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1、专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 35及答案与解析 SECTION A COMPOSITION (35 MIN) 1 People in modern society live under a lot of pressures, from education, career, or family. So it is important for them to keep a good mood under whatever circumstances. Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 150 words on the followin

2、g topic: The Importance of Keeping a Good Mood You are to write in three parts. In the first part, state specifically what your view is. In the second part, support your view with one or two reasons. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be aw

3、arded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks. 2003年真题 2 Every year a lot of university students step out of school and enter the society for pre-service training. A survey shows that more and more employers refuse to a

4、ccept intern students, especially freshmen and sophomores. What is your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: A Dilemma for Intern Students 3 Chinese students physical condition is in decline, such as low vital capacity, overweight, myopia, etc. , according to the r

5、eport on students physical quality and health surveillance recently released by the Ministry of Education. Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: On Chinese Students Declining Physical Quality 4 Recent years have seen many conflicts caused by square dancing, or Guangchangwu.

6、An increasing number of people argue that square dancing should be stopped for it has brought severe problems to daily life, but those who participate in square dancing believe it is a harmless activity to maintain health and be social. What is your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on

7、 the following topic; Should Square Dancing Be Stopped? 专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 35答案与解析 SECTION A COMPOSITION (35 MIN) 1 【正确答案】 The Importance of Keeping a Good Mood In recent years, people find themselves under more and more pressures from education, career, or family. We often hear cases of people who cann

8、ot handle their pressures well going mad or committing suicide. So how to manage ones pressure has become a hot topic. Regarding this, I argue that it is really important to keep a good mood. For one thing, it helps you to get along well with others. If you could maintain a good mood, you would take

9、 an optimistic and positive attitude towards life. You treat your classmates or colleagues as friends rather than rivals. Thus, you cooperate with others well and are popular in your circle. As a result, you live each day in a harmonious atmosphere. For another, your health benefits from your good m

10、ood. When in a good mood, you would not often get angry. Life is full of ups and downs. When you are in trouble or frustration, you would take it in a reasonable way and overcome it with a positive state of mind. All in all, we must be fully aware of the importance of keeping a good mood in order to

11、 face the pressures from the modern society. 【试题解析】 本题是一个给定观点型题目。题目中指出,在现代社会,人们担负着来自教育、职业发展、家庭等方面的巨大压力。因此,在任何情况下,保持良好的情绪都很重要。毋庸置疑,考生的立场已经被固定 保持良好情绪是重要的。在这样的主题立场之下,文章主体部分应该分析为什么良好情绪是重要的,即良好情绪能给我们带来哪些益处。结尾部分可再次呼应主题。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 A Dilemma for Intern Students Undoubtedly, to better adapt to socie

12、ty, an increasing number of undergraduates incline to acquire internship for a short period of time, while, the trend is that a growing number of companies refuse to accept undergraduates as interns, especially freshmen and sophomores. From my perspective, the employers may have every reason to do s

13、o. Firstly, it is irrefutable that interns may deplete resources of those companies that accept them. For example, these companies will inevitably have to provide inexperienced students with office facilities and necessary training. However, after a period of time, some undergraduates may complain a

14、bout the trivial work assigned to them as not being consistent with their majors. Under such circumstances, they will choose to leave these companies without considering their responsibilities. Their immature behavior of course exerts negative influence on these companies. Additionally, many compani

15、es attach great importance to working skills and experience. Some undergraduates who lack either of them may find it difficult to plunge into the working field. Consequently, they can merely do some trivial work like printing and typing. Then, what is the significance for both the undergraduates and

16、 those companies? In conclusion, when we are advocating that society should provide university students with more opportunities for them to grow up and improve themselves, universities should seriously reconsider the following notion; do not ask what society can do for you, but what you can do for s

17、ociety! 【试题解析】 本题要求考生针对当今社会中的热点问题发表自己的观点,核心问题是关于学生实习与企业对此的态度。写作时,既可以阐释如何改善这种窘境,也可以分析产生这种窘境的原因。 思路 1:提出解决学生实习与企业之间矛盾的途径。 文章开篇应简要回顾题目中叙述的学生实习与企业之间的矛盾,指出学生实习对企业和学生自身的重要性,提出为了更好地促进学生进入企业实习,企业、学校、国家都应有所作为。企业方面:企业应提高学生实习的职位多样性,培养学生对工作的热爱 ,增大学生实习后留在企业的可能性。学校方面:学校应该加强对学生职业观、人生观的教育,培养学生的责任意识以更好地适应实习工作及毕业应聘。国

18、家方面:国家应加大对接受学生实习企业的经济扶持。在企业、学校、国家的共同努力下,开创学生实习的新局面。 思路 2:分析造成学生实习窘境的原因。 文章开篇应简要陈述题目中叙述的学生实习与企业之间的矛盾,然后从企业和学生两个方面分析窘境产生的原因。 企业方面:接受学生实习需要占用企业的人力、物力、财力等各方面资源,企业必须考虑投入与产出的关系,如果接受学生 实习会影响企业效益,企业就不会愿意接受这样的实习。学生方面:实习经历对学生毕业找工作有很大帮助,但学生对实习的内容大都不满意,他们不满足于单调的工作,这样就降低了学生的实习热情。 范文选取了思路 2,分别论证了造成实习窘境的两个原因,并简要提出

19、了自己的建议。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 On Chinese Students Declining Physical Quality Nowadays, Chinese students poor physical condition has attracted public attention. Thus it becomes extremely urgent for our society to solve this problem. Personally, I believe the cooperation of school and family is the only

20、effective way to solve this problem. For one thing, schools should make an amendment to their present school curriculum. For middle school students in China, their sole task is to study hard and make progress every day. This may not be a wrong thing actually, but it is not necessarily the only objec

21、tive of schooling. Many schools even cancel music and PE lessons so as to spare more time for students to “study“. Teachers assign a lot of homework every day and finally spoil students not only mentally but also physically. Nobody can always maintain a healthy physical condition under long-time pre

22、ssure, let alone young kids. One more important reason is that parents are usually the people who should be responsible for such kind of consequence. In order to make their children different from others, Chinese parents often rule their sons and daughters with a ruthless iron hand. Their only goal

23、is to nurture an outstanding person of the family, without caring about the physical condition of their children. To sum up, schools and parents are responsible for this problem, and both sides should adopt the new concept of quality-oriented education, rather than focusing on scores only. Only in t

24、his way can the poor health condition of Chinese students be improved. 【试题解析】 本题讨论中国学生身体素质下降这一社会问题。考生可从学校、家庭和个人等方面进行论述,提出具体的解决办法;也可重点选择其中两到三点说明造成这一问题的原因并提出解决办法。 思路 1:从学校和家庭两方面分析原因并提出具体的解决办法。 一方面,学校单纯追求升学率,只看重学生的文化课成绩、不重视体育锻炼的现象仍然普遍存在,多数学校在体育师资和体育设施上没有完善配备,因此学校应对现行的课程设置进行修订;另一方面,家长望子成龙心切,在本已繁重的学校课程外给

25、孩子报各种、各样的辅导班,孩 子的课余时间被剥夺得所剩无几,几乎没有闲暇进行体育锻炼,因此家长应关注学生身体素质的提高。 思路 2:主要分析造成中国学生身体素质下降的原因。 国家在进行目标考核时,用考分来评价学校、教师和学生,素质教育贯彻乏力,应试教育的观念依旧强烈,由此造成学生没有时间进行体育锻炼;另外,随着互联网的发展,学生容易沉溺于电脑游戏及各种社交网络而不愿进行体育锻炼。 范文选取了思路 1,从学校和家庭两方面分析原因并提出具体的解决办法,并发出呼吁。 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Should Square Dancing Be Stopped? Square dancing

26、, or “ Guangchangwu“ , is a good way of keeping fit. But when people in large numbers dance to loud music in squares or parks, they make dancing a controversial issue which needs to be carefully addressed. Those arguing that square dancing should not be stopped believe that the senior can get exerci

27、se, obtain company and maintain social contacts through this activity. But it cannot be denied that Guangchangwu needs to be regulated because of the noise pollution it makes and the social instability it triggers. When people turn up the music in the public at inappropriate time, they create a din

28、that people in the neighborhood cant bear, which therefore leads to a spate of confrontations between people practicing Guangchangwu and neighborhood residents. Media outlets have reported an alarming number of events about square dancing: A man irritated by the loud and throbbing dancing music even

29、 fired a shotgun into the air to scare away the dancers near his house. In Hubei province, residents of a locality threw rubbish at people dancing in a square. Before that, a group of students in Hebei province calling for a quiet atmosphere to study organized a silent protest against people playing

30、 loud music by blocking the “stage“ of the dancers in a square. To solve such a controversial issue, on the one hand, the authority should restrict the time, venues and the use of loudspeakers; on the other hand, senior citizens can seek for other activities such as traveling or playing mahjong. We

31、youngsters should spend more quality time with our parents and grandparents to make them feel needed. 【试题解析】 本题属于观点论证型题目。需要选择一个立场,然后对自己的观点加以论证。可从以下三个基本思路着手。 思路 1:广场舞应该被禁止。 广场舞扰乱公共秩序,产生的噪音影响人们的正常生活,而且有可能引 发冲突。热爱广场舞的大妈们甚至把它跳到了国外的公共场所,影响国家形象。可列举近年来关于广场舞的各种新闻热点。 思路 2:广场舞不该被禁止。 参与广场舞的多为老年人,他们本就应该得到社会的关爱,利用业余爱好强身健体、自娱自乐无可厚非。另外,广场舞一般是在广场、公园等休闲娱乐场所进行,老年人有权在这里跳舞。最重要的是,广场舞已成为一种强身健体、进行社交的流行方式,还是一种现代文化载体,不少年轻人甚至孩子参与其中。禁止广场舞会成为社会的一大损失。 思路 3:广场舞需要恰当的监管。 广场 舞不应该被禁,因为它的种种优点 (参见思路 2),但政府应对其加强管理,因为它确实会带来很多问题 (参见思路 1)。 范文选择了思路 3,分别分析了广场舞的利与弊,最后从三方面提出自己的建议。 【知识模块】 作文

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