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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 583及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 The Art of Listening I. In the last lecture, Communication competence: 1) personal motivation 2) communic

3、ation knowledge 3)(1)_ (1)_ II. In todays lecture, the Art of Listening Listening delivers benefits: (2)_. (2)_ to attract others to like their company. effective in their jobs Good Listening Skills: 1)(3)_. (3)_ Be attentive Be impartial (4)_. (4)_ Summarize 2) Nonverbal Message (5)_ (5)_. Equal po

4、sitioning Facial expression (6)_. (6)_ 3) Express Thoughts and Feelings (7)_. (7)_ Speak clearly 4) Communicate Without Being (8)_ (8)_ (9)_non-judgmentally (9)_ Use “I“ messages. Poor Listening Skills: A poor listener, May be abrupt Will be easily distracted. Constantly interrupts, Changes the subj

5、ect Looks at (10)_ (10)_ SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the followin

6、g five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 When an employee joins a union, according to Jim Thayer, the employee _. ( A) becomes more independent ( B) becomes his or her own bargaining agent ( C) becomes a captive ( D) becomes worried about having bargaining agents 12 Jim Thayer believes that

7、 when you work for a small business which is non-union, you _. ( A) find that your freedom is greatly reduced ( B) have a higher degree of freedom ( C) lose your freedom ( D) become more dependent 13 According to Jim Thayer, you absolutely lose your freedom _. ( A) when you go to work for a small bu

8、siness that is non-union ( B) when you are able to negotiate one-to-one ( C) when you become a captive to any big organization ( D) when you become a captive to any small business 14 According to Jim Thayer, the main thing that leads to employee satisfaction is _. ( A) having a good salary and numer

9、ous fringes benefits ( B) the feeling of being important in an organization ( C) having the opportunity to discuss personal problems with the president of the organization ( D) understanding this materialistic economy and rolling with it 15 Jim Thayer believes that people in business should worry mo

10、re about what services they are providing and less about _. ( A) whether their employees are satisfied or not ( B) what kind of problems their employees have ( C) how much they are going to make ( D) what kind of difficulties they have in their work SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this secti

11、on you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 Which of the following is TRUE of Zimbabwe? ( A) It became independent from US in 1980. ( B) It suffers from infla

12、tion and unemployment. ( C) It has many refugees fleeing from other countries. ( D) It has been ruled by Mugabe for two decades. 16 1 In proposed changes to Title IX, the federal law prohibiting sex discrimination in education, the Bush administration wants to encourage creation of single-sex public

13、 schools and classes. 2 Our studies of sexism in Americas education system have praised private single-sex schools because they offer the promise that education can transform the future of girls. Girls who attend these schools speak more freely in class, are more likely to major in math and science,

14、 and perhaps most encouraging, are more likely to attend college and graduate school. 3 So, given our past support for single-sex schools, you might expect us to be real cheerleaders for the new Bush administration plan. 4 But we are not cheering. 5 There is a right way and a wrong way to explore ed

15、ucational innovation, and the Bush administration has chosen the latter. Congress and the public should stop it before the real problems begin. 6 The No Child Left Behind Act promises to avoid fads and to build educational programs based on scientific evidence and research. But, for public single-se

16、x education, the Bush administration has decided we can skip the evidence. This proposal ignores sound educational policy, and is particularly troubling considering that the effectiveness of single sex education in public schools which involve different factors from private schools has yet to be car

17、efully studied. 7 What we applauded in private single-sex schools was not their gender uniformity, but their educational practices. Many educators, including us, attribute much of the academic successes of these private schools to their smaller class sizes, engaged parents, well-trained teachers, an

18、d strong academic emphasis. Other educators believe that single-sex schools work less well for boys than for girls, or that only boys from low-income families benefit. Still others believe such schools may intensify gender stereotypes and homophobia. But so far, the Bush plan does not address these

19、factors. 8 This is not the first time single-sex schooling has emerged as a quick fix. Pete Wilson, the former Republican governor of California, tried the same thing in the late 1990s, and even sweetened the pot by providing some extra funds to school districts willing to experiment with single-sex

20、 schools. A half-dozen created their own single-sex academies. 9 Did students benefit from the experiment? Its hard to say, because like the Bush proposal planning and evaluation were absent. California provided no training for teachers and no clear rationale for the changes, and within a few years

21、most of these schools returned to coeducation. There were anecdotal reports that the girls enjoyed being in an environment free of sexual harassment and classroom interruptions, while the boys schools degenerated into a disciplinary disaster, becoming little more than magnets for troubled youth. The

22、 California experiment was a valuable lesson in how not to go about educational change a lesson this administration has chosen to ignore. 10 What the authors of these proposed changes seem to have forgotten is that Title IX is not an educational option, it is a civil rights protection. While Title I

23、X currently permits select single-sex classes in physical education or to remedy past discrimination, for example it doesnt allow schools to segregate students arbitrarily. 11 There are powerful reasons for this. Whenever groups have been segregated, the least-valued group has ended up with fewer re

24、sources and fewer opportunities. Historically that has been a costly lesson for girls (and African-Americans and the poor). The proposed changes do not require equal treatment or equal facilities, but only “substantially equal“ programs. As the proposal now stands, a school could provide a single-se

25、x option for boys and not for girls, or cutting-edge science equipment for boys and an up-to date cosmetology center for girls. 12 The word “equal“ is omitted from the proposed regulations, and replaced with a strange new concept, “voluntary civil rights.“ The proposed changes to Title IX sidestep m

26、any unanswered research questions in order to promote sex segregation, putting three decades of civil rights protections at risk. 13 What is needed is a thoughtful examination of the diverse single-sex schools that already exist, to see what works and what doesnt. 14 Single-sex schooling may well pr

27、ovide powerful lessons for improving our public schools. But instead of a thoughtful, controlled study, the Bush proposal gives a green light to 15, 000 school districts to segregate students without purpose or preparation, a prescription for disaster. 17 It can be inferred from the first paragraphs

28、 that _. ( A) private single-sex schools are welcome ( B) single-sex schools involve sex discrimination ( C) math and science are majors for boys and girls alike ( D) the changes proposed by Bush administration are encouraging 18 The authors main objection to Bushs proposal seems to be _. ( A) that

29、it is not effective ( B) that it ignores sound educational policy ( C) that it is not well grounded ( D) that it is no innovation 19 The author is most probably a(n) _. ( A) senator ( B) parent ( C) columnist ( D) education researcher 20 “Sweeten the pot“ in Para. 8 is equal to _ in meaning. ( A) de

30、ceive ( B) support ( C) praise ( D) risk 21 Which of the following statements is NOT true? ( A) Title IX prohibits single-sex schooling. ( B) Single-sex public schooling may threaten equality in education. ( C) Single-sex schooling has both advantages and disadvantages. ( D) Civil rights have long b

31、een under protection. 一、 PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN) Directions: There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. 22 The Great Charter (Magna Charter) was signed by_in 12 ( A) King Henry II ( B) King John ( C) King William ( D) King Richard 23

32、 Which of the following novels was not written by Thomas Hardy? ( A) Far from the Maddening Crowd. ( B) Tess of the D Urbervilles. ( C) Vanity Fair. ( D) The Mayor of Casterbridge. 24 All the following are closed class words EXCEPT_. ( A) conjunctions ( B) prepositions ( C) adjectives ( D) pronouns

33、25 The United Kingdom is also known by its official name ( A) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and England. ( B) the United Kingdom of Great Britain. ( C) the United Kingdom of British Isles. ( D) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 26 The English poet _ is best known for hi

34、s works The Canterbury Tales. ( A) William Langland ( B) Geoffrey Chaucer ( C) John of Gaunt ( D) John Wycliffe 27 What further grammatical operations of phrase structure grammar can analyze the sentence“ Which book do you like best?“ ( A) Transformations. ( B) Kernel strings. ( C) Derivations. ( D)

35、 Transmissions. 28 H. G. Wells is one of the most famous writers of fiction. ( A) romantic ( B) realistic ( C) classical ( D) science 29 The Falkland Islands are called _ by Argentina. ( A) Islas Maldivas ( B) Islas Malfore ( C) Islas Malands ( D) Islas Maldavis 30 What is the highest mountain in Br

36、itain? ( A) Scafell ( B) Ben Nevis ( C) the Cotsworlds ( D) the Forth 31 _is a kind of figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole as head for life, the whole for a part as the law for police office. ( A) Synecdoche ( B) Metonymy ( C) Metaphor ( D) Simile 二、 PART IV PROOFREADING you may g

37、o farther and fare worse. “The most important thing in the world is the sense of happiness. If we can feel the sense, other things are meaningless, so we neednt make ourselves stressed. It is important to try to lead a stress-free life. Ii you can avoid stress by waking away from it, talking through it or facing it head on, your health, personality and relationships will benefit.

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