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本文([外语类试卷]专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷177及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(explodesoak291)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 177及答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING 1 Microblog, as a newly emerged application, has swept over China, which serves as a convenient medium for the public to express opinions freely, share information and disclose the undesirable behavior such as corruption. On the other hand, it may be misus

2、ed by some people to defame others and cause chaos in society. What do you think? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Is Microblog a Blessing or a Curse? Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow

3、the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. 2 Recently, a poll on university students self-discipline shows that only 30 percent of the surveyed students have very good self-control and more than half of them are rated very low in their self-discipline. Write a composition of about 200 wor

4、ds on the following topic: How to Develop College Students Self-discipline? Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. 3 Do you agree or disagree that change is always go

5、od? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Is Change Always Good? Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result

6、 in a loss of marks. 4 Recently, the special committee of filial piety under the China National Association for Ethical Studies announced a plan with the aim of helping one million children between the age of 4 and 6 learn about filial piety. However, this plan has sparked a fierce debate over wheth

7、er children can be taught to feel grateful to their parents. What is your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Can Filial Piety Be Taught? Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the abo

8、ve instructions may result in a loss of marks. 专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 177答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING 1 【正确答案】 Is Microblog a Blessing or a Curse? Over the past few years, our communication pattern has shifted primarily from face-to-face communication to online social networking, among which microblog is the la

9、test fascinating development. While highly applauded by its faithful users, it also draws harsh criticism. Personally, I believe microblog benefits us enormously. Firstly, as a new means of expression, microblog serves as a convenient platform for ordinary people to give vent to their feelings and v

10、oice their opinions. Secondly, the width of information has been broadened, since the grassroots, instead of being passive information receivers, are now able to share what they observe in their surroundings and their comments on certain events. Thirdly, it intensifies scrutiny on the behavior of ev

11、ery member of the society, especially the government officials. The scandals of the Red Cross Society of China and many other officials are good examples. Admittedly, there are many problems with microblog, among which privacy is the major issue. Personal information, such as the whereabouts and occ

12、upations of users, revealed through microblog may cause troubles. Besides, when the dissemination of information speeds up via microblog, some people irresponsibly spread unfounded rumors, which leads to undeserved slanders and disastrous chaos in the victims lives. In spite of all the drawbacks, mi

13、croblogs status as a newly emerged medium cannot be challenged in a short time. What we need is better censorship to minimize its negative effects. 【试题解析】 开头部分 开篇点明将要讨论的话题,指出微博这一新事物既赢得赞许又遭受批评,并提出自己的观点:微博使我们生活的方方面面受益。 中间部分 1)分别用 Firstly,Secondly , 和 Thirdly, 等引出论述,介绍微博的三个优点:首先,方便人们表达思想、发泄情绪;其次,民众成为信息

14、来源,拓宽了信息广度和深度;最后,加强对社会成员特别是政府官员的监督。 2)用 Admittedly, 语气一转,承认微博也有一定的缺陷:第一,个人信息容易被泄露;第二,信息传播速 度加快,使得无根据谣言泛滥,无辜者被恶意中伤。 结尾部分 指出微博存在的必要性,并强调应通过更好的监管来避免其负面影响。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 How to Develop College Students Self-discipline? Many university students are not capable of controlling themselves. They spend t

15、oo much time playing and entertaining, so they waste a lot of precious time and energy on things that have nothing to do with their study. Self-discipline is very important for students future development and it will be better developed with the joint efforts of parents, schools and students themsel

16、ves. First, parents should set a good example for their children in their daily life. We often say that parents are childrens first teachers, because what parents say and how they behave will definitely exert a great impact on their kids. If parents ask a child to do his homework while they themselv

17、es are playing games or watching TV, do you think it will be easy for a child to concentrate on his study under such circumstances? If parents schedule their time properly without wasting time on something meaningless, it will surely exert positive influence on the development of the childs self-dis

18、cipline. Second, it is of mutual importance for universities to focus their attention on fostering students self-discipline. The university life is a crucial period for the development of students world view. After the strained high school life, these students began to develop their self-consciousne

19、ss and value more of their self-image. So it is really necessary for universities to create a strict but humane environment for students self-development. Only when students are mobilized by their own wills can they bring their initiative into full play. In sum, to develop university students self-d

20、iscipline, the guidance of parents and universities is necessary. Moreover, God only helps those who help themselves. Students themselves should make an effort to develop self-discipline. This good quality of self-discipline can help university students shape favorable characteristics and build stro

21、ng wills. Without a strong mind, they may end up wasting time on worthless things. 【试题解析】 开头部分 首先指出现在很多大学生没有自律性,而自律作为一种重要品质,离不开学校、家庭和学生自身的共同努力。 中间部分 从家庭和学校两方面分析如何培养大学生的自律性:一方面,家长应在日常生活中为孩子树立好榜样,家长自律,孩子才能学着自律。另一方面,大学的教育和环境对学生自律性的培养也有一定影响。 结尾部分 用 In sum, 进行总结,重申观点。对学生自身而言,学生自己也应有意识地培养自己的自律性。 【知识模块】 作文

22、 3 【正确答案】 Is Change Always Good? As George Bernard Shaw put it, “ Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds, cannot change anything. “ It is undeniable that change, the only absolute in the world, advances human development, but history shows that change, even as

23、 measured by progress, always has its cost. When change serves evil, the result hurts. A typical case in point is Germany in the 1930s. The Germans were suffering after World War I from a terrible economy and massive inflation. Then Hitler took power and began to revive the economy of Germany. After

24、 several years Germany became the most powerful in Europe, but Germanys aggressive change enabled Hitler to finance his military power and then sparked World War II , a catastrophe that killed tens of millions of people all over the world. Likewise, China has seen remarkable changes over the past th

25、ree decades. The standard of living has gone up dramatically, but those changes also have negative aspects. As wealth gaps widen, social problems like crime and poverty become increasingly pronounced. The damage done to the environment by factories and ever-changing human activities will affect the

26、lives of generations to come. Although change may come with unexpectedly bad consequences, I agree with what Irene Dunlap, one of the worlds best-selling writers said, “Change is the only thing you can depend on. You can hold onto the past and get left in the dust; or, you can choose to jump on the

27、ride of life and live a new adventure with perseverance and an open mind. “ 【试题解析】 开头部分 首先,用萧伯纳的名言指出改变的重要性。接着,用 but 话锋一转,指出改变即使是以进步来衡量,也要付出一定代价。 中间部分 首先指出,当改变为罪恶所用,也必定会结出恶果。用 A typical case in point is 引出德国和二战的例子来论证这一观点。接着,用 Likewise, 引出过去 30年中国发生巨变后的种种副作用,进一步论证改变不一定是好的。 结尾部分 用畅销书作家艾琳 -邓拉普的言论作为结论:改变

28、虽然会带来意料之外的代价,但却是我 们唯一可以依靠的,我们要对此持开放的态度并付以恒心。 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Can Filial Piety Be Taught? Filial piety is an essential moral value cherished and extolled in China. To promote it, an organization is committed to a project which aims to cultivate one million “dutiful kids“ aged 4 to 6. However, such

29、 practice has caused a heated debate on whether children can be trained to cultivate filial piety. As far as I can see, it is an unrealistic idea. Filial piety can only be cultivated in a wholesome environment, and never be taught in the classroom. Teaching children filial piety in the classroom is

30、just like teaching them a second language in their native land. The result is that they forget it easily without truly internalizing the concept. A proper environment where filial piety can be nurtured comprises their parents good behavior and the whole atmosphere of society. Such environment can ne

31、ver be simulated in a training program. In addition, filial piety is the inner willingness to respect ones parents, show due courtesy and take care of them as they grow old. It takes patience and perseverance to fulfill the responsibility of a dutiful child, and therefore a training program lasting

32、for 2 or 3 years can hardly realize the goal to produce genuine “dutiful kids“. In conclusion, it is not wise to train or even force children to show filial piety. The emphasis should be laid on cultivating righteous, brave and responsible individuals, who, with these characters, will certainly love their parents. 【试题解析】 开头部分 通过对题目的转述引出争论点,同时开门见山地给出自己的观点:通过培训来培养孝子是不现实的。 中间部分 从两方面阐述观点。 1)孝道需要合适的环境来培养,短时间内的培训起不到真正的作用。 2)尽孝是发自内心的,是需要耐心和毅力的,一次培训是无法帮孩子们完成这样长期的任务的。 结尾部分 重申观点,并指明要想培养孝子需先培养勇敢、正直、负责的人,具备这些好品格的人自然是爱父母的。 【知识模块】 作文

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