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本文([外语类试卷]专业英语八级(听力)模拟试卷60及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(diecharacter305)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、专业英语八级(听力)模拟试卷 60及答案与解析 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following

2、 five questions. Now listen to the interview. 1 Why does Old Fred do something stupid? ( A) He has some mental problems. ( B) He is too old to know what he is doing. ( C) He wants to have a good Christmas. ( D) He has got into the habit of stealing. 2 How do the average British policemen think about

3、 not being armed? ( A) They dont really think about it. ( B) They dislike it very much. ( C) They worry about it greatly. ( D) They want a reform. 3 In the opinion of the interviewee, what do the English people love? ( A) Violence. ( B) Compromise. ( C) Firearms. ( D) Police. 4 What did the man ment

4、ioned in the interview do? ( A) He threatened the police. ( B) He took some hostages. ( C) He robbed a bank. ( D) He locked himself in a house. 5 What is the most important factor in dealing with a life-threatening situation? ( A) Power. ( B) Skills. ( C) Patience. ( D) Weapons. 6 According to the i

5、nterview, John Cobbs experience to Black Spots will_. ( A) help fix dangerous intersections of roads ( B) contribute to raising more federal fund ( C) enhance the committees work efficiency ( D) ensure the most efficient use of the federal fund 7 People in New South Wales can join in the program by_

6、. ( A) filling in some online forms about local crash history ( B) identifying some black spots of the local committees ( C) recognizing accident-prone roads and reporting them ( D) donating money to the funding program on the Internet 8 Black Spot program contributes a lot to the local economy beca

7、use it_. ( A) attracts funding to the local economic development ( B) ensures the best value of the freight exported overseas ( C) enhances the productive capacity of the economic infrastructure ( D) makes significant profit in the local infrastructure projects 9 WestConnex proposal mentioned by the

8、 interviewee involves_. ( A) a $1.5 billion investment to upgrade bridges ( B) plans of transporting the staff easily to the airports ( C) projects of decreasing the freight capacity of ports ( D) the private investment besides the federal funding 10 Which of the following statements is CORRECT abou

9、t private investment in economic infrastructure? ( A) Business sector provides investment through pricing. ( B) Private sectors are given incentives to fund infrastructure. ( C) Businesses are set up in certain areas to help fund roads. ( D) Private investment is needed to deal with Labors debt. 11

10、What is more difficult for students when learning to complain? ( A) The linguistic part of the complaining. ( B) The cultural behavior of being straightforward. ( C) Taking the products back to the stores. ( D) Understanding the refund policy of the stores. 12 Why did Lida Baker mention her experien

11、ce returning her daughters clothes? ( A) To show it is important to have cultural background. ( B) To show that the clothes didnt fit her daughter. ( C) To express her anger for not getting money back. ( D) To indicate she wasnt used to these kind of stores. 13 In the example of the complaint letter

12、, how much does she what to refund? ( A) $20. ( B) $36.99. ( C) $4.99. ( D) $32. 14 What is considered unnecessary in a letter of complaint? ( A) What the problem is. ( B) What correction she wants. ( C) A neutral tone. ( D) Showing her anger. 15 What is the most important part of teaching complaini

13、ng? ( A) Creating a situation where students can complain. ( B) Providing model complaints for students to follow. ( C) Analyzing the languages and structures for complaints. ( D) Giving students practice on how to complain by role play. 16 A childs relationship with his mother_. ( A) teaches him ho

14、w to interact with others ( B) is not important to his personality development ( C) is a crucial factor in his personality development ( D) is more important than his relationship with his father 17 Adopted children may present special problems, such as_. ( A) delayed motor skills development ( B) d

15、elayed toilet training ( C) difficulty in interacting with peers ( D) inability to express affection 18 According to the interview, adopted children_. ( A) are as likely to develop separation anxiety as those who are not adopted ( B) will never recover from separation anxiety ( C) struggle to develo

16、p a healthy sense of self ( D) always experience feelings of protest, despair and detachment 19 Which of the following is INCORRECT about the negative effect of adoption? ( A) It varies with the age of the child. ( B) It depends on the adoptive family. ( C) It can be influenced by a foster mother. (

17、 D) It would be the basis of stable independence. 20 A child suffering from separation anxiety may_. ( A) worry about his parents being injured in a car wreck ( B) be unable to play with his peers ( C) not develop motor skills at appropriate ages ( D) have an irrational fear of spiders 专业英语八级(听力)模拟试

18、卷 60答案 与解析 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questio

19、ns. Now listen to the interview. 1 【听力原文】 Interviewer(W)Mr. Fox(M) W: Well, Mr. Fox, would you please describe your feelings towards criminals? M: It is true to say there are criminals,certain types of criminals who policemen have to be very careful with what I say. W: Umm. M: You see,I kn

20、ow a.a person who has been caught so many times that hes.hes become part and parcel of the station. W: Umm. Hes been brought in all the time. M: Hes always in and hes a cheerful sort of character. And its his way of life. And this sort of people of course.are people that you.well,I say,have an affin

21、ity with,thats not the right word to use, but you have a closeness with,you know. W: They are part of your work,arent they? M: You know, Old Sam is always in. And you can always guarantee that Old Sam is always in. And you can always guarantee that(1)Old Fred will do something stupid about a week be

22、fore Christmas so that he can spend Christmas in a certain prison. W: Which he likes. M: Which he likes because he has a good Christmas. Then, of course, you go to the other end of the scale where you have a hard-core minority who are the professional criminals. And of course, one has no sympathy fo

23、r them. W:(2- 1)British policemen are not armed, that is they do not carry guns. How do policemen feel about this? M:(2-2)I dont think the average policeman really thinks about it,you know. I honestly think he does not think about it at all. I am sure he did,he would probably be a worried man. W: Um

24、m. M: The reason I say this is that the average policemen in this country feels that the average Englishman or Britisher is such a person that the use of arms and that sort of thing is foreign to his nature. W: Um, he just wouldnt think of using a pistol or something. M: Of course, it is true to say

25、 that there are certain elements in the world who are. er. resorting to firearms. W: The organized professional criminals? M: The organized professional criminals,this sort of people. Well,of course,one takes ones chances which you dont think about,you know? W: But your impression is that England is

26、 not a violent society. M:(3- 1)Well,I dont think we are a violent people. You see,I think as a nation,if I can put it that way,we love compromise, you know? W: Umm. M: Everything we do is a compromise and I think in of what I think probably we are not so violent. W: H

27、ave you faced a man with a weapon for instance? M: I havent faced a man with a weapon.(4)I have had an occasion where I had a man he locked himself into a house and he wouldnt come out and he was threatening people with all sorts of things. W: What did you do in that particular case? M: Well

28、,you just go and sit down and have a chat with him. You talk to him. You start talking outside the building and you walk in and you eventually get to the bottom of the stairs and you talk and talk and you try to build up some understanding or some common point, some common denominator between you. W

29、: Understanding? M: Understanding. Once you do that then you have this. W: You mean you have to get his trust first? M: I think so. W: This is what you did on this particular occasion? M: Yes,and I hope this doesnt sound pompous? W: No. M: And this is it and of course,everything works out quite well

30、.(5)You have got to be patient. 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题设题点在结果状语从句处。根据句 (1)可知, Old Fred在圣诞节前犯罪的目的是想在某个监狱里度过他的圣诞节,故答案为 C。 【知识模块】 会话 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题设题点在对话问 答处。根据句 (2一 1)和句 (22)可知,当被问及英国的警察对不配备枪支有何感想时,警长说:一般警察都不考虑这个问题,故答案为 A。 【知识模块】 会话 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题设题点在对话问答处。访谈中提到,英国不是暴力社会,根据句 (31)和句 (32)可知,英国人

31、喜欢和解而不是暴力相向,故答案为 B。 【知识模块】 会话 4 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题设题点在举例处。在被问及是否遇到过携带武器装备的罪犯时,根据句 (4)可知,访谈中提到的罪犯 是把自己锁在房子里不出来,并用各种物品威助他人,故答案为 D。 【知识模块】 会话 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题设题点在人物观点处。采访者问警长在面对持有武器的歹徒时会怎么做,警长回答说他还未遇到过这样的歹徒,但是有过一次类似的情况。警长提到首先要取得罪犯的信任,根据句 (5)可知,耐心是很重要的,故答案为 C。 【知识模块】 会话 6 【听力原文】 Interviewer(W)Jamie

32、Briggs(M) W: Welcome to our show. Have you heard the saying that driving is the most dangerous thing that most of us will do in our lives? So what can be done to make it safer? I think we all know an intersection or a stretch of road that is dangerous and needs to be fixed. Well, theres some federal

33、 money available through the Black Spot funding program. Jamie Briggs is an MP: hes also the Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development. Welcome, Jamie. M: Thanks. New South Wales has appointed John Cobb as the chair of the Black Spot consultative panel, and many of your listener

34、s know John is a very experienced parliamentarian.(1)And, John knows transport needs very well in New South Wales, and he brings a level of experience to the Black Spot committee, which will ensure we get the best value of money that we want, but also improve our productive capacity on important met

35、ro but also, importantly, regional roads. W: Today were broadcasting not just to the Riverina, but to the southwest and the southeast of the state. People in the regions will know these roads, and know that there are issues with some of them, what can they do if theres a bad stretch of road? The cou

36、ncil knows about it, but what can they do? M: Well, look, in respect to this program, the Federal Government runs the Black Spot Program. Its a $60 million program a year, spread across the states. Obviously, New South Wales gets a good share of that.(2)What people can do with their local government

37、 particularly is to identify black spots which have had a crash history, where there have been incidents over the last two or three years. They can identify those black spots to the committee, they dont need all that much information, and they can fill it out themselves. The local government body ge

38、ts used to getting the best outcome, and then the committee makes the considerations, what are the best value projects. Projects can be up to $2 million in federal contribution. The state and local government can put in more, of course. Black spots usually mean that were not getting the best value,

39、particularly in regional areas, that we can get from the roads. So this program can really make a big difference in that respect. W: And the funding was specifically set up, but if there was an intersection or a stretch of road, with a crash history, that it would be addressed? M: Well, thats right,

40、 and it was a funding program set up initially by the Howard Government, and has continued since that time, and its got a great track record. Its got a terrific economic outcome, economic history, and its also got a really important contribution to our safety performance of many of our metro and reg

41、ional roads. And many of your listeners will know well that there are many local roads which carry heavy amounts of freight, and contributions to our economic development, which are unsafe at times. And, as economic activity increases in our region, we need to fix those to ensure we get the best val

42、ue. W: Is that part of the difficulty too, that the roads and bridges werent designed for some semi-trailers, let alone B-doubles? M: Well, indeed, in respect of bridges, during the campaign, the Coalition announced a program specifically to deal with bridges, and thatll be something that the Deputy

43、 Prime Minister Warren Truss will be shortly talking more about. We will have a specific bridge program to upgrade bridges in regional areas. And, your listeners in New South Wales know that those bridges which were, as you say, built many years ago, are now carrying significant loads, which we want

44、 them to carry. W: Well, what do you want our regions to do? M: We want our regions to do better, we want our regions to be sending more of our high quality primary produce to ports to get onto ships, to export overseas, and to do that we need the most effective road network.(4 - 1)And the Australia

45、n Governments committing to spending significant amounts to upgrade major roads, in Sydney, for instance, were committing $1.5 billion, as part of the WestConnex proposal, which has an impact on our freight capacity, of course, getting our stuff to airports and to ports.(3)But this program, while it

46、s small, makes a significant contribution to our regional development because it ensures we get productive capacity on many roads which are suffering from substandard infrastructure. And, what Ive asked John Cobb to do is to lead this committee and get the best value for the money that we allocate e

47、ach year. W: Should the business sector, businesses that set up in certain areas be asked to help fund roads? M:(5 - 1)Well, indeed they are on some occasions, and part of the challenge the country has, as both state and federal governments deal with Labors debt is to increasingly find ways to attra

48、ct private sector investment. Sometimes thats through pricing.(4 - 2)The private sector is involved in the WestConnex project, and is incentivized to be involved. So, of course, in that instance, its attractive to both federal, state governments, but also the private sector, and(5 - 2)well increasin

49、gly be looking at ways to attract private sector investment into our important economic infrastructure. W: All right, its time to end todays program. Thank you, Jamie. Thanks for talking with us. M: My pleasure. 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题设题点在定语从句处。根据句 (1)可知,约翰 柯布给 “黑点计划 ”委员会带来了一些经验,这将确保项目资金能够发挥其 最大的价值,因此答案为 D。 【知识模块】 会话 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题考查重要细节。根据句 (2)可知,当地人也可以参与 “黑点计划 ”,将那些以前出过事故的道路找出来,并向委员会指认这些 “黑点 ”,因此答案为 C。 【知识模块】 会话 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题设题点在因果关系处。根据句 (3)可知,修复升级道路对地区的发展做出了重要贡献,因为它确保许多不合格的基

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