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本文([外语类试卷]专业英语八级(阅读)练习试卷37及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(王申宇)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、专业英语八级(阅读)练习试卷 37及答案与解析 0 Of all the extraordinary events in the life of John Paul II, few can compare with the 21 minutes he spent in a white-walled cell in Romes Rebibia prison. Just after Christmas, 1983, the pope visited Mehmet Ali Agca, the man who 30 months earlier had shot him in St. Peters S

2、quare. He presented Agca with a silver rosary, and something else as well: his forgiveness. It requires a Christ-like forbearance to pardon a would-be assassin, of course. But how many of us are ready to forgive an unfaithful lover, a scheming colleague or even the jerk who cut into the line at Kris

3、py Kreme? Persistent unforgiveness is part of human nature, but it appears to work to the detriment not just of our spiritual well-being but our physical health as well. The subject is one of the hottest field of research in clinical psychology today, with more than 1,200 published studies, up from

4、just 58 as recently as 1997. It even has its own foundation A Campaign for Forgiveness Research which sponsored a conference last year with papers on topics like “Exploring Gender Differences in Forgiveness.“ (The largest number of papers dealt with forgiveness in marital and romantic relationships,

5、 which seem to generate an inordinate amount of interpersonal resentment.) Dr. Dean Ornish, Americas all-purpose lifestyle guru regards forgiveness as the tofu of the soul, a healthful alternative to the red meat of anger and vengeance. “In a way,“ Ornish says, “the most selfish thing you can do for

6、 yourself is to forgive other people.“ Research suggests that forgiveness works in at least two ways. One is by reducing the stress of the state of unforgiveness, a potent mixture of bitterness, anger, hostility, hatred, resentment and fear (of being hurt or humiliated again). These have specific ph

7、ysiologic consequences such as increased blood pressure and hormonal changes linked to cardiovascular disease, immune suppression and, possibly, impaired neurological function and memory. One study examined 20 individuals in happy relationships, matched with 20 in troubled relationships. The latter

8、had higher baseline levels of cortisol, a hormone associated with impaired immune function which shot up even further when they were asked to think about their relationships. “It happens down the line, but every time you feel unforgiveness, you are more likely to develop a health problem,“ says Ever

9、ett Worthington, executive director of A Campaign for Forgiveness Research. The other benefit of forgiveness is more subtle; it relates research showing that people with strong social networks of friends, neighbors and family tend to be healthier than loners. Someone who nurses grudges and keeps tra

10、ck of every slight is obviously going to shed some relationships over the course of a lifetime. Forgiveness, says Charlotte vanOyen Witvliet, a researcher at Hope College in Holland, Mich., should be incorporated into ones personality, a way of life, not merely a response to specific insults. In fac

11、t, forgiveness turns out to be a surprisingly complex process, according to many researchers. Worthington distinguishes what he calls “decisional forgiveness“ a commitment to reconciling with the perpetrator from the more significant “emotional forgiveness,“ an internal state of acceptance. Forgiven

12、ess does not require us to forgo justice, or to make up to people we have every right to despise. Anger has its place in the panoply of human emotions, but it shouldnt become a way of life. “When I talk about forgiveness, I mean letting go, not excusing the other person or reconciling with them or c

13、ondoning the behavior,“ says Ornish. “Just letting go of your own suffering.“ “Its a process, not a moment,“ says Dr. Edward M. Hallowell, a Harvard psychiatrist and the author of “Dare to Forgive.“ Forgiveness, he emphasizes, has to be cultivated; it goes against a natural human tendency to seek re

14、venge and the redress of injustice. For that reason, he recommends doing it with help of friends, a therapist or through prayer. It was from his faith that John Paul drew the strength to forgive Mehmet Agca setting (as he no doubt intended) an example for the rest of us. The message is the same whet

15、her its couched in the language of Christian charity, clinical psychology or the wisdom of Confucius, as quoted by Hallowell: “If you devote your life to seeking revenge, first dig two graves.“ 1 According to the passage, forgiveness will lead to _. ( A) immune suppression ( B) impaired memory ( C)

16、increased blood pressure ( D) lower baseline levels of cortisol 2 Which of the following concerning unforgiveness is NOT true according to the second paragraph? ( A) Everyone is inclined not to forgive. ( B) Unforgiveness is harmful to peoples physical health. ( C) Unforgiveness is only harmful to p

17、eoples spiritual health. ( D) The figures indicate researchers have realized the importance of forgiveness. 3 The fourth paragraph states the following except _. ( A) Loners do not forgive others. ( B) To be sociable is better for peoples health. ( C) Forgiveness can help you make more friends. ( D)

18、 Forgiveness should become part of ones personality. 4 According to the passage, forgiveness means _. ( A) giving up justice ( B) excusing the other person ( C) stopping thinking of anger ( D) reconciling with the other person 5 According to Hallowell, which of the following is NOT true? ( A) It tak

19、es time to forgive. ( B) It is difficult for people to forgive. ( C) One will get hurt by ones revenge against others. ( D) John Paul forgave Mehmet Agcajust in order to set an example for the others. 5 If Jim Dehlsen ever needs to remind himself why, at 67, hes still trying to save the world, all h

20、e has to do is glance outside his window. The offices of his three-year-old firm, Clipper Windpower, look across Californias tranquil Santa Barbara Channel and, in the distance, to the remote marine sanctuary of Santa Cruz island. Marring that view are eight oil rigs jutting into the ocean mist. In

21、1969 a well underneath one platform ruptured, releasing 200,000 gallons of crude into the harbor, coating beaches and killing thousands of birds. Today the oil rigs represent Dehlsen Americas dependence on fossil fuels. “Were not only depleting those resources but reaching the limits of what the pla

22、net can absorb, in terms of emissions,“ he says. “And that is clearing the way for the return of wind power.“ Not long ago wind power was the domain of fringe scientists and environmentalists. In the 1970s the idea of harvesting the winds kinetic energy and converting it into electrons was impractic

23、al: the first rickety, garage-built turbines often self-destructed in storms. The industry grew in the 80s and 90s, but wind was still too costly, generating power at more than 10 cents per kilowatt hour, versus less than five cents for coal and other fossil fuels. Even today, wind power feeds less

24、than half of 1 percent of Americas ravenous energy appetite, and about 5 percent of Germanys and Spains. But the industry is maturing and growing quickly and is beginning to find its place as one viable element in the energy puzzle. Dehlsen is one of its pioneers. His first wind company, Zond founde

25、d in 1980 and sold to Enron in 1997 was synonymous with many early breakthroughs. The firm was the first to add wind energy to the California electricity grid and to bring scientific rigor to the locating of wind farms and the development of wind turbines. In recent years much bigger companies like

26、General Electric, which bought what was left of Zond after Enron imploded, have entered the field. With rapidly improving technology and major corporate muscle behind wind power, costs are falling: wind contracts now average three cents per kilowatt hour (with tax subsidies), cheaper than coal and c

27、omparable to natural gas and oil. Because the wind is uncontrolled it doesnt always blow the challenge is to drive costs down further. Still, says Bob Thresher of the Department of Energys National Renewable Energy Lab, “wind is the first renewable technology that is very nearly competitive in the m

28、arket for bulk power generation.“ For his part, Dehlsen has returned to the fray with Clipper, which seeks to replay Zonds original game plan: broker new wind farms around the world and use the revenues to fund advancements in wind technology. Clipper is currently opening farms, such as Iowas Flying

29、 Cloud, a 44-megawatt wind plant activated in July that will bring in a sizable piece of Clippers $11.5 million in revenues this year. Later this year Clipper will unveil its own envelope-pushing turbine design. The C93 Liberty is a 25-megawatt turbine with a rotor span of 305 feet; it features a so

30、phisticated mechanism to distribute the torque from high-speed winds among four on-board electricity generators. That, Dehlsen boasts, will translate into the most efficient turbine in the industry, making wind power even more attractive when compared with new coal and natural-gas power plants. The

31、new turbines are also optimized for use in moderate winds, which would allow wind farms to be located closer to transmission grids than they typically are today. GE and others are working on similar advances, including larger machines for offshore sites. Politics, as much as innovation, will govern

32、the future. While European governments heavily subsidize wind production, the United States still funnels far greater resources into tax breaks for oil companies, and has even recently allowed the wind-production tax credit to expire. (Dehlsen and others think Congress will eventually renew the wind

33、 tax credit.) But Dehlsen thinks the key is increasing cost efficiency, so that the attraction of wind becomes irresistible. Dehlsen says the cost of wind needs to fall below three cents per kilowatt hour without tax credits to truly break societys addiction to fossil fuels. “It s still not there, b

34、ut were getting close,“ he says. Hes trying to build on the $18 million he has already raised from investors, and to expand. He plans to open a wind farm in Oaxaca, Mexico, the largest in Latin America, and in 2006 Clipper will introduce a new turbine with retractable rotors, so that the size of the

35、 turbine can be altered to match the speed of the wind. (In low winds, longer blades are more productive.) As for the future of the planet, Dehlsen is less sanguine. He plies a visitor with tracts on dire climate trends and Americas insatiable thirst for fossil fuels. The evidence, he says, is right

36、 outside his window. 6 What is the main idea of the first paragraph? ( A) The location of his firm. ( B) The disadvantages of fossil fuels. ( C) The reason for Jim Dehlsens career. ( D) Americas dependence on fossil fuels. 7 Which of the following is NOT true about wind power? ( A) Wind was very exp

37、ensive in the 90s. ( B) The turbines built in the 70s were fragile. ( C) Wind power still cannot compete with fossil fuels. ( D) Wind is still not favored today in America for its high cost. 8 Dehlsens first wind company did the following except _. ( A) It helped the costs down. ( B) It helped the d

38、evelopment of wind turbines. ( C) It helped make use of wind power in California. ( D) It started research on the location of wind firms. 9 Which of the following is NOT the advantage of wind according to the passage? ( A) It is cheaper than coal. ( B) It is easily affected by the climate. ( C) It i

39、s the first renewable technology. ( D) It is comparable to natural gas and oil. 10 What is the key to using wind as a solution to the world energy problem? ( A) Reducing the cost of wind. ( B) Subsidizing wind production. ( C) Renewing the wind tax credit. ( D) Developing efficient turbines. 专业英语八级(

40、阅读)练习试卷 37答案与解析 【知识模块】 阅读 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题考察对第三段的理解。文章中讲的是不宽恕会带来的后果,如选项 A、 B和 C,因此与题意不符,故排除。文章还说,如果人际关系不好,人体内有一种荷尔蒙的基本水平就会上升,因此,宽恕会使这种荷尔蒙的水平下降,故选项 D为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 文中说 “Persistent unforgiveness is part of human nature, but it appears to work to the detriment not just of our sp

41、iritual well-being but our physical health as well ”选项 A、 B和 D与原文相符,故排除。所以 C为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题考察对第四段的理解。第四段的大意是社会关系广的人比孤独的人身体好,如果一 个人不肯宽恕他人,他就会成为一个孤独的人,他的身体就会受到影响。选项 B、 C和 D与原文意思一致,故排除。一个人如果不肯宽恕他人就会成为一个孤独的人,但并不意味着孤独的人都是不肯宽恕他人的人,所以选项 A与原文不符,故为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读 4 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题考察对

42、第五段的理解。原文说 “When I talk about forgiveness, I mean lettting go, not excusing the other person or reconciling with them or condoning the behavior, ”says Ornish “Just letting go of your own suffering ”,所以选项 C符合题意,为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题考察对最后一段的理解。宽恕是一个过程,是需要时间来完成的;宽恕违背了人类复仇的天性,因而是很难做到的;而复

43、仇对双方都是不好的,所以选项 A、 B和 C与原文一致,故排除。保罗教皇原谅刺杀者的本意并不是为大家树立一个榜样 ,但他的做法却达到了这一目的。故选项 D为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读 【知识模块】 阅读 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本段讲的是戴尔森办公室窗外的钻探平台时刻告诉着他自己从事风能研究这项事业的原因。故选项 A为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 由第二段的 “the first rickety, garage-built turbines often self-destructed in storms ”可知,选项 B与原文相符,故排 除

44、;由 “The industry grew in the 80s and 90s, but wind was still too costly,”可知,选项 A与原文一致,故排除;而且 “Even today, wind power feeds less than half of 1 percent of Americas ravenous energy appetite, ”告诉我们,风能仍不能和传统的燃料相抗衡,故排除C;但是第三段的 “costs are falling: wind contracts now average three cents per kilowatt hour(w

45、ith tax subsidies), cheaper than coal and comparable to natural gas and oil ”则告诉我们,今天风的价格已经比煤便宜,并可以与天然气和石油相比。故 D为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题考察对第三段的理解。戴尔森的第一家风能公司,是 “the first to add wind energy to the California electricity grid and to bring scientific rigor to the locating of wind farms an

46、d the development of wind turbines ”故选项 B、 C和D与原文相符,故排除;选项 A并未提及,故为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读 9 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 在第三段谈到风能的优势时,选项 A、 C和 D都被提及,虽然文章也提到 B,但 B是风能价格需要进一步下降的原因,所以不是风 能的优势,而是劣势,故为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 由文章最后一段可知 “But Dehlsen thinks the key is increasing cost efficiency, so that the attraction of wind becomes irresistible ”即价格仍是最关键的问题,所以选项 A为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读

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