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本文([外语类试卷]专业英语八级(时文类汉译英)模拟试卷1及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(progressking105)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、专业英语八级(时文类汉译英)模拟试卷 1及答案与解析 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH Directions: Translate the following text into English. 1 现在,我国的红楼梦研究,可以说是百花烂漫,盛况空前。 “中国艺术研究院 ”设立了 “红楼梦研究所 ”,从事这部伟大小说及其作者的专门研究。目前,已经完成了红楼梦新校本的校注和其他若干研究项目。此外,全国各研究机关和大专院校,也都拥有不少从事 “红学 ”研究的专业和业 余人员。他们对红楼梦的思想、艺术、版本以及作家的生平、家世等方面进行了研究,并出版了不少研究成果。为了便于

2、研究成果的交流,两年来,出了两种 “红学 ”研究的专门刊物:红楼梦研究学刊和红楼梦研究集刊。 1980年 7月,在哈尔滨还召开了全国红楼梦讨论会。这部伟大小说的研究,正在向更加深人的方向发展。 2 范仲淹少年时代非常刻苦,常常一人彻夜伴灯苦读。清贫的生活并没有动摇他矢志求学的决心,他在书本中寻找生活的乐趣。为了见更大的世面,向名师求教,和饱学之士交友,他 23岁时来到宋代著名的四 大书院之一应天府书院。范仲淹在这里向名师请教,和许多同学相互切磋,大量地阅读了书院丰富的藏书,顿觉眼界大开。这一时期的学习生活为他以后成为一个精通儒家经典、博学多才又擅长诗文的学者奠定了基础。 范仲淹一生道德文章,名

3、闻天下。士大夫以不受他指点为耻。大街小巷以至外邦,人人都知道他的名字。著名文学家苏东坡对范仲淹十分景慕,视平生未曾从学为终身憾事。 3 党中央、国务院对北京市 “非典 ”防治工作极为重视,胡锦涛总书记做出一系列重要指示,温家宝总理三次到北京视察指导 “非典 ”防治工作。昨天上 午,国务院防治非典型肺炎指挥部总指挥、国务院副总理吴仪同志又到北京市检查指导。中央有关部门、兄弟省市给予我们极大关注和有力支持。这一切均给予我们巨大的鼓舞和鞭策,坚定了我们战胜 “非典 ”疫情灾害的决心和信心。 上次新闻发布会上,蔡赴朝同志通报了中央决定成立 “北京防治非典型肺炎联合工作小组 ”,统一协调北京地区防治工作

4、的情况。从近半个月的工作来看,应当说,在刘淇同志的领导下,联合丁作小组成员大力配合,密切协作,及时研究解决重大防治问题,工作是卓有成效的。 4 交换机是目前国内拥有自主知识产权、 可与国外相媲美的少数几种高新技术产品之一,但是由于外国公司的倾销导致的恶性竞争,使得中国的厂商们被逼得 “喘不上气来 ”。之所以造成上述的状况,除了宏观的调控不力以外,不难发现中国通信企业普遍缺乏资金投入。中国电子工业部已制定了通信制造业发展的 “本地化 ”方针。一方面,大力开发生产具有自主知识产权的通信设备;另一方面,鼓励和促使外国公司向中国转移技术,建立合资企业。 5 忽然发觉,在这个世界上,最珍贵的东西是免费的

5、。 阳光,是免费的。芸芸众生,没有谁能够离开阳光活下去;然而,从小到大,可曾有谁 为自己享受过的阳光支付过一分钱 ? 空气,是免费的。一个人只要活着,就需要源源不断的空气。可从古到今,又有谁为这须臾不可缺少的东西埋单 ?无论贩夫走卒还是明星政要,他们一样自由地呼吸着充盈天地间的空气。 亲情,是免费的。每一个婴儿来到世上,都受到了父母无微不至的呵护,那是一份深入血脉不求回报的疼爱。可从没有哪一个父母会对孩子说: “你给我钱我才疼你。 ”父母的这份爱,不因孩子的成年而贬值,更不因父母的衰老而削弱;只要父母还活着,这份爱就始终如一。 6 1925年 2月 24日,国父孙中山病危 时,留下一段家事遗嘱

6、: “余因尽瘁国事,不治家产。其所遗之书籍、衣物、住宅等均付吾妻宋庆龄,以为纪念。余之儿女已长成能自立,望各自爱,以继余志。此嘱。 ” 中山先生艰苦奋斗 40年,功勋卓然。但终身廉洁,从未为自己和子女亲属置办过田地遗产。他任过国家临时大总统,官可谓高矣,然而从不追求俸禄。临终留下的遗物只有生前的一些衣物, 2000多本书籍杂志,还有一所旅居加拿大的华侨为他募捐的住宅。 7 所有制结构进一步调整和完善。公有制经济在调整和改革中发展壮大,探索公有制多种实现形式取得成 效。国有经济结构调整步伐加快,控制力和竞争力明显增强。国有企业三年改革与脱困目标基本实现。大多数国有大中型骨干企业初步建立现代企业制

7、度,涌现出一批有实力、有活力和有竞争力的优势企业。国有中小企业进一步放开搞活。垄断行业管理体制改革迈出实质性步伐。城乡集体经济得到新的发展。股份制经济不断扩大。个体、私营等非公有制经济,较快发展,在发展经济、增加就业、活跃市场、扩大出口方面发挥了重要作用。 专业英语八级(时文类汉译英)模拟试卷 1答案与解析 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH Directions: Translate the following text into English. 1 【正确答案】 A wide range of research on A Dream of Red Mansions

8、is currently being conducted in China. The Dream of Red Mansions Research Institute, devoted solely to work on the novel, has been established at the Chinese Academy of Arts. At the Institute textual notes for a new edition have recently been completed and several associated research projects are un

9、derway. In many institutions of higher education throughout China scholars, professional and amateur, are engaged in studying various aspects of the novel. In the last two years much research information has been exchanged in two new periodicalsStudies on a Dream of Red Mansions and Studies on a Dre

10、am of Red Mansions. In addition, a national symposium to discuss current research was held in Harbin, Heilengjiang Province in July 1980. 【试题解析】 这段节选自一篇向国外介绍红楼梦的文章。参考译文选自翻译界泰斗杨宪益的译文,考虑到外国读者对红楼梦知之甚少,他没有 “紧扣 ”中文。译文在遣词造句、谋篇布局等方面堪称典范,考生可以细细体会译家高超的翻译手法。 百花烂漫,盛况空前:如字对字译为: “Now, we may say as well that the

11、 researches on the novel A Dream of Red Mansions in our country are exceptionally flourishing ”。似乎有些夸饰,反而没有忠实地译出原文信息。 全国各研究机关和大专院校:合译为 “in many institutions of higher education throughout China”。 他们 并出版了不少研究成果:对原文亦步亦趋的话,可以译为: “They work hard at researching into the ideology, art, edition as well as

12、the life and genealogy of the author of this outstanding novel, publishing a lot of their scientific results ”。但似乎对译文读者而言,信息过多反而丧失了阅读的兴趣,不妨与前一句合译。 这部伟大小说的研究,正在向更加深入的方向发展:这一句杨宪益先生又选择省略不译,因为译出容易造成意思重复和表达累赘 。 【知识模块】 时文类汉译英 2 【正确答案】 He was born in a poor family, but the restraint of life did not blunt h

13、is will to learn. In his childhood he was very diligent in reading. He would read all night through, trying to discover the meaning of life in books. Urged by his desire to go and see the rest of the world and study with learned scholars, at the age of twenty-three he went to Yingtianfu Academy, one

14、 of the four famous academies of the Song Dynasty, where he worked with established scholars and exchanged ideas with his fellow students. He had read a large portion of the Academys collection, as a result of which he greatly extended his breadth of vision. His student life at the Academy paved the

15、 road along which he eventually became an erudite scholar. He was not only expert on the classics of Confucianism but also well versed in the craft of poetry and prose writing. Throughout the country Fan Zhongyan was well-known for his moral integrity. He was so popular that his name was familiar to

16、 the people in grass-root neighborhoods and even to the people in neighboring states. Scholars took it as a shame when they failed to study under his supervision. The great poet of the Song Dynasty Su Dongpo admired Fan Zhongyan very much but, all of his life, he had regretted not having the honor o

17、f being a student of his. 【试题解析】 本篇节选自胡伟希的范仲淹,描述了范仲淹坚忍不拔的毅力和不计利害得失、心怀天下的胸襟。同时,赞扬了他在教育方面做出的卓越成就。译者需在字词层、句子层、语段层等不同层次翻译上下扎实的功夫。 清贫的生活:译为 “the restraint of life”,对原文的把握非常到位,与 “did not blunt his will to learn”相呼应。 生活 的乐趣:对于读书之人 “生活的乐趣 ”即 “生活的意义 ”,故译为 “the meaning of life”。 为了见更大的世面: “见世面 ”即 “看看外面的世界 ”,这

18、部分译为 “Urged by his desire to go and see the rest of the world”。 大量地阅读了书院丰富的藏书: “大量地阅读 ”指 “阅读了书院藏书的很大一部分 ”,译为 “He had read a large portion of the Academys collection ”。 眼界大开:指 “视野更加 开阔 ”,译为 “he greatly extended his breadth of vision”。 范仲淹一生道德文章,名闻天下:指 “范仲淹为人正直,因而名闻天下 ”,译为“Throughout the country Fan Z

19、hongyan was well-known for his moral integrity ”。 大街小巷以至外邦,人人都知道他的名字: “大街小巷 ”指 “平民老百姓都知道他的名字 ”,故译为 “his name was familiar to the people in grassroot neighborhoods”。 著名文学家苏东坡:苏东坡是宋朝著名的诗人,译为 “The great poet of the Song Dynasty Su Dongpo”。 【知识模块】 时文类汉译英 3 【正确答案】 The Communist Party of China (CPC) Centr

20、al Committee and the State Council attach great importance to SARS prevention and treatment in Beijing, and CPC General Secretary Hu Jintao has issued a series of important instructions. Premier Wen Jiabao has made three inspection tours to Beijing yesterday morning. Chief of Command Group of the St

21、ate Council on SARS Prevention and Treatment, Vice Premier Wu Yi came to Beijing again for inspection and guidance on our work. Some relevant Central Government departments as well as other provinces and cities also show great concern and provide strong support to us. All of these have given us trem

22、endous encouragement and momentum. We are determined and confident to prevail in the fight against SARS. At last press conference, Mr. Cai Fuchao informed you of the decision by the Central Government to establish “Joint Working Team for SARS Prevention and Treatment in Beijing“ to coordinate in a u

23、nited endeavor for SARS prevention and treatment in the city. Following efforts of almost two weeks, I should say that under the leadership of Secretary of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee Liu Qi and thanks to rigorous coordination and close cooperation among the team members and prompt discussio

24、ns to solve major problems, remarkable achievements have been scored. 【试题解析】 本篇节选自当时担任北京市代市长王岐山于 2003年 4月 30日在中外记者招待会上的讲话,主要关于 “非典 ”的防治问题。文中含有一些医学方面的术语,掌握了这些术语的翻译技巧, 有助于此类文章的翻译。 做出一系列重要指示: “做出 指示 ”可以泽为 “give leaveinstructions” ,但译成 “issue instructions”更严肃,更符合讲话人的语气。 三次到北京视察指导: “视察指导 ”可以使用词性转换法,译为 “h

25、as made three inspection tours”。 这一切均给予我们巨大的鼓舞和鞭策: “鞭策 ”可译为 “momentum”或 “impetus”,这两个词都有 “动力;冲力;刺激 ”的意思。比如 “The movement to change the unions constitution is slowly gathering momentum (修改工会宪章的运动正慢慢加强 )”。 “The treaty gave a fresh impetus to trade (这条约使双方的贸易又推进了一步 )”。 战胜:可译为 “vanquish, conquer,defeat,

26、 prevail”,这里选用了 “prevail”,表示“战胜,击败 ”。 工作是卓有成效的:可以译为 “remarkable achievements have been scored good results have been achieved yielded”。 【知识模块】 时文类汉译英 4 【正确答案】 Chinese switchboards are one of few telecom products that can compare to those made overseas, but unfortunately many foreign firms are dumpin

27、g switchboards and switchboard parts onto the Chinese market, making the going rather tough for those Chinese telecommunications manufacturers that do show some promise. Many Chinese firms, although they turn out good products, find it hard to raise necessary capital. The Ministry of Electronics is

28、now formulating policies to ensure that Chinese firms have a fair chance at development, by requiring more technology transfers from overseas firms and by ensuring the intellectual property rights of Chinese manufacturers. The main vehicle for this new policy is to be joint-venture firms. 【试题解析】 本篇节

29、选自今日中国的群雄逐鹿的中国电信市场,作者吕晖。新闻翻译时,要以译文读者为中心,尽量使译文读者不需要费太多气力,就可以读懂译文。在新闻报道翻译中,可以根据实际情况适当地增减内容或调整语序。 交换机: switchboard。 外国公司的倾销导致的恶性竞争: “外国公司的倾销 ”在此处指 “外国公司在中国市场倾销交换机以及交换机的部件 ”,译文中需要增补 “中国市场 ”, “交换机以及交换机的部件 ”,可以省略 “恶性竞争 ”。众所周知,倾销必然导致恶性竞争,无需赘言。 使得中国的厂商们被逼得 “喘不上气来 ”: “喘不上气来 ”是非常形象化的语言,即他们处境相当困难。另外,这些中国厂商本来是很

30、有前途,可以大放异彩的企业,这个内容需要增加,即 “that do show some promise” 。 中国电子工业部: The Ministry of Electronics。 鼓励和促使外国公司向中国转移技术: requiring more technology transfers from overseas firms。 【知识模块】 时文类汉译英 5 【正确答案】 It suddenly dawns on me that the most precious things in human life cost nothing! Sunlight is free. Who in th

31、e entire world could do without sunlight? Who has ever paid any penny for the sunlight he has enjoyed from childhood to adulthood? The air is free. Each person needs a continuous supply of fresh air to keep alive and kicking, but do you see anyone pay for it since the beginning of human life? Each p

32、erson, whether the vendor and other ordinary person or the celebrity and the VIP, he can enjoy the air freely. The familial affection is free. Every baby receives the meticulous love from its parents which penetrates into blood and cells for no payback. Never hear the saying from the parents such as

33、 “You must pay for me, otherwise I will not love you“ . The love from parents does not change with the children growing up, and never decay for the parents growing old. It will be consecutive as long as the parents stay alive. 【试题解析】 本篇节选自苇迪刊登在 2006年 11月 18日出版的广州日报上,题目是最珍贵的东西是免费的。读完这篇散文,犹如醍醐灌顶,人们无需争

34、名夺利,最珍贵的东西,如空气,如亲情,如友情,如爱情,都是免费的。翻译时,要注意传达原文的文风。 忽然发觉: “suddenly realize notice” 句型用在此处未尝不可,但句型“sth dawn on sb ”用物做主语,使译文显得更加地道。 芸芸众生:指一切有生命的东西,一般也用来指众多的平常人,即 “common populace”。作者强调每一个人都需要阳光,这一四字格可译为 “who in the entire wodd”。 无论贩夫走卒还是明星政要,他们一样自由地呼吸着充盈天地间的空气: “走卒 ”指 “差役 ”,这里可以取其上义词,即 “普通百姓 ”,与 “明星 ”、

35、 “政要 ”形成鲜明的对比。整句可译为: “Each person, whether the vendor and other ordinary person or the celebrity and the VIP, he can enjoy the air freely ”。 亲情:如译为 “emotional attachment among family members”显得过于冗长,可以考虑 “family”的形容词形式 “familial”, “亲情 ”译为 “familial affection”。 那是一份深入血脉不求回报的疼爱:与前句连接,可以考虑使用定语从句。 “深入血脉

36、”和 “不求回报 ”是两个并列的成分,可译为 “which penetrates into blood and cells for no payback”。 你给我钱我才疼你:言下之意,你一定要付钱给我, 否则,我就不疼你了,可用“otherwise”,即 “You must pay for me, otherwise I will not love you ”。 【知识模块】 时文类汉译英 6 【正确答案】 Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the founding father of the Republic of China, made the following will regard

37、ing his family affairs on February 24,1925, as he was dying of illness: “Dedicated as I have been to the national affairs, it is understandable that I have been unable to build up my family properties. I hereby leave my books, clothes as well as my house to my wife, Song Chingling as mementos. As fo

38、r my children, who are all grownups and should be able to support themselves, I could only wish that they conduct themselves well so as to carry out my unfinished endeavor.“ For forty years, Dr. Sun Yat-sen worked and struggled for the thriving of the Chinese nation. Despite the fact that his revolu

39、tionary exploits were monumental, he lived a life clean and honest until his death. Never had he purchased any land or property either for himself or for any of his family members. It is true that he once served as the Republic of Chinas provisional president. In fact, as head of state, he had never

40、 sought nor enjoyed a high emolument. It is small wonder therefore that what he left behind upon his death were nothing except some 2000 books and magazines, plus a residence which had been collectively contributed to him by the Chinese expatriates in Canada. 【试题解析】 本篇节选自廉洁的遗嘱。这段文字要译成英文似乎并不太难,但要注意汉译

41、英过程中的增删或重组。如同傅雷先生曾经说过, “外文都是分析的,散文的,中文却是综合的,诗的。这两个不同的美学原则使双方的词汇不容易凑合。 ”汉译英的最终目的是要让外国读者理解中文所传达的本来意思和真实信息,正确领会中文所包含的 理念。因此,汉译英的一个大忌便是只求表面的对等。 国父孙中山: “国父 ”不能照字面意思翻译,这个 “国父 ”特指 “中华民国的创始人 ”。孙中山先生的名字的英译在国际上已是约定俗成了的,不能按汉语拼音拼写成 “Mr Sun Zhongshan”,那样反而会显得不伦不类。此处 “国父 ”即 “孙中山 ”,同位关系。故译为 “Dr. Sun Yatsen, the fo

42、unding father of the Republic of China”。 病危时: as he was dying of illness。 余因尽瘁国事,不 治家产:意为 “我为国家大事鞠躬尽瘁,因此我没有为自己的家庭置办财产是情理之中 ”。故译为 “dedicated as I have been to the national affairs,it is understandable that I have been unable to build up my family properties”。 望各自爱,以继余志: “以继余志 ”指 “完成我未完成的事业 ”,故译为 “I c

43、ould only wish that they conduct themselves well so as to carry out my unfinished endeavor.”。 中山先生艰苦奋斗 40年:对外国读者来说,如不提供一点背景知识或解释,他们对 “艰苦奋斗 ”也许会茫茫然。其实,这里指中山先生为中华民族的复兴艰苦奋斗。 故增译为 “For forty years, Dr Sun Yatsen worked and struggled for the thriving of the Chinese nation ”。 功勋卓然。但终身廉洁:中文虽用句号断开,但前后两句是转折关

44、系,可以译 为一句: “Despite the fact that his revolutionary exploits were monumental, he lived a life clean and honest until his death ”。 从未为自己和子女亲属置办过田地遗产:此处强调孙中山先生的清廉,可以将否定词放在句首: “Never had he purchased any land or property either for himself or for any of his family members ”。 他任过国家临时大总统: “国家临时大总统 ”要译成 “

45、中华民国临时大总统 ”才确切。故译为 “It is true that he once served as the Republic of Chinas provisional president ”。 官可谓高矣:意为 “官高至国家元首 ”,即 “as head of state”。 只有: nothing except。 旅居加拿大的华侨:译为 “the Chinese expatriates in Canada”,其中 “expatriate”表示 “person living outside his own country(居于国外之人;侨民 )”。 【知识模块】 时文类汉译英 7 【

46、正确答案】 The ownership structure was further readjusted and improved. The public sector of the economy grew stronger in the course of readjustment and reform, and efforts to diversify ways of realizing public ownership were successful. The state sector of the economy went through accelerated restructur

47、ing, and markedly enhanced its dominance and competitiveness. The objective of turning state-owned enterprises around within three years was basically attained. Most medium and large-sized key state-owned enterprises attained by and large the goal of establishing the modern corporate system, and a n

48、umber of dynamic and competitive enterprises have come to the fore. Further progress was made in opening up and revitalizing small and medium-sized state-owned enterprises. Substantive progress was made in restructuring the management system of monopoly industries. Collective economy in urban and ru

49、ral areas made new headway. The joint-stock company sector of the economy expanded continuously. Individual-owned businesses, private enterprises and other non-public sector of the economy developed fairly fast and played an important role in stimulating economic growth, creating more jobs, invigorating the market and expanding exports. 【试题解析】 本篇节选自朱镕基总理 2003年 3月所做的政府工作报告。翻译应遵循忠实于原文的原则,做到简洁、准确。对于相关的专业术语的翻译,宜采用通用的译法,不宜自己生造。 所有制结构进一步调整和完善: “调整 ”按字面意思可译为 “

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