1、专业英语八级(哲理类英译汉)模拟试卷 1及答案与解析 SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese. 1 Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions,
2、like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the verge of despair. I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy ecstasy so great that I would have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of this joy. I have sought
3、it, next, because it relieves loneliness that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heav
4、en that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what at last I have found. 2 He that hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortune: for they are impediments to great enterprises, either of virtue or mischief. Certainly
5、the best works, and of greatest merit for the public, have proceeded from the unmarried or childless men, which both in affection and means have married and endowed the public. Yet it were great reason that those that have children should have greatest care of future times, unto which they know they
6、 must transmit their dearest pledges. Some there are who, though they lead a single life, yet their thoughts do end with themselves, and account future impertinences. Nay, there are some other that account wife and children but as bills of charges. Nay more, there are some foolish rich covetous men
7、that take a pride in having no children, because they may be thought so much the richer. For perhaps they have heard some talk: “Such a one is a great rich man.“ and another except to it. “yea, but he hath a great charge of children“ : as if it were an abatement to his riches. But the most ordinary
8、cause of a single life is liberty, especially in certain self-pleasing and humorous minds, which are so sensible of every restraint, as they will go near to think their girdles and garters to be bonds, and shackles. 3 The Asian Edge? Its Confucius Confucius developed a philosophy that powerfully sha
9、ped Chinese society and culture. It offered rules and standards of conduct for governments, families and individuals at a time when feudal Chinese society was chaotic, unstable, crimeridden and torn by war between states. In his career, Confucius advanced through a series of official jobs and occasi
10、onally worked as a diplomat and advisor for princes. He proposed that government jobs be filled on the basis of merit, not wealth, social position or family connections. China established a system of civil service examinations (called “the Ladder to the Clouds“ ) that, in a highly stratified society
11、, opened up a rare path to societys upper reaches for talented young people. Starting in his teenage years, a Chinese student would read Confucian classics in history, poetry and philosophy in preparation for the formal examinations that could start him on the road to a brilliant career as a public
12、servant. Confucian teachings linked the exercise of power to a reverence for learning. As an old Chinese proverb puts it, “All walks of life are lowly; only the scholar stands high.“ 4 Usually the things we dream of, then work and struggle for, are what we value most. Have my granddaughters, blessed
13、 with abundance, been denied lifes real pleasures? Working tirelessly on that isolated farm, my grandfather taught me that we should accept and be grateful for what we have-whether it be much or little. We must bear the burdens and relish the joys. There is so much we cannot control, but we must try
14、 to make things better when we are able. We must depend upon ourselves to make our own way as best we can. Growing up in a comfortable suburban home, my granddaughters have been presented with a different situation. But I hope I believe they will in their own way be able to cope as well as my grandf
15、ather coped, and learn the lesson my grandfather taught me all those years ago. On the day I took them to Storvassdal. I hoped they would somehow understand the importance of the little boat and its simple message of self-reliance. High in the mountain. I hesitated to speak lest I disturb our tranqu
16、ility. Then Claire looked up and broke my reverie as she said softly, “Grandpa, someday Ill come back.“ She paused. “And Ill bring my children.“ 专业英语八级(哲理类英译汉)模拟试卷 1答案与解析 SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese. 1 【正确答案】 我一生有三个愿望,简单却极其强烈:一是对爱的渴望,二是对知识的探索,三是
17、对人类痛苦的无限悲悯。这三个愿望如同疾风般,把我吹得东飘西荡,在苦痛的深海上随波逐流,直至绝望的彼岸。 我追求爱情,因为它使人心醉神迷 这种沉醉是如此的美妙,让我宁愿舍弃余生,为的是享有这片刻的欢乐;去追求爱,因为它能驱走寂寞之感 这种可怕的孤独感令人不寒而栗,使人俯视天地之边缘,望向绝望的无底深渊;终于,我找到了爱。因为在爱的和谐中,我看到了圣贤和诗人幻想中神秘天堂的缩影。这就是我所寻求的,虽然对于凡人而言,它似乎过于美好而遥不可及,但这就是我最终找到的。 【试题解析】 本篇节选自英国著名哲学家伯特兰 ?罗素 (Bertrand Russell)的经典名篇 What I Have Lived
18、 For。此文既是作者心灵的抒发,也是生命体验的总结,是一篇优秀散文。文章 行文流畅,用词优美,故而在翻译时,要注意体现出原文的文体风格。 1 第一段第一句, three passions为主语,是典型的英语无人称句型,译为汉语时需添加人称,这样更符合汉语习惯。 2 overwhelmingly: incapable of being resisted(压倒性地;不可抵抗地 )。这里强调 passion的强烈程度,引申为程度副词 “极其地 ”。 3 unbearable: incapable of being put up with(难以忍受的;承受不住的 )。“unbearable pity
19、”在文中译作 “无限悲悯 ”。 4 hither and thither: from one place or situation to another,作 “到处 ”解。 5 wayward: resistant to guidance or discipline(任性的;不规则的;刚愎的 ),在这里作 “随意的 ”解。 6 verge:本义为 “边缘 ”,这里 “verge of despair”引申为 “绝望的彼岸 ”。 7 第二段前三句,分别使用了 first, next, finally三个连接词,表逻辑上的 衔接,而汉语侧重在隐性逻辑的衔接,故此处三个词可译,也可省。 8 ecst
20、asy: a state of elated bliss(狂喜,欣喜若狂 )。 9 第二段第二句 relieve本义为 “解除,减轻;使 免于 ” ,这里 relieve loneliness引申为 “驱走寂寞之感 ”。而 “that terrible loneliness in which ”,则采用断句法,将定语从句单独译成一句,即 “这种可怕的孤独感令人不寒而栗使人俯视天地之边缘,望向绝望的无底深渊 ”。 10 “shivering consciousness”中 “consciousness”本义为 ”意识 ”、 “知觉 ”,在此处无须直译出来。 11 “the rim of the
21、world”中 “rim”的意思是 “边缘 ”。 12 “cold unfathomable lifeless abyss”若一字不漏的直译。则失了汉语的味道,读来别扭,倒不如意译为 “绝望的无底深渊 ”。其中 unfathomable的意思是 “深不可测的 ”。 13第二段第三句中 “in the union of love”中 “union”本义为 “联盟,协会;工会;联合 ”等,此处引申为 “在爱的和谐中 ”。 14 miniature:可译为 “缩影 ”。 【知识模块】 哲理类英译汉 2 【正确答案】 夫人之有妻儿也丕啻已向命运典质,从此难成大事,无论善恶。兴大业,立大功,往往系未婚无
22、儿者所为,彼辈似已与公众结亲,故爱情产业并以付之。按理而论,有子女者应对未来岁月最为关切,因已将至亲骨肉托付之矣。独身者往往思虑仅及己身,以为未来与己无关。有人则视妻儿为负债。更有贪而愚者,以无儿女为荣,以为如此更可夸其富足。此辈或曾闻人议论,一云此人为大富,另一则云否也, 其人有多子负担,其财必损。 然独身之原因,最常见者为喜自由,尤其自娱任性之人不耐任何束缚,身上褡带亦视为桎梏。 【试题解析】 论婚姻和单身 (Of Marriage and Single Life)是培根 (Francis Bacon)著名作品之一,作为一篇论说文,其观点明确,叙述条理清晰。培根认为:男大当婚,女大当嫁,家
23、庭和孩子能使人具有责任感,充满爱心。在论证过程中,培根将婚姻与单身进行分析比较,一一列举单身的不足,在此基础上阐述自己的看法,令人信服。文章不乏精当之论,如妻子就丈夫而 言,是 “年轻人的主人。中年人的伴侣,老年人的保姆 ”,这是作者对生活长时间的观察和思考后才得出的结论。培根的基本观点是婚姻无论对个人还是社会都不是坏事。女人即使嫁给了坏男人,婚姻也给妻子提供了改正她们的错误的机会。培根论说文的语言明白晓畅,修身处世的箴言体现了他崇尚实用的理念。 1 “He that hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortune”:这是培根的名言译
24、为: “那些有家室的人,无疑是把自己和命运做了抵押。 ”“give hostages to fortune”原意指 “给了命运以人质 ”,这里引申为 “和命运做了抵押 ”。 2 impediments to great enterprises: “enterprise”is eagerness to do sth new and clever, despite any risks (进取心,冒险精神,也可以为事业,事业心 );整个词组译为 “成就伟大事业的障碍 ”。 3 either of virtue or mischief:这里的 “virtue”是指 “wifes virtue”, “m
25、ischief”是指 “childrens mischief”。妻子的美德与孩子的调皮与否,即可合译为 “婚姻和孩子无论好坏 ”。 4 the best works:是后文 “proceed”的宾语,我们将之译为动词词组 “成就大事 ”。 5 of greatest merit: “merit”原意是 “the quality of being good and deserving praise,优点,价值 ”,这里和 “the best works”一样是 “proceed”的宾语, “发生或开始价值 ”并不通顺, 因此我们将它意译为 “做出一番轰轰烈烈业绩 ”。 6 in affectio
26、n and means: “in affection”即为 “在情感上 ”,但是较为难处理的是 “in means”的翻译,如若不知道 mean复数形式的意思是 “财产的话 ”就会误译,译成 “以 的方法 ”,这里可以译成 “在财产上 ”。 7 married and endowed the public:这里 “endow”(赋予 )是 “married”的强调,所以不用译出。 8 “Yet it were great reason that ”:虚拟语气,表明作者的假设,猜测。译为“但还是有充足的理由来说 ” 。 9 “unto which they know they must tran
27、smit their dearest pledges ”:这里需要注意, “which”指代的是前文的 “children”,全句的意思是 “他们知道他们必须传承最贵重的保证给孩子 ”,这样的翻译不通顺,因此我们这里可以意译为: “他们知道孩子是未来的延续 ”,这样更符合中文的表达方式。 10 some there are who:有些人。 11 “though they lead a single life yet their thoughts do end with themselves”: “though”一般会翻译成 “尽管 ”,但是这里为丫全文的意思,我们需要将它译成 “既然 ”。全
28、句译为 “既然他们过着单身生活,也就只会考虑自己 ”。 12 account future impertinences: “impertinence”原意是 “无理,鲁莽 ”,这里如若译成 “认为未来鲁莽无理 ”非常不通顺没有意义,所以我们需要先吃透作者的意思来进行意译。前文既然已说明单身的人事不关已的行为,那这里我们就可以将它意译成 “认为未来是与己无干的事情 ”。 13 nay:不仅如此。 14 “there are some other that account wife and children but as bills of charges ”:这里 “but”起强调作用,译为 “竟
29、然 ”。全句译为 “更有人竟把妻子和孩子看作自己要付的账单。 ”“bills of charges”:费川账单 15 covetous:贪婪的,贪求的,渴望的。 16 because they may be thought so much the richer:译为 “他们相信孩子会更富 ”。这里 “be thought so much”的 “so much”指前文的 “having no baby”。 17 such a one is a great rich man:译为 “那个人很富有 ”。 18 a great charge of children: “charge”原意是 “费用,电
30、荷 ”,这里就直接译为“有一大堆孩子 ”。 19 abatement: to become less strong,减弱,减少。 【知识模块】 哲理类英译汉 3 【正确答案】 亚洲人的优势 ?是孔子 孔子提出的哲学思想对于构建中国的社会和文化产生了巨大的影响。孔子生活的年代中国正处于封建社会,社会混乱,动荡不安,犯罪现象普遍,诸侯纷战使得国家四分五裂,这 时孔子提出的思想为治国、理家和个人处世提供了准则和行为规范。 孔子一生中曾官运亨通,偶尔还做过外交官,当过一些君王的顾问。他主张官员选拔应根据德才,而不是财富、社会地位或家庭关系。中国建立了一套文官考试制度 (称作 “登云阶 ”),为具有才干
31、的年轻人得以在一个等级森严的社会里进入社会上层,铺设了一条难得的道路。 中国学生从十来岁开始,便要阅读孔子有关历史、诗歌和哲学方面的经典著作,为将来参加正式考试做准备。这类考试会使他有朝一日进入官员行列,飞黄腾达。孔子的学说把使用权力和尊重学习结合起来。正如中 国有句俗话所说: “万般皆下品,唯有读书高。 ” 【试题解析】 这篇文章探讨了中国古代伟大思想家孔子及其学说对中国乃至整个亚洲地区的深远影响,本书节选三段作为翻译实践,在感悟哲理的同时,要注意积累固定表达句式。 1 edge: a favorable margin, advantage(优势 )。 2 powerfully shaped
32、 Chinese society and culture:构建中国的社会和文化产生了巨大的影响。 shape译为 “构建 ”,如构建和谐社会,更符合汉语表达习惯。 3 It offered rules and standardstorn by war between states :翻译时,注意这句话语序的调整。故译为 “孔子生活的年代中国正处于封建社会 ,这时孔子提出的思想为治国、理家和个人处世提供了准则和行为规范 ”。增添 “孔子生活的年代 ”,使句义更加完整。 4 ridden: excessively full of or supplied with(充斥着 )。 crime-ridd
33、en故译为 “犯罪现象普遍 ”。 conflict-ridden:充满冲突的。 5 advanced through a series of official jobs:曾官运亨通。 6 government jobs be filled:官员的选拔。句中的 fill: to possess and perform the duties of(担任 )。 7 on the basis of merit:根据德才。 8 a system of civil service examinations:与历史相结合,故译为 “一套文官考试制度 ”。 9 stratify: to divide into
34、 a series of graded statuses(使分层化 ), in a highly stratified society译为 “在一个等级森严的社会里 ”。 10 reaches: level(层次 ),用这层意思时使用复数形式, societys upper reaches译为 “社会上层 ”。 11 that could start him on the road to a brilliant career as a public servant:这类考试会使他进入官员行列,飞黄腾达。这里把 brilliant career译为 “飞黄腾达 ”,在英文中,还可以采用 rags
35、-to-riches来表达这层意思。 12 Confucian teachings:孔子的学说。论语译为 The Analects of Confucius。 13 exercise: to make effective in action(使用 ),故将 the exercise of power译为“使用权力 ”。 14 As an old Chinese proverb puts it。 “All walks of life are lowly: only the scholar stands high ”:正如中国有句俗话所说: “万般皆下品,唯有读书高。 ”, all walks o
36、f life表示 “社会的各个阶层 ”。 【知识模块】 哲理类英译汉 4 【正确答案】 我们梦寐以求以及后来又为之努力奋斗的东西,往往正是我们最珍视的东西。我的两个孙女有幸过上了丰裕的生活,但她们是否享受到生活的真正乐趣呢 ? 外公在那个偏僻的农场孜孜不倦地干活,他教导我应该随遇而安,知足常乐不论是多是少。我们必须吃苦耐劳,乐观 快活。许多事我们都无法把握,不过我们必须尽力改善一切。一定要依靠自己竭尽全力走自己的路。 我的两个孙女是在市郊的舒适住宅里长大的,她们面临一个迥然不同的环境。不过我希望 我相信 她们能够像我外公一样以自己的方式应付一切,而且能够领会到多年前外公对我的教益。那天我带她们
37、去斯托瓦司戴尔湖,就是希望她们会悟出小船的重要性以及它所表达的简明道理:自力更生。 在高高的山上,我迟迟不说话,恐搅乱了我们的宁静。 后来,克莱尔抬起头来打断了我的沉思,她轻轻地说: “爷 爷,总有一天我要回来。 ”她顿了顿又说: “我还要带我的孩子来。 ” 【试题解析】 本篇是 Arnold Berwick的优秀散文悠悠岁月小船情 (The Little Boat That Sailed Through Time)的结尾部分。作者曾经在外公山区的农场度过一段美好的时光。虽然外公逝去多年,但他的谆谆教诲始终铭记于心。因此,文章高潮处出现了 “我 ”带着两个孙女重返斯托瓦司戴尔湖的感人场景。 “
38、我 ”殷切地希望子孙后代可以秉承自力更生、吃苦耐劳的优良品德。 1 be blessed with: be fortunate in having(在 方面有福气;很幸运地享有 )。例如, I am not greatly blessed with worldly goods (我没有很多财富。 )。 2 accept and be grateful for what we have:随遇而安,知足常乐。 3 relish: enjoy; get pleasure out of(享受;爱好;喜好 )。例如, I would relish a lobster and a bottle of wi
39、ne (我愿享受一 只龙虾和一瓶葡萄酒。 ) She wont relish having to get up before dawn to catch that train (在黎明前须起床赶那班火车,她不会喜欢的。 ) 4 lest: for fear that; in order thatnot( 因恐;以免 )。例如, He ran away lest he should been seen (他因怕被人看见而逃跑了。 )。 5 tranquility:静谧的气氛。 6 reverie: condition of being lost in dreamy,pleasant thoughts(沉湎于梦幻或快乐的思想情况;幻想 )。 broke my reverie:打断了我的沉思。 7 pause: make a short interval or stop while doing or saying sth (中止;暂停 )。此处指 “克莱尔顿了一下接着说 ”。 【知识模块】 哲理类英译汉
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