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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 535及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 Computer Literacy Today well discuss computer literacy. I. Common ways of (1)_will be changed. A. E-mail

3、will replace mail delivery. B. Bills and pay checks will be delivered in the (2)_version. C. Greeting cards will be sent from computers. D. Shopping malls will be cyber malls. II. Our homes will be run by computers. A. Computers will adjust the temperature. B. (3)_will be linked to the computer. C.

4、Light fixtures will adjust to the right level of light. III. The way of business will be entirely changed. A. Business will be conducted via interactive (4)_. B. Documents and files will be stored on computer hard drives. C. Many workers will work (5)_via the computer. D. On-board computer will guid

5、e directions. IV. The (6)_will also join the computer age. A. Every student will have access to a computer. B. Text books will be on disks. C. Students will have access to reference materials via the computer. D. Students turn in the (7)_of their homework. E. (8)_will be given at the end of tests vi

6、a computer. F. Some classes will be conducted by interactive teleconferences. V. Our (9)_will also be affected by the use of computers. A. The home communication system and TV-service will be integrated into one system. B. Newspapers and magazines will be read (10)_. VI. Conclusion: In the future pe

7、ople will need to acquire computer literacy to become productive. SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given

8、10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 How old is the minivan the Lady is looking at? ( A) One year old. ( B) Three years old. ( C) Five years old. ( D) Seven years old. 12 What is the vehicles mileage? ( A) 55,000 miles. ( B) 65,000 miles. ( C) 75

9、,000 miles. ( D) 8,5000 miles. 13 What is the problem with the minivan s door? ( A) It has several scratches in it. ( B) It will not open properly. ( C) It is missing the door handle. ( D) It has no seats covers. 14 What is one thing the extended warranty would NOT cover on the vehicle according to

10、the conversation? ( A) A faulty oil pump. ( B) A malfunctioning gage. ( C) A worn out brake drum. ( D) An engine. 15 If the manager lowered the price as the salesman suggests, what would the final price be? ( A) 15,475. ( B) 15,575. ( C) 15,675. ( D) 15,775. SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In t

11、his section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 According to the news, _ have been killed in the war. ( A) 1,713 ( B) 1,711 ( C) 1,782 ( D) 1,730 17 Whic

12、h statement is not true? ( A) Bush met Iraqi Prime Minister on Friday ( B) Brzezinski is a member of Republican Party ( C) American people have no much confidence in the war in Iraq ( D) Bush believed that the future would be tough 18 According to Bushs strategy for military success, the enemies inc

13、luded _. ( A) Saddam Husseins former regime members ( B) terrorists trained by al-Jaafari ( C) war. criminals ( D) all of above 18 Oregon Mom Forced to Treat Baby for HIV Kathleen Tyson wants desperately to breast feed her baby, But the state of Oregon says it will take the baby from her if she does

14、. The government threatened the action after Tyson tested positive for HIV, the virus the vast majority of medical researchers say causes AIDS. For now, at least, she gives the infant a cows milk formula. And until a few weeks ago, she reluctantly gave him a state ordered medically prescribed six-we

15、ek course of the powerful AIDS drug AZT. She faces a court date in April to try to regain total freedom in how she cares for her son, including the right to breastfeed. Kathleen Tyson says, “There is evidence that there is something in breast milk that inhibits the binding of HIV to receptor cells i

16、n the infant. So were starting to get an idea that maybe its not so bad as everybody thinks.“ Tyson and her husband David are at odds with the medical establishment and the medical research showing HIV causes aids. Nor is the couple convinced by studies that show HIV can be transmitted by breast mil

17、k. Whats more, the Tysons say they have no idea why Kathleen tested positive. The two say theyve had a monogamous relationship for eleven years, never used I-V drugs, or had blood transfusions, and that both David and the baby tested negative. Are they in denial about the reality of AIDS? “Since Im

18、one who takes care of children with HIV and have watched children die of AIDS, the idea that someone would allow a preventable disease to be transmitted like that, absolutely breaks my heart,“ says Dr. Paul Lewis. David Tyson answers that charge, “A lot of people say that; I think the medical establ

19、ishment is in denial about the evidence that indicates their theory is a dud. Theyve been working on this for 16 years now, and theyve put more resources into this than any other issue that weve had. And they arent any closer to any mechanism of pathogenicity than they were when they started.“ Kathl

20、een Tyson says, “I think we weighed the issue. I think weve looked at a lot of material. And I think that were rational, responsible people. And there are just enough things, for me, that dont make sense, that I have to question it.“ The Tysons find support on an Internet site which claims that a gr

21、owing number of bio-medical scientists say the AIDS virus is harmless and not sexually transmitted, Site authors claim its the anti-viral medications like AZT that kill. David Tyson says of the web site, “. and these have a number of quotes by a number of prominent people in the biomedical field abo

22、ut their doubts about this theory.“ The site helped the Tysous reach David Rasnick, a visiting scientist in the department of molecular and cell biology at the University of California, Berkeley. Rasnick is president of a group opposed to prevailing theories on the cause of AIDS. In an e-mail, Rasni

23、ck told the Tyanus to refuse AZT for their infant son. David Rasnick of the group for the Scientific Reappraisal of the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis, “Were interfering with healthy mothers and healthy children to breast feed; were giving these kids poisonous drugs in the chance they might develop anti-bodies

24、 to HIV.“ Rasnicks advice deeply troubles Dr. Paul Lewis, an Oregon childrens infectious diseases specialist. He says, “Since Im one who takes care of children with HIV and have watched children die of AIDS, the idea that someone would allow a preventable disease to be transmitted like that, absolut

25、ely breaks my heart.“ Lewis says that as many as one baby in four born to an infected mother, will be infected with HIV. He says the number nearly doubles, to four out of ten, if an infected mother breast-feeds. Lewis says widely accepted research shows when the infant is not breast fed and AZT trea

26、tment is given, such infectious can be reduced to as few as one or two in a hundred. Why do the Tysons insist on breast feeding and talking a chance with what the medical community calls an unreasonable position in 1999? David Tyson says, “Well, because we have to take responsibility for our health

27、upon ourselves and not rely upon an exterior institution.“ Scientists in the mainstream of AIDS research dismiss as renegade researchers those who argue against HIV as the cause of AIDS. The few scientists who do challenge the HW/AIDS connection look to families like the Tysons to force a fresh deba

28、te. The Tysons, for their part, hope the challenge will help them win the right to breast feed their baby. 19 If Mrs. Tyson breast feeds her baby, the _ will take her baby son. ( A) Oregon Health Sciences Hospital ( B) state of Oregon ( C) county health department ( D) doctors 20 HIV infected babies

29、 are given _ which is a powerful drug. ( A) penicillin ( B) special formula ( C) AZT ( D) massive doses of vitamins 21 Mrs. Tyson believes that breast milk prevents HIV from connecting to _. ( A) infant receptor cells ( B) AIDS ( C) genetic cells ( D) cancerous cells 22 What do most doctors say is t

30、he best way for a baby to fight off the HIV virus? ( A) Breast feed the baby and give it AZT. ( B) Bottle feed the baby and give it big doses of AZT. ( C) Give it monthly blood transfusions. ( D) Keep the baby away from people with AIDS. 23 How do the Tysons plan to gain control of their infant son?

31、 ( A) Breast feed the baby secretly when no doctors are present. ( B) Go to court to gain total control of their son. ( C) Appeal to Governor Kitzhaber who is a doctor. ( D) Just agree to give the baby only cows or goats milk. 一、 PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN) Directions: There are ten multiple

32、-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. 24 From 1980 to 1989, the population between the age of 25 and 44 increased by 21% because_. ( A) this was the period of large inflow of immigrants at this age bracket ( B) those who were born during the period of baby boom

33、reached this age bracket ( C) those who were born during the period of World War II reached this age bracket ( D) this was the period of high birth rate of this age bracket 25 The oldest university in Ireland is_. ( A) the National University ( B) Dublin City University ( C) the University of Dublin

34、 ( D) Saint Patricks College 26 “Accomplice“ and “collaborator“ are_. ( A) synonyms differing in style ( B) synonyms that differ in their emotive or evaluative meaning ( C) gradable antonyms ( D) complementary antonyms 27 m, from the manner of articulation, it is _. ( A) bilabial ( B) plosive ( C) n

35、asal ( D) latral 28 _ refers to an approach adopted by structural semanticists in describing the meaning of words and phrases. ( A) Predication analysis ( B) Immediate constituent analysis ( C) Componential analysis ( D) Syntax 29 The Battle of Waterloo was won by the Duke of Wellington over the gre

36、at _. ( A) Robert . Lee ( B) George Washington ( C) Jordan ( D) Napoleon 30 The vowel u: in fu:d (food) is _ vowel. ( A) back ( B) front ( C) unrounded ( D) central 32 Cromwell was made _. ( A) King of England ( B) Lord of the rings ( C) Lord of Protector ( D) King of Kings 33 What kind of title wil

37、l be granted to the Queens eldest son in the UK from the day he is born? ( A) The Prince of Edinburgh. ( B) The Duke of Edinburgh. ( C) The Prince of the United Kingdom ( D) The Prince of Wales. 二、 PART IV PROOFREADING but it is important【 M9】 _ to realize that this ability, on its own, does not nec

38、essarily indicate any special intelligence in the creature concerning. 【 M10】 _ 34 【 M1】 35 【 M2】 36 【 M3】 37 【 M4】 38 【 M5】 39 【 M6】 40 【 M7】 41 【 M8】 42 【 M9】 43 【 M10】 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH Directions: Translate the following text into English. 44 愚人买鞋 从前有个愚人,有一天想上市去买双新鞋。他便先用尺子把脚量了量。拿了根稻秆,

39、记下尺码。可是因为急 于赶路,把稻秆忘在家里了。他来到市上,找到了卖鞋的摊子,摸了摸口袋,记尺码的稻秆不见了,就对卖鞋的说: “尺码忘在家里了,不晓得大小,让我回家拿尺码去 !”说罢,拔腿就跑。他急急忙忙回家拿了那根稻秆,又急急忙忙赶回市上来,一来一去,花了很多时间。等他赶回市上,天已晚了,集市已经散了。他白忙了一阵,还是没有买到鞋子。那时,有人问他: “你是给自己买鞋子,还是替别人代买 ?”愚人回答说: “我自己穿的呀 !”那人又问他: “那么,你身上不是长着脚么 ?又何必带尺码呢 !” SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE Directions: Translate t

40、he following text into Chinese. 45 Protected by sweaters and a leather Jacket against the biting blasts of the earth wind, I walk along the hillside this afternoon. Snow lies drifted among the wild cherries. Where the wind has swept bare the ground, the soil is frozen and rocklike. On this day of bl

41、eak cold, the earth seems dead. Yet every. field and hillside, like a child, has the seeds and powers of growth hidden within it. From cocoon to bur, on a winters day, there is everywhere life, dormant but waiting. Within the earth there are roots and seeds: on the bare twigs, there are winter buds:

42、 buried in soil and mud beneath ice-locked water are the turtles and frogs and dragonfly nymphs: hidden in decaying logs and under snowcovered debris are the fertilized queens of the wasps and blumblebees. Everywhere ,on all sides of us. as far as winter reigns. life is suspended temporarilv. But it

43、 has not succumbed. It is merely dormant for the time being, merely waiting for the magic touch of sating. All the blooms of another summer, all the unfoldin myriad leaves. all the lush green carnet of the grass, all the perfumes of the midsnmmer dusk, all the rush and glitter of the dragonfly s win

44、gs under the August sun-all these are inherent, looked up in the winter earth. Nor is this time of suspended activity wholly wasted. Scientists trove discovered that. for many kinds of seeds, a period of cold is essential to their proper sprouting. They require the months of cold just as they do the

45、 days of spring. Seeds that lie on the frozen ground, that are coated with sleet and buried by snow, are thus the most favored of all. Bring those same seeds indoors, cuddle them, keep them warm, protect them from wind and cold and snow, and they sprout readily in the spring. The seeming punishment

46、of winter is providing, in reality, in- valuable aid. Similarly, the eggs of some insects, such as file Rocky. Mountain locust, need cold for proper hatching. Winter cold, the enemy of the easy life, thus is not the enemy of all life. It aids in the proper development of seed and egg. The death like

47、 inactivity of the winter earth is anly mi illusion. Life is every where in every foot of frozen soil, in every rocklike yard of solid ground-life is the endless variety of its normal forms. 三、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 46 As

48、you know, science has had great effect on our lives since the ancient time. Nowadays science has a closer relation with our life. Whats the latest development in science and technology and how does it affect out lives. Write an essay of a- bout 400 words on the following topic: THE EFFECT OF SCIENCE

49、 AND TECHNOLOGY ON OUR LIVES In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the a

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