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1、专业英语八级(翻译)模拟试卷 52及答案与解析 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH Directions: Translate the following text into English. 1 美国幸福杂志曾在征答栏中刊登过这么一个题目:假如让你重新选择,你做什么 ?一位军界要人的回答是去乡间开一个杂货铺;一位劳动部长是想做一家饮料公司的经理 其间也有一般百姓的回答。想做总统的,想做外交官的,想做面包师的,应有尽有。但是,很少有人想做现在的自己。 人有时非常矛盾。本来活得好好的,各方面的环境都不错,然而当事者却常常心存厌倦。对人类这种因生命的平淡和缺少激情而苦恼的心态

2、,有时是不能用不知足来解释的。 2 要一个人独自进食,即使不算重罚,在中国文化中通常也被视为不幸,一种不无悲凉的境地。汉语对吃独食的描述,大都乏善可陈,一句 “胡乱吃了些 ”搪塞过去。中国人的社会中,人必须借饮食与他人沟通,与社会上的人形成生命共同体之感受。 如今,大家庭在解体,晚婚、单身及独居人士逐年增加。即使是全面重建中的民间社会,也不再是原有的形态。最起码,成为一 家网站的会员就不需要请网管吃饭。聚众吃饭的机会少了,独自进食仍然是大部分社会成员心理上挥之不去的阴影。到处都在讨论 “现代化 (或全球化 )的困境 ”,不知道独自进食算不算困境的一种。 3 在聪颖、精明的犹太人眼里,任何东西都

3、是有价的,都能失而复得,只有智慧才是人生无价的财富。而智慧,很大程度上是从书本中得来的。为了让孩子们喜欢书本,当孩子刚懂事时,母亲们就会将蜂蜜滴在书本上,让孩子去舔书上的蜂蜜。其用意是想告诉孩子:书本是甜的。 有些人并不是天生比任何人聪明,但他们更懂得怎样去铸造一枚无价的金 币 智慧。智慧是永恒的财富,它引导人通向成功,而且永不会贫穷。 4 讲英语的人听到别人赞扬,一般说 “谢谢 ”,表示接受,说明自己认为对方的赞扬是诚心诚意的,所赞扬的事是值得赞扬的。因此不应 “假装自卑 ”或 “故作谦虚 ”。但是,对于中国人来说,听到别人赞扬时,通常要表示受之有愧,做得很不够;或者说自己的成就不过是由于侥

4、幸,或者说是客观条件造成的,等等,而接受赞扬则意味着有骄傲自满情绪或 “缺乏教养 ”。 因此,上述两种回答引起不同反应是由于双方语言习惯不同。他们都根据各自的风俗去理解别人所说的话。 5 不管是好习惯还是坏习惯,都是逐渐养成的。当一个人重复做某件事时,一种看不见的力量驱使他去重复做同一件事,这样就养成了习惯。习惯一旦形成,要改掉它是困难的,有时是不可能的。所以,我们在形成习惯的时候要小心谨慎,这一点是非常重要的。小孩子常常会养成坏习惯。这些坏习惯中有的一直保留到你死去为止。年纪大的人也会养成坏习惯,在某些情况下,这些坏习惯能毁掉人。还有的早年养成的习惯成了一件幸事。许多成功者声称他们很多的成功

5、要归功于早年生活所形成的习惯,诸如准时、早起、诚实和彻底。 专业英语八级(翻译)模拟试 卷 52答案与解析 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH Directions: Translate the following text into English. 1 【正确答案】 The US Fortune magazine once posed to its readers such a question in a questionnaire: “ If you were to choose again, what would you like to be?“ “Yd like

6、 to run a grocery store in the countryside,“ a high-ranking officer in the military responded. The Minister of Labor preferred to become the manager of a beverage company. People in other trades answered the same question in various ways. Some wished to run for President, others wanted to be diploma

7、ts, and still others cherished the idea of working in a bakery. Whatever they set their minds on, few people were willing to remain what they are now. People are now and then in a dilemma. They lead a fairly good life and their circumstances are as good as they can be, but from time to time they gro

8、w tired of all these. Sometimes it can hardly attribute this mentality, arising from the monotony of ones life and lack of passion, to insatiability on the part of humans. 【试题解析】 1第一段第一句中 “刊登过这么一个题目 ”,其实就是向读者提出过一个问题,可以译为 posedto its readers such a question。 “征答栏 ”相当于问卷调查,故译为 questionnaire。 2 “假如让你重新

9、选择 ”可译为对现在的虚拟语气 If you were to choose again。 3 “要人 ”其实就是 “居高位者 ”,级别我们一般用 rank来表示,这里的 “军届要人 ”指的是级别较高的军官,军官用 officer表示,故译为 a high-ranking officer in the military,简洁准确。 4 “一般百姓 ”在这里是相对于前面的高官而言,即指 “其他行业的人 ”,故译为People inother trades。 5 “想做 ,想做 ” 是并列结构,可采用不同的动词,以避免重复和呆板,故译为 wished to, wanted to be, cheris

10、hed the idea of和 set their minds on。 6第一段最后一句中 “很少有人想做现在的自己 ”实际上省略了 “不论他们想做什么 ”。翻译的时候可以把这层 意思补充出来,译为 Whatever they set their minds on。 7第二段第二句中 “各方面的环境都不错 ”,不太容易翻译,可以稍微夸张一下,译为 circumstances are as good as they can be。 8最后一句主语太长,可以把主语中心词提前,把原文繁杂的定语处理成为一个分词结构,使句子更加通顺,结构明晰,译为 mentality , arising from t

11、he monotony of ones life and lack ofpassion 。 【 知识模块】 汉译英 2 【正确答案】 In Chinese culture, dining alone is usually thought to be a misery if not a severe punishmenta rather disconsolate and deplorable situation. Chinese phrases describing such a phenomenon are exceptionally few. “I just grabbed a quick

12、and casual bite“ is the most typical answer a man would provide to dismiss a polite inquiry with, after he has finished eating solo. In Chinese society, people love to communicate over food and drink, so much so that they seem unable to develop a sense of fellowship otherwise. Nowadays, the traditio

13、nal extended family is giving way to a new and more liberal style of life. More and more people choose to marry late, stay single or simply live alone. Even the so-called civilian society under reconstruction now is hardly the same as it used to be. At least, one will not need to treat the webmaster

14、 to a delicious meal when he applies for membership of some website. Opportunities for dining together are no longer abundant. Although the majority of Chinese citizens have become increasingly used to eating in isolation, the sorrow thus caused still plagues them like a gloomy shadow. In view of th

15、e current discussion raging everywhere as to the plights of modernization ( or globalization) , I wonder whether eating alone may be counted as one of them. 【试题解析】 1第一段第一句中 “即使不算重罚 也被视为不幸 ”,虽然汉英两种语言中这种句式的结构不同,但都是相对固定的说法。翻译时应进行相应的调整,可译为 is usually thought to be amisery if not a severe punishment 。 2第

16、二句中的 “搪塞过去 ”本义是指不好意思拒绝就敷衍和打发人家的好意问候,可译为 dismiss a polite inquiry。 3在翻译第一段最后一句的时候可以进行适当调整,以结果状语从句的形式来体现,译为 people love to communicate over food and drink, so much so that 。 4 “形成生命共同体 ”就是 “与他人感同身受,融为一体 ”,故译为 develop a sense offellowship。 5第二段第一句可分译为两句。 “大家庭在解体 ”意为 “传统的大家庭生活方式让位给新的更为自由的生活方式 ”,可译为 Nowa

17、days, the traditional extended family is giving way to a new andmore liberal style of life。 6第二段第二句中 “不再是原有的形态 ”可译为 hardly the same as it used to be。 7第二段第四句中 “心理上挥之不去的阴影 ”翻译时应该把隐含的意思补充完全。阴影肯定给人内心造成了不快和伤感,可以采用比喻的手法译为 the sorrow thus caused still plagues themlike a gloomy shadow。 8最后一句中 “现代化的困境 ”译为 p

18、lights of modernization更合适。 plight含有“不幸的、让人无奈的困境 ”, dilemma则指 “进退两难 ”。 【知识模块】 汉译英 3 【正确答案】 In the eyes of the intelligent and smart Jewish people, every material thing has a value and they can all be lost and regained. Only wisdom is a priceless asset to your life. Wisdom, to a great extent, is obta

19、ined from books. In order to cultivate childrens love for books, when they begin to make sense of things, mothers would drip a little honey on the book cover and let them lick it. The message mothers really try to deliver is that books are sweet. Some people are not actually born wiser than others.

20、However, they do know better how to cast an invaluable “gold coin“ wisdom, which is an eternal treasure, leading people to success and the lasting freedom from poverty. 【试题解析】 1第一段最后一句 “其用意是想告诉孩子:书本是甜的。 ”可译为表语从句 is that 。 “其用意 ”可译为 The message mothers really try to deliver。 2第二段第一句中 “天生 ” 翻译为 are bo

21、rn 。 3第二段第二句与第一句中的 “但他们更懂得怎样去铸造一枚无价的金币 智慧 ”关系密切,是对第一句中 “智慧 ”的进一步说明,因此可译为 “智慧 ”的定语从句。 “它引导人通向成功,而且永不会贫穷 ”可译为现在分词短语。该句译为 which is an e ternal treasure, leading people to success and the lasting freedom from poverty。 【知识模块】 汉译英 4 【正确答案】 To English-speaking people, praise is to be accepted, generally wi

22、th a remark like “Thank you“. It is assumed that the compliment is sincere, and the praise is for some worthy achievement. Therefore, there should be no show of false humility, no pretended modesty. To Chinese, however, the customary reply to a compliment would be to claim that one is not worthy of

23、the praise, that what one has done is hardly enough, or that success is more a matter of luck or some other circumstances. Acceptance of a compliment would imply conceit or lack of manners. So, in the two cases above, the reason for such different reactions is caused by differences in customs of lan

24、guage. Each is interpreting what the others say according to his or her own culture. 【试题解析】 1第一句可以断开译为两句, “讲英语 表示接受 ”单独译为一句。由于这句话的信息重心是 “赞扬 ”,为了突出这一重心,可以进行语态转换,译为被动句。 2第一句后半部分 “说明自己认为 是值得赞扬的 ”可译为无主句 It is assumed thatis forsome worthy achievement 。 3第二 句可运用词类转换,将动词词组 “假装自卑 ”“故作谦虚 ”译为名词词组 false humil

25、ity和 pretended modesty。 4第三句是个汉语的无主句,在译文中需要补充出主语, “通常要 缺乏教养 ”部分说的都是中国人听到赞扬时的习惯性回答,因此可以增加 the customary reply作为整句的主语。 5 “表示 ”可译为 claim,其后的 “受之有愧,做得很不够 ” 可译为 claim的宾语从句,其逻辑主语是 “一个人 ”,是个泛称,可用 one来翻译。 6最后一句中 “风俗 ”指的应该是 “文化背景 ”, 故译为 culture更贴切。 【知识模块】 汉译英 5 【正确答案】 Habits, good or bad, are acquired ones.

26、A habit is developed by an invisible force which drives one to repeat an action. Once formed, it is hard, sometimes even impossible to get rid of it. Therefore, it is of great importance for us to take great caution in training a habit. Children are prone to bad habits, some of which will remain thr

27、oughout their life. Elder people also tend to grow bad habits, which, under certain circumstances, may ruin themselves. Some habits developed in ones earlier life turned to be a blessing. Many successful people have attributed their achievements to the habits acquired in their earlier life, such as

28、punctuality, honesty, and perseverance and rising with the lark. 【试题解析】 1第一句中 “逐渐养成的 ”,可考虑用形容词 acquired表达。该句强调 “习惯是养成的 ”,由此可译为 Habits, good or bad, are acquired ones。 2第二句是 “一个人 ”作主语的泛称句,这种句子翻译时一般进行语态转换,译为被动句。 3第三句中表条件的分句 “习惯一旦形成 ”,可用分词短语 Once formed来表达,使句子更精悍。 4第四句需要调整语序,用 it作形式主语。 “这一点是非常重要的 ”可译为 it is of greatimportance或 it is very important。 5第五 句和第六句可合译为一个长句,其中第六句译为定语从句。 6第八句中 “一件幸事 ”可译为 a blessing或 a good fortune。 7最后一句中的 “声称 ”如果翻译出来就会使译文显得冗余,因此可以省译。 8 “彻底 ”在文中的意思是 “坚持不懈 ”,可译为 perseverance。 【知识模块】 汉译英

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