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本文([外语类试卷]专业英语八级(文化类英译汉)模拟试卷1及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(registerpick115)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、专业英语八级(文化类英译汉)模拟试卷 1及答案与解析 SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese. 1 We see New York, and sometimes, as Henry James asked us to, we “do it“ explore and conquer it but what we see when we see it is so far unlike what we experience when were doing it that th

2、e difference itself can become a subject for art. The city sneaks up on us in pictures, and we are startled to see what it looks like even when what it looks like is just us, doing what we really do. We respond to truthful depictions of New York with the same surprise that we feel when we hear a rec

3、ording of our own voice. This surprise is one of the subjects of the extraordinary, lost or, actually, never found in the first place American photographer Jerry Shore. Shore did New York, was done by it, and then became a kind of artist-martyr to the act of seeing it. In the last decade of his life

4、, Shore, after twenty years as one of the leading short-form commercial directors of his time, fell down a well of alcohol and isolation. 2 Michel-Guillaume de Crevecoeur (1735-1813) was born in France and came to the American colonies as a military in the French army. He became a naturalized Americ

5、an and settled down to farming. Between 1765 and 1780 he wrote on American life. He returned to France in 1780, came back to America in 1783, and became French consul in New York. In 1790 he went back to France where he lived the rest of his life. I wish I could be acquainted with the feelings and t

6、hought which must agitate the heart and present themselves to the mind of an enlightened Englishman, when he first lands on this continent. He must greatly rejoice, that he lived at a time to see this fair country discovered and settled; he must necessarily feel a_share_of national pride, when he vi

7、ews the chain of settlements which embellishes these extended shore. When he says to himself, this is the work of my countrymen who, when convulsed by factions, afflicted by a variety of miseries and wants, restless and impatient, took refuge_here. They brought along with them their national genius,

8、 to which they principally owe what liberty they enjoy, and what substance they possess. Here he sees the industry of his native country, displayed in a new manner, and traces in their works the embryos of all the arts, sciences, and ingenuity which flourish in Europe. Here he beholds fair cities, s

9、ubstantial villages, extensive fields, an immense country filled with decent houses, good roads, orchards, meadows, and bridges, where a hundred years ago all was wild, woody, and uncultivated! 3 In Massachusetts, the state corrections commissioner has asked district attorneys to slow down their pro

10、secutions because prison overcrowding has created a “serious situation“. In Illinois, some 600 inmates will be released early from state prisons because there is simply no room for them. In Idaho, 400 inmates at Idaho State Penitentiary went on a rampage last week demanding, among other things, more

11、 opportunities for vocational training. These are all-too-familiar reminders this summer that greater public attention needs to be given to resolving the persistent problems confronting Americas outmoded, overcrowded, and violence-prone penal institutions. The number of prisoners held by federal and

12、 state corrections authorities continues to grow. With the highest incarceration rate of any Western nation (except for South Africa), the US increased its prison population to 314,083 in 1979, a record high for the fifth consecutive year. This is largely the result of new laws with mandatory senten

13、ces for drug-related and certain other offenses as well as the recent trend toward imposition of longer sentences. Yet, these grim figures are forcing something to be done. There are encouraging signs that because of prison overcrowding a number of states are seeking out innovative alternatives to t

14、he traditional walled-in fortresslike prisons from which many offenders, far from being rehabilitated, have emerged better schooled in the ways of crime than in how to become responsible members of society. 4 Should it be alleged in defence of national prejudice, that it is the natural and necessary

15、 growth of love to our country, and that therefore the former cannot be destroyed without hurting the latter, I answer, that this is a gross fallacy and delusion. That it is the growth of love to our country, I will allow; but that it is the natural and necessary growth of it, I absolutely deny. Sup

16、erstition and enthusiasm too are the growth of religion; but who ever took it in his head to affirm that they are the necessary growth of this noble principle? They are, if you will, the bastard sprouts of this heavenly plant, but not its natural and genuine branches, and may safely enough be lopped

17、 off, without doing any harm to the parent stock: nay, perhaps, till once they are lopped off, this goodly tree can never flourish in perfect health and vigour. Is it not very possible that I may love my own country, without hating the natives of other countries? That I may exert the most heroic bra

18、very, the most undaunted resolution, in defending its laws and liberty, without despising all the rest of the world as cowards and poltroons? 5 Whether work should be placed among the causes of happiness or among the causes of unhappiness may perhaps be regarded as a doubtful question. There is cert

19、ainly much work which is exceedingly irksome, and an excess of work is always very painful. I think, however, that provided work is not excessive in amount, even the dullest work is to most people less painful than idleness-There are in work all grades, from mere relief of tedium up to the profounde

20、st delights, according to the nature of the work and the abilities of the worker. Most of the work that most people have to do is not in itself interesting, but even such work has certain great advantages. To begin with, it fills a good many hours of the day without the need of deciding what one sha

21、ll do. Most people, when they are left free to fill their own time according to their own choice, are at a loss to think of anything sufficiently pleasant to be worth doing. And whatever they decide on, they are troubled by the feeling that something else would have been pleasanter. To be able to fi

22、ll leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization, and at present very few people have reached this level. Moreover the exercise of choice is in itself tiresome. Except to people with unusual initiative it is positively agreeable to be told what to do at each hour of the day, provided the

23、 orders are not too unpleasant. Most of the idle rich suffer unspeakable boredom as the price of their freedom from drudgery. At times, they may find relief by hunting big game in Africa, or by flying round the world, but the number of such sensations is limited, especially after youth is past. Acco

24、rdingly the more intelligent rich men work nearly as hard as if they were poor, while rich women for the most part keep themselves busy with innumerable trifles of whose earth-shaking importance they are firmly persuaded. 6 We may say that religion, as distinguished from modern paganism, implies a l

25、ife in conformity with nature. It may be observed that the natural life and the supernatural life have a conformity to each other which neither has with the mechanistic life: but so far has our notion of what is natural become distorted, that people who consider it “unnatural“ and therefore repugnan

26、t, that a person of either sex should elect a life of celibacy, consider it perfectly “natural“ that families should be limited to one or two children. It would perhaps be more natural, as well as in better conformity with the Will of God, if there were more celibates and if those who were married h

27、ad larger families. But I am thinking of “conformity to nature“ in a wider sense than this. We are being made aware that the organization of society on the principle of private profit, as well as public destruction, is leading both to the deformation of humanity by unregulated industrialism, and to

28、the exhaustion of natural resources, and that a good deal of our material progress is a progress for which succeeding generations may have to pay dearly. I need only mention, as an instance now very much before the public eye, the results of “soil-erosion“ the exploitation of the earth, on a vast sc

29、ale for two generations, for commercial profit: immediate benefits leading to dearth and desert. I would not have it thought that I condemn a society because of its material ruin, for that would be to make its material success a sufficient test of its excellence. 专业英语八级(文化类英译汉)模拟试卷 1答案与解析 SECTION B

30、ENGLISH TO CHINESE Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese. 1 【正确答案】 我们观看纽约,但有时我们也如亨利 .詹姆斯要求我们做的那样,参与其中,探索纽约,征服纽约。不过我们观看纽约时看到的和参与纽约生活所体验的却是很不相同的,结果这种差异的本身就可能成为艺术的主题。在照片中这个城市冷不防地出现在面前,我们惊奇地看到了城市的样貌, 尽管看到的就是我们自己,做着我们每日做的事情。我们见到纽约的真实写照感到惊异,就像听到一段自己的录音感到惊异一样。 这种惊异就是杰出的、被遗忘的 (或者说实际上根本就没有被发现

31、的 )美国摄影家杰瑞 .肖尔作品的一个主题。肖尔参与纽约生活,被纽约所征服,然后,为了艺术,可以说在观看和呈现纽约的过程中英勇献身。在生命的最后 10年,在身为那个时代商业广告短片的主要导演 20年之后,肖尔淹没在酒精中,生活在孤独里。 【试题解析】 本篇节选自纽约客 (The New Yorker)杂志,作者亚当 .高波尼克(Adam Gopnik)对影视艺术领域的事件与人物如数家珍。文章遣词造句很老到。纽约客杂志的文风隐约可见。 We see New York: “see”有很多选择,如: “看 ”、 “旁观 ”、 “观察 ”、 “观看 ”。由于此处说的是纽约人, “旁观 ”有局外人的意思

32、,应该选用 “观看 ”。 we“do it” :此处 “do New York”源自美国作家亨利 .詹姆斯写给女作家伊迪斯 .沃顿 (Edith Wharton)的信件,詹姆斯敦促后者应该参与纽约生活。 “do”的意思虽已由后面的 “explore and conquer”解释清楚,但汉语中无法找到一个像 “do”语义涵盖十分广泛的词语,所以这里采用 “参与其中 ”,和 “观看 ”形成对照。 The city sneaks up on us : “sneak up on”表示 “偷偷接近某人,以突然惊吓到别人 ”。此处是拟人化的用法。 Shore did New York, was done

33、by it, and then became a kind of artist-martyr to the act of seeing it:此句中 “did(New York)”, “was done”和 “became”是三个过程。首先是 “explored and conquered New York(=did New York)”,然后是在探索和征服的过程中 “conquered by hardship and difficulty(was done by it)”,最后因观看纽约的行动而牺牲 (suffered and died)。 fell down a well of alcoh

34、ol and isolation :此处作者使用了隐喻,摄影家就好像掉进了一个深深的井里,而井里就是 酒精。如译成 “嗜酒成性,郁郁寡欢 ”,添加了不必要的贬义成分,可译为 “淹没在酒精中,生活在孤独里 ”。 【知识模块】 文化类英译汉 2 【正确答案】 米 .居 .奎维吉尔 (1734 1831)生于法国随法军进入北美殖民地取得美国国籍后定居务农。 1765 1780年间执笔评论美国人的生活。 1780年回法国 1783年又到美国,并成为法国驻纽约领事, 1790年回法国度过晚年。 但愿我曾经体验过那样一种情感与思绪,那种必定让初次登上北美大陆的英国开明人士心潮澎湃,浮想联翩的情感与思绪 。

35、他一定欣喜若狂,庆幸自己有生之年能亲眼看到人们发现这块美丽的国土并在此定居下来。当他看到连绵不断的人群来到这里,用一座座居所使这漫长的海岸线锦上添花的时候,他怎能不享有一份民族骄傲感呢 !他自然会想到,这些杰作都出自我的同胞之手,他们为教派迫害而震惊,受尽了苦难和贫穷,是在焦躁不安的情况下来这里避难的。他们带来了民族天赋,所以才会享受现在的自由,才会拥有现在的财产。在这里,可以看到故国的勤劳展现了新的姿态,在其杰作中可以找到那些盛行于欧洲的所有的艺术、科学和创造的萌芽。 在这里,他看到了美丽的城镇、富 饶的村庄、广阔的田野,看到了一片广阔无边的国土,其间有典雅的建筑、通达的道路,有果园、草地,

36、桥梁;而这里在 100年前还是一片荒蛮,草木丛生,不见农田 ! 【试题解析】 本文是美国历史文化研究史上的名篇,常被录入有关教材,尤其是向外国人介绍美国的教材。本文摘自美国新闻署出版的 Reflections on the Americans and American Character,是该散文集的首篇。 He returned toin New York :汉语虽然不注重语言表层的形式衔接,但却强调语气的 关联和主题的统一,因此,译文中加入了 “又 ”和 “并 ”两个虚词。 which: “which”在中国的意合语言中是没有必要的,在译文中只能理解为停顿,加上逗号和 “那种 ”是话语衔接

37、自然并以解释的形式对前文继续发展。 an enlightened Englishman:英国开明人士。 He must greatly rejoice, that: “rejoice”是具有重要意义的关键词,用汉语思维来理解该词具有所谓 “承上启下 ”的语篇功能,所以分译为两个密切关联的词 “他一定欣喜若狂,庆幸 ” ,从而使汉语更有一 气呵成之感。 he lived at a time:如译成 “生活在一段特定的时间 ”,对任何生物来说都是必然的,无需说明或强调;语义上重要的是生活在什么样的年代,因此,将这一成分译为 “有生之年 ”。 see this fair country discov

38、ered and settled:体现了英文措辞的两种倾向:一是由被动意义所表示的物化或客观倾向;二是表面上强调行为的静态结果而不是动态过程,从而造成了 “制动于静 ”、 “以静表动 ”的语言思维倾向。而中文的思维习惯是以人为本,动态描述。因此,译为 “人们发现这块 美丽的国土并在这里定居下来 ”。 necessarily:原文中 “necessarily”一词包含的语气十分强烈,汉译为反问句更能充分地体现该词的强调语气。汉语加强语言动态的方法并不只限于强调使用动词和动词性成分,从句式上来讲,否定和反问也是常用的手法。 settlements: “settlement”是由动词衍生出来的名词,

39、本来应该是对行为过程的概括,这种词本来无所谓复数形式;如果加上复数标记则使意义转向具体化,反过来指客观存在,即 “居所 ”。 which embellishes these extended shore:语法成分上虽是定语,但语义上表示 “居所 ”的作用,可以顺译为 “使这漫长的海岸线锦上添花 ”。 he says to himself:究竟是如何对自己说呢 ?是不是说出口 ?这是问题,但并不重要,重要的是心里有想法,冈此,译为 “自然会想到 ”。 this is the work of my countrymen:译为 “这些都出自我的同胞之手 ”,是为了加强汉语的动态意义。如果译为判断句

40、“这些都是我的同胞们的杰作 ”,语气上就不会有这样的力度。 convulse: (usu in passive)cause violent movements or disturbances(使剧烈震动;使骚动不安 )。 “convulsed by factions”:为教派迫害而震惊。 industry:究竟泽为 “工业 ”还是 “勤劳 ”?后者比较抽象,如果原作者想强调前者,估计应该用复数形式才能更加具体明确。从社会文化史看,今天所谓的 “工业 ”和几百年前已有显著差异。这对于基本上还处于拓荒阶段的美国早期历史似乎并不合适。 filled with:采取顺译法翻译,保留了原文话语的自然连贯

41、。 uncultivated:译为 “不见农田 ”,符合 英译汉过程从客观到主观视角切换和从静到动的基本思维定势。 【知识模块】 文化类英译汉 3 【正确答案】 马萨诸塞州监狱局局长要求地方检察官放慢起诉进度,因为监狱人满为患,已经成为 “严重问题 ”。在伊利诺斯州,大约有 600名犯人要提前从州监狱中释放,因为该州监狱根本容纳不了这些犯人。 上周,爱达荷州监狱有400名犯人群起闹事。在他们提出的各项要求中,有一项是要求让他们有更多机会接受职业训练。人们所十分熟悉的这些事情都发生在今年夏天。这事件提醒公众要更加注意解决美国惩戒体制所面临的一些迁延已 久的问题:设备陈旧过时,狱中拥挤不堪,暴力频

42、频发生。 联邦和各州监狱关押的犯人数目一直在不断地增加。除南非外,在西方国家中,美国的在押犯人比率最高。 1979年,美国在押犯人数增加到 314, 083人。这样空前高的数字已经持续了 5年之久。这主要是实施新的法律的结果,即对有关毒品的犯罪行为和某些别的犯罪行为必须判刑,同时近来趋势是对罪犯实施更长的刑期。 不过,这些严峻的数字正在迫使人们采取措施。现在已经有一些令人鼓舞的迹象,说明由于监狱过分拥挤有一些州正在设法采用革新的 办法,来取代高墙耸立、壁垒森严的传统监狱。在这样的传统监狱里,许多犯人根本没有改造成为新人。他们学会了更多的犯罪方法,而没有改造成为有责任感的社会成员。 【试题解析】

43、 本篇节选自 How to Help Prisoners and Society,介绍目前美国监狱碰到的棘手之事,即设备陈旧过时,狱中拥挤不堪,暴力频频发生。翻译时,注意英汉句子结构的转换,注意长句的译法,注意主动语态与被动语态之间的转换。 【知识模块】 文化类英译汉 4 【正确答案】 如果有人提出这么个理 由来为民族偏见辩护,即这是由于对自己国家的爱的自然、必要的发展的原因,因此,要是铲除了前者,就会必然伤害到后者,那么,我要回答说,这完完全全是一个谬误和假象。如果说这是源于对自己国家的爱,这一点我同意,但若是说这是源于这种爱的自然、必要的发展的结果,那我绝对不能苟同。迷信和狂热同样都源于宗

44、教。但只要认真想一想,谁敢肯定说它们是这种高尚道义的必然发展的结果吗 ?如果你一定要这么认为,那只能说它们是这棵圣树上长出来的劣枝,而不是原生的、真正的枝条。为了保证这棵树的安全,应把这些劣枝砍掉,而这不会对树干造成任何伤害 。不仅如此,如果这些劣枝不除掉,这棵美丽的树就永远也不会茁壮成长,根深叶茂。 难道没有可能说一个人既爱自己的祖国又不仇视别国的人民吗 ?难道没有可能一个人以最大的英雄气概、最无畏的决心捍卫自己祖国的法律和自由,同时又不把其他国家视为胆小鬼或懦夫,而蔑视他们吗 ? 【试题解析】 本篇节选自民族偏见 (National Prejudice),作者奥利弗 .哥尔德斯密斯 (Ol

45、iver Goldsmith)是英国诗人、剧作家、小说家。原文语调轻松自然、亲切幽默;作者思维缜密。翻译时,需要注意再现原 文的这些特点。 this is a gross fallacy and delusion : “fallacy”意为 “谬论 ”; “delusion”意为 “错觉,谬见 ”。 “gross”在此处作定语,表示 “total; whole”,即 “全部的;整个的 ”。比如: gross weight, profit(毛重、毛利 )。又如: sb s gross income(某人的总收人 )。此句可译为 “这完完全全是一个谬误和假象。 ” this noble princ

46、iple:这种高尚道义。 the bastard sprouts of this heavenly plant: “superstition and enthusiasm”比作“the bastard sprouts ofthis heavenly plant”,为文章带来了新鲜的趣味。 be lopped off : “lop sth off”表示 “to cut something off in one quick movement”,故译为 “把 砍掉 ”。 this goodly tree can never flourish in perfect heal th and vigour

47、: “vigour”表示“活力;精力 ”,对于树而言,就是枝繁叶茂,故此句译为 “这颗美丽的树就永远也不会茁壮成长,根深叶茂。 ” poltroons:懦夫。 【知识模块】 文化类英译汉 5 【正确答案】 工作究竟应算作幸福的原因,还是不幸的原因,这也许还是个疑问。当然有许多工作极其令人厌烦,工作负担过重也总是令人十分痛苦。 但我认为,假如工作负担不是过重,对大多数人来说,即便是最乏味的工作也没有赋闲那么痛苦。根据工作的性质和工作者的能力,可以把工作分成各种层次, 从单单是排遣烦闷一直到能带来最深层的快乐的工作。大多数人必须做的大多数工作本身并没有趣味,但即便是这样的工作也有某些极大的好处。首

48、先,它占去了一天中好几个小时,使你不必拿主意自己该干什么。在可以自由选择如何消磨时间的时候,大多数人都茫然不知所措,想不出一件有意思的事情值得干。不管他们选定了什么,其他事情可能更有意思的感觉还是困扰着他们。明智地消遣闲暇的能力是文明的最后产物,迄今为止只有很少人才达到了这一境界。 再说作出选择本身就是一件麻烦事。除了对极有主见的人以外,被指定每天的每个小时做什么完全是一件惬意的事情,只要任务不是太辛苦就可以了。多数有钱而有闲的人,作为摆脱艰辛工作的代价,忍受着难以形容的无聊。有时,他们去非洲猎取大型野生动物,或做环球飞行以消愁解闷,但这样的刺激数量有限,尤其在青春流逝以后。因此较明智的有钱男

49、人几乎就像没钱那样勤奋工作,而有钱的女人通常忙于无数鸡毛蒜皮的小事,并对其惊天动地的重要性深信不疑。 【试题解析】 这段文字出自伯特兰 .罗素 (Bertrand Russell)的工作(Work)。他从一个全新的视角澄清了公众对工作的误解,使人们清醒地意识到工作并没有想象 中那么令人厌烦。伯特兰 .罗素,威尔士人,思想家、哲学家、数学家。毕生为世界和平事业奔走疾呼。三种激情主宰着他的生命: “对爱的追求、对知识的探索、对人类苦难的难以承受的怜悯 ”。获一九五 O年诺贝尔文学奖。 irksome: tiresome(令人厌烦的 )。 to most people:翻译时要考虑中文的表达习惯,一般将 “to somebody”提前译为“对 来说 ”,即 “对大多数人来说 ”。 lessthan :比较级汉译时,可以灵活处理。如译成 “即便是最乏味的工作也没有赋闲那么痛苦 ”。 mere relief of tedium:英文中以静表动,中文表达时宜转化成动态形式。译文 “单单是排遣烦闷 ”似乎比 “仅仅是烦闷的减轻 ”要高明。 There are in work all grades, f

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