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1、专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 115及答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING 1 Should we only reward the best students? This has been intensely discussed for years. The following are the supporters and opponents opinions. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should fir

2、st summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. YES It is reasonable to offer prizes to the

3、high-level performers. This is because one needs to pay a greater amount of effort than others in order to earn a higher grade in the exams. Top performers normally act as a facilitator to encourage other students to work harder and they can create a competitive learning environment at the school. A

4、cademic study is also a kind of competition and should abide by the rule of fairness, so the best performers should be rewarded. NO Those best students are relatively few in a class. If we only pay attention to those high-level learners and ignore the rest of the students, their enthusiasm for study

5、, to a large degree, might be reduced. It is necessary for teachers to give certain awards to those who put considerable efforts into their study. The extrinsic reward provided for them is a motivator for them to study further since a sense of accomplishment can boost their confidence and help them

6、get great improvements in their later study. Instead of the best students, those who have made improvements in their study should be rewarded because it is a kind of recognition of their efforts and industry. 2 Are ex-prisoners the right people to teach youngsters the danger of committing crime? Thi

7、s issue has been intensely discussed for years. The following are the supporters and opponents opinions. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue. M

8、arks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. YES The vivid narration of released prisoners is more impressive than the traditional lectures given by professors. It does play

9、 an indispensable role in helping those immature or inexperienced youngsters reflect on their lives, strengthen their law-abiding consciousness and establish right life attitude. It is definitely an improvement of the society to give ex-prisoners opportunities to share their experiences. There are a

10、lso advantages for those ex-convicts. Because their feelings of being accepted by the public will motivate them to live positively in the future. There is an invisible correlation between the public tolerance of ex-convicts and the social harmony and stability. NO It is common for people to have a f

11、earful attitude towards criminals, especially those who have committed violent crimes, and therefore the face-to-face conversation between the young and people with a criminal record might be inappropriate in some cases. Policemen can become the active voice in helping reduce juvenile delinquency. O

12、ne of the reasons causing juvenile delinquency is teenagers disadvantaged family background. Parents can be the best teachers to help their children to learn the difference between right and wrong since they know their children best in the world. 3 An increasing number of Chinese students are going

13、abroad to study at a very young age now. Is it appropriate for students to study abroad at a young age? Parents and experts hold different opinions. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from b

14、oth sides and give your view on the issue. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. YES If children study abroad at a young age, they can get into touch with the foreig

15、n language, people, environment and culture earlier than those adult students. As we all know, younger children learn faster. They are exposed to the foreign language at a young age, so they can study the foreign courses well and adapt to the environment easily. If teenagers study abroad, they can b

16、e quite familiar with the education system in the foreign country because they start from middle school or high school education. Then if they choose to study in foreign universities, they can easily get accustomed to the college life for they have already been immersed in the foreign environment an

17、d culture. NO If a teenager chooses to study abroad, he probably wont be able to take care of himself in daily life, then how can he manage his own study? Living in foreign countries is a big challenge even for adults, let alone teenagers. They have to face many problems, such as renting apartments,

18、 buying goods, cooking, etc. Alter they take care of their daily life, there probably wont be much time left for them to study. For a teenager, he is not completely familiar with his own country and its culture. So if he studies abroad at this age, it is impossible for him to learn or appreciate cul

19、tural diversity. 4 With the development of science and technology, especially the extensive utilization of the Internet, various kinds of new inventions and phenomena have appeared and many new words have emerged. The coined new words are prevalent among young students and the Internet users, but ex

20、perts worry about their adverse effect on standard language. Should people create and widely use the coined Internet buzzwords? Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give yo

21、ur view on the issue. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. YES Internet buzzwords display young peoples creativity, and help our language become better and richer.

22、As for some not-so-good ones, they will be washed out naturally. Some Internet words have the same form as characters, and the meanings they have are relatively stable. So we should not factitiously ban the new-born words and terms. Internet buzzwords enrich our communication and contribute a lot to

23、 entertaining people. Compared with traditional language, Internet hot words are vivid and funny, and many of them are popular among the young people. Through these buzzwords, people can communicate and interact with each other in a more interesting and effective way. NO Internet buzzwords are forme

24、d with the popularity of Internet, which means that without the Internet those words may make no sense. In real life, not everyone is familiar with those words. Some people, especially the old, are puzzled by those words. In other words, Internet buzzwords can only make sense with the context of Int

25、ernet. They are not supposed to be encouraged. Young people are in the critical period of learning knowledge and forming their values. For them, it is very important to use the standard language. In the virtual world, they may use the buzzwords at will. But if such kind of language is used in news a

26、nd formal documents, it will do harm to the healthy development of language, even to our traditiomd culture. 5 In China it is a traditional virtue to help people who are in need, and it is a reflection of noble humanity to sacrifice ones own life to rescue someone else. But more and more people argu

27、e that no life should be saved at the cost of others. Should people risk their own lives to save others who are in danger? Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your vi

28、ew on the issue. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. YES In traditional Chinese context, helping people in need is a highly valued virtue and also a noble spirit.

29、In the historical record, there are numerous stories telling how brave people sacrifice their lives to save others. Young people today, being the future of our nation, should carry on the valuable spiritual heritage. In essence, the behavior of saving others in danger shows peoples social morality.

30、Maybe now we are not strong enough to protect others from danger, but what matters is the bravery and social responsibility shown by us. If we educate children not to save others in danger simply because they may get hurt, then we can imagine what kind of moral value they will uphold when they grow

31、up. NO Every life is precious. Although it is a noble virtue to save others in danger, it is also unwise to save others when we are not even capable of protecting ourselves. It is not worthy of risking ones own life to save others. In modern society, policemen and some other professional experts can

32、 handle the dangerous situation better than ordinary people. Rather than risking ones own life, one should resort to the professionals first. In real life, things sometimes do not turn out well when bold people put their lives in a dangerous place in order to save others. In a degree, they may not g

33、et the appreciation from the saved one, let alone the compensation. 专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 115答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING 1 【正确答案】 Should We Only Reward the Best Students? Rewarding top students is normally considered as an effective approach to recognizing their achievements and inspiring other students. But

34、some people argue that although the best students deserve to be rewarded, it is more important to encourage those who show remarkable improvements since they also have made unremitting efforts in their study. My stand is that prizes should also be awarded to students who make conspicuous progress in

35、 their academic study. Firstly, education is based on the belief that it will make people more excellent, and encouraging those most improved students will be one of the best ways to fulfill that goal. Moreover, students differ greatly in their talents and living environments. Students from poverty-

36、stricken families may not prevail over the best ones in study, but that doesnt mean they cant succeed in their future career. Therefore, spiritual or economic encouragement is likely to stimulate them to tackle seemingly impossible tasks. In addition, to reward the most improved students can not onl

37、y boost their confidence but also raise their competitive consciousness. In sum, only rendering outstanding students awards may dampen the others enthusiasm, so encouraging both types of students mentioned above will be a feasible way to create an aspiring learning atmosphere. 【试题解析】 本题讨论是否应该只奖励优等生。

38、在具体行文方面,考生首先要总结材料,简要概述正反双方的观点。然后给出自己的观点:不应该只奖励优等生,还应奖励付出努力和学习进步的学生。最后总结全文。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Are Ex-prisoners the Right People to Teach Youngsters the Danger of Committing Crime? Youngsters might lose themselves or even be led astray in their formative years. Therefore, how to educate teenagers to

39、become law-abiding citizens so as to cut down the juvenile crime rate becomes a serious social problem in many countries. Some people assert that the ex-prisoners are the appropriate ones to enhance youngsters legal consciousness since their experiences are more impressive and educational, while oth

40、ers claim that the released prisoners are not the best teachers and there exist better alternatives, such as policemen and parents. My personal view about this controversy is that all parties should make joint efforts to prevent teenagers from violating the law. Modern media are full of violence and

41、 sex, which trigger a high rate of juvenile delinquency. Therefore, for a start, the government should step up its censorship of mass media in order to reduce their adverse impact on the young. Whats more, schools should take measures to help students relieve stress and reduce antisocial behavior be

42、cause some teenagers may drop out of school due to frustration or failure in study and then they are more likely to turn into potential lawbreakers. In sum, to encourage ex-convicts to talk to young people does make positive contributions to the society, but its definitely not the best way to preven

43、t and reduce the number of young delinquents. 【试题解析】 本题讨论刑满释放者是否是教育儿童避免犯罪的合适人选。在 具体行文方面,考生应首先简要概述正反方的观点:正方认为,刑满释放者因其自身的经历,可成为教育儿童避免犯罪的最佳人选;反方则认为警察或家长是比刑满释放者更佳的人选。然后给出自己的观点:刑满释放者并非教育儿童避免犯罪的合适人选,解决青少年犯罪这个社会问题需要多方的共同努力。最后总结全文,重申观点。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Children Should Not Be Sent Overseas at a Young Age

44、In recent years it has been popular in China to send teenagers abroad at a young age. More and more parents follow this trend because they believe that foreign education is superior to that of China. In their opinion, the earlier the children are sent abroad, the better they can master foreign langu

45、age, merge into foreign culture, and prepare for the forthcoming college life. But some experts hold the opposite opinion that going to study abroad at a young age is no good for children for they will face challenges from life and culture. As far as I am concerned, sending children abroad at a youn

46、g age is not as beneficial as some parents expect. It is a big change for a young child to transfer from home to a strange foreign country. Without the supervision and guidance of their parents, they are very likely to be cheated by others or even make serious mistakes. Whats worse, most teenagers c

47、annot lead an independent life. Their lack of basic living abilities may affect their study and even harm their mental health. In addition, it is difficult for these teenagers to fully understand foreign cultures especially when they are not old enough to know about their own culture. Last but not l

48、east, they are short of the ability of self-control and it is hard to guarantee that they will study hard abroad. From what has been mentioned above, I believe it is advisable that parents send their children abroad when they are mature enough. 【试题解析】 本题讨论低龄学生是否应该出国留学。在具体行文方面,首先简要概述正方观点,低龄留学的好处,然后概述

49、反方观点,低龄留学的弊端。随后提出自己的观点:让低龄学生出国留学并不像一些父母期待的那么好,并给出自己的理由。最后总结全文。 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Say “No“ to Internet Buzzwords Internet has become an indispensable part of our life, so have the Internet buzzwords. Many people regard these Internet buzzwords as shining stars, adding creativity and vitality to our language. They believe that antiquated expressions will be weeded out and some Internet words are competent enough to take place of them. However, defenders of traditional language hold that Internet buzzwords are likely to get in the way of young people

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