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1、专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 39及答案与解析 SECTION A COMPOSITION (35 MIN) 1 In 2012 London Olympic Games, negative competition for the final gold medal occurred in badminton competitions. Some believe that it is not right to focus only on the outcome regardless of the process, while others believe that the process is

2、not that important since the only goal of competition is to win. Whats your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Is the Outcome More Important than the Process in Competition? 2 With the advent of Internet, many students study with the help of the Internet while ot

3、hers still prefer to use the library as a reliable source. Which one do you prefer? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic; Internet or Library? 3 How can we judge whether a job is desirable or not? Most people consider the amount of pay as an important or even the only condit

4、ion when looking for a job. There are also some other people thinking that their ideal job must be in accordance with the fulfillment of their dreams. Whats your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic; Choosing a Job Profitable or a Job I Love? 4 Young people, especia

5、lly those in their 20s or early 30s in China are often faced with a dilemma of whether to buy an apartment or rent one. Some believe renting an apartment can free young people from great financial burdens. Others think that purchasing a house is a wiser choice in the long run. Whats your opinion? Wr

6、ite a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Should Young People Purchase an Apartment or Rent One? 专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 39答案与解析 SECTION A COMPOSITION (35 MIN) 1 【正确答案】 Is the Outcome More Important than the Process in Competition? People hold different opinions on whether the outcome or t

7、he process is more important in competition. Some assert that the outcome is the only thing that matters in competition and everything else can be negligible, while others hold a different view. For me, the process is more important than the outcome in competition. There are several reasons that can

8、 support my idea. Firstly, the most valuable thing in competition is not the outcome but the experience and knowledge that one acquires in the process since they can truly make one better. With respect to what one has learned, the process might be his best lesson. Besides, if one only values the out

9、come, he will design the process to get to the destination or win the game in the most efficient way or choose the shortest route with the fewest obstacles, which will definitely make him miss the fun during the process. At the same time, one will miss by going too fast not only the fun, but also th

10、e original goal. Furthermore, those who only cares for winning or losing might use dirty tricks to win. These people will never win others respect. People only respect those who succeed through their own efforts. So we should focus on the process, not the outcome. All in all, although we cannot deny

11、 the influence of the outcome, the process is more important in competition and our daily life. We should learn to enjoy the process, and the process of striving from one goal to the next. 【试题解析】 本题是一个对比选择型题目,核心问题是比赛中结果和过程哪个更重要。要求考生结合自己的想法或经历对此问题进行比较分析,然后选择其中一个观点,给出理由进行论证。 思路 1:比赛结果比过程更重要。 在任何比赛中,选手

12、都抱着求胜的心理,所以一切努力的过程都是为结果服务。结果是实现自我价值的导引,是实现自我价值的集中体现,因此结果比过程更重要。 思路 2:比赛过程比结果更重要。 人们在比赛过程中获取的经验、方法、教训才是真正能使人进步的,比比赛结果更有意义。其次,过 于注重结果会使人错失很多过程中的乐趣。而且同样是取得成功,我们更尊重那些靠自己努力而获得成功的人,而不会认可在过程中用不正当手段达到目的的人。范文选取了思路 2,从三方面阐述比赛过程比结果更重要。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Internet or Library? Due to the convenience of obtaining

13、 information through the Internet, more and more students prefer to rely on the Net for information. Meanwhile there are some students preferring to study in the library. As for me, if you ask which one I prefer, I would tell you that I use library more frequently than the Internet. For one thing, I

14、 am of the opinion that library is more of a reliable source of information. As is known, publications will have to go through strict censorship before they come out. In school libraries, librarians will order books according to the requirement of teaching and learning. In this way, readers can have

15、 access to reliable information. Furthermore, library is a better place to study in. When you are in the library, with almost all the students absorbed in their studies, you will be able to concentrate on your books in such an atmosphere. When using the Net, one will be more easily distracted by tab

16、loid news. For another, although using the Internet is more convenient, I find studying before computer screen an unhealthy experience. There are warnings that radiation from computer may do harm to our body. Taking myself for instance, my sight has become weaker and weaker after unrestrictedly usin

17、g the Internet. In consequence, I have set a rule that limits my using the Internet to one hour each time. In summary, despite the convenience of using the Internet, I think studying in the library is a healthier experience, for library provides a better studying atmosphere and a more reliable infor

18、mation source. 【试题解析】 本题是对比选择型题目。要求考生通过比较因特网和图书馆的优劣做出自己的选择,并加以论证。应该说这两个事物是我们日常生活和学习中接触较多的,二者的优劣也是显而易见的,但正是由于我们平时没有注意分析二者的优劣,要在有限的时间里罗列出足够并恰当的优劣对考生来说是一个考验。这种题目千万不要优劣并举,因为篇幅有限,如果既谈优点,又谈缺点,会导致论述紊乱,条理不清。正确的做法是:在首段确定观点,之后就该观点进行论述。 在这样的指导原则下,考生应该在脑海里回忆自己运用最多的是哪种工具,为什 么会选择这种工具 ?以下是因特网和图书馆的优劣分析: 因特网的优点: 1查找

19、信息快捷,能检索到最新的学科发展信息; 2网上的资源丰富,存储的信息量大,而且很多资源都是免费的。 因特网的缺点: 1网上信息的真实性较差,有争议的东西较多; 2长时间上网对身体健康有害。 图书馆的优点: 1图书馆的信息比较权威可靠,因为图书的出版经过了层层审查,图书馆的工作人员还会做出最后一层的筛选; 2图书馆的学习氛围比较好。 图书馆的缺点: 1图书的更新比较慢,很难找到最新的出版物; 2图书馆的座 位比较少,不一定能找到座位。 范文结合图书馆的优点和因特网的缺点来论证选择图书馆的原因。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Choosing a Job Profitable or a J

20、ob I Love? How can one find a desirable job? This question puzzles nearly everyone. In practice, most people look for well-paid jobs while a few search for jobs they love. If it is for me to make the choice, I wont follow either since they are two extremes. Most people consider the amount of pay as

21、an important or even the only condition when looking for a job. They do so partly because they are well aware how important and powerful money is nowadays. With money, they may improve their living conditions and enjoy their lives better. Besides, they think that the more they earn, the more valuabl

22、e they are and the more they will be respected by others. They dont care whether the job is relevant to what they have learned at school as long as they are well-paid, nor do they consider how much delight the job can give them. A few people go to the other extreme. They do whatever they love. Their

23、 ideal job must be in accordance with the fulfillment of their dream. For them, a job is not a means of earning their living, but a way of self-fulfillment. They hope to put their wisdom and ability into use and turn their dreams into reality. Or else, they wont take those jobs which they dont love

24、at all. However, I will choose a job fit for me, that is, a job for which my learning has qualified me well. Thus, I will take it confidently and expect an early success in it. 【试题解析】 本题是一个对比选择型题目,核心问 题是应该选择什么样的工作:薪水高的工作,还是自己喜欢的工作 ?要求考生用自己的想法或经历对此问题进行分析比较,然后选择其中一个观点,给出理由进行论证。 思路 1:应该选择薪水高的工作。 现代社会钱很

25、重要,薪水可以体现一个人的价值,可以改善自己的生活水平。高薪水的工作往往代表较高的社会地位,良好的工作环境,以及与精英为伍等。 思路 2:应该选择自己喜欢的工作。 只有自己喜欢的工作,才会更投入,才会在更大程度上体会到工作的乐趣。另外,薪水高的工作可能占用更多的个人时间,使人面临更大的竞争压力。因此,选择自己喜欢的工作才更有助于一个人的身心健康。 思路 3:应该选择与自己所学专业密切相关的工作。 很难有人这么幸运,可以找到薪水又高,自己又喜欢的工作。针对思路 1和 2两种选择,提出自己选择工作的标准 选择与自己专业密切相关的工作。只有这样,才能更有信心地工作,从而尽早地获得成功。 范文选取了非

26、常独特的写作思路,先是分析了大多数人单为钱而选高 薪工作的不合理性,以及那些极少数人过于理想化地只选取自己喜欢的工作的不现实性,然后引出自己的择业观 思路 3。 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Should Young People Purchase an Apartment or Rent One? As prices of houses are skyrocketing, twenty something people are faced with a tough question: Should they rent an apartment or buy one? I do not

27、 think this is a question that can be answered simply with a “yes“ or “no“. The decision should be made on the basis of in-depth analysis of their own situations. In some instances, owning an apartment is an attractive option. You dont have to watch your monthly payments go into the pockets of your

28、landlord with nothing to show for your investment, and therefore it can be comparable to renting in the long run. If you have enough down payment, a stable job with monthly pays that can cover the mortgage, purchasing an apartment is definitely a good choice. However, many young people prefer to ren

29、t an apartment due to the flexibility it provides. So for those who are not satisfied with their present job and prefer to change constantly, they had better not burden themselves with a horrible mortgage, which may prevent them from job-hopping and spending money on training. Besides, renting may b

30、e more practical for those who just graduate from university with no savings to cover the down payment. Overall, when deciding whether to buy or rent an apartment, young people should not just follow suit. Instead, they should base their decision on reasoning, because it will have a far-reaching imp

31、act on their life. 【试题解析】 本题是一个对 比选择型题目,在题目中提出了两种观点:年轻人应该买房和年轻人应该租房。要求考生用自己的想法或经历对此问题进行分析比较,然后选择其中一个观点,给出理由进行论证。 买房还是租房是当今社会的热点话题,无论是选择其中的哪一种,给出合适的理由来阐述观点即可。 思路 1:年轻人应该买房。 首先,买房可以算是一种长期投资,每月还贷之后最终拥有自己的一套房产,不像租房,每月给房东送钱。其次,拥有自己的房子可以给自己安全稳定的感觉。最后,买房后年轻人更有奋斗的动力和责任感。 思路 2:年轻人适合租 房。 首先,租房的灵活性让喜欢变化的年轻人在换工作、换城市的时候不会有太多顾虑。其次,租房的花费较小,可以让年轻人有更多的资金参加培训,为事业发展打好基础。最后,租房没有太重的经济负担,年轻人在工作的选择上可以更灵活大胆,对未来发展有利。 思路 3:租房和买房的选择取决于年轻人自己的性格和实际情况。 是否买房和租房不是简单的 “是 ”或者 “不是 ”可以回答的。每个人的自身条件决定了他应该买还是租,应该具体情况具体分析。 范文选取思路 3,分析哪种人适合买房,哪种人适合租房。 【知 识模块】 作文

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