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本文([外语类试卷]专业英语八级(散文类英译汉)模拟试卷1及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(dealItalian200)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、专业英语八级(散文类英译汉)模拟试卷 1及答案与解析 SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese. 1 Today I have read the Tempest . Among the many reasons which make me glad to have been born in England, and one of the first is that I read Shakespeare in my mother tongue. If I try to im

2、agine myself as one who cannot know him face to face, who hears him only speaking from afar, and that in accents which only through the labouring intelligence can touch the living soul, there comes upon me a sense of chill discouragement, of dreary deprivation. I am wont to think that I can read Hom

3、er, and, assuredly, if any man enjoys him, it is I; but can I for a moment dream that Homer yields me all his music, that his word is to me as to him who walked by the Hellenic shore when Hellas lived? I know that there reaches me across the vast of time no more than a faint and broken echo; I know

4、that it would be fainter still, but for its blending with those memories of youth which are as a glimmer of the worlds primeval glory. 2 Springs are not always the same. In some years, April bursts upon our Virginia hills in one prodigious leap and all the stage is filled at once, whole choruses of

5、tulips, arabesques of forsythia, cadenzas of flowering plum. The trees grow leaves overnight. In other years, spring tiptoes in. It pauses, overcome by shyness, like my grandchild at the door, peeping in, ducking out of sight, giggling in the hallway. “I know youre out there,“ I cry. “Come in!“ and

6、April slips into our arms. The dogwood bud, pale green, is inlaid with russet markings. Within the perfect cup a score of clustered seeds are nestled. One examines the bud in awe: Where were those seeds a month ago? The apples display their milliners scraps of ivory silk, rose-tinged. All the sleepi

7、ng things wake up primrose, baby iris, blue phlox. The earth warms you can smell it, feel it, crumble April in your hands. The dark Blue Ridge Mountains in which I dwell, great-hipped, big-breasted, slumber on the western sky. And then they stretch and gradually awaken. A warm wind, soft as a girls

8、hair, moves sailboat clouds in gentle skies. The rains come good rains to sleep by and fields that were dun as oatmeal turn to pale green, then, to kelly green. 3 Prose of its very nature is longer than verse, and the virtues peculiar to it manifest themselves gradually. If the cardinal virtue of po

9、etry is love, the cardinal virtue of prose is justice; and, whereas love makes you act and speak on the spur of the moment, justice needs inquiry, patience, and a control even of the noblest passions. By justice here I do not mean justice only to particular people or ideas, but a habit of justice in

10、 all the processes of thought, a style tranquilized and a form moulded by that habit. The master of prose is not cold, but he will not let any word or image inflame him with a heat irrelevant to his purpose. Unhasting, unresting, he pursues it, subduing all the riches of his mind to it, rejecting al

11、l beauties that are not germane to it; making his own beauty out of the very accomplishment of it, out of the whole work and its proportions, so that you must read to the end before you know that it is beautiful. But he has his reward, for he is trusted and convinces, as those who are at the mercy o

12、f their own eloquence do not4; and he gives a pleasure all the greater for being hardly noticed. In the best prose, whether narrative or argument, we are so led on as we read, that we do not stop to applaud the writer, nor do we stop to question him. 4 Let me come to the point boldly; what governs t

13、he Englishman is his inner atmosphere, the weather in his soul. It is nothing particularly spiritual or mysterious. When he has taken his exercise and is drinking his tea or his beer and lighting his pipe; when, in his garden or by his fire, he sprawls in an aggressively comfortable chair; when well

14、-washed and well-brushed, he resolutely turns in church to the east and recites the Creed (with genuflexions, if he likes genuflexions) without in the least implying that he believes one word of it; when he hears or sings the most crudely sentimental and thinnest of popular songs, unmoved but not di

15、sguised; when he makes up his mind who is his best friend or his favorite poet; when he adopts a party or a sweetheart; when he is hunting or shooting or boating, or striding through the fields; when he is choosing his clothes or his profession never is it a precise reason, or purpose, or outer fact

16、 that determines him; it is always the atmosphere of his inner man. 5 Every week, every employed man and woman in Britain has to pay the State a certain sum of money as a compulsory contribution for National Insurance and National Health, in return for which the State provides certain allowances and

17、 services, e.g. in times of sickness or unemployment. The contribution is deducted from salary by the employer, who normally holds a card for each of his employees on which he has to stick National Insurance Stamps bought from the Post Office. These stamps actually cost considerably more than the am

18、ount paid by the employee; the employer has to pay the rest. Self-employed persons buy their own stamps at special rates. It should be noted that everyone has to pay these contributions, whether or not he has occasion to use the benefits he is entitled to. It is thus quite possible for one person, a

19、 healthy bachelor for example, to pay in more than he eventually gets out in the form of benefits; while another person, such as a sickly husband with a large family, may get out much more than he pays in. This sharing of risks is the essential feature of insurance. The advantage of insurance to eve

20、rybody, healthy bachelor and sickly husband alike, is protection and security. 6 This ignorance, however, is not altogether miserable. Out of it we get the constant pleasure of discovery. Every fact of nature comes to us each spring, if only we are sufficiently ignorant, with the dew still on it. If

21、 we have lived half a lifetime without having ever seen a cuckoo, and know it only as a wandering voice, we are all the more delighted at the spectacle of its runaway flight as it hurries from wood to wood conscious of its crimes and at the way in which it halts hawk-like in the wind, its long tail

22、quivering, before it dares descend on a hill-side of fir-trees where avenging presences may lurk. It would be absurd to pretend that the naturalist does not also find pleasure in observing the life of the birds, but his is a steady pleasure, almost a sober and plodding occupation, compared to the mo

23、rning enthusiasm of the man who sees a cuckoo for the first time, and, behold, the world is made new. And, as to that, the happiness even of the naturalist depends in some measure upon his ignorance, which still leaves him new worlds of this kind to conquer. He may have reached the very Z of knowled

24、ge in the books, but he still feels half ignorant until he has confirmed each bright particular with his eyes. 专业英语八级(散文类英译汉)模拟试卷 1答案与解析 SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese. 1 【正确答案】 今天我读完了暴风雨 我很庆幸自己出生在英格兰,在众多的理由之中首要的理由之一是,我用我的母语阅读莎士比亚,要是我想象自己不能面对面地去认识他

25、,只能听他从遥远的地方讲话,而且是用一种费解的口音讲话,我将会感到心灰意冷,也会因为被剥夺了一种权利而感到沮丧。我常这样想,我能阅读荷马,而且可以肯定地说,要是有谁欣赏荷马的作品,那就是我。 可是我能梦想领悟他所有的音乐吗 ?我能像那些在古希腊海滩上漫步的古希腊人那样理解他诗篇里的每一个字吗 ?我知道,越过广袤的时空传到我耳际的不过是一个微弱的、断断续续的回声;我知道,若不是这回声融汇着世界远古时代荣光火花的青春记忆,这微弱的回声还会更加微弱。 【试题解析】 本篇节选自乔治 .吉幸的莎士比亚之岛,作者表达了他对莎士比亚和他的祖国充满热爱和崇敬的感情,也因能用祖国的语言阅读莎士比亚的作品而感到自

26、豪。译者翻译时,要尽量忠实地传达原作的语义,模仿原作的语气,有效地再现原作的思想和境界。 which make me glad t0 have been born in England:可以采用抽取译法,将原文的定语从句抽取出来,译成 “我很庆幸自己出生在英格兰 ”,将其单独抽出来放在句首,让它成为一个总体的感受。 of dreary deprivation :英语使用抽象名词 “deprivation”,译成汉语时,因为英汉两种语言的差异,故此处需要进行解释性翻译,即 “被剥夺了权利 ”, “dreary”表示 “沉闷的,枯燥无味的,令人沮丧的 ”,指出 “被剥夺了权利 ”而造成的后果。译为

27、 “也会因为被剥夺了一 种权利而感到沮丧 ”。 Hellas:古希腊人。 no more than:仅仅是,只不过。 【知识模块】 散文类英译汉 2 【正确答案】 春天并非总是一模一样。四月,有时不知怎地一跃,就来到了弗吉尼亚的山坡上 自然的大舞台上转眼到处生机勃勃。郁金香组成了大合唱,连翘展示出优美的舞姿,洋李奏起了华彩乐段。一夜之间,林木着装,绿叶瑟瑟。 四月有时又蹑手蹑脚,像我的小孙女一样,羞羞答答地倚在门外,向里探探头,一闪又不见了,只是在门厅里咯咯地笑。 “我知道你在那儿藏 着呢。 ”我喊道。 “进来 !”春天这才悄然跑进了我的怀抱。 山茱萸的蓓蕾,淡绿清雅,表面点缀着褐色斑痕,活像

28、一只完美无缺的小杯,一撮撮种子,半隐半现地藏在里面。我敬畏地观察着这蓓蕾,暗自发问:一个月之前,这些种子在什么地方呢 ?苹果花开,展示出一片片染了玫瑰红的象牙色薄绸。一切冬眠的东西都在苏醒 美丽的樱草花,纤细的蝴蝶花,还有蓝色的草夹竹桃。大地开始变暖 这,你既可以嗅到,也可以触摸到 抓起一把泥土,四月便揉碎在你的手心里了。 黛色的兰岭山,那是我居住的地方,它像 臀丰乳高的女郎,依然安睡在浩瀚的天幕之下。后来,她终于伸开懒腰,慢慢醒来了。一阵阵和煦的风,像少女的柔发,将帆船似的云朵吹送到温和的天空。下雨了 催人人睡的喜雨 像燕麦片粥一样微暗的原野,起初淡绿素雅,继而翠绿欲滴。 【试题解析】 本篇

29、节选自 James J Kilpatrick的名篇 Spring(春 ),这是一篇抒情色彩浓厚的散文。在理解阶段,需要吃透原文总的语言特点、修辞手段、气氛、感情效果等,力求抓住原文的意义和风格。在表达阶段,尽量保留原作的修辞手法,主要是比喻和拟人的手法。 再现 原文的生动形象。散文作为一种文体,具有取材广泛、结构灵活、表现手法不拘一格、句式多样等特点。在译作中,应力求句式多样化,以更好地表达情感。 April bursts upon our Virginia hills in one prodigious leap: prodigious means extraordinary or marv

30、elous散文句式多样,故译为汉语时,稍加调整 四月,有时不知怎地一跃,就来到了弗吉尼亚的山坡上。 forsythia:指 “连翘属植物 ”。 cadenzas:译为 “装饰乐段 ”, “华彩乐段 ”。 The trees grow leaves overnight:意为 “一夜之间树叶都变绿了 ”。但为了行文的优雅,更符合神奇、美妙的汉语的表达习惯,宜采用四字格。故译为 “一夜之间,林木着装,绿叶瑟瑟。 ”出现同义重复现象。 ducking out of sight: “duck”一词用得非常形象,将春天的羞涩完美地展现出来。春天来得悄无声息,一闪又不见了踪影。 dogwood:译为 “山茱

31、萸 ”。 pale green:意思容易掌握,即 “淡绿色 ”,但春天的韵味荡然无存,若译为 “淡绿 ”再加上 “清 雅 ”,则另当别论。为了服务于情感的需要,可以增加句子中间的停顿。不说 “山茱萸的蓓蕾淡绿清雅 ”,而在 “蓓蕾 ”和 “淡绿清雅 ”之间增加了一个逗号。 russet:指 “黄褐色的,赤褐色的 ”。 Within the perfect cup:原文作者是运用修辞手法的高手,此处出现了暗喻。翻译时可以将暗喻转换为明喻,使译文读者更能接受。 ivory silk, rosetinged: “rosetinged”在原文中起到补充说明的作用,但翻译时,勿受原文影响过大,可灵活处理

32、成动词,如译为 “染了玫瑰红的象牙色薄绸 ”。否 则,译文读来会十分拗口。 primrose:指 “樱草花 ”, “报春花 ”。 iris:指 “鸢尾属植物 ”。 phlox:指 “草夹竹桃属植物 ”。 crumble April in your hands:译者是否考虑过如何在手心里碾碎四月 ?从读者接受的角度出发,此处可以适当进行增补,即 “抓起一把泥土 ”。 【知识模块】 散文类英译汉 3 【正确答案】 散文,就其本质而言,比韵文篇幅长,而且,其特有的品质是逐渐展现出来的。 如果说诗最重要的品质是爱,散文最重要的品质是合理;并且,尽管 “爱 ”使你因一时冲动 而行动、而抒发, “合理 ”

33、则需要调查,需要耐心,需要控制即使是最崇高的激情。关于合理,我不是指只针对具体人或具体思想的合理,而是指在思想的全过程中的一种合理的习惯,一种由此习惯所形成的沉稳的文风和由此习惯所造就的形式。散文大师并不冷漠,但他也不允许那些满含激情,但又与他的初衷毫不相干的词语或形象来激发他的感情。他不慌不忙、永不停止地追求着,克制着脑子里丰富的思想活动,摒弃所有与之无关的美,从完成的作品之中,从作品的整体和各部分之间和谐的关系里,去创造自己的美。因此,你必须把作品读完,才能知道它是美的。可是 ,他享有自己的报偿,因为他取得人们的信任,他令人信服,正像那些单靠显弄雄辩的人们得不到这一报偿,道理是一样的。而且

34、,他不露声色,这反而能给人更大的愉悦。我们在阅读最好的散文时,无论是叙事的还是说理的,是在情不自禁地一直读下去,而不会停下来向作者欢呼,也不会停下来向作者发问。 【试题解析】 本篇选自英国散文家、文艺批评家阿瑟 .克拉顿 .布罗克 (Arthur Clutton-Brock)的散文最重要的品质 (The Carnival Virtue of Prose)。这篇文章短小精悍,凝聚力和说服 力是作者运思的要点,也是译者要考虑的要点。 the cardinal virtue of prose is justice: “justice”指 “真实、合理地反映思想、感情和事物 ”。 justice ne

35、eds inquiry , patience, and a control even of the noblest passions:英文中, “needs”带 3个并列的宾语 (inquiry,patience, and a control) , “needs”无需重复,但译成汉语 时,这个动词需要重复,造成强烈的语势。 By justice:介词短语起连接作用,如何翻译才能起到好的连接作用是一个需要考生仔细思考的问题。建议译为 “关于合理 ”。 But he has his reward, for he is trusted and convinces, as those who are

36、at the mercy of their own eloquence do not :处理从句时需要斟酌, “do not”是英语中的省略现象,实指 “do not have their own rewards”,通过分析上下文,翻译时需要将省略的部分补出。 【知识模块】 散文类英译汉 4 【正确答案】 让我直接进入正题吧:左右英国人的是他内在的情调,灵魂的气象。这决不是什么精神层面的或神秘的东西。设想在他运动之余品茶或喝酒,并且点着烟斗;或在花园里或壁炉旁懒洋洋地躺在舒适的安乐椅上;或在他精心梳洗之后,在教堂里毅然面向东方背诵 (跪诵,假如他喜欢跪诵 )信经,但这决不意味着他相信其中的任一

37、字句;或在他听着或哼着最低俗感伤、最浅薄的流行歌曲,虽未被感动但也并不讨厌;或在他确定谁是他最好的朋友或最喜 爱的诗人;或在他选择一个群体或一个恋人;或在他打猎、射击、划船或大步走过田野;或在他挑选服装或选择职业 在他做着这一切的时候,并不是因为某一确定的理由,或目的,或外界的事物,而是他内在的情调在决定着他的取向。 【试题解析】 本篇节选自 The Weather in His Soul(英国人灵魂的气象 ),作者 George Santayana (乔治 .桑塔雅那 )是著名的哲学家、美学家。这篇散文思想深刻、比喻贴切、观察入微、语言流畅。翻译散文时,要求使用适当的翻译文体,尊重原文形象,

38、适当发挥文学 想象力。 his inner atmosphere , the weather in his soul:作者借助英国人对于天气的偏好,用 “weather(天气 )”和 “atmosphere(气候 )”与 “soul(灵魂 )”和 “inner(内在自我 )”搭配,成为全篇比喻的基调,即 “内在的情调 ”和 “灵魂的气象 ”。 well -washed and well-brushed:词汇层面上,原文采用文学语言的地方,译文也应该尽量采用文学语言。原文使用了并列结构,译文可以充分发挥四字格的作用,译为 “精心梳洗 ”。 when he hears or sings the m

39、ost crudely sentimental and thinnest of popular songs : “crudely sentimental”符合英语语法,即副词修饰形容词,但英译汉时,要深入理解原文,语义上两者是并列关系, “低俗、感伤 ”。可译为 “在他听着或哼着最低俗感伤、最浅薄的流行歌曲 ”。 when he adopts a party or a sweetheart : “party”与 “sweetheart”放在一起,显然不表示派对,而表 示一群人, “sweetheart”是用来称呼恋人的,可译为 “或在他选择一个群体或一个恋人 ”。 【知识模块】 散文类英译汉

40、5 【正确答案】 在英国,每一个受雇佣的人每个星期都要向国家交纳一笔钱,作为国民保险和国民保健费,而国家则提供某些补贴和服务 (如在生病或失业期间 )作为回报。这笔钱由雇主从雇员工资中扣除。每个雇员有一张卡片,通常掌握在雇主手里,雇主从邮局买来国民保险印花,贴在各人的卡片上。这些印花金额远远超过雇员实际支付的钱数,其超出部分由雇主支付。个体户按特别税率购买印花。 应该指出的是,每一个人都必须交纳上述税项,不论是否有机会从政府那里得到他应得的回报。这样,有的人,比如身体健康的单身汉,他所交纳的税有可能超出他最终的受益;而另外的人,比如体弱多病且家庭人口又多的丈夫,他的受益则比他所交纳的钱要多得多

41、。保险的主要特点就是分担风险。保险能给每个人,不论是身强力壮的单身汉还是体弱多病的丈夫,提供保护和安全。 【试题解析】 本篇节选自 Pay as You Earn(交纳所得税 ),主要写英国个人所得税纳税制度。纳税制度是国家运行机制的组成部分,是经济活动范围的事 ,也折射出特定社会的文化。语言具有具体、准确的特点,有稳定的词汇、表达方式和话语方式。 contribution:文章主要讲述个人所得税制度,此处 “contribution”指向国家缴纳税款,为国家做出贡献。后文反复提到 “contribution”,可以将抽象名词具体化,翻译为 “纳税 ”。 The contribution is

42、 deducted from salarybought from the Post Office :考生首先要分析长句,理清各种关系,特别是从句与主句的关系,再重新组织语言,输出译文。 此句的意思是:雇主从雇员的工资中扣除这笔钱。雇主为每位雇员拿着一张卡片。雇主从邮局购买国民保险印花,并将印花贴在每位雇员的卡片上。将语言稍作润色与调整,可译为: “这笔钱由雇主从雇员工资中扣除。每个雇员有一张卡片,通常掌握在雇主手里,雇主从邮局买来国民保险印花,贴在各人的卡片上。 ” Self-employed persons:自己雇佣自己的人,即个体户。 whether or not he has occas

43、ion to use the benefits he is entitled to : “entitle”表示“给 权利,给 资格 ”,此旬的意思是,不管你是不是有机会使用你有权获得的利益,可增词译为 “不论是否有机会从政府那里得到他应得的回报 ”。 This sharing of risks is the essential feature of insurance:注意中英文的差异,中文是句尾聚焦,而英文是句首聚焦。结合上下文,不难发现,作者要突出的是保险的基本特点,即分担风险。故译成汉语时,为了突出这一点,可调整语序,译为: “保险的主要特点就是分担风险 ”。 【知识模块】 散文类英译汉

44、 6 【正确 答案】 不过,这种无知也并非全然不幸,因为正是由于它,我们才能不断尝到发现的乐趣。只要我们是的的确确地无知,那么每年大地春回,自然界的每一种事物都会带着它那清新的露珠重新出现在我们面前。 如果我们活了半辈子,对于杜鹃除了听过它那飘忽不定的叫声,从来没有见过它是什么模样,那么,一旦看见它因为自己犯了罪而惶惶不安地从这个林子飞逃向那个林子,或是看见它顶着风、像老鹰似的停留在半空中,它那长长的尾巴颤动着,不敢落下来,生怕有什么鸟儿藏在那山坡上的枞树林里等着要找它报仇。我们才会觉得大大开心。有人想着,博 物学家整天观察鸟类,大概就不会觉得有什么趣儿了吧 ?其实大谬不然 他那持续不断的乐趣

45、几乎已经变成一种安详的职业习惯了吧,不像有人某天早晨突然第一次看见一只杜鹃,不胜雀跃之至,于是,看哪,天地也为之焕然一新了。说到这儿,甚至连博物学家的快乐在一定程度上也有赖于自己的无知;只有如此,才能给他留出一些新的领域有待他去征服。即使他已经攀登了书本知识的顶峰,他仍会感到自己不过是半通不通,每一个引人注目的细节还必须用自己的亲眼观察来加以一一证实。 【试题解析】 谈的是人们因 为无知才会对自然、世界抱有一种兴趣,才会去求知,而求知的过程就是充满乐趣的过程。原文的语气好像是作者在同读者聊天,给人一种亲切、随和的感觉。但文字却并不是特别口语化,相反,字里行间透出一种博学之士的严整与典雅,是学者

46、型散文的代表。译者应通过精心选词、择句,较好地传达原文的风格。 Out of:表不原因。 sufficiently:表示 “足够地 ”, “十分地 ”, “充分地 ”。理解时,建议充分利用各种资源,但表达时,必须跳出这个藩篱,此处可译为 “的的确确地 (无知 )”。 wandering:类似于第二点。译为 “飘忽不定 ”。 we are all the more delighted at:表示 “我们对于 感到愈加高兴 ”。 “At”后接的宾语相当长,为了使行文顺畅,可以将原文的宾语提前。 where avenging presences may lurk: “presences”具体化,即鸟儿, “avenging presences”,意为 “寻找机会报仇的鸟儿 ”。因此,整个分句表示 “有什么鸟儿藏在那山坡上的枞树林里等着要找它报仇 ”。 a steady pleasure:表示 “持续不断的乐趣 ”, “乐趣 源源不断 ”。 a sober and plodding occupation:表示 “从事这种职业不会时而狂喜,时而狂怒 ”,故译为 “一种安详的职业 ”。 the very Z of knowledge:此处出现了比喻的修辞手法,译为 “知识的顶峰 ”。 half ignorant:表示 “一知半解 ”、 “半通不通 ”。 【知识模块】 散文类英译汉

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