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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 540及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 Board of directors is a group of people responsible to govern an organization by setting strategic direct

3、ion, establishing policies and goals, and holding the chief executive officer【 1】 _ A board of directors of a different nature 【 1】 _ can be【 2】 _ by the chiefexecutive officer. 【 2】 _ Management, by traditional definition, covers four general functions: e) planning f) organizing resources g) leadin

4、g h)【 3】 _ 【 3】 _ To most employees, the term “management“ means a groups of people who are【 4】 _, 【 4】 _ but writers, teachers, and practitioners think that management should mean people who can demonstrate【 5】 _skills. 【 5】 _ Executives are people in top levels of management, but Can head up any b

5、usiness regardless of the【 6】 _ and profitability of the business. 【 6】 _ Managers in large corporations operate at three different levels: a) top managers b) middle managers c) first-line managers Within the same level there are different types of managers, so a manager in charge of sales can be re

6、ferred to as a【 7】 _manager. 【 7】 _ Supervisors oversee the work of those who are their【 8】 _subordinates. 【 8】 _ Work directors are different from supervisors in that they【 9】 _the work of their 【 9】 _ subordinates. Leaders are mainly concerned with the【 10】 _ of an organization. 【 10】 _ 1 【 1】 2 【

7、 2】 3 【 3】 4 【 4】 5 【 5】 6 【 6】 7 【 7】 8 【 8】 9 【 9】 10 【 10】 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 s

8、econds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 The speaker thinks that ( A) car causes pollution only in some cities. ( B) 60% of the cities are affected by car pollution. ( C) 90% of the city residents suffer from car pollution. ( D) car is the main contribut

9、ing factor in polluting air. 12 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a cause of car pollution? ( A) Car tyres. ( B) Car engines. ( C) Car horns. ( D) Car brakes. 13 Which of the following is NOT cited as a means to reduce the number of cars? ( A) To pass laws to control the use of cars. ( B) T

10、o improve public transport systems. ( C) To increase car tax and car price. ( D) To construct effective subway systems. 14 One of the mechanical solutions to car pollution is ( A) to change the chemical structure of fuel. ( B) to improve on the exhaust pipe. ( C) to experiment with new engines. ( D)

11、 to monitor the amount of chemicals. 15 Accoring to the speaker, a sensible way to solve car pollution is that we should ( A) focus on one method only. ( B) explore some other alternatives. ( C) improve one of the four methods. ( D) integrate all of the four methods. SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directi

12、ons: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 What do you know about the resort Cancun? ( A) There were 13,000 people needed to be moved. ( B)

13、 The hurricane came in 1988 killed 300 people. ( C) It is the largest resort in the world. ( D) It never experienced a mass evacuation. 17 Emily will land on the Yucatan _. ( A) early Sunday ( B) early Monday ( C) late Sunday ( D) late Monday 17 Whenever we could, Joan and I took refuge in the stree

14、ts of Gibraltar. The Englishmans home is his castle because he has not much choice. There is nowhere to sit in the streets of England, not even, after twilight, in the public gardens. The climate, very often, does not even permit him to walk outside. Naturally, he stays indoors and creates a cocoon

15、of comfort. That was the way we lived in Leeds. These southern people, on the other hand, look outwards. The Gibraltarian home is, typically, a small and crowded apartment up several flights of dark and dirty stairs. In it, one, two or even three old people share a few ill-lit rooms with the young f

16、amily. Once he has eaten, changed his clothes, embraced his wife, kissed his children and his parents, there is nothing to keep the southern man at home. He hurries out, taking even his breakfast coffee at his local bar. He comes home late for his afternoon meal after an appetitive hour at his cafe.

17、 He sleeps for an hour, dresses, goes out again and stays out until late at night. His wife does not miss him, for she is out, too at the market in the morning and in the afternoon sitting with other mothers, baby-minding in the sun. The usual Gibraltarian home has no sitting-room, living-room or lo

18、unge. The parlour of our working-class houses “would be an intolerable -waste of space. Easy-chairs, sofas and such-like furniture are unknown. There are no bookshelves, because there are no books. Talking and drinking, as well as eating, are done on hard chairs round the dining-table, between a sid

19、eboard decorated with the best glasses and an inevitable display cabinet full of family treasures, photographs and souvenirs. The elaborate chandelier over this table proclaims it as the hub of the household and of the family. Hearth and home makes very little sense in Gibraltaf. Ones home is ones t

20、own or village, and ones hearth is the sunshine. Our northern towns are dormitories with cubicles, by comparison. When we congregate in the churches it used to be, now in the cinema, say, impersonally, or at public meetings, formally we are scarcely ever man to man. Only in our pubs can you find the

21、 truly gregarious and communal spirit surviving, and in England even the pubs are divided along class lines. Along this Mediterranean coast, home is only a refuge and a retreat. The people live together in the open air in the street, market-place. Down here, there is a far stronger feeling of commun

22、ity than we had ever known. In crowded and circumscribed Gibraltar, with its complicated inter-marriages, its identity of interests, its surviving sense of siege, one can see and feel an integrated society. To live in a tiny town with all the organization of a state, with Viceroy (总督 ), Premier, Par

23、liament, Press and Pentagon, all in miniature, all within arms reach, is an intensive course in civics. In such an environment, nothing can be hidden, for better or for worse. Ones successes are seen and recognized; ones failures are immediately exposed. Social consciousness is at its strongest, wit

24、h the result that there is a constant and firm pressure towards good social behaviour, towards courtesy and kindness. Gibraltar, with all its faults, is the friendliest and most tolerant of places. Straight from the cynical anonymity of a big city, we luxuriated in its happy personalism. We look bac

25、k on it, like all its exiled sons and daughters, with true affection. 18 Which of the following best explains the differences in ways of living between the English and the Gibraltarians? ( A) The family structure. ( B) Religious belief. ( C) The climate. ( D) Bating habit. 19 The italicized part in

26、the third paragraph implies that_. ( A) English working-class homes are similar to Gibraltarian ones ( B) English working-class homes have spacious sitting-rooms ( C) English working-class homes waste a lot of space ( D) the English working-class parlour is intolerable in Gibraltar 20 We learn from

27、the description of the Gibraltarian home that it is_. ( A) modern ( B) luxurious ( C) stark ( D) simple 21 There is a much stronger sense of_among the Gibraltarians. ( A) togetherness ( B) survival ( C) identity ( D) leisure 22 According to the passage, people in Gibraltar tend to be well-behaved be

28、cause of the following EXCEPT_. ( A) the entirety of the state structure ( B) constant pressure from the state ( C) the small size of the town ( D) transparency of occurrences 一、 PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN) Directions: There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best

29、answer to each question. 23 The first European to visit New Zealand was_. ( A) Kupe ( B) Abel Tasman ( C) William Hobson ( D) James Cook 24 Mark Twains_ is a historical romance. ( A) The Prince and the Pauper ( B) On the Mississippi ( C) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer ( D) The Adventures of Huckleberr

30、y Finn 25 Poor Richards Almanac, an annual collection of American proverbs, was written by ( A) Washington Irving. ( B) Benjamin Franklin. ( C) Nathanial Hawthorn. ( D) Mark Twain. 26 D.H. Lawrence employs_in his masterpiece The Sons and Lovers. ( A) Stream of Consciousness ( B) Oedipus Complex ( C)

31、 Existentialism ( D) Dramatic Monologue 27 The national bird of New Zealand is the _. ( A) Turkey ( B) Eagle ( C) Kiwi ( D) Turtledove 28 The longest reign in British history was _. ( A) Queen Victoria ( B) Queen Elizabeth ( C) King Henry VIII ( D) Queen Charlotte 29 T.S. Eliot was an American - bor

32、n British _. ( A) novelist ( B) essayist ( C) poet, critic and dramatist ( D) orator 30 The branch of linguistics which studies the characteristics of speech sounds and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription is called _. ( A) phonology ( B) phonetics ( C) morphology

33、 ( D) syntax 31 The American Civil War broke out in _. ( A) 1860 ( B) 1861 ( C) 1862 ( D) 1863 32 _means the lack of a logical connection between the form of something and its expression in sounds. ( A) Ambiguity ( B) Abstractness ( C) Arbitrariness ( D) Fuzziness 二、 PART IV PROOFREADING but the mis

34、fortune is that they infect the minds and influence the conduct, even of our gentlemen; of those, I mean, Who have every title to this appellation but an exemption from prejudice, which however, in my opinion, ought to be regarded as the characteristical mark of a gentleman; for let a mans birth be

35、ever so high, his station ever so exalted, or his fortune ever so large, yet if he is not free from national and other prejudices, I should make bold to tell him that he had a low and vulgar mind, and had no just claim to the character of a gentleman. And in fact, you will always find that those are

36、 most apt to boast of national merit, who have little or no merit of their own to depend on. 三、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 45 The Chinese Ministry of Education has issued a decree prohibiting college students from lodging outsi

37、de school. However, a lot of them do not care about that. What do you think? Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic: Lodging Outside School In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appr

38、opriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instruction may result in a loss of marks. 专业英语八级模拟试卷 540答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-

39、LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will

40、be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 【听力原文】 Good morning, everyone. Today I d like to introduce some of the terms related to the practices of management, as many people believe t

41、hat one of the best ways to get a sense about how management works is to examine key terms in management. The key terms Im going to introduce are quite basic and general in nature. First, we have “board of directors“. A board is a group of people who are legally charged to govern an organization. Th

42、e board is responsible for setting strategic direction, establishing broad policies and objectives, and hiring and evaluating the chief executive officer. The chief executive officer reports to the board and is responsible for carrying out the boards strategic policies. The nature of a board can var

43、y widely. Some boards act like “governing boards“, that is, they take a strong policy-making role, and expect the chief executive to operate the organization according to those policies. Some boards, despite their being legally responsible for the activities of the corporation, follow all of the dir

44、ections and guidance of the chief executive. In this case, board members arguably are not meeting their responsibilities as a board. The next term is “management“. There are a variety of views about this term. Traditionally, the term “management“ refers to the activities involved in the following fo

45、ur general functions. The first is planning, which includes identifying goals, objectives, methods; the second is organizing resources in order to achieve the goals in an optimum fashion; next is leading which includes setting direction for the organization, groups and individuals and also influence

46、 people to follow that directions the final function is controlling which coordinates the organization s systems, processes and structures to reach goals and objectives effectively and efficiently. Another view, quite apart from the traditional view, asserts that the job of management is to support

47、employees efforts to be fully productive members of the organizations and citizens of the community. To most employees, the term “management“ probably means the group of people who are primarily responsible for making decisions in the organization, such as managers and executives. Some writers, teac

48、hers and practitioners assert that the above view is rather outmoded and that management needs to focus more on leadership skills, such as establishing vision and goals, communicating the vision and goals, and guiding others to accomplish them. The next term is “executives. Usually, this term genera

49、lly applies to those people or specific positions in top levels of management, such as chief executive officers, chief operating officers, chief financial officers, vice presidents, general managers of large organizations, etc. Chief executives usually pay strong attention to strategic plans and organizational

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