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本文([外语类试卷]专业英语八级(时文类英译汉)模拟试卷1及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(progressking105)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、专业英语八级(时文类英译汉)模拟试卷 1及答案与解析 SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese. 1 Next morning, four words from the book “take the long view“ were still in my mind. At my desk, I had a long-view look at my problems. Once more, super-slow reading had given me not only p

2、leasure but perspective, and helped me in my everyday affairs. I discovered its worth years ago . previously, if I had been really interested in a book, I would race from page to page, eager to know what came next. Now, I decided, I had to become a miser with words and stretch every sentence like a

3、poor man spending his last dollar. I had started with the practical object of making my book last. But by the end of the second week I began to realize how much I was getting from super-slow-reading itself. Sometimes just a particular phrase caught my attention, sometimes a sentence. I would read it

4、 slowly, analyze it, read it again perhaps changing down into an even lower gear and then sit for 20 minutes thinking about it before moving on. I was like a pianist studying a piece of music, phrase by phrase, rehearsing it, trying to discover and recreate exactly what the composer was trying to co

5、nvey. 2 The figures are estimates, but the few known facts are appalling: thousands are murdered annually, the number of missing children is rising and no one is keeping an accurate count. About 8:30 a.m. on January 7, 1980, Katheleen Mancil drove her daughter Marian Batson to school in Inverness, F

6、lorida. “See you tonight,“ Kathleen called as the petite, blue-eyed 16-year-old stepped from the car. But she did not see Marian that night. Or the next. Or the next. In early October 1980, two-year-old Brandy Barlow vanished from her front yard. The list goes on. On May 25, 1979, Etan Patz walked a

7、lone for the first time to his Manhattan school-bus stop and has not been seen since. Methodical searches with bloodhounds, helicopters, and phalanxes of police have failed to turn up any clues. These are not isolated cases. The best estimates are that about a million American youngsters leave home

8、each year, with 90 percent returning in two weeks. Approximately 100,000 children are thus unaccounted for. Add another 25,000 to 100,000 stolen by divorced or separated parents, and the total becomes significant. “Kids who just disappear present a big problem that people had better start opening th

9、eir eyes to,“ says Dick Ruffine of the Bergen County, New Jersey, Sheriffs Office. Yet no single U.S. agency concerns itself exclusively with missing children on a national scale. Automobiles, handguns and silverware can be registered, traced and recovered more easily than children. “Our priorities

10、are mixed up,“ says Ken Wooden, director of the National Coalition for Childrens justice. “If someone steals a car, he can be traced and caught because we have a computer system for tracing stolen cars. But children apparently arent that important to us.“ 3 Pete Sampras started playing tennis young

11、and makes no plans to stop anytime soon. The man who has a calm demeanor, boyish shyness and the looks of a star proves again and again what so many players, critics and fans cant deny: he can win, and always does. In 1990, when Sampras was only 19 years old and seeded twelfth in the U. S. Open, he

12、slammed his way into the finals and became the youngest man to win the tournament. And we all knew after that first Grand Slam victory there would be no looking back. Over the years, the quiet giant has gone on to win eleven more Grand Slams: 6 Wimbledons, three more U. S. Opens, and two Australian

13、Opens. Samprass most beloved titles have come on the grasses of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club. In 1993, he won his first Wimbledon title, and since that year, has gotten to and won in every final, except for a quarterfinal defeat by in 1996. He is the winningest man at Wimbledon in th

14、e Open Era and is one championship away from tying the all time record of seven titles that was set in the late 1800s. The historic grounds of Wimbledon and the intimate Center Court has become a home to Sampras, a “cathedral“ as he once said. His undeniably flawless grass-court tennis game has made

15、 him the best tennis player of his time, and he will undoubtedly go down in the history books as the greatest. 4 Yes, the young Americans are energetic, ambitious, enterprising, and good, but their talents and interests and money thrust them not into books and ideas and history and civics, but into

16、a whole other realm and other consciousness. A different social life and a different mental life have formed among them. Technology has bred it, but the result doesnt tally with the fulsome descriptions of digital empowerment, global awareness, and virtual communities. Instead of opening young Ameri

17、can minds to the stores of civilization and science and politics, technology has contracted their horizon to themselves, to the social scene around them. Young people have never been so intensely mindful of and present to one another, and so enabled in adolescent contact. Teen images and songs, hot

18、gossip and games, and youth-to-youth communications no longer limited by time or space wrap them up in a generational cocoon reaching all the way into their bedrooms. The autonomy has a cost: the more they attend to themselves, the less they remember the past and envision a future. They have all the

19、 advantages of modernity and democracy, but when the gifts of life lead to social joys, not intellectual labor, the minds of the young plateau at age of 18. 5 The land does not belong to us; we belong to the land. Conservation begins from this plain and simple fact. But how do we persuade more peopl

20、e to feel the truth of it, to know it in their bones? Heres what the Kiowa writer N. Scott Momaday recommends: Once in his life a man ought to concentrate his mind upon the remembered earth, I believe. He ought to give himself up to a particular landscape in his experience, to look at it from as man

21、y angles as he can, to wonder about it, to dwell upon it. He ought to imagine that he touches it with his hands at every season and listens to the sounds that are made upon it. He ought to imagine the creatures that are there and all the faintest motions in the wind. He ought to collect the glare of

22、 noon and all the colors of the dawn and dusk. A man or woman who ventures outside the human bubble and pays attention to a given landscape season after season, year after year, may eventually become a true inhabitant of that place, taking it in through every doorway of the body, bearing it steadily

23、 in heart and mind. 6 On the 14th of March, at a quarter to three in the afternoon, the greatest living thinker ceased to think. He had been left alone for scarcely two minutes, and when we came back we found him in his armchair, peacefully gone to sleep but forever. An immeasurable loss has been su

24、stained both by the militant proletariat of Europe and America, and by historical science, in the death of this man. The gap that has been left by the departure of this mighty spirit will soon enough make itself felt. Just as Darwin discovered that the law of development of organic nature, so Marx d

25、iscovered the law of development of human history: the simple fact, hitherto concealed by an overgrowth of ideology, that mankind must first of all eat, drink, have shelter and clothing, before it can pursue politics, science, art, religion, etc.; that therefore the production of the immediate mater

26、ial means of subsistence and consequently the degree of economic development attained by a given people or during a given epoch form the foundation upon which the state institutions, the legal conceptions, art, and even the ideas on religion, of the people concerned have been evolved, and in the lig

27、ht of which they must, therefore, be explained, instead of vice versa, as had hitherto been the case. 7 So! Youve spent an hour Googling through the Web for your graduate research paper, youve played the Google drinking game, heard the Google theme song and vanity-Googled yourself (again). Just for

28、a change you turn on the TV and find theyre even talking about Google on “Sex and the City“ and “The West Wing“. What the heck was life like before Google? The last six years have seen Google become not just the worlds most popular Internet search engine but a verb, a household word and a cultural p

29、henomenon. And on Thursday it entered a whole new chapter when it filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission to become a publicly listed company and sell $2.7 billion in stock. Googles the place people turn to in more than 80 languages more than 200 million times a day if they want to locate

30、a long-lost friend, find a recipe for maple walnut mousse pie or research a business competitor on a different continent. And Google delivers the answers with such ease, without fear or favor, that New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman was moved to ask last year “Is Google God?“ “There are clearl

31、y a lot of people who spend a lot of time with it and feel close to it,“ said Joe Janes, a University of Washington Information School professor who taught the worlds first university course on Google this spring. “I dont think I would go as far as saying people treat it as a friend but it fills a c

32、ouple of those roles it helps you find things, its always there.“ 专业英语八级(时文类英译汉)模拟试卷 1答案与解析 SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese. 1 【正确答案】 次日清晨,书上的 四个字 从长计议 却仍然在我脑海里萦回不已。于是,凭桌而坐,对昨晚大伤脑筋的问题,也就 “从长计议 ”了。又一次,超慢速阅读不仅使我心旷神怡,而且使我眼界开阔,还帮助我处理了日常事务。 几年以前,我就发现了超慢阅

33、读妙用无穷。在那以前,我要是对一本书真感兴趣,我往往一页一页拼命往下翻,急于要知道下文的究竟。现在,我决定对词汇要像守财奴那样不轻易放过;也要像穷人过日子,把每个句子当作身边最后一块钱,尽量拖延,慢慢花掉。 开始我是从实际出发,使我读的书慢慢拖延下去。但过了两个星期,我就开始领略超慢 速阅读本身给我的教益了。吸引我注意的有时是个别的短语;有时却是整个句子。我总是慢条斯理地读,然后分析揣摩,然后又重新阅读 甚至阅读的速度变得比平时更慢 然后静坐默思二十分钟,接着才又往下阅读。我像一个钢琴师,首先一个乐句一个乐句地心领神会乐曲的佳妙,接着操练一番,尽可能想把作曲家要表达的思想感情挖掘出来,并且惟妙

34、肖地使它重新再现。 【试题解析】 本篇节选自 Sydney Piddington写的 The Special Joys of Super-slow Reading,作者以自己的亲身经历 为切入点,向读者说明超慢速阅读带来的无限乐趣。语言简练,鞭辟入里。翻译时,注意英汉语之间的差异,灵活采用各种翻译方法。 take the long view:意思是 “从长远考虑 ”,但中文以四字格见长,不妨套用 “从长计议 ”,使译文的行文与原文相吻合。 super-slow reading had given me not only pleasure but perspective:可以理解为 “超慢速阅读

35、不仅给我带来欢乐,而且给我带来解决问题的思路。 ”输出语言时,需要对理解的内容进行加工。中文的四字格,文字精练 ,意义深刻,可以满足此句翻译的需要。 建议译为: “超慢速阅读不仅使我心旷神怡,而且使我眼界开阔。 ” I decided, I had to become a miser with words:作者使用了暗喻的修辞方法,表明我对每个词都不轻易跳过的决心,译成汉语时应该增补本体与喻体之间的关联,使译文流畅、易懂,可译为 “我决定对词汇要像守财奴那样不轻易放过。 ” stretch every sentence like a poor man spending his last dol

36、lar: “Stretch”的意思是 “make(sth)longer,wider or tighter by pulling”,即 “拉长,撑大,拽紧 (某物 )”。 例如: “Id love a holiday if our money will stretch that far (我们的钱省着花要是能有结余,我倒是很想去度假。 )”,此处 “stretch every sentence”表示像穷人花掉最后一块钱那样,尽量慢慢阅读每一句话,细细品茗。 trying to discover and recreate exactly what the composer was trying t

37、o convey:英语中常见的省略现象,即 “tring to discover what the composer was trying to convey and recreate exactly what the composer was trying to convey”。考生首先要认清省略,然后找出省略的内容,接着决定是否在译文中采用省略。此句可以使用代词的方式来避免译文过于冗长,即 “尽可能想把作曲家要表达的思想感情挖掘出来,并且惟妙惟肖地使它重新 再现。 ” 【知识模块】 时文类英译汉 2 【正确答案】 本文所涉及的数字均属估计,但是一些已知事实令人震惊:每年有成千上万名儿童被谋

38、杀,失踪儿童的数目正在增加,对此,无人在作准确的记录。 1980年 1月 7日上午 8点半左右,佛罗里达州的凯瑟琳 .曼西尔驾车送女儿玛丽安 .巴特森去因弗内斯上学,这位 16岁的蓝眼睛的身材娇小的女孩下车了,母亲对她说, “晚上见 ”。可是那天晚上,玛丽安没有回来,次日,没有回来,再次日,仍然没有回来。 1980年 10月初,年仅两岁的布兰地 .巴洛在自家的前院中突然不见了。失踪儿童的名单一直继续下去。 1979年 5月 25日伊坦 .帕兹第一次单独走到附近的曼哈顿校车停靠站,从此后变无影无踪。事后,警犬、直升机、大批警察密集搜寻,没有得到任何线索。 这些案例并非孤立的。最可信的估计是每年离

39、家而去的美国儿童大约是 100万,其中 90在两个星期内返回家中。下落不明的儿童约有 10万之多。另外再加上25000到 10万名被离异夫妻或分居父母窃走的儿童,其数目极为可观。难怪新泽西州伯根县的行政司法长官狄克 .拉芬诺说: “儿童失踪已经成了一个大问题,大家对此必须引起警惕。 ”然而,时至 今日,美国在全国范围内,尚无一个机构专门处理失踪儿童的问题。比起失踪儿童来,汽车、手枪、银器等都更易报失、追踪和寻找回来。 “我们把轻重缓急都搞颠倒了, ”一个民间关心儿童问题的联合机构主任肯 .伍登说: “如果有人偷了一辆汽车,窃贼会被跟踪逮捕,因为我们有一套追踪被窃汽车的电子计算机系统。可是,孩子

40、对我们显然没有那么重要。 ” 【试题解析】 本篇节选自 Missing: 100 000 Children a Year,从一个侧面揭示所谓的人权卫士国美国实际上在人权问题上存在严重的问题,每年有 10万 儿童失踪。 petite: (指女孩或妇女 )娇小的。 or the next Or the next:表达了深深的担忧之情,需要增补,建议译为 “次日,没有回来,再次日,仍然没有回来。 ” vanished:英文意思是 “to disappear or stop being present or existing, especially in a sudden, surprising wa

41、y”,因此,需要添加 “突然 ”二字。 phalanxes: (古希腊士兵的 )密集方阵,此处可以将形容词 “密集 ”转换成副词 “密集地 ”,译为 “大批警察密集 (搜寻 )”。 had better:就某一具体情况提出个人的忠告,译为 “应该 ”较为恰当。 priorities:表示 “优先权 ”,但如果译为 “优先权 ”过于死板,可以改译为 “轻重缓急 ”。 【知识模块】 时文类英译汉 3 【正确答案】 皮特 .桑普拉斯年纪轻轻就开始打网球,也没打算在什么时候停止。 这个举止沉着、有着孩子般羞涩和一幅明星面容的男人一次又一次证明了那么多球员、评论家和球迷无法否认的事实:他能够获胜,并且总

42、是获胜。 1990年,在桑普拉斯仅有 19岁的时候,他就在美国公开 赛被定为第 12名种子选手,他一路高奏凯歌闯入决赛,并且成为赢得这项锦标赛冠军中最年轻的一位。于是我们都知道在那次大满贯胜利之后,一切将一发而不可收拾。 几年里,这个文静的天才一路胜利又赢得了 11个大满贯: 6个温布尔登网球赛冠军、 3次美国公开赛冠军以及两项澳大利亚公开赛冠军。桑普拉斯最心爱的头衔来自于全英草地网球和槌球俱乐部的草地网球。 1993年,他赢得了第一个温布尔登网球赛冠军头衔,并且自从那一年起,除了 1996年在四分之一决赛被击败以外,他每一年都进入决赛并夺得冠军。他是温布尔登网球 赛在公开赛时代胜率最高的人,

43、并且自 19世纪后期以来创下赢得 7项冠军记录的唯他一人。 温布尔登那有着历史意义的网球场和那块熟悉的中央场地已经变成了桑普拉斯的家园,或者如他曾经说过的 “大教堂 ”。他那无可否认的完美的草地网球赛的表现使他成为了当代最好的网球选手。毫无疑问,他将作为最伟大的网球选手,永垂青史。 【试题解析】 本篇节选自 Pete Sampras: Prince of Tennis(网球王子皮特 .桑普拉斯 ),作者 Sally Turkovich。文章描绘了到目前为止皮特 .桑普拉斯的网 球生涯,又通过他的行为或行动来展示他的性格、他的温文尔雅和他的含蓄有度。 a calm demeanor:行为镇定自若

44、;举止沉着。 boyish shyness:桑普拉斯如雷贯耳,无需指出 “像男孩般的 ”,否则,实属画蛇添足。故而处理为 “像孩子般羞涩 ”。 seeded twelfth in the U S Open: seed means to arrange(the drawing for positions in a toumament)so that the more skilled contestants meet in the later rounds, “seeded twelfth”意为 “成为排名第 12的种子选手 ”。 “the U S Open”指 “美国公开赛 ”。 he slam

45、med his way into the finals:译为 “他一路高奏凯歌闯入决赛 ”,或 “他一路过关斩将进入决赛 ”。 Grand Slam victory:译为 “大满贯胜利 ”。 “Slam”指 “满贯,全盛 ”。 the All England Lawn Tennis:译为 “全英草地网球 ”。 Croquet Club:译为 “槌球 俱乐部 ”。 the winningest mail:将动词 “win”转换为 “-ing”分词,相当于形容词形式,然后变成最高级。故译为 “胜率最高的人 ”。 the Open Era:译为 “公开赛时代 ”。 【知识模块】 时文类英译汉 4 【

46、正确答案】 没错,美国年轻人活力充沛、雄心勃勃、事业心强,人很不错,但是他们的才智、兴趣和金钱并没有把他们引向书本、思想、历史、公民知识,相反却将他们推进了另一个领域和另一个意识空间。一种不同的社会生活和一种迥异的精神生活在他们中间形成。技术孕育了这种生活,但 结果却没有像人们所说的那样实现了数字赋能、全球视野、虚拟社会。恰恰相反,技术并没有打开美国年轻人的心灵,让他们去接受文明、科学、政治的宝藏,技术反而把他们的视野拉回到身边,使他们围绕身边的社会环境画地为牢。年轻人从来没有像现在这样相互关注,相互接触,善于年轻人之间的交往联络。年轻人的影像和歌曲,青少年热衷的闲聊和游戏,不再受时空限制的交

47、流,所有这一切把一代人如蚕茧一样包裹起来,影响力所及,直逼他们的卧室。这种自主自顾是有代价的:他们越关注自己,就越少回顾过去,越少展望未来。他们有现代和民主所能提供的所有好处 ,不过生活赠予他们的尽管如此丰盛,可换来的却仅是社交场上的欢乐,并不是追求知识的耕耘,年轻人智力到了 18岁就不再发展了。 【试题解析】 本篇节选自 The Dumbest Generation,作者 Mark Bauerlein。文章字里行间流露出作者的态度和观点。翻译时需要仔细琢磨。这是一篇大学教授写的文章,语域比较高,所以翻译时文字不能流于松散轻浮,要反映出学者的文风。 civics:指与公民社会中的公民教育有关的

48、知识。 the result doesnt tally with the fulsome descriptions of digital empowerment ,global awareness and virtual communities: “tally with”基本上与 “agree with”的意思相同。也就是说,所得的结果与原来夸夸其谈描写的相去甚远。 “Fulsome descriptions”表示当时人们对数字技术的描述太神乎其神,言过其实了。该句中的“the fulsome descriptions of digital empowerment, global awaren

49、ess, and virtual communities”可以理解成 “people describe the digital empowerment, global awareness and virtual in a way that makes you think that the description is fulsome。 ” technology has contracted their horizon to them selves : “contract”此处是动词,表示 “(使 )缩小,缩短,缩约 ”。如: “Metals contract as they get cooler (金属遇冷则收缩 )”,又如: “Our business has contracted a lot recently (我们的生意近来大为减少了。 )”,此句表示技术使年轻人的视野缩小了,也就是 “技术反而把他们的视野拉回到身边 ”。 so intensely mindful of and present to one another : “mindful”更多强调想着对方,而 “present

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