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1、专业英语八级(翻译)模拟试卷 30及答案与解析 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH Directions: Translate the following text into English. 1 徐霞客一生周游考察了十六个省,足迹几乎遍及全国。他在考察的过程中,从来不盲目迷信书本上的结论。他发现前人研究的地理的记载有许多不很可靠的地方。为了进行真实细致的考察,他很少乘车坐船,几乎全靠双脚翻山越岭,长途跋涉;为了弄清大自然的真相,他总是挑选道路艰险的山区,人迹稀 少的森林进行考察,发现了许多奇山秀景;他常常选择不同的时间和季节,多次重游各地名山,反复观察变换的奇景。 2

2、在重复的岁月里,我们渐渐有点摸不着过年的幸福了,不少人觉得过年 “没劲 ”,还有几分无奈和麻木。这个时候,检点我们的幸福感,就显得很有必要。对不同的人,幸福的体验是大相径庭的。但问题是,低层次的需要得到满足之后,高层次的需要往往并不 “从天而降 ”。说白了,我们还不太习惯培植源自情感、归属、自尊等层次的幸福,对这些需要还比较朦胧和粗糙。所以,比如尽管我们对婚姻越来越剔,也有足够的勇气对窒息人的婚 姻说不,但对于如何经营一个完美的婚姻,我们往往束手无策。所以,尽管有人说现在的日子如同天天在过年,但我们心里却时常有点空落落的。 SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE Direct

3、ions: Translate the following text into Chinese. 3 The opening of doors is a mystic act: it has in it some flavor of the unknown, some sense of moving into a new moment, a new pattern of the complicated human procedure. It includes the highest glimpses of mortal gladness: reunions, reconciliations,

4、the bliss of lovers long parted. Even in sadness, the opening of a door may bring relief: it changes and redistributes human forces. But the closing of doors is far more terrible. It is a confession of finality. Every door closed brings something to an end. And there are degrees of sadness in the cl

5、osing of doors. A door slammed is a confession of weakness. A door gently shut is often the most tragic gesture in life. Every one knows the seizure of anguish that comes just after the closing of a door, when the loved one is still near, within sound of voice, and yet already far away. 4 The lives

6、of most men are determined by their environment. They accept the circumstances amid which fate has thrown them not only with resignation but even with good will. They are like streetcars running contentedly on their rails and they despise the cheap car that dashes in and out of the traffic and speed

7、s so cheerfully across the open country. I respect them; they are good citizens, good husbands, and good fathers, and of course somebody has to pay the taxes; but I do not find them exciting. I am fascinated by the men, few enough in all conscience, who take life in their own hands and seem to mould

8、 it to their own liking. It may be that we have no such thing as free will, but at all events we have the illusion of it. At a crossroad it does seem to us that we might go either to the right or the left and, the choice once made, it is difficult to see that the whole course of the worlds history o

9、bliged us to take the turning we did. 5 Brantain sat in one of these shadows; it had overtaken him and he did not mind. The obscurity lent him courage to keep his eyes fastened as ardently as he liked upon the girl who sat in the firelight. She was very handsome, with a certain fine, rich coloring.

10、She was quite composed, as she idly stroked the silky coat of the cat that lay curled in her lap, and she occasionally sent a slow glance into the shadow where her companion sat. They were talking low, of indifferent things which plainly were not the things that occupied their thoughts. She knew tha

11、t he loved hera frank fellow without guile enough to conceal his feelings, and no desire to do so. For two weeks past he had sought her society eagerly and persistently. She was confidently waiting for him to declare himself and she meant to accept him. The rather insignificant and unattractive Bran

12、tain was enormously rich; and she liked and required the entourage which wealth could give her. 专业英语八级(翻译)模拟试卷 30答案与解析 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH Directions: Translate the following text into English. 1 【正确答案】 He never blindly accepted the conclusions given in books in his exploration. And he foun

13、d many inaccuracies in the travel notes on geography written by his predecessors. He seldom traveled by horse cart or boat but tramped over hill and dale, and trudged long distances most of the time with the aim of conducting a real and careful exploration. To find out the true features of the great

14、 world of nature, he would walk into mountainous areas with the most treacherous trails and into jungles seldom visited by human beings. The reward for such work was the discovery of many fantastically beautiful scenes. He would revisit famous mountains at different time and in different seasons to

15、observe the changing magnificent views time and again. 【试题解析】 1、本段是对历史人物徐霞客的介绍,因此整体时态采用过去时。翻译的过程中,在句子的组织、安排上尚无难度,但是对于学生的词汇量是个不小考验。 2、第 1句中的 “迷信 ”实际上指的是 “接受 ”,故应译作 accept为宜。 “盲目地 ”译作blindly; “不可靠的地方 ”即不正确、不精确之处,可译作 inaccuracy; “前人研究的地理的记载 ”译作 the travel notes on geography written by his predecessors。

16、 3、 “他很少乘车坐船 ”中的 “车 ”特指那个年代 的马车,故译作 horse cart; “翻山越岭 ”用成语 tramp over hill and dale表示; “长途跋涉 ”译作 trudge long distances。 4、 “道路艰险的山区 ”译作 mountainous areas with the most treacherous trails,“人迹稀少的森林 ”译作 jungles seldom visited by human beings。 5、本段已有很多的句子以 he为主语,在翻译 “发现了许多奇山秀景 ”时译文变换了说法,同时将 “发现 ”由动词变成名词

17、形 式,译成 The reward for such work is ; “奇山秀景 ”重点是秀景,因为 “奇山 ”也属于 “景 ”,因此译文笼统地译作了fantastically beautifulscenes。 6、 “重游 ”译作 revisit; “反复观察变换的奇景 ”带有结果、目的意味,因此,可以用表示目的的不定式,译成 to observe the changing magnificent views time and again。 【知识模块】 汉译英 2 【正确答案】 People have different needs for happiness. The thing i

18、s, after our basic needs are met, the advanced ones do not “dawn on us from nowhere“. To put it straight, we are still insensitive and vague about these needs and unaccustomed to cultivating happiness in the level of affections, self-esteem and the sense of belonging. As in the case of marriage, we

19、are increasingly critical of it, and even bold enough to reject a stifling one. But no one can boast about how to manage a perfect marriage. Although “every day is spent like a Spring Festival“ as is said, we often feel hollow at heart. 【试题解析】 1、本段属于论说性小品文,时态宜采用一般现在时。 2、对 “幸福的体验 ”的理解需要斟酌一番,根据下文中的 “低

20、层次的需要 ”、 “高层次的需要 ”可以看出,此处作者其实是说人们对于幸福的需求的层次是不一样的。是以译作 People have different needs for happiness,这样与下文就能很好地衔接起来。 3、 “满足需要 ”常常用 meet the need表示,低层次的需要即 “基本需要 ”,故用basicneeds; “高层次的需要 ”译作 advanced needs,当然也可以译作 highlevel needs。 “从天而降 ”可采用意译,译作 dawn on us from nowhere,其中 dawn onupon sb的意思是 “(某事 )被某人想到、理解

21、、意识到 “,这个词组本身含有被动意味,常常以事物作主语。 4、 “说白了 ”即 “直白地说 ”,可用习语 to put it straight表示, “朦胧 ”即 “模糊 ”译成 vague, “粗糙 ”是指 “不敏感 ”,译成 insensitive; “归属 ”其实是指 “归属感 ”,译作 thesense of belonging,译文把 the sense of belonging放在三个名词的最后说是为了让句子的节奏感好一些。 5、 “对 挑剔 ”用 be critical of sth表示, “窒息的 ”译作 stifling,这个词的动词是stifle“(使 )窒息 ”; “现

22、在的日子如同天天在过年 ”译作 every day is spent like a SpringFestival, “有人说 ”则可简洁地译成 as is said,置于人们说的话之后。 【知识模块】 汉译英 SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese. 3 【正确答案】 开门是一个神秘的动作:其中包含着某种未知的情趣,某种进入新的时刻的感觉一种人类繁琐仪式的新形式。它包含着世间至乐的闪现:重聚,和解,久别重逢的恋人的狂喜。即使在悲伤之际,一扇门的开启也许会带来宽慰:因为它

23、可改变并重新分配人的力量。然而,关门则要可怕得多,关门意味着终结。每一扇门的关闭都意味着某件事的结束。在门的关闭中有着不同程度的悲伤。猛然关上一扇门表明软弱。轻轻地关上一扇门常常是生活中最具悲剧性的动作。人人都知道把门关上之后接着是极大痛苦的来袭,这时所爱的人仍在咫尺,还听得见说话的声音,而他已经远去了。 【试题解析】 1、首句中 flavor在这里取其抽象含义,可译成 “意味 ”或 “情趣 ”;翻译时可沿用原文的排比风格。 2、 第 2句中 It仍指开门这个动作, the highest glimpses of mortal gladness是翻译难点, glimpse意思是 “一瞥 ”,而

24、 highest显然不是直接修饰 “一瞥 ”它实际上是指 mortalgladness的程度。为了符合汉语习惯, glimpse的译法也要有所变换。 3、 bliss指 “极乐,狂喜 ”,在 the bliss of lovers long parted在翻译时可以用倒序法根据上下文添加解释性词语 “重逢 ”,译为 “久别重逢的恋人的狂喜 ”。 4、 a confession of finality在翻译中,译文将名词 confession“声明;表白 ”转化成动作,更符合中文表达。 5、 every door closed, a door slammed, a door gently shu

25、t之间均省略了 which is,不过在翻译的时候不宜译成 “ 的门 ”这样的形式。 6、最后一句中, seizure不是抓住的意思,而是表示 “发作,侵袭 ”, anguish表示“(心灵上的 )极大痛苦 ”。 within表示 “(距离上的 )不超过 ”,而不是指 “在 里面 ”。 【知识模块】 英译汉 4 【正确答案】 他们在命运的拨弄面前,不仅逆来顺受,甚至还能随遇而安。这些人犹如街上的有轨电车,满足于在自己的轨道上行驶;而对于那些不时出没于车水马龙间和欢快地奔驰在旷野上的廉价小汽车却不屑一顾。我尊重这些人;他们是好公民、好丈夫、好父亲。当然,总得有人缴纳种种税款;可是,我并不觉得他们

26、使人振奋。另外有些人把生活掌握在自己手里,似乎在按照自己的意愿创造生活,尽管这样的人寥若晨星,他们却深深地吸引了我。自由意志这玩意儿对我们来说也许纯属子虚乌有:但不管怎么说,它确实存在于我们的幻想之中。每逢站在十字路口,我们好像能 在左右两条道路中任选其一,可一旦选定之后,却又很难认识到那实际是世界历史的整个进程左右了我们的转折点。 【试题解析】 1、待译部分第 1句中 not only with resignation but even with good will修饰 accept thecircumstances这个动作,其中 resignation显然不是其常见意思“辞职 ”,而是指

27、“顺从 ”; good will原意是指 “善意,好意 ”,这里译作 “随遇而安 ”比较符合上下文语境。 2、 streetcar是指 “有轨电车 ”; despise意 思是 “轻视,鄙视 ”; dash in and out of thetraffic形容急速地出现、消失在 (繁忙 )交通里,译作 “出没于车水马龙间 ”为佳。 3 in all conscience意思是 “当然;公平地讲;的确 ”, to ones liking意思是 “合 之意 ”。 4、有了上文的铺垫, free will较容易理解,即 “自由意志 ”。 at all events意思是“无论如何 ”, illusi

28、on指 “幻觉,错觉 ”。在译文中,多次使用了像 “寥若晨星 ”、 “子虚乌有 ”这样的四字成语,不仅达意,而且行文简洁、优雅。 5、 oblige sb to do sth表示 “使某人做某事 ”; turning指 “转弯处,岔道口 ”。 【知识模块】 英译汉 5 【正确答案】 布兰顿坐在一个暗处。阴影吞没了他的全身,可他并不在乎。相反,在暗处,倒给了他勇气,让他那炽烈的目光尽情地盯看着那位火光映照下的姑娘。 她长得十分俊俏,肤色很好,呈深色。一只猫儿蜷缩在她膝上,她悠闲地抚摸着柔滑的猫毛,显得神态安详。她不时朝坐在阴影里的同伴布兰顿悠悠地瞥上一眼。他们在低声谈论着一些无关紧要的事情,那些

29、显然不是此刻占据他们头脑 的事情。她知道他爱她 这个爽直的小伙子不善于掩饰自己的感情,也根本不想掩饰。在过去两个星期里,他热切而执着地寻求同她接触的机会。而她则自信地等待着他的表白,并且打算接受他的求婚。这个看上去微不足道、其貌不扬的布兰顿非常富有,而她正是喜欢而且需要财富所能给予她的一切。 【试题解析】 1、第 1段中 overtake有 “超过,赶上;压倒 ”之意,在文中是指“吞没 ”;本句的两个分句虽然由 and连接,但两个分句间却暗含转折关系,故翻译时需体现出这一语气。 2 obscurity是 obscure的名词,在这里意思是 “暗淡、不明亮 ”; lend在文中是拟人手法。相当于

30、 give,指 “给予 ”; ardently意为 “热烈地 ”。 3 coloring在文中指肤色; composed多形容人,指 “镇静的;安详的 ”;联系上下文可知, coat在这里不是指 “衣服 ”,而指的是猫的皮毛。 4 her companion指上文的 Brantain,翻译时应译出来; a slow glance译成 “悠悠的一瞥 ”为妥; indifferent在文中应该理解为 “不重要的 ”。 5 guile意思是指 “狡猾 ”; society在文中是指 “交往 ”而非 “社会 ”。 6 entourage意思是 “随从;周围,环境 ”,在这里指代随从成群的富裕生活,在文中直接译成 “一切 ”。 【知识模块】 英译汉

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