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1、专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 38及答案与解析 SECTION A COMPOSITION (35 MIN) 1 Nowadays, it is a fashion for Chinese young people to celebrate Western festivals, like Christmas, Valentines day, etc. While many traditional Chinese festivals are attached less importance to. How do you think of the popularity of Western fes

2、tivals? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: The Popularity of Western Festivals 2 Nowadays, food safety problems like melamine in baby formula milk powder have caused more and more concern all over the country. Though the Food Safety Law is improving, food safety problems

3、still happen one after another. What do you think about it? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic; On Food Safety 3 With more and more graduates being turned down by employers as a result of increased enrollment in college education, it is getting harder for them to obtain sa

4、tisfactory employment. A big problem they encounter is inequality in the job market. Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Inequality in the Job Market 4 When the marriage of Andy Lau, a famous Hong Kong superstar, has been revealed to the public, it has whipped up a raging

5、debate over whether the privacy of famous people should be protected. Some believe the exposure of their privacy is immoral, while others believe its just part of being a star and his/her deserved destiny. Whats your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Should the

6、Media Reveal the Privacy of Celebrities? 专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 38答案与解析 SECTION A COMPOSITION (35 MIN) 1 【正确答案】 The Popularity of Western Festivals Nowadays, many Western festivals are well celebrated in China. For instance, long before Christmas, plenty of shops, restaurants and hotels have prepared Christ

7、mas decorations well. Whereas, some traditional Chinese festivals, like Tomb Sweeping Day, are being ignored by people. The fact is that the Western festivals are celebrated in China quite differently from that in the West. For instance, Christmas in the Western world is mainly a religious festival.

8、 Then why have the Western holidays taken root in China? The main reason is that merchants desire to grasp this chance to make money by marketing holiday goods or encouraging extra dining and celebrating activities. From my point of view, the popularity of Western holidays does reflect the success o

9、f the economic reform. In China, many people become rich in the course of economic development. However, we should not waste our money on those useless things. Instead of being led by those businessmen, we should take the opportunity to relax and enjoy ourselves. Bear the idea in our mind that festi

10、vals do not mean extravagance but happiness. 【试题解析】 本题属于自由发挥型题目,要求考生就西方节日在中国逐渐流行的现象加以分析。考生在构思时,不必仅仅局限于用对比法论证东西方节日之间的差异,而可以采取多种论证方式相结合的手法。因此,可以从以下几个方面着手: 简述现象:西方节日从初期的为国人所接受,到如今渗透到国人的生活领域,特别是消费领域的现象不容忽视。然而,仔细探究就会发现,国人能想到的西方节日无非就是圣诞节、情人节,庆祝方式也仅限于聚餐、购物等,很少有人真正探究这些节日的含义和庆祝目的。 阐释影响: 1西方节日的逐渐 盛行使国人开始担忧其是否

11、会影响中国传统节日的地位和影响力; 2国内只引进了西方节日的形式,却遗漏了其最重要的内在含义,因此,国人庆祝西方节日的做法毫无意义可言; 3西方节日在中国的流行不仅表明了文化的交融,而且也为我国经济发展带来了很大商机,许多商人开始利用西方节日拓展市场。 提出建议: 1国内民众不应排斥也无须吹捧西方节日,而应当持理性的态度,认清楚过节时,我们需要的是休息和娱乐,而不是消费; 2国人可以借此机会学习和了解西方文化; 3中国传统节日承载我国几千年的文化传统,应当予以重视。 范文融合了现象简述、影响阐释中的 1、 2、 3和建议中的 1进行写作。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 On Food

12、Safety Nowadays, the problem of food safety has aroused more and more concern all over the country. The Food Safety Law is fighting against all kinds of food safety problems, for instance, melamine in baby formula milk powder, Sudan Red in KFC, poisonous colors, cancer-causing chemicals, etc. In a w

13、ord, food safety is facing unprecedented great challenges. Food safety means that food shall be non-toxic, harmless and conform to proper nutritive requirements. It is a complex issue because of many reasons: the first and most important reason is that many industrial raw materials are directly used

14、 in food production. Taking Sanlu milk powder for example, the producers use industrial material melamine to improve protein content in baby formula, which finally leads to infants kidney stone. Besides, other reasons are the use of harmful chemical pesticides, the use of cheap harmful materials ins

15、tead of harmless materials in food production, etc. On account of this, it is vital to ensure food safety. The food safety management system should be perfected. The government should pay more attention to food safety problems. In addition, in the long run, healthy food or green food industry should

16、 be vigorously advocated so as to ensure food safety, and then to ensure peoples health. 【试题解析】 本题属于自由发挥型题目,要求考生就食品安全问题展开论述。经过审题并联系日常生活经验可知,尽管食品安全法在不断完善,但各种各样的食品安全问题仍层出不穷,因此,考生可以从以下几方面进行深层次挖掘: 食品安全的定义:食品安全是指食品无毒、无害,符合应当有的营养要求,对人体健康不造成任何急性、亚 急性或者慢性危害。 引发食品安全问题的原因: 1产品制造商为了降低生产成本,将工业原料应用于食品生产; 2制造商在食品

17、生产过程中使用廉价、有毒的原材料; 3政府在食品安全监管方面存在漏洞,使不法分子有机可乘; 4个别消费者为了购买廉价食品,缺乏防范意识。 解决食品安全问题的办法: 1完善食品安全监管体系; 2政府应该加大管理力度; 3社会应提倡绿色健康食品产业的发展; 4消费者应避免投机心理,购买有安全认证的食品。 范文首先分析我国面临的食品安全问题的现状,然后结合食品安全的定义、引发食品安全问题原因的 1、 2和解决食品安全问题办法的 1、 2、 3写作。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Inequality in the Job Market Choosing a job is difficult.

18、 Compared with male students, female students have more difficulties in finding a satisfactory job. Despite the fact that it has been written in our Constitution that women enjoy equal rights in employment, it is the unwritten sexist rules and attitudes that hinder women from getting equal opportuni

19、ties in the job market. Based on the stereotype of gender roles in social life, men are more work-oriented while women are more family-focused. So when a man devotes himself totally to work, a woman has to spend part of her time and energy taking care of the family. Furthermore, the world outside th

20、e family is traditionally believed to be the world of men. It has been dominated by men so long that when women start to ask for working rights in the “mens world“ , they find it hard for them to gain equal membership and promotion opportunities. I dont claim that women should be granted some privil

21、eges or preferential policies in order to eliminate sexual discrimination. I just expect women can compete and cooperate on an equal footing with men. They should be selected, evaluated and promoted based on their qualifications instead of their gender. It is a cause worthy of our efforts. 【试题解析】 本题

22、目属于自由发挥型题目,要求考生就职场招聘的不公平现象发表看法。随着大学扩招,越来越多的毕业生走出校园寻找工作。但他们发现找到一份满意的工作很难,因为他们要面临人才市场的不公平待遇。因此,考生可以从以下几方面展开: 现象陈述: 1学历歧视。用人单位在招聘时过分注重学历,将一些具备能力却学历较低的人才拒之门外; 2性别歧视。男女求职不公是职场中的突出问题,此种性别歧视的做法使很多女性毕业生痛失工作良机; 3地域歧视。有些企业,甚至是国家单位在招聘时对应聘者的户籍等提出硬性规定,为了保护本地求职者而排挤外地人员。 原因分析: 1用人单位在招聘人才上认为只有高学历的人才才具有真正的职业技能,因此造成了

23、过分注重学历的现象; 2女性由于对家庭担负较多的责任,因此被用人单位认为没有办法全身心投入工作; 3在北上广这 些对户籍要求极高的大型城市,用人单位对应聘者户籍的要求尤为严苛,主要是为了避免由于户籍问题所带来的麻烦。 解决办法: 1用人单位在人员招聘上应当秉持选拔人才为本的宗旨,不应以一些与工作无关的其他条件限制人才的引入; 2女性求职者应努力提升自己的专业技能,不能因某些歧视行为而丧失求职的信心,反而应当逆流而上。 范文的切入点是职场中男女求职不公的现象,这种行为加剧了毕业生就业难的问题。考生从性别歧视的角度入手来阐述观点,并结合了现象陈述中的 2和解决办法中的 2。 【知识模块】 作文 4

24、 【正确答案】 Should the Media Reveal the Privacy of Celebrities? The privacy of celebrities has long been an issue that sparks fierce debate. Many people argue that famous people should have a price to pay for their high salaries and luxurious life. In spite of that, I believe the media should be discour

25、aged from hounding celebrities for their privacy. Undoubtedly, it is really difficult to quench the desire of journalists and the public for the anecdotes and even lousy stories of famous people. However, celebrities are human beings in the first place and they are also entitled to privacy, the fund

26、amental human right. They are ordinary people in the supermarket when doing their weekly food shopping. Their pain will be exacerbated due to constant exposure of their broken family. As a man, privacy is just a necessity. On the other hand, the media are now going too far by revealing intimate phot

27、os and stories about their romances and failing marriages. It has become a harassment to celebrities, hurting them and even their families. In many cases, it is not just the violation of privacy but malicious slander and therefore must be regulated. In conclusion, laws are needed to state what is ac

28、ceptable in revealing activities of celebrities. Although famous people, who are constantly in the public eye, will never expect that no one talks to them when they go shopping, a boundary does exist, beyond which they will be hurt. 【试题解析】 本题是一个对比选择型题目,提出了两种观点:媒体可以曝光名人隐私和媒体不能曝光名人隐私。要求考生选择其中一个观点,并用自己

29、的想法或经历对此问题进行分析比较,然 后给出理由进行论证。 思路 1:媒体可以曝光名人隐私。 首先公众对名人的日常活动和花边新闻的兴趣不会减退,其次媒体不会放弃其中的巨大利润,并且名人在成名的那一刻起,在获得名誉和金钱的同时就意味着必须付出一定的代价。 思路 2:媒体不能曝光名人隐私。 首先,隐私权是每个人应有的权利,不应被剥夺。其次,对于名人来讲,表演只是他们的职业,和很多人一样,名人也需要有工作以外的私生活。如果记者如此穷追不舍,他们的正常生活也不能保证。另外,一些媒体如今所披露的内容有些过分,甚至伤害到了明星及 其家人。 范文选取了思路 2,从整体结构看,先讨论保护名人隐私确实很困难,然后再解释保护隐私权的必要性。 【知识模块】 作文

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