. His beard was neatly and closely trimmed. Once in a while he withdrew his glance from the newspaper and looked about him. There was more noise than ever over at the house. The main building was called “the house,“ to distinguish it from the cottages. The chattering an

39、d whistling birds were still at it. Two young girls, the Farival twins, were playing a duet from “Zampa“ upon the piano. Madame Lebrun was bustling in and out, giving orders in a high key to a yard-boy whenever she got inside the house, and directions in an equally high voice to a dining-room servan

40、t whenever she got outside. She was a fresh, pretty woman, clad always in white with elbow sleeves. Her starched skirts crinkled as she came and went. Farther down, before one of the cottages, a lady in black was walking demurely up and down, telling her beads. A good many persons of the pension had

41、 gone over to the Cheniere Caminada in Beaudelets lugger to hear mass. Some young people were out under the water-oaks playing croquet. Mr. Pontelliers two children were there sturdy little fellows of four and five. A quadroon nurse followed them about with a faraway, meditative air. Mr. Pontellier

42、finally lit a cigar and began to smoke, letting the paper drag idly from his hand. He fixed his gaze upon a white sunshade that was advancing at snails pace from the beach. He could see it plainly between the gaunt trunks of the water-oaks and across the stretch of yellow chamomile. The gulf looked

43、far away, melting hazily into the blue of the horizon. The sunshade continued to approach slowly. Beneath its pink-lined shelter were his wife, Mrs. Pontellier, and young Robert Lebrun. When they reached the cottage, the two seated themselves with some appearance of fatigue upon the upper step of th

44、e porch, facing each other, each leaning against a supporting post. “What folly! to bathe at such an hour, in such heat!“ exclaimed Mr. Pontellier. He himself had taken a plunge at daylight. That was why the morning seemed long to him. “You are burnt beyond recognition,“ he added, looking at his wif

45、e as one looks at a valuable piece of personal property which has suffered some damage. She held up her hands, strong, shapely hands, and surveyed them critically, drawing up her lawn sleeves above the wrists. Looking at them reminded her of her rings, which she had given to her husband before leavi

46、ng for the beach. She silently reached out to him, and he, understanding, took the rings from his vest pocket and dropped them into her open palm. She slipped them upon her fingers: then clasping her knees, she looked across at Robert and began to laugh. The rings sparkled upon her fingers. He sent

47、back an answering smile. “What is it?“ asked Pontellier, looking lazily and amused from one to the other. It was some utter nonsense; some adventure out there in the water, and they both tried to relate it at once. It did not seem half so amusing when told. They realized this, and so did Mr. Pontell

48、ier. He yawned and stretched himself. Then he got up. saying he had half a mind to go over to Kleins hotel and play a game of billiards. “Come go along, Lebrun,“ he proposed to Robert. But Robert admitted quite frankly that he preferred to stay where he was and talk to Mrs. Pontellier. “Well, send h

49、im about his business when he bores you, Edna,“ instructed her husband as he prepared to leave. “Here, take the umbrella,“ she exclaimed, holding it out to him. He accepted the sunshade, and lilting it over his head descended the steps and walked away. “Coming back to dinner?“ his wife called after him. He halted a moment and shrugged his shoulders, He felt in his vest pocket; there was a ten-dollar bill there. He did not know; perhaps he would return for the early dinner and perhaps he would not. It all depended upon th

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